Jerusalem | INFJ Forum


just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Thoughts welcome, but keep it clean and nice,
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Hi @just me, I have two questions:

- Why is this in the Philosophy & Religion section?
- What aspect of 'Jerusalem' do you want to talk about? I'm thinking about the very recent events, but I'm not sure anymore.
I find the death, destruction, hate, evil, violence, to be wholly avoidable.
There was no reason to move the embassy but only to score political points by disenfranchising the Palestinians.
Trump clearly has no historical perspective of this dispute...not that being ignorant has ever stopped him from his destructive actions.
The blood and violence that this will bring not only there but other areas of the middle east this effects is on Trump’s hands.
All this death in the name of politics and God.

How backwards and sad this world is.
How apathetic to suffering are our “leaders”.
Those who were once dehumanized and imprisoned into ghettos seem to have an incredibly short memory as they do the same to the Palestinians and we return to the time of the Pharisees staking claim to that which isn’t theirs.
The two bigoted, discriminatory, and hateful “pastors” who gave the opening prayers are not representative of this country or it’s people.
The actions of the administration are pathetic.

Way to bring peace to the middle east!
We conquer and we build, fall and divide, and quite philosophically everyone stirs at the building of an embassy. Some claim it prophetical.

Does anyone here think or feel one group could ever be satisfied with halving such a great city in such a way? Religious ramifications everywhere. I'll keep my sidearm holstered for now.
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Trump clearly has no historical perspective of this dispute...not that being ignorant has ever stopped him from his destructive actions.

It's more worrisome to consider he may not be that ignorant and is making deliberate decisions. Claiming ignorance is just a way to excuse someone's behavior and can let them off the hook way too easily.
Does anyone here think or feel one group could ever be satisfied with halving such a great city in such a way? Religious ramifications everywhere. I'll keep my sidearm holstered for now.

No but the area has been in dispute since the BC/BCE times. I don’t think that moving an embassy will fix anything either, but I’m not too faithful that anything our administration is doing is focused on peace as opposed to giving a nod to Israel as our regional proxy. The place has been conquered and re-conquered for centuries. I think a two-state solution is worth a try, whereas history has told us what happens when someone decides to say that Jerusalem is theirs alone.
Footprints in the sands of time......and blood.


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I can't help but wonder if anyone of the above offered a two-state solution.
I can't help but wonder if anyone of the above offered a two-state solution., it’s not “prophetical”, it’s political, as much as those religious zealots want armageddon to hurry up and start so they can be “raptured” up into the clouds all while thumbing their noses at those they tried so hard to “save”. ;)
If “prophetical” means the theft of land far beyond the UN agreed upon borders...then yes.
The subjugation of an entire group of people into ghettos...who are shot by snipers for throwing rocks....then yes.
At least 60 dead and 2,700 injured so far...clearly what Jesus would want.

And if we don’t try to make peace then we will never know if it would work or not will we?

I agree...though I think it more likely that Trump is actually a moron puppet to those who are making these terrible decisions that are causing such chaos.
Lol...Trump seems like he would be very easy to manipulate...just kiss his ass and lie for him, show him you are financially beneficial to know or scam, offer him your “loyalty" and you’re his best pal.
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Is someone opening a bad can of apples here? Be nice. Let me go move my car; the birds just ate.

I stand my earlier post back up with the same question.
Skarecrow, I would give my life for everyone if I could. Maybe not everyone. I'd bet I am not alone.

Nobody has ever offered a two state solution. Trump's relocation of the embassy to Jerusalem, the holiest city in the world to many faiths, helped to recognize Israel as a state while others are bashing them. Look at the chart. The fourth to rule the area was Israel-Judah. Do you see Palestinians anywhere? What does it matter. As in a movie, "What is Jerusalem?" His answer was "Nothing........Everything."

I would bet if Iran tries to nuke Israel, a lot of faiths will be upset. What would happen if someone tried to destroy the footstone, the temple, the wall, the dome, and mosque?

Why did Israel NOT destroy Egypt's Armies? There must be a better solution. I personally would not let the Palestinians have part of Israel, as they would never be satisfied with that.

We are treading on holy ground, no matter what you believe. The world is not without faith.
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Trump's relocation of the embassy to Jerusalem, the holiest city in the world to many faiths, helped to recognize Israel as a state while others are bashing them.

How does Trump's relocation of the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem help to recognize Israel as a state? Your logic fails me here.

The 31 states that currently do not recognize Israel will not magically change their minds because the US embassy has been moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. If anything, many of those states - especially the Arab ones - will become even more entrenched in their positions.

The two-state solution has never been proposed? Are you joking? Mahmoud Abbas supports a two-state solution and and so does the European Union, Russia, and so many others. It is actually the majority position. Do you even know that 75% of the world's states recognize the State of Palestine and have diplomatic relations with it? Yep, you heard me. 137 states recognize Palestine.
Nobody, looking at my reference of over the years, has ever offered a two state solution until Israel became a state. Thousands of years we are talking about. Abbas and Arafat are since 1948. It is just difficult to keep the peace afterward. What about pre-1948? Hello? That is my question. The Arabs tried to "take it back" but failed. Do you think they would have offered a two-state solution? There needs to be space between the two. Where are they on the reference map?

People may fight so much about the holy land it gets destroyed. I'll do everything I can possibly do to prevent that, as will millions in the world.

