INTJ bully or villain


Community Member
Well, I posted thread about my INFJ friend, who has in her class INTJ bully, who victimize others, especially her.
INTJs are usually known as cold, rational people.

Many people stereotyped INTJs as heartless or cruel.I dont suppose, that INTJs as whole are heartless or cruel. I dont suppose that every INTJ is a bully. And I dont suppose, that this INTJ guy is bully only because is INTJ. But how a man become a bully? And more specifically, how became INTJ a bully? And why are INTJs always stereotyped as villains in films and literature?

You can say: rory, you shouldnt stereotype peoply only because of their MBTI type. OK, but I am interested this time only about INTJs and their way to became a bully or villain. Why are most INTJs seem as cold people? You can also say: why you bothers us with INTJs, go to INTJ forum discuss with them about their opinions. Well, I was on INTJ forum and they banned me- thats quite ironic, because if I would be close- minded person, I could say, that are so harsh as everyone said.

So, if you had any experience with not very nice INTJ or if you are INTJ- why reasons must INTJ to have that he or she start to bully others?
An INTJ bully? That's odd, I always thought it was more likely for the INTJ to GET bullied. INTJs are the perfect stereotypical villains because they possess the Ni to forsee the future, and the Te to plan and execute their plans. This is quite different from a schoolyard bully who can use any number of processes. Though I guess an INTJ could be quite domineering should they be brought up that way -- inflexibility combined with competitiveness could work that way.

So you're pretty certain huh?
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I am not very sure about his type, Zero Angel. But my friend said, that this guy is typed INTJ based on MBTI test which he take in his previous school. But when I first take MBTI , I scored as INFP and I am sure that I am INFJ.So even MBTI can score wrong. He may be rather ENTJ, I think. Or some NT type. He is certainly not NF. I cant imagine any NF, who would victimize polite,shy girl.However, ENFPs are quite wild.
He isnt SJ- he often break rules and mock at tradition. And propably he isnt SP. He likes manage people and command them.What do you think?
My dad is an INTJ and the man just knows what he knows and if you show any signs of incompetency in these areas then he will try to correct you.

Sort of bums me out to see a thread like this because from what I've observed over the years my dad has only wanted to see my siblings and I succceed. He's heavy on being efficient and so what I would perceive as him being a bully was really just his frustration over my procrastination, pettiness, and being over-emotional. Quite frankly, my dad also doesn't like a lot of people. He has the mentality that the 'masses are asses'.

I'm not sure if this assists you in your quest for finding out if INTJs are bullies or villians but I'm also not sure what specifically you're asking for. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
An introverted school bully seems very unlikely, especially if he's picking on girls. You probably mistyped him.

Anyway there's no MBTI type for bullies, you should drop this idea. Do not search for faults in others - better think on how to take care of your friend. How is she doing now? Have any of our insights helped or at least clarified the problem? Did she go back to the first caunselor?
I don't know about that...

MBTI Temperaments most likely to bully:


Where do you get all that from, Shai?

Anyways, I would guess that INTJs are too disinterested in other people to bother with bullying. Probably mistyped the guy.
You asked why INTJs are bullies on the INTJ forum and they banned you?

Not all INTJs are bullies. Some are quite nice. Some appear to be bullies to us because they will sometimes ruthlessly cut down your thoughts and damage your sense of self, but that seems to be a habit some of them fall in to.

I know there are nice INTJs. My college roommate for next year is INTJ, and he is a great person.

I'm sure there are bullies of every type though. It is really something you should attribute more to the individual than the individual's type.
to anonymely: your dad has right : 'masses are asses'.
My personally opinion is, that most people are stupid and/or evil. I tnik that at least 70% people are evil. I would like PM you, but propably tomarrow, because my brother already told me, that I should go sleep.:m142: Its 11 p. m. in our country.

to Tamagochi: Well, I would like to help my friend find out, where the fault is. Nobody bullied somemone without reason. Personally I think, that faut isnt in her. And quite sure isnt the fault in me. So, if any aliens dont come in the guys body to manipulate with his mind, the fault is in his lack of emotional inteligence.
She is still in the same class. Shego to the first counselor again.he said her that she shouldnt want change people and even Jesus Christ was a martyr, so if she will not change the school, he cant help her.
to Tamagochi: Well, I would like to help my friend find out, where the fault is. Nobody bullied somemone without reason. Personally I think, that faut isnt in her. And quite sure isnt the fault in me. So, if any aliens dont come in the guys body to manipulate with his mind, the fault is in his lack of emotional inteligence.
She is still in the same class. Shego to the first counselor again.he said her that she shouldnt want change people and even Jesus Christ was a martyr, so if she will not change the school, he cant help her.

Of course it isn't her fault. But the counselor is also right - you cannot change other people (the aggressive boy) if they do not want to change themselves. He will resist it and just tease your friend more. And you might never understand his true motives for doing this either.

The only way to deal with the situation would to defend yourself. INFJs are naturally good at organizing people - your friend should actively ask for support from her classmates. People will stand for her.
Well, I posted thread about my INFJ friend, who has in her class INTJ bully, who victimize others, especially her.
INTJs are usually known as cold, rational people.

Many people stereotyped INTJs as heartless or cruel.I dont suppose, that INTJs as whole are heartless or cruel. I dont suppose that every INTJ is a bully. And I dont suppose, that this INTJ guy is bully only because is INTJ. But how a man become a bully? And more specifically, how became INTJ a bully? And why are INTJs always stereotyped as villains in films and literature?

