Is the ENTP-INFJ thing a mirage?!


Community Member
ENTPs and INFJs are extremely rare, but we're supposed to be so compatible.

I've seen statistics indicating that INFJs are the most romantically unsatisfied type.

Are we all screwed? What the hell?
And I don't know what the point of this is. Just go with it!
ENTPs and INFJs are extremely rare, but we're supposed to be so compatible.

I've seen statistics indicating that INFJs are the most romantically unsatisfied type.

Are we all screwed? What the hell?

I recently met and made friends with an entp male. We get along well and we click on the same frequency. We can feel each others minds... no joke.

It's a fabulous relationship.

I'd love to meet an entp girl....
crazy to think about
I'd love to meet an entp girl....
crazy to think about

I've only dated one definite INFJ guy. It was awesome for a while, but we were soooooooooooooooooooooo dumb and young (at least I was). I get along with the women really well, but I don't know any INFJ guys anymore!

I've heard that too, but i question it. Not sure why this pairing should work better compared to others. I think INFJs may find romantic relationships more difficult it seems because they have an ideal of love, and would rather not settle, imo.
I've heard that too, but i question it. Not sure why this pairing should work better compared to others. I think INFJs may find romantic relationships more difficult it seems because they have an ideal of love, and would rather not settle, imo.

It seems like everyone either wants an F or an introverted T. And then to factor in the aspect of being an extroverted female T ... it makes me wonder.
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Ok, I'll take a stab at this one. I know infjs are notorious for not finding love, happiness, comfort, etc. And entps are supposed to be very compatible. While personality typing is not everything, and we all know that if you locked a thousand infjs in a room, you would have a thousand different personalities, I have to agree that entps are very compatible with infjs, perhaps most so than any other.

I say this b/c my high school bf was entp, and my husband of 13 years is entp. Other boyfriends I have had have not lasted long at all. The only two long term relationships were the only 2 entps.

Now as to why this is, I am not sure. We seem to make up for each others shortcomings. I boost his F, he boosts my E, we learn from each other, and rather than polarizing b/c we have differing traits, we somehow meld, like two puzzle pieces. We bicker, but we rarely fight. We keep each other grounded. We communicate well... it is a tough thing to explain, and I seem to be very in-eloquent tonight.
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I'll be honest I don't think ENTP's are ideal. I know for a fact I couldn't be with an ENTP. Just too different.
I'll be honest I don't think ENTP's are ideal. I know for a fact I couldn't be with an ENTP. Just too different.

The different is good!

Let's meet up and see if we like each other after all!

A big INFJ-ENTP meeting, like burning man.

We would change the world.
The different is good!

Let's meet up and see if we like each other after all!

A big INFJ-ENTP meeting, like burning man.

We would change the world.

Oh my god. I would love that! :grouphug:
The different is good!

Let's meet up and see if we like each other after all!

A big INFJ-ENTP meeting, like burning man.

We would change the world.

ENTPs are cool people don't get me wrong.

But for example I can't stand most ENTP males and from what I know I think most ENTP females would also frustrate me.

Lurker is cool though.
One of my best friends is an ENTP. We click, but he's VERY extraverted, so if I'm around him for too long he starts to drive me insane.:m114:

Meh ... I'm only moderately extroverted (ambivert?).
I'll be honest I don't think ENTP's are ideal. I know for a fact I couldn't be with an ENTP. Just too different.

I dunno, I think it is the differences that make the two types so complimentary. A ying and yang thang...:mlove2::mlove2::mlove2:
Then we'll just invite the other INFJs to the big burning intuiting.



To expand on what I said. I find Ne and Fi to be grating sometimes. And if someone is too extroverted they drive me
find Ne and Fi to be grating sometimes

Ne+ Fi is ENFP/INFP ... ENTP is Ne + Fe. (unless you meant Ti)

But grating? I probably can't argue. :m026:
There are plenty of infj's on this forum.

And hello thar <3

You look very sunny today. Those blue guys should probably look in the same direction.