Is Adele a corporate puppet? | INFJ Forum

Is Adele a corporate puppet?


Si master race.
Feb 17, 2009
adele bullshit.jpg

A bunch of fat "alternative" chicks on ym FB are holding this up as awesome /fat is beautiful/ we love Adele kind of thing today. Someone mentioned "What does being skinny have to do with making bad music?". Naturally they all flipped out. What do you think? Is it right for her to make such a comparison? I think she is just as bad as the skinny girls who make fun of overweight ladies.

In the end what I got out of it when the discussion was all said and done was that Adele is a corporate puppet just saying things to appeal to her fans, probably at the command of her agent/ record company.

I think she may genuinely not give a shit. Or she says this because it's easier to have this kind of attitude than to have to change anything about yourself- corporate puppet or not.

Those women are bitter and revengeful, clinging to anything that will prove the superiority of the group they identify with, but that doesn't mean Adele and her publisher(s) are catering to them specifically, just based on having read about the mindset of the women you mention, I'd think it's more likely that they are the ones using her image as a star for their own agenda.
Her comments are probably rooted in self-defense because people are talking about her weight and perhaps she really does feel comfortable with her size, or perhaps she doesn't want her insecurities about her body to be broadcasted as headline news (who would?). Her comment re: Nicole Ritchie may be viewed as inappropriate, but maybe her point is that she is a singer not a fashion model or socialite/celebrity whose success depends on her physical/sexual desirability (which in our world is equated with a thin, able body). This isn't to say thin artists are only capable of making shitty music, but that she is trying to sell her voice and her music and, really, what does her body have to do with that? Except, in our hypersexualized culture, it has everything to do with that. And celebrities who are not talented use it to bank off their bodies more so than their music, Nicole Ritchie (I am assuming) being a good example of that. It might also be a statement about her talent. Clearly, she's talented enough to be able to compete on a stage where the use of one's body to sell music is as integral as the use of one's voice.
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I couldn't even imagine how hard it is to be in the public eye. She probably gets people telling her to lose a few pounds so that she can be more "commercially appealing" 15 times a day to sell more albums. Think Karen Carpenter. Let's face it, the commercial music industry is not about music. It's about fitting a template. I'm sure that's debatable, but as a musician that's my stance.

So what. She's saying she wants to spend her time focusing on making music and instead of in the gym. Good for her. Let's also face that there is a double standard when it comes to an "acceptable" male vs. female body image in the media. Can you say Cee-Lo Green? I've only seen 2 of Adele's videos and it's obvious the director went to great lengths to hide her body. I'm personally jealous that she never wants to be skinny. That's like power-upping to a new level of consciousness.

Why she had to throw in Nicole Ritchie is confusing. Did she make an album?
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I think people should be the way they WANT to be, if you like being overweight than be overweight. If you want to be skinny than do what it takes to be skinny. Either way I think either dichotomy is an unhealthy one be it "you have to be skinny to be beautiful" (which is completely subjective to whatever audience you are looking to attract.) or the big women are "real" women, thing. I find both attitudes to be devaluing of others.
I agree with the big women are real women thing. That is another pet peev of mine.
i don't know what magazine that quote was from, but my guess is that most of that statement is true to what Adele believes. the part about Nicole Ritchie is the part where they offered her like 50 large to say something nasty about a celebrity she hates. i'd take the money. don't pretend like you wouldn't. =p
If this is really something that she said, then obviously Adele has some growing up to do. At the same time, often peoples words are misconstrued... and I'm okay with people who still need to grow... I think that we all should. As for the weight issue perhaps what she really meant is that she has other goals in her heart instead of the goal to be skinny? I don't know... because in all honesty... I do not know Adele. I'll tell you what I do know. though. I know that her album 21 moved me. And that this is a brilliant piece of honest work. Therefore, I appreciate her as person and an artist. We are all just people after all, right?

Also a completely nerdy side note... but don't you think that the director did an amazing job with this video?!!! :p

What about it do you find atrocious? (asking out of curiosity :))

firstly, there is an implicit foundational argument in what she is saying that artistic achievement and good health choices are mutually exclusive things, which is rubbish. secondly, she is actively promoting poor health choices (see cigarette) with the assistance of this false assumption. she is also going out of her way to personally attack and insult others. she is either taking out her insecurities on others, or has a very inflated sense of self and is taking her success and talent for granted - if you ask me, all of the above.
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firstly, there is an implicit foundational argument in what she is saying that artistic achievement and good health choices are mutually exclusive things, which is rubbish. secondly, she is actively promoting poor health choices (see cigarette) with the assistance of this false assumption. she is also going out of her way to personally attack and insult others. she is either taking out her insecurities on others, or has a very inflated sense of self and is taking her success and talent for granted - if you ask me, all of the above.

I see what you mean. Yes.
If you want to make a living in entertainment you should probably care what the people your trying to entertain think of you, if all you want to be a good artist, write good music and sing well, maybe you should get another Job to pay the bills.
If you want to make a living in entertainment you should probably care what the people your trying to entertain think of you, if all you want to be a good artist, write good music and sing well, maybe you should get another Job to pay the bills.

Not quite sure I'm following you on this one... So you're saying if all Adele wants to do is be a good artist, write good music and sing well she should do something else with her life because it's important what the public thinks of her? Imagine if artists didn't "push the envelope" because they cared what the public thought --what a boring world that would be.
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With that sort of money is disgraceful to carry on in such a fashion, just from a health point of view. I hate the phrase 'real woman', it usually translates as 'normal woman' in reality. Also art is made by the artist not produced by a team of salesmen (apologies for my obvious detest of that woman).
Adele is gorgeous and a talented singer. I admire the fact that she has been able to become so famous despite the fact that she doesn't fit your ideal image of what a pop model should be. Let's face it, if she were simply using auto-tune to make her way through she would have never gotten anywhere. People love her because of her marvellous voice. I like her personality. She's not afraid to stand for what she believes in for one, and is personally content with her body. She's a responsible adult making her own choices. I applaud her.