Iranian Group Offers $100,000 Reward for Bombing U.S. Jerusalem Embassy
David Brennan,Newsweek Tue, May 15 10:27 AM EDT

An Iranian student group has said it will pay $100,000 to anyone who is able to destroy the newly opened U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

The embassy was opened yesterday, accompanied by protests in the Gaza Strip that saw at least 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli army snipers. President Donald Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem has drawn international condemnation and dealt a blow to hopes of any Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.

Now a hard-line Iranian organization—the Iranian Justice Seekers Student Movement—has distributed posters calling for attacks on the embassy. In English, Arabic and Farsi, the fliers say the group “will support anybody who destroys the illegal American embassy in Jerusalem.”
The hypocrisy is palpable...but not palatable.
@just me
Your map?
The timeline you posted you mean?
And who on that timeline has been there the longest?
Why would the Zionists somehow have more of a right to the land that was never intended to be theirs when they settled nearby?
And yes...lots of people do support a two state solution just as @Ren has posted.
The British conquered the area briefly in the long timeline of the area you posted yourself - which enabled the Zionist Jews to be resettled there because no other countries wanted to take in the refugees as many were very anti-semitic at the time (and still are).
Except then they began to settle on land that technically wasn’t theirs to take.
Those who opposed them, they threw into ghettos, starved and mistreated.

As for the news article you posted - this is exactly the problem opening the embassy there has caused.
This incredibly stupid move has caused more hate and death all for a political land grab that the rest of the world has condemned as illegal.
Not to mention just wrong to claim your right to the land.
Just like our own right over the Native Americans here in the US.
Whoever can bully the other wins I guess...except when I say “bully” here it means people get killed.
I have very little sympathy for people who are living on land they stole, bulldozing homes of the people who have lived there long before the Zionists claim the land belongs to them because they are the “chosen” people.
Like a master race almost...hmmmm...invading land they claim belonged to them once centuries ago so it now always does, that and “God” said much much hate and death...and more destruction is going to come from this.
This is the peace plan the US has for the middle east?
For Israel?
Calling land “Holy” doesn’t give that group sole rights to was divided for a reason...then against the UN in 1967 more land was occupied and stolen.
Call it what you want, but it doesn’t justify any of the actions that have been taken.
This will only incite more death and hate.


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Now a hard-line Iranian organization—the Iranian Justice Seekers Student Movement—has distributed posters calling for attacks on the embassy. In English, Arabic and Farsi, the fliers say the group “will support anybody who destroys the illegal American embassy in Jerusalem.”
Same thing...different groups...

The Facebook page, created just over a month ago on April 23, currently has over 1,500 members.
The racist and violent content directed toward Islam and Muslims is plentiful:

  • “I have to disagree. I beleave [sic] we use any force needed to remove these islamic muslim Refugees terrorist [sic] from this country and are [sic] way of life” said Charles Chew on May 13.
  • A May 9 post by Greg Meyer shows former President Barak Obama with a noose around his neck with the words “I look forward to this every day!!!” Theresa Lawver responded to Meyer’s post writing, “Me too and it WILL happen. President Trump is a genius!!”
  • In a comment following a post about Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour, Virgina Salamino Martinez wrote, “This bitch should be deported. She’s a terrorist.” Charles Chew returned on May 17 to write, “Kill all muslim terrorist [sic] in America.”
  • On May 11, Todd Adam Wyman wrote, “Why don’t we all just go to Dearborn, MI, and take our country back? Since when did any of us vote for Sharia Law to be allowed. It should be a crime.”
  • In a May 6 comment, Debi Baker Whitelaw wrote, “I agree! The USA is a Judeo/Christian nation and the Muslim nations want to destroy Israel and us.” Sharon Cromwell followed it up with, “We need to reclassify islam [sic] as a terrorist hate group, not a religion. It is an evil ideology invented by a murderous, insane pedophile!!!”
  • On May 20, Diana Torre posted an article from a fake news site linking refugees to disease with the comment, “Stop the insanity…proper vetting means no immigrants with communicable diseases…stop the invasion!” Allen Crouser was the first to comment, writing, “What do you expect their [sic] filth.”
  • Talking about Muslims in a comment Maryann Gallardo wrote, “Like a cancer in the body they are a cancer to our Nation [sic].”
  • In comments responding to an article about a separate swimming pool being opened for Muslim women in Australia, Debbie Cesar wrote, “They’ll still defecate in the water. Nothing but heathens.” Susan Pawley followed up, “I’m surprised at this. I was of the understanding that Australia wasn’t about to cater to these rag heads.”
  • Sherine Elgammal posted on May 16 “Muslim men are brought up with cravings of rape, child sex, and sex slaves, etc.” Sam Bishop described Muslims as “maggots” in a post. Poindexter McBean followed up with “Even maggots have purpose in science.”


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US blocks UN call for probe into Gaza violence: reports

"The U.S. on Tuesday blocked the adoption of a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a probe into the violence that broke out on the Gaza border Monday.

The statement expressed “outrage and sorrow" over the violence on Monday that left more than 50 dead and called for an "independent and transparent investigation" into the deaths, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.”

"We condemn the appalling, deadly violence in Gaza yesterday," said Rupert Colville, spokesperson for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

While acknowledging that some Palestinian demonstrators tried to damage the barbed wire fence that separates Gaza from Israel, Colville said that in the commissioner's view, attempts to cross or damage a fence "do not amount to a threat to life or serious injury and are not sufficient grounds for the use of live ammunition.”

