Jedi Police


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Force is strong for Jedi police
Eight police officers serving with Scotland's largest force listed their official religion as Jedi in voluntary diversity forms, it has emerged.
Strathclyde Police said the officers and two of its civilian staff claimed to follow the faith, which features in the Star Wars movies.
The details were obtained in a Freedom of Information request by Jane's Police Review.
Strathclyde was the only force in the UK to admit it had Jedi officers.
In the Star Wars films, Jedi Knights such as Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda use the Force to battle the evil Darth Vader, who has strayed to the dark side.
Jane's Police Review editor Chris Herbert, who requested the information, said: "The Force appears to be strong in Strathclyde Police with their Jedi police officers and staff.
"Far from living a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, some members of the noble Jedi order have now chosen Glasgow and its surrounding streets as their home."
Provided voluntarily
A spokeswoman for Strathclyde Police confirmed: "At the time of the request, 10 (eight police officers and two police staff) had recorded their religion as Jedi."
She added that the force monitored "six strands of diversity" - age, disability, gender, race religion and belief, and sexual orientation.

The force said the information was provided voluntarily and securely stored.

About 390,000 people listed their religion as Jedi in the 2001 Census for England and Wales. In Scotland the figure was a reported 14,000.
The Office for National Statistics did not recognise it as a separate category, and incorporated followers of Jedi with the atheists.
Last year, brothers Barney and Daniel Jones founded the UK Church of the Jedi - which offered sermons on the Force, light sabre training, and meditation techniques.

Strathclyde Police employs 8,200 police officers and 2,800 civilian staff.

Now i wonder if they have swaped their police batons for toy lightsabers, also i'm still annoyed that jedi was never classed as a religion, as i put it on my census form goddamn it
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Doesn't say how many were Sith? bet those sneaky sith lords all put themselves down as buddhists.

Why isn't Jedi classified as a religion? I'm actually outraged, jedi is probably a lot less preposterous than most religions, christianity for example.
In 2007 brothers Barney Jones and Daniel Jones set up a 30-member Jedi church in Holyhead on Anglesey in Wales, based on improving life using the Jedi principles. An attack on one of the founders on March 25, 2008, attracted coverage in the popular press.[5]


Statistics New Zealand treated Jedi responses as "Answer understood, but will not be counted". If Jedi were counted it would have been the second largest religion in New Zealand. The percentages of religious affiliations were:
Hell yeah! The force is strong here in NZ. :)

There was a dramatic fall in the number of New Zealand Jedi five years later, with some 20,000 people giving this as their religion in the 2006 census.[12]

There was a dramatic fall in the number of New Zealand Jedi five years later, with some 20,000 people giving this as their religion in the 2006 census.
Turned to the Dark Side, they have!
Or perhaps Order 67 had been called? :shocked:
You mean Order 66?


Best scene of all the prequels IMO, after that I guess It'd be when the clones were first deployed in EP II.
The best line from the Order 66 scene was in the novelisation

Chancellor Palpatine: "Commander Cody, execute Order 66."
Commander Cody: "It will be done my lord."
*once the hologramcommunicator is off*
Commander Cody: "I wish I didn't just give him back his lightsaber."