You can say: rory, you shouldnt stereotype peoply only because of their MBTI type. OK, but I am interested this time only about INTJs and their way to became a bully or villain. Why are most INTJs seem as cold people? You can also say: why you bothers us with INTJs, go to INTJ forum discuss with them about their opinions. Well, I was on INTJ forum and they banned me- thats quite ironic, because if I would be close- minded person, I could say, that are so harsh as everyone said.

So, if you had any experience with not very nice INTJ or if you are INTJ- why reasons must INTJ to have that he or she start to bully others?

Some intjs vehemently believe in their system of logic, and will crush anything that is in opposition of it. Usually the immature intjs. I am, of course, excluding intjs who just don't understand feelings. Maybe it's some weird bonding ritual.
to Dragon: My friend didnt ask on INTJ forum, why SOME OF THEM can be bullies or villains. No, they banned her because of her age.
I didnt ask them, if any INTJ can become a bully. I didnt get the change. My firiend and me used my parents computer to log in. Not together in the same time, of course. Then they wrote me that I shouldnt have more than one account and they deny me post threads. I wanted explain them, that in East Europe dont have anyone its own computer join forums and one acoount was mine and the second was my friends. So I wrote two messagess to their admins. But their administrators dont answer me even after few weeks ago, so practically I am banned as well, if I still cant post threads on their forum.

to Tamnagochi: Well, nobody wants to change the guys personality. But his behaviour to my people must change! Imagine, that she would study in another higschool. She would be fine. But I suppose, that this guy would find another victim to torture. In purpose of greater good, he should be punish for his behavior. If people- teachers, classmates,parents- show him , that his behaviour is OK, he never stops. His parents, his teachers, his peers- everyone of them has the responsibility and ability to changes things. Not my friend, who is victim,she is helpless, confused and sad and dont have any friend in her class and some counselor told her leave school. Ok, it might be sollution, but not for a long time. Smart counselor should find the reason- why SHE is the victim, why not somebody else. And why is John bully, not somebody else. Human bahavior must have some causality.
I appreciate your compliment about INFJs good organizational skills, but in her class it wouldnt help. You propably forgot, that I have written, that not only John bullied her. Her class is full of people who hate her without rational reason and sure they will not stand for her.
Yes, she should defend yourself. I suggest her, that she should videotape his "demonstrate of sympathy" and go to police if even school director refuse help her, which is quite possible because he is friend with John mother.
But police in our state are quite corrupt and Johns family are rich, so I think, it should be better give money to some guys and get him womp. He should feel pain, too.
I know 2 very nice intj's 2 jerky ones and 1 grey one (he has his moments of being really mean without knowing it)
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to anomaly: I believe you, that your dad is smart, good man, who wish his children to be succesful and happy.
You propably didnt read carefully, because I have also written: "I dont suppose, that INTJs as whole are heartless or cruel. I dont suppose that every INTJ is a bully. And I dont suppose, that this INTJ guy is bully only because is INTJ."
Resume: INTJ person can be good. INTJ person can be bad. Its severally.
You dont have any reason to be burn out.
Its not my idea that INTJ are stereotyped as villains.I am sure, that your dad isnt a villain. Believe me, I didnt ever met any INTJ villain-but I have in family very rigis ISTJ and its horrible.
I don't know about that...

MBTI Temperaments most likely to bully:



*Backs away from the S types* lol jk
Am I the only one who is thinking (but loathe to actually suggest) publically knocking the guys lights out?
I'm not a bully and never have been. I hate to say you likely mistyped the bully. INTJs like myself, rarely bother anyone unless the person we are bothering has something we want. See to be honest, our time is extremely valuable, and anyone or anything that does not meet one of our ends, is simply a utter waste. (Planning to take over the world is a timely affair after all).

Also, if you really make an enemy of a INTJ, you will most likely have caused your own undoing. We would ruthlessly plan your demise in such a way that you would not even realize until the trap has been sprung, and it is too late at that point to do anything about it.

Like someone said earlier, we can basically see and think in future tense, and we are master system creators. Think of the INTJ as a master chess player that can see and plan for your move about 20 moves in advance.

Being a bully usually requires being a sensing type, because they do not fully appreciate the damage they are actually doing to themselves. INTJs do not make enemies, we destroy them. I'm sure you have seen the movies where the villian murders the parents and the child grows up to get revenge? The whole bloodline would be purged by a INTJ.

In fact. Nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure.
Hahah. It amused me to read that.

INTJ: We don't make enemies. We destroy them. With ruthless efficiency.
I've known one in the romantic sense. Wouldn't say he's a bully, but he certainly can't handle people who had opinions that didn't line up with his own. He never sought anyone out to attack though..

As far as planning anyone's demise, he was too busy doing a million things at once (finely tuning is brain body and career) to bother with revenge on anyone, no matter how they slighted him.
Am I the only one who is thinking (but loathe to actually suggest) publically knocking the guys lights out?

If you knock the lights out of an NT you had best be prepared to kill them, otherwise you've just made an enemy for life and that life is going to be curtailed very quickly as a result of the NTs actions.

Knock out an NT, and you've just ensured your own destruction

Also, if you really make an enemy of a INTJ, you will most likely have caused your own undoing. We would ruthlessly plan your demise in such a way that you would not even realize until the trap has been sprung, and it is too late at that point to do anything about it.

INTJs do not make enemies, we destroy them. I'm sure you have seen the movies where the villian murders the parents and the child grows up to get revenge? The whole bloodline would be purged by a INTJ.
