Internet Trolls Actually Trained By Gov't? | INFJ Forum

Internet Trolls Actually Trained By Gov't?


Apr 2, 2013
Your brain.
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Israel was letting college students do it pro bono during the last ritual massacre of Palestinians, no training or anything, so it's not hard to believe that the US and UK government are paying people to sit in a cubicle all day shitposting on Reddit (sounds like my kind of job).

Also, to get it out of the way now: [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] is literally an NSA plant whose objective is to undermine the validity of all marginalized viewpoints by espousing them while pretending to be a schizotypal individual. you heard it here first.
Israel was letting college students do it pro bono during the last ritual massacre of Palestinians, no training or anything, so it's not hard to believe that the US and UK government are paying people to sit in a cubicle all day shitposting on Reddit (sounds like my kind of job).

Also, to get it out of the way now: @muir is literally an NSA plant whose objective is to undermine the validity of all marginalized viewpoints by espousing them while pretending to be a schizotypal individual. you heard it here first.

I know you're kidding but the extent to which the whole contemporary version of "it were the jews what did it" explanation for everything I am almost certain is put out by state sources, it makes the left wing even easier to rubbish and discredit as anti-semitic, it also makes it easier and easier for the establishment/government/right wing to carry on that idea that "the enemy" has always been "the same", ie the islamists who were communists who were socialists who were libreals who were fascists who were nazis who were etc. etc.

Also the essential conspiracy theorising nature of things distracts from any real, albeit mundane, analysis and campaigning, its something which has been highlighted even on this forum, this began with the whole rebel sell phenomenon and no logo, vague critiques of consumerism which were superficial and lifestylist but really did drain support and resources from real battles over welfare and law reform within democratic frameworks and has developed the way it has up to today.
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We do know that the Obama administration has interns ect from various democratic establishments troll forum's ro promote policy's. We KNOW thats fact so its not a step beyond to believe its taken farther. But to say its a combined government effort I think is pretty far out there.
The person in the cubical next to me is hired by the DNC to alert low income people about their medicaid eligibility, how nefarious.
Israel was letting college students do it pro bono during the last ritual massacre of Palestinians, no training or anything, so it's not hard to believe that the US and UK government are paying people to sit in a cubicle all day shitposting on Reddit (sounds like my kind of job).

Also, to get it out of the way now: @muir is literally an NSA plant whose objective is to undermine the validity of all marginalized viewpoints by espousing them while pretending to be a schizotypal individual. you heard it here first.

Are you trained to down the Israelis?

I think muir is trained to help devalue the dollar.

SpecialEdition is trying to confuse those of us who had it figured out.
We do know that the Obama administration has interns ect from various democratic establishments troll forum's ro promote policy's. We KNOW thats fact so its not a step beyond to believe its taken farther. But to say its a combined government effort I think is pretty far out there.

It naturally wouldn't be a combined effort, as it doesn't really fall under the purview of most government agencies to shitpost on internet forums to influence public opinion. You won't see the IRS or the BLM paying people to talk shit online.

I have spoken on this forum for years about how the governments were spying on us and then this was proven with the snowden revelations; others were telling me i was crazy and to shut up

I have spoken for years here about how the government is paying people to spread missinfo on the internet (THIS IS HAPPENING) while some others tried to tell me i was crazy and to shut up

Examples i have given of this include:

  • obama advisor Cass Sunsteins paper advising the government to infiltrate government chat rooms and to even tax 'conspiracy theories!'
  • the chinese '50 center' army who are paid 50 cents per post to post pro-government propaganda
  • israeli college students being paid by their government to post pro-zionist propaganda
  • an increase in british government spending on 'cyber warfare'
  • snowdens revelations about how the NSA disrupt online discussion

So how do you spot these people?

Well lets take this forum for example

I'm one of the most well known people here who often argues against the governments official line

But seeing as i have criticised ALL governments and since i advocate power to the people you can know that i am not a government agent

So lets then turn to @justme s theory that i am trying to undermine the dollar. My position on the dollar is that it is not printed by the US government treasury. It is printed by a cartel of private banks including for example Chase Manhatten, CITIBANK, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan who all own shares in the wrongly named 'federal' reserve bank (it's not federal it's a partnership between the cartel of private banks and the US government)

The dollar is what is called a 'fiat' currency which is to say it is a paper currency that is not backed by anything physical like for example gold (they took the dollar off the gold standard in the early 1970's and then began deregulating the banking system which allowed the creation of the derivative markets which lead to the 2008 global economic crisis)

By pointing out that EVERY fiat currency in history has failed am i trying to crash the dollar or am i just pointing out a fact?

