LOL! anti-gay marrige video

LMAO!! Favorite line: "...but we have hope. A rainbow coalition is coming together" oh, sometimes people are idiots!!
Rainbow as a symbol of hope far outdates Rainbow as a symbol of homosexuality.

It's a jewish thing from the great flood.
Rainbow as a symbol of hope far outdates Rainbow as a symbol of homosexuality.

It's a jewish thing from the great flood.

Hmm, did not know that. Still, don't you think they could have some other term then rainbow? *is still laughing*
It's a good point and I had a chuckle, but yeah, my post was pointing out information rather than anything else.
Why does the religious right have to lie to push its agenda? It says in Proverb 6 that God hates lying. I just don't understand their mentality. Do they convince themselves that this "violation of personal freedoms" crap is the truth or do they think that the lie is justified by the end as long as same sex couples aren't allowed to marry?
This is an insult to human intelligence. Both it's meaning and it's presentation. I can't laugh when I know it is true.

By the way, that guy who supposedly coudln't speak english, why would they emphasize on someone like that, it's as they're saying "he may be an immigrant (so he is supposed to be evil), but he's a good guy because he opposes gay marriage".
Gay marriage lol is there a happy marriage? People in divorce courts think different. Look this is just another way for the state to make more money by letting homosexuals get married. Plus they can get court fees when they split up. They get ya coming and going it's the new American way. I say if you really support marriage get divorced and let the homosexuals have it.
This doesn't sit well with me.

For those who haven't seen it.

Uhh, precisely HOW are these advocates suggesting that they change how they live?
Oh, this gets so much more funny...


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And a few other treats as well....





Hahahahaha, I love rachel maddow.

This made my night ^_^
Rainbow coalition...

This has got to be a joke! Seriously these guys are either the masters at irony, or they are monumentally stupid.

Why does the religious right have to lie to push its agenda? It says in Proverb 6 that God hates lying. I just don't understand their mentality. Do they convince themselves that this "violation of personal freedoms" crap is the truth or do they think that the lie is justified by the end as long as same sex couples aren't allowed to marry?

See, this is what pisses me off about the religious right, they waste so much time on homosexuality. It's like they're living in some bizarre world where stopping homosexuality is far more important (and beneficial for mankind) than stopping war, poverty, violence, etc. :crazy: