INTP/INFJ derailment discussion

How can you prove I intentionally derailed a thread, especially when my first post in it dealt with the very subject at hand?
The issue isn't that you derailed a thread. That happens all the time, particularly with this forum being overrun with INFJs LOL
This problem is you were antagonizing Slant, and then Wyote. While I'm not sure of the rules here on this, you wouldn't be in my favor if you were at one of my forums... and we we were very liberal with our attitudes there.

In some ways, tonight you remind me of a guy running into the Burning Man effigy in a suicide attempt.
The issue isn't that you derailed a thread. That happens all the time, particularly with this forum being overrun with INFJs LOL
This problem is you were antagonizing Slant, and then Wyote. While I'm not sure of the rules here on this, you wouldn't be in my favor if you were at one of my forums... and we we were very liberal with our attitudes there.

In some ways, tonight you remind me of a guy running into the Burning Man effigy in a suicide attempt.

Yeah, where was I antagonizing Slant though? I didn't create this side thread, she did. All I did was poke fun at it. I'm not saying she is at fault. Personally, this whole thing is absurd to me
The issue isn't that you derailed a thread. That happens all the time, particularly with this forum being overrun with INFJs LOL
This problem is you were antagonizing Slant, and then Wyote. While I'm not sure of the rules here on this, you wouldn't be in my favor if you were at one of my forums... and we we were very liberal with our attitudes there.

In some ways, tonight you remind me of a guy running into the Burning Man effigy in a suicide attempt.

That's not how I remember thing at all, but I'm not bothered to go recheck now.
It's because I've been here for ten years since I was 15 and some older members around here know me very very well, better than I know myself. It's definitely a form of bias but I would say it's more that I have a history with the forum, I have what's the word for it... Not reputation... Similar to seniority but that's not what I mean... I've been here for a long time and have "gained social trust and understanding" with some core members.

I've read some old threads, and if I recall your reputation was more like 'slant is plain bananas and straight mischief'.

@ClevelandINTP You're at your best when presenting theories and moaning about INFJs/women; following this pseudo-troll backpedalling with Wyote is dull.

*throws popcorn at screen*

I've read some old threads, and if I recall your reputation was more like 'slant is plain bananas and straight mischief'.

@ClevelandINTP You're at your best when presenting theories and moaning about INFJs/women; following this pseudo-troll backpedalling with Wyote is dull.

*throws popcorn at screen*

2.5/4 stars
Sure, I can understand. And I wasn't personally offended anyway, I simply wanted to present the other side to "Poor Slant, evil troll Cleve".

Also, understanding something doesn't mean I somehow forgive/forget. Like, I can understand why some parents are terrible to their kids but it in no way excuses them.
:) Agreed.

I've read some old threads, and if I recall your reputation was more like 'slant is plain bananas and straight mischief'.

@ClevelandINTP You're at your best when presenting theories and moaning about INFJs/women; following this pseudo-troll backpedalling with Wyote is dull.

*throws popcorn at screen*
Yeah that's called being 15
Anyway.... . . . . . ..........

The whole personal example of my own existence thing is flawed because MBTI is flawed enough that few of us are sure of our types. Using ourselves as examples for a type when we may not be that type isn't the best route. Yet, how else can we discuss this? No idea, unless we all run off to the internet to study cognitive function (which sounds appealing, but I have stuff to do).

All that said, during this entire conversation my reactions were somewhere in between on the examples, but far less emotional than the stereotype of what Thinkers perceive Feelers to be like. There is a misconception about how the functions are supposed to work, accompanies by individual sensitivity, social conditioning, etc.

For example, like Moonflier, the only part of Slant's story I was "touched" by was the father watching his son die. The story was gross, but just another story about sick people murdering others.

If a friend were talking about her dogs I'd be all ears, because I'm a dog person. I typically reserve my dog discussions for other dog people. If you hurt my dogs I will hurt you worse. :)

I care about humanity and problems like starvation and homelessness. Humans should use their minds to solve these problems. So much brain power goes to waste.
However, I live in a secluded place away from people on purpose.

Unlike many Feelers, I do not think love is the greatest thing about life. Romantic love is often completely silly, a waste of time and energy, and often a cover-up for lust. I value kindness and compassion far above romantic love. Ours minds are the greatest thing about being alive. We have so much potential, both individually and collectively.

Though I talk about emotional stuff on the forum, that is how I relate to the forum - it's purpose. Among most friends I'd rather discuss ideas unless I'm with a friend who is a strong Feeler. I'm more excited by meeting up with INTPs and INTJs so we can talk about philosophy, theology, art, music, literature, science, politics, etc.

Sitting around watching sports, movies, or TV seems like hell for me when people could be doing any other activity where they're actively using their brains. I do play video games but at least this involves making my own decisions.

I do have strong feelings and I do cry. I care. I'm interested in humans and the human experience. I'm interested in animal welfare.

I can't say what being a person with Primary Feeling is like.