By pointing out that because the central bankers act as a middle man in the process creating interests on each dollar produced the national debt can never be paid off am i trying to crash the dollar or just pointing out a fact?

By pointing out that china has called to the world to 'de-dollarise' and is joining with russia and many other countries to trade oil in non-dollar currencies, that this will end the dollars place as the world reserve currency am i trying to crash the dollar or just pointing out a fact?

So lets then look at @Lark s accusation that i'm blaming everything on the 'jews'. If you read my posts broadly you'll know that i actually speak about a 'cabal' who are at the centre of a network made up of: the royal families of Europe, the vatican, the aristocracy (especially the 'black nobility' who are the aristocratic families closest to the vatican) and their bankers who are predominantly 'jewish' (but not really...they are khazari occultists)

This group are a freemasonic network so i wouldn't call it a 'jewish' conspiracy i would say that it was a freemasonic conspiracy but i would more likely call it an 'occult' conspiracy because 'freemasonry' is merely a vehicle for what these people are doing (it is an occult, magickal order especially in its inner order)

This network manifest themselves as centralised power so in terms of ideology i would describe the struggle in terms of centralised power v's decentralised power

But people like Lark are determined to missrepresent everything i say and to try and twist things out of shape in order to paint me in a bad light

So if i am consistently arguing in favour of power being decentralised down to the people and people like:

  • Lark
  • Sealhammer
  • Eventhorizen
  • Justme
  • Stu
are constantly arguing against me and often in a very personal way (lots of ad hominum attacks) trying to say anything they can think of to try and discredit me and get me to shut up....well which do you think are more likely to be working for the government?

Ask yourself which posters are putting lots of genuine info out there (me) and which are just trying to get the info posting people to shut up? (them). Notice how even when they begin threads they frame the words into a leading question (Lark does this ALL the time because he is trying to lead you to see things a certain way)

Which do you think would be the government guys?

Why are they so threatened by the info i put out? Ask yourself

Also it was the CIA who invented the term 'conspiracy theorist' to discredit the people questioning the warren commissions findings on the kennedy assassination ie some people were very sensibly questioning the 'magic bullet' theory.

So once again ask yourself who are the people throwing around the term 'conspiracy theorist' to try and get people giving info to shut up?

I post informative posts packed with info, but the guys i've mentioned just troll me the whole time!

Also these guys have never brought up the fact that government agents are online but i have! Notice how they only talk about it when someone else brings it up and even then they just try to use it as an opportunity to troll me! (ie try and get me to shut up and stop exposing the governments nefarious plans)

Notice they don't post information and facts like i do they just say: ''erich fromm says....''

So they are either shilling for the government or they totally believe the government line in which case they've been tricked by the mainstream corporate controlled media and education system
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I know all about the Federal Reserve, the dissolving of the Gold Standard, how currency/money works, is printed, how everything is inflated, how the Great Depression was orchestrated, etc. I used to spend a very great deal of time reading about this kind of thing. I ended up down a religious rabbit hole where I learned a lot about the Catholic Church, the Vatican, etc. Which led me down more rabbit holes, etc.

I actually found it all very depressing. I do not discredit anything you post here because this is all stuff that I was reading about and interested in back in 2006, 2007, 2008 which is when I stopped because I found it very difficult. I knew that the Recession was going to happen nearly a year in advance because I happen to know people who are connected to "higher ups" who indicated this was going to happen. It ended up looking very different than I expected, but it happened none the less.

I started to find for myself that once I began looking deeper and deeper into this kind of information that I ended up finding connections in just about everything. Every news report, every speech, every big change I started to feel was just another piece of a puzzle that was fitting together and I noticed that I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of corruption. Then I had to start asking myself whether or not these events were actually all tied together, or if I was just perceiving that it was because of the amount of time/research I had put into that kind of information. I think a lot of my perceptions became distorted and I found it all really depressing, so I had to step away.

However, I do still love pondering this stuff. I am not very active about it because I tend to focus exclusively on my day to day life. Perhaps up in Canada things are still "safe" because we have no warm mongering or fear mongering and the hate level here is pretty low (though not non-existent). I think in comparison to countries like the USA where it's all of this bullshit all day every day things are pretty good here. But, I don't watch TV. I don't listen to the radio or read the news paper. I think it's all complete and total garbage. I guess for myself I try to strike a balance between where I was in terms of "conspiracies" and what was accepted as "truth." I think it's somewhere in the middle.

