Is the Confederate Flag racist? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Is the Confederate Flag racist?

Ignorance often enlists ignorant people to subdue its irony. Everywhere I study the war, I see no reason for this insanity about the Confederate Flag. What you are saying is ignorant. Implied threats? Ignorant. Having a little pride for one's homeland? Creepy? Ignorant? Do you stand to allegiance to the flag? Do you sing "My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty"? Do you pledge allegiance to the flag?

All this is insane. Is the Federal government treating the poor blacks better than they were treated many years ago? In many instances, no. The government forces itself on people to do its will. Special groups jump on the bandwagon every chance they get and for what? This isn't about the black man. It's about ignorance.

There are many symbols used in the world for good, with some using it for stupidity and evil. Want to take every symbol that has ever been or is being abused away?

I don't want to take anything away because I don't care. The fact that you're automatically defensive and preachy about it and insist that you're not creepy is what makes you creepy.

I think symbols are stupid things used by annoying people to manipulate and leverage others.

And no, I don't pledge to any flag. I stopped doing that when I realized I'd been essentially forced to do it as a child with no explanation as to why, which is effectively indoctrination and brainwashing. A forced pledge that a child doesn't understand is not a pledge at all - it's abuse.
Slavery was a part of life many people were a part of. It's gone. Do you think the Civil War was about slavery? I have personally stood at the ruins of slaves houses, chimneys still standing, that were burnt to the ground. The slaves would not leave. They knew no other life. They begged to remain, but the law made the owner burn their houses down and ferry them away.

The slaves wanted to be slaves? Really? That is your argument?
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The slaves wanted to be slaves? Really? That is your argument?

The fact that we never even get to have this discussion without it degenerating into justifications and dismissals - often preemptively and unwarranted as if sprouting from an already guilty conscience - says a fucking lot
I'll give it a break. You sure are smart. How's that?
Hey I think anyone should be able to use whatever flag they want. I don't see why people are so set against them. You think it's a racist symbol? Well hey, be glad that you know who to avoid in bright red and blue. Am I right?

You think it's not a racist symbol? Then make better arguments than the ones that have been going on for decades which only serve to convince people of the opposite.
Slavery was a part of life many people were a part of. It's gone. Do you think the Civil War was about slavery? I have personally stood at the ruins of slaves houses, chimneys still standing, that were burnt to the ground. The slaves would not leave. They knew no other life. They begged to remain, but the law made the owner burn their houses down and ferry them away.

Unfortunately slavery is not gone. Not by a long shot.
Over 25% of Southern white men of military age, meaning the backbone of the South's workforce, died during the Civil War. This left countless families destitute. By the end of the 19th Century, and well into the 20th Century, the South lived in a state of poverty. Union armies torched many of the South's largest cities. Many of the South's human and material resources were destroyed by Union armies.

The South has a lot of pride in that flag. Many things the Union armies did would be called war crimes today. Ignorance about that flag hurts me deeply. It is being taken away because of more hatred for the South. Using the black card to remove it is ignorant.

History can not be changed. According to the Department of Justice, I am "Not Hispanic or Latino."

I look at people that want to destroy this flag as being ignorant. I see most of it coming from the Liberal mindset. The people of the South are a proud people. Taking our flag away will most likely re-kindle a fire of dignity among many of us. If there is hate, it is most likely towards a government and its ways of thinking; not toward the black man.

Slavery was a part of life many people were a part of. It's gone. Do you think the Civil War was about slavery? I have personally stood at the ruins of slaves houses, chimneys still standing, that were burnt to the ground. The slaves would not leave. They knew no other life. They begged to remain, but the law made the owner burn their houses down and ferry them away.

Is pride in the confederate flag shared equally by minorities in the south? I am skeptical but open to being proven wrong.
If those slaves were not enslaved, they might indeed have known another life.
The soldiers who died for the flag had the choice to do so. They had the choice to fight, sit, or leave. Slaves had no choice whatsoever in their fate.
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This thread is crazy ignorant. [MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] is like the nazi muir.
I live in Texas and arguing the Confederate Flag either ends in the person admitting he's a racist or admitting they don't know shit about history and more so they don't care. I've never met a person who argued the same points that were argued during the Civil War to make the poor man fight the rich mans war and called it accurate history. Maybe in the book of the KKK.
This thread is disgusting.
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Slavery didn't start in America's south.
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What I learned from this thread is who the closet racists are.

I've learned a generation does not care what their family tree thought.

Mostly, I've learned I have no further use to this forum.
Also emulating your ancestors just because they're your ancestors is just about the most blind way of living I can think of.
So a random shooter just happened to know that a senator would be in that church? In the same city that the original American Civil War started?


Then within a couple days, the Confederate flag is a big center of debate.

In 1987, when Hillary's husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.

I wonder why it's convenient now for the flag to be a dividing factor?

It's called Hegelian Dialectic, and the State doesn't have any power unless there are problems like these, of course!

Here's a clip from 1996 foreshadowing 9/11:


Now here's a clip foreshadowing the use of frequencies on cell phones to help incite a mass scale Manchurian candidate scenario (guess where? In the south): (note: please only watch up until the point he pulls out the gun - it's gross and full of negative energy)


Are you for the Confederate flag? Or against it? Guess what?? As long as you pick a side, you've done exactly what they want. Stop falling for Hegelian Dialectic. Hollywood tried to vilify "Source" with the matrix movies -- we are all from the same source, and any division that they try to point out brings more of the illusion that we're not connected and that we're not part of the same source. Love your neighbor - they're you! :)

Edit - And the guy's name just happens to be Dylann STORM ROOF? As in, what happens when the storm roof breaks? Hilarious! :)
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There's a difference between attacking the position and the person.
I've had this discussion with a few whites before when they said that not everybody who wears a rebel flag is racist.....that's good for them to think, but we don't share the same culture so of course they wouldn't understand!

The confederate flag to me represents the ancient south, where my ancestors were mistreated, forced to work and live in harsh conditions and looked down on as being 3/5 of a human being! Ok?
I don't even have a last name that I can trace back to my homeland.
You know the origins of my last name is English because it's from a slave master.

This is what the flag means to me.

"They're just southern and proud..."
So you need a flag to make you feel proud? Pathetic.

If you really felt proud to be a "southerner" then uplift your communities. Stop ignoring hate crimes.
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This is how I see it:

The jihadist group has been destroying non-Muslim or Shi'ite Muslim sites, in an attempt to rewrite history and wipe out other cultures and religions.

Back in July when Jonah's Tomb was destroyed the tomb of another ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel, was also destroyed in the Mosul area.

It seems to me ignorance wants to rewrite history.

You seriously don’t think that the “Christian” and Catholic church has suppressed and rewritten history many, many times?
Remember who writes the history…the winners.

This isn't even new though which is why I'm pretty well tired of it already. A lot of my family is from the south and this stuff has been brewing for a long ass time - more than my 40 years.

I've been on the inside and I'm sick of it.