Lord of the Riiings!


Community Member
i know there have been several theories about LotR characters here and there on the internet but i've never actually seen a full list of the main characters and their types that most people agree with.

what do you guys think? i haven't read all the books, so i'm only going off the movie right now. if you are typing from the book, just specify. that's actually quite a curious idea - type changing depending on the script/actor.

so far, i have:

gandalf: intj
merry: enfj
pippin: esfp
sam: infp?

...and that's all i have. :mcry:

your turn!

The characters as portrayed in the movies were remarkably similar to their equivalents in the books. Due to the limitations of so many characters packed into 10 hours of footage, the movie versions were just a bit exaggerated in some ways in order to make lasting impressions, and it was at the cost of some subtler traits; but overall they remained faithful, and the typing probably would not vary for any of the major characters.

I think Gandalf is an INtJ. He is probably the character that I know best. I'll have to think more about some of the others. There certainly were a lot of introverts and intuitors in the books compared to most other stories.
Frodo: INFP
Gollum\Smeagol: INTJ\ESFP
Aragon: ISTP
Gimley: ESTJ
Legolas: INFJ
Does anyone think Elrond might be INFJ? :noidea:
All of the Elves were pretty INFJey.
*does the happy INFJey elf dance*

hey, I thought Gandalf was an INTP...

So I did a bit of research and it's true you get a bit more intj than intp for him but this was interesting :

joft 01-18-2005, 07:19 AMI think Gandalf is very likely INTP. The movies are most likely the more recent portrayal of him in most people's memory right now, but in the books it showed a lot more time of him doing things alone (in the movie you see him being the life of a party with fireworks and that looks kind of E, but he really never reveals much about himself ever). In the movie you also see him leading the fellowship around and that looks kind of J, but remember how much he mulled over and researched whether Bilbo's ring could be "The One"?

I think he's obviously a very strong character capable of positioning himself in diffferent areas on the spectrum to accomplish different goals (chameleon anyone?). But it comes down to whether he is more perceiving or more judging, and I would have to say that he's DEFINITELY perceiving. In the books there were so many times he pondered alternatives to everything and second-guessed himself. You can see it somewhat in the movies.

I also think that his ability to take initiative and lead and make decisions doesn't have anything to do with J, but rather his ability to extrovert. He knows that he has so much knowledge and only he can take the responsibility to do some leading, so he quickly extroverts his thinking into words and orders, and INTP's are capable of very logically organized and specifically strategic thought.
Gimley: ESTJ

Gimley is most likely INFJ... quiet, tries to be pessimistically encouraging (even though he is pleased with the outcome internally), and stoic devotion to his friends...

... reminds me of myself...
GOSH I LOVE LOTR <3 :) I think the majority of the characters are Introverts which is why they are able to posses something mystique about them. I think Legolas is an INFJ, perfect example of the Ni function!!
Merry and Pippin are definetly Extroverts. ENFJ and ESFP sounds correct :)

Arwen: INFJ
Eowyn: ISFJ
I haven't seen it yet. I have seen very very few movies, but coincidentally a friend is supposed to bring me a copy to watch tomorrow. He had just given me a copy of "Star Dust" and I really liked it, so he thinks I will like this as well. I like magical thinking, I think!:smile:
Gimley is most likely INFJ... quiet, tries to be pessimistically encouraging (even though he is pleased with the outcome internally), and stoic devotion to his friends...

... reminds me of myself...

Going by the movies I don't see him as quiet at all, he seemed pretty talkative actually. He was very nostalgic and to me looked backwards more than to the future. He was stubborn and very much grounded by what makes sense to him. Stoic devotion to friends is probably even more of an ESTJ trait than it is for INFJs. He seems traditional, responsible, outspoken and a hard worker/doer.

I don't see any Ni in him at all but I do see Te and Si. I stick with ESTJ for Gimley.
The characters as portrayed in the movies were remarkably similar to their equivalents in the books. Due to the limitations of so many characters packed into 10 hours of footage, the movie versions were just a bit exaggerated in some ways in order to make lasting impressions, and it was at the cost of some subtler traits; but overall they remained faithful, and the typing probably would not vary for any of the major characters.
Au contraire! Merry and Pippin were so much different in the movie, and Faramir changed from a really kind and decent person to an exact replica of Boromir.

Book Merry is cheerful, but unlike Movie Merry, he is also intelligent, brave and cunning--he doesn't just happen to be eating carrots with pippin and stumble onto Frodo's path; he's the mastermind who figured out Frodo was leaving and planned to get a whole group together to come with and make sure he was safe. Book Merry is definitely an ENTJ.

Movie Merry is more like a characature of an ENFP.

Mayflow said:
I haven't seen it yet. I have seen very very few movies, but coincidentally a friend is supposed to bring me a copy to watch tomorrow. He had just given me a copy of "Star Dust" and I really liked it, so he thinks I will like this as well.

Stardust is awesome!!! I actually like the movie better than the book, if you can beleive it... because I love both of them :D