I think internet trolling is very interesting. I do find it interesting that there are certain people who have such a great deal of time to talk about certain hot topics. I find it interesting that they seem to have a never ending list of articles and links and such to post on the spot in order to back up their claims. Either these people do not see anything outside of those specific issues, or it's their 9-5 job to post all that kind of stuff on behalf of people who are interested in having those arguments. I also find it interesting how there are people who refuse to see outside of their own perspective. I don't think anyone is obligated to believe anything though I do believe it's important to take different information into consideration.
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Are you trained to down the Israelis?

I think muir is trained to help devalue the dollar.

SpecialEdition is trying to confuse those of us who had it figured out.

I am just bringing up a topic for the consideration of all people. Not to confuse anyone. Not to persuade anyone of anything. It's just something to think about.

Human beings are funny things.
At my old job, there were rumors that some of the competitors hired interns to shit-talk about the other companies on their own social media profiles. I wouldn't doubt it, and it's easy to create a fake Facebook profile and pretend to be someone else. It makes sense then that government agencies would do it too. Yikes....
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I am just bringing up a topic for the consideration of all people. Not to confuse anyone. Not to persuade anyone of anything. It's just something to think about.

Human beings are funny things.

Please forgive my terrible attempt at humor. I have a knack for it sometimes.
Just picking on you.....and muir.

I know all about the Federal Reserve, the dissolving of the Gold Standard, how currency/money works, is printed, how everything is inflated, how the Great Depression was orchestrated, etc. I used to spend a very great deal of time reading about this kind of thing. I ended up down a religious rabbit hole where I learned a lot about the Catholic Church, the Vatican, etc. Which led me down more rabbit holes, etc.

I actually found it all very depressing. I do not discredit anything you post here because this is all stuff that I was reading about and interested in back in 2006, 2007, 2008 which is when I stopped because I found it very difficult. I knew that the Recession was going to happen nearly a year in advance because I happen to know people who are connected to "higher ups" who indicated this was going to happen. It ended up looking very different than I expected, but it happened none the less.

I started to find for myself that once I began looking deeper and deeper into this kind of information that I ended up finding connections in just about everything. Every news report, every speech, every big change I started to feel was just another piece of a puzzle that was fitting together and I noticed that I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of corruption.

Well that IS the true revelation!


The true revelation IS that it is all connected

It's when you understand that that everything begins to make sense...that is THE big break through

Then I had to start asking myself whether or not these events were actually all tied together, or if I was just perceiving that it was because of the amount of time/research I had put into that kind of information. I think a lot of my perceptions became distorted and I found it all really depressing, so I had to step away.

That's a shame

If you had stuck with it you might have made the big break through....had the big revelation

However, I do still love pondering this stuff.

Then don't hamstring yourself by

A. saying ''oh this is depressing''
B. stopping yourself when the information feels like it is converging

If you enjoy pondering this stuff or if you are curious about how the world works then just carry on unashamedly getting closer to the truth

If you look at the people who try to get me to shut up on this forum you'll notice that they post in the same threads i post in yet they try to stop me posting by saying things like:

''why do you think about this stuff its depressing''


''you are paranoid''

But look at them....they are posting in the SAME threads thinking about the SAME stuff they are just missing vital information....but they are already thinking about and discussing what they are trying to tell me is 'depressing' stuff


When they talk about it and repeat the government line its ok but when i do it and tell the truth it's 'depressing'

Lark recently said that discussing such matters was no more than pointless 'hand wringing' which is all that opposition groups have ever done throughout history (thereby, in a stroke, saying that any protest group including: workers rights, black rights, women rights, gay rights etc are all pointless!)....but then he went on to post a new thread where he was complaining about something and about how it should be opposed!


Total hypocrisy

You see? When they do it it is valid, but when i do it it is 'hand wringing' etc

You have to know the game.....when you talk the truth you WILL be met by the other side with all that hypocritical BS....because they will try anything to get you to shut up...even rank hypocrisy!

It doesn't bother me...i've been discussing this stuff with people for well over a decade now so i've seen it all before

I've even been threatened by israeli military and had veiled threats from freemasons and others....its part and parcel of truth telling

If you watch truth telling journalists and commentators like i do they get all that opposition stuff as well....dirty tricks, violence, threats the whole 9 yards

And to be brutally honest...from listening to those people who are always trying to get me to shut up i think i'm happier than them! Frankly they sound pretty depressed to me and i suspect the reason they are depressed is because they have a poor relationship with the truth. They even sometimes admit to being full of fear!

I am not very active about it because I tend to focus exclusively on my day to day life. Perhaps up in Canada things are still "safe" because we have no warm mongering or fear mongering and the hate level here is pretty low (though not non-existent).

I disagree with that...canada is heavily involved in all sorts of nefarious goings on

You guys even had a massive student demo recently that was ended violently by the police. if you watch footage the demo was good natured and freindly with people playing music and stripping off their clothes even but the police came in mob handed...this is because YOUR canadian government is dominated by the same 'crown' corporation that controls the UK and USA

Heck i even watched 'ARGO' recently where the canadian government sheltered the runaway US spies (the US embassy in Tehran was a CIA nest, which is why the iranians were so upset esp after the CIA orchestrated a coup using large sums of money). The canadians even covered for the CIA rescue operation

I think in comparison to countries like the USA where it's all of this bullshit all day every day things are pretty good here. But, I don't watch TV. I don't listen to the radio or read the news paper. I think it's all complete and total garbage. I guess for myself I try to strike a balance between where I was in terms of "conspiracies" and what was accepted as "truth." I think it's somewhere in the middle.

Forget the term 'conspiracy theorist'...that term is for 2 types of people:

1. government & corporate media people trying to shut up the opposition
2. ignorant people who don't know what is going on (and therefore can't tell the difference between missinfo and good info)

I don't post 'conspiracy theories' i post well informed analysis which is why i make so many correct predictions on this forum

I think internet trolling is very interesting. I do find it interesting that there are certain people who have such a great deal of time to talk about certain hot topics. I find it interesting that they seem to have a never ending list of articles and links and such to post on the spot in order to back up their claims. Either these people do not see anything outside of those specific issues, or it's their 9-5 job to post all that kind of stuff on behalf of people who are interested in having those arguments. I also find it interesting how there are people who refuse to see outside of their own perspective. I don't think anyone is obligated to believe anything though I do believe it's important to take different information into consideration.

It's easy for people who use the alternative media because there are sites full of this stuff

Also once you know the game then if you are in a discussion and someone says: ''prove what you are saying about the federal reserve'' you will know from learning this stuff that there is such and such book, article or youtube video out there on the internet and you just bring it up and then post it

My level of knowledge is not unusual these days for people interested in activism due to the freely available information in books and online

Some people spend their time watching TV or playing computer games others spend their time learning about what's going on in the world...i'm in the latter group and i make NO APOLOGIES
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At my old job, there were rumors that some of the competitors hired interns to shit-talk about the other companies on their own social media profiles. I wouldn't doubt it, and it's easy to create a fake Facebook profile and pretend to be someone else. It makes sense then that government agencies would do it too. Yikes....

Absolutely man!

And it goes even deeper than that

here is one of the wikileaks group (assange) explaining that facebook is nothing more than a CIA/Mossad spying the platform that some people use to cause disruption online is ITSELF an espionage operation!


I don't really pay attention to personal arguments or people who just automatically shut down ideas or information. Had you not pointed it out I very likely would have zero awareness of what other posters are posting about. For the most part I stick to a few threads on this forum that are of particular interest to me... The blog section mostly. I try to avoid any sort of needless drama that tends to come up in most of the other threads and find that contributing to most of them is exhausting.

I don't really have the drive to pursue that sort of truth. Whatever truth I am going for tends to be beyond the Earth and the sort of disgusting behaviours that human beings tend to involve themselves in. I find it all quite strange how power hungry people are... I mean, wealthy elites and people at the "top" are not immortal. They're going to die like the rest of us and it's probably not going to be a good time for them on their death bed. To me, the whole thing is just nonsensical on a universal perspective though I do understand their actions and influence can make life very uncomfortable for many people.

I find that even if these things run through Canada that it has had no direct impact on my personal life. I have a good job, I have good people in my life, I have a comfortable lifestyle, I am healthy. I don't think about the wider implications anymore because I am selfish. I also just don't have the time to devote to all of that research. Rather, I am not willing to donate my time to it. So though I am open to these ideas and concepts I am not passionate about it any more. You might say I am altogether indifferent.
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I don't really pay attention to personal arguments or people who just automatically shut down ideas or information. Had you not pointed it out I very likely would have zero awareness of what other posters are posting about.

It's hard for me not to notice because they are so hostile!

They even fight amongst themselves as you can see above.....for me it is an interesting aspect of an MBTI site that you can see what different MBTI types are like and you can see the division lines that run through MBTI and society itself

So if you look above you have just me getting upset about the dollar and about people criticising Israel (he's loyal to the dollar and to the zionists)

You have sealhammer getting upset at anything that criticises the US (he had a soldier as his avatar for a while and i'm pretty sure he has connections to the military either through friends or familiy)

You have Lark getting upset at people exposing the frankfurt school and how they have infiltrated the western educational system because his hero is erich fromm of the frankfurt school

Eventhorizon has family connections to the freemasons so he hates people talking about them

and so on....

There are patterns with these people that you can't help but notice when they debate you all the time

So what...are we not going to discuss Israel, the dollar, the US military, the freemasons or the marxist frankfurt school? I'd argue that to understand our world YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THOSE THINGS

For the most part I stick to a few threads on this forum that are of particular interest to me... The blog section mostly. I try to avoid any sort of needless drama that tends to come up in most of the other threads and find that contributing to most of them is exhausting.

I think people should do what they want to do

But i think that people telling the truth should not be muscled off threads by people who are shamelessly plugging the government line

I don't really have the drive to pursue that sort of truth. Whatever truth I am going for tends to be beyond the Earth and the sort of disgusting behaviours that human beings tend to involve themselves in. I find it all quite strange how power hungry people are... I mean, wealthy elites and people at the "top" are not immortal. They're going to die like the rest of us and it's probably not going to be a good time for them on their death bed. To me, the whole thing is just nonsensical on a universal perspective though I do understand their actions and influence can make life very uncomfortable for many people.

You know how you said when you were looking into stuff it lead to new areas?

Well this journey i've been on goes into those areas you goes into spirituality, into human psychology etc

It all comes into play....that's why i find this all so fascinating

For me...everything has now joined up...EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED INTO ONE GIANT WEB OR TREE

When some people accuse me of turning a subject to the conspiracy it's because it is's al connected; for example how can people talk about the economic situation without understanding who runs their economy? lol

It really shows just how detached our society has become from the truth when the truth tellers have to defend their right to tell the truth!

I find that even if these things run through Canada that it has had no direct impact on my personal life. I have a good job, I have good people in my life, I have a comfortable lifestyle, I am healthy. I don't think about the wider implications anymore because I am selfish. I also just don't have the time to devote to all of that research. Rather, I am not willing to donate my time to it. So though I am open to these ideas and concepts I am not passionate about it any more. You might say I am altogether indifferent.

I understand that

The way i view it is as follows....

These guys created a set of policies called 'neoliberalism' which without getting technical are basically designed to move all the wealth up away from society and up into the hands of the few people at the top

They are doing this because they want to change our society and how our economy and society is run

This naturally has negative effects on our economy because the money is the lifeblood of the economy

If we imagine society as a friable rock that is held together because it is soaked with a cohesive fluid which is our metaphorical money and if the fluid is sucked upwards through the rock to the top of the rock then the bottom of the rock dries out and begins to crumble

Society begins to crumble from the bottom up

The most economically vulnerable feel it first for example the poor, the infirm, the disabled, the students and so on

But over time the money keeps getting sucked higher up and after a while the middle class begin to get affected and then it moves on past them ans they crumble away and it moves up to the millionaires and it crumbles them away leaving all the fluid/money at the top of the rock/society

Once that happens then those billionaires and trillionaires who have all the wealth basically own everything and they then can dictate the form of government and how society will be structured and how it will behave

This is what is happening

So at the moment you can see more people dependent on food banks, you can see the workers and the students protesting, the sick being untreated and so on but the middle class including you are still reasonably comfortable, but over time the low interest rates will denegrate the savings of the middle class and more and more homes will be repossessed as the purchasing power of peoples money is diluted by inflation

Eventually the middle class will be relegated to a lower state along with the lower classes because the process of wealth movement upwards is not going to be halted for the middle class
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Everyone here is too comfortable in their shit. That is the problem.

Another problem is the presentation of these conspiratorial facts is very poor and the names and faces of these enemies to humanity need to be exposed and names, faces, and home addresses are rarely produced.
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