
Jul 17, 2011
Hey Everyone,

I was listening to this guy and he basically says the same thing over and over again (at least in my mind, I laughed so hard) between several personality types - INTJ, INFJ, ESFP, ENFP



The part about INFJs being arrogant surprised me as I always tend to think they were more compassionate than INTJs. Those videos only make me question as to whether I am an INTJ or an INFJ. I will admit I am actually less arrogant than your typical INTJ. People in the INTJ forum know that to be the case about me. I am also an Indigo and a Lightworker as I believe in things INTJs don't like particularly supernatural entities, parapsychology, and pseudoscience.
For the INFJ clip, fast forward to 3:00 especially at 3:20. LOL

O my god, I am laughing so hard!
Perhaps he did sound a bit repetitious. For both archetypes he says to listen and to walk away from moments of anger. Hmm. But both we're informative videos imo. Also, to be fair, didn't he say infj's make good empathizers while intj's needed to express their caring side more. Or no? :D
Yeah, 3:15. We judge everyone besides our self. I'm loling in the deep right now with the trolz and the sheep.

Hooray for broad generalizations and descriptions that aren't even correct!
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There are a few people who do experience INFJ's as "arrogant" because their definition of arrogant is anyone that has an opinion other than theirs. :D

Hey you can actually see this guy reading the key cards. He's simply repeating what someone else has told him to say. I felt he failed to capture the essense of the INJF. He listed a whole bunch of details that may or may not apply to the individual INFJ. The one thing in particular that I raised my eyebrows at is his insinuation that we judge others but don't judge ourselves. I kind of always thought it was the reverse, we are very hard on ourselves, but tend to empathize with others. ???
The one thing in particular that I raised my eyebrows at is his insinuation that we judge others but don't judge ourselves. I kind of always thought it was the reverse, we are very hard on ourselves, but tend to empathize with others. ???

*cough* comment
There are a few people who do experience INFJ's as "arrogant" because their definition of arrogant is anyone that has an opinion other than theirs. :D

Hey you can actually see this guy reading the key cards. He's simply repeating what someone else has told him to say. I felt he failed to capture the essense of the INJF. He listed a whole bunch of details that may or may not apply to the individual INFJ. The one thing in particular that I raised my eyebrows at is his insinuation that we judge others but don't judge ourselves. I kind of always thought it was the reverse, we are very hard on ourselves, but tend to empathize with others. ???

I can't make any broad generalizations about INFJs as a whole (humans are far too complex than to peg them down to solely 16 inflexible types, like mr. 'stach said), but my sister's an INFJ and she tends to be quite gracious with how she judges herself - whereas she is much harsher with others (in other words, she has double standards). She cares greatly about general causes, and groups of people, but when it comes down to actually interacting with people in her life, "judging everyone besides herself" is frighteningly accurate. She's my sister, I love her to bits, but sometimes she seems blind to how her actions affect others, how others perceive her actions, and she can be incredibly insensitive to others getting upset over matters she has deemed unimportant, or when she thinks she hasn't done anything wrong, and thus a negative action is unwarranted (typically because she can't admit she's done something wrong/she believes herself to be infallible - she's actually been this way since she was a child). Not that I've called her this (though sometimes I think it...), but one of the titles others have bestowed upon her from time to time is "b*tch." I would imagine, though, that this is partially due to them not understanding her core values, which she can't always manage to clearly express to others.

To sum her up, one moment you'll hear her ranting about a relevant social issue, passionately defending the rights of the oppressed, and the next she'll turn to someone in the room and obliviously say something completely tactless, and often not factual or justifiable.
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I always wondered what would happen if the INFJ was pissed off dramatically, would the INFJ become an INTJ? Are INFJs essentially INTJs in disguise?
I always wondered what would happen if the INFJ was pissed off dramatically, would the INFJ become an INTJ? Are INFJs essentially INTJs in disguise?

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I always wondered what would happen if the INFJ was pissed off dramatically, would the INFJ become an INTJ? Are INFJs essentially INTJs in disguise?

Types don't cross in one person. An angry INFJ - from what I remember the few times I've been enraged - looks much like an avenging angel. Moral compass about to explode in a rush of judgement. Or, anger will soak for a while and result in a dagger-like stab into a person's perception of themselves and life in general. This is raw conjecture but I imagine an INFJ, using Fe, would attack the morals and actions of a person to demean, invalidate, and manipulate them whereas an INTJ, using Te, would attack the logical principles and reasoning to do the same or just mentally blacklist them. *Disclaimer: All humans within a type can and do act differently from their fellow type-members; anger often lies with the person instead of being type-related*
I always wondered what would happen if the INFJ was pissed off dramatically, would the INFJ become an INTJ? Are INFJs essentially INTJs in disguise?

INFJs have INFJ goodness, and INTJs have INTJ goodness. When an INFJ is pissed off dramatically, it becomes a dramatically pissed off INFJ. ;D If anything, some would argue that when pissed/stressed a type reverts to it shadow functions, for INFJ that would be Ne Fi Te Si, or ENFP (EDIT: the "worst" traits of an ENFP, mind you - I know an ENFP whose only possible shortcoming is that he's bubbly at any given point of time - terrifying!).

But no, if INFJs were INTJs in disguise then they'd quite simply be INTJs, and there'd be no need for the INFJ type. Clearly, though, there are a bunch of folks here who would potentially argue that INFJs have their own distinct identity.

In fact, they'd probably respond like this: "Well, let me tell you about the difference between INFJs and INTJs..." :m027:
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I always wondered what would happen if the INFJ was pissed off dramatically, would the INFJ become an INTJ? Are INFJs essentially INTJs in disguise?
Can't speak for all INFJs, but I tend to go nuclear, meaning that I tear you apart psychologically. I will find that one weakness and I will hit that weak spot very hard, repeatedly. Of course, I provide my "opponent" with plenty of opportunities to "step down", even taking leave of the situation myself if I have to. The nukes usually come out when I've been backed into a corner...
Typically because she can't admit she's done something wrong/she believes herself to be infallible - she's actually been this way since she was a child. Not that I've called her this (though sometimes I think it...), but one of the titles others have To sum her up, one moment you'll hear her ranting about a relevant social issue, passionately defending the rights of the oppressed, and the next she'll turn to someone in the room and obliviously say something completely tactless, and often not factual or justifiable.

The first statement fits me to a T (I'm a perfectionist mind you), the second one... I avoid like the plague.
Wait, what INFJ are they talking about? Do they mean the depressed teenagers who think the world's about to end and project images of the apocalypse on every person they meet around them, or do they mean the self-controlled Psychologist who sits on an office and counsels others through emotional situations?

For some reason, I sense F is your weakest dimension.
BTW, has anyone ever noticed how the hero in the story will sometimes tend to be an INFJ, whereas super-villains are, notoriously, frequently INTJs?

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For some reason, I sense F is your weakest dimension.

Or thanks to having a very overbearing ENTJ father with a nurturing INFJ mother, my Thinking function developed equally with me Feeling function...? ;)

I'm pretty arrogant and I'm an INFJ.

Arrogant =/= heartless

Both types have Ni-dominance. We tend to trust our hunches and our ideas more than anything else. The difference between the two might be that INFJs are more inclined to take into account other people's opinions-- or at least pretend to-- than INTJs.

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