Interesting e-mail | INFJ Forum

Interesting e-mail

Spiritual Leo

On Holiday
Apr 14, 2011
Well I have been out of college for about a year now and I really haven't kept in touch with my professors since, but this morning my favorite professor e-mailed me and he wants to meet up to discuss ideas and future goals. I worked with him on a writing contest for sociology a couple years ago and he has always been very lenient on me as a student. For instance, all the students in the class room had to take a 5-7 page final exam, but he told me that all I needed to do for my final exam was a participant observation project. Sure I had to write a 20 page paper, but he always let me express myself freely. I feel very excited to see him and am really wondering what it is that he wants to talk about. Anybody else ever have an experience like this. And if so, why is he checking up on me??? Why does he go out of his way to contact me?

He said that we can meet anywhere that I would like.

I'm excited and confused..
Well I have been out of college for about a year now and I really haven't kept in touch with my professors since, but this morning my favorite professor e-mailed me and he wants to meet up to discuss ideas and future goals. I worked with him on a writing contest for sociology a couple years ago and he has always been very lenient on me as a student. For instance, all the students in the class room had to take a 5-7 page final exam, but he told me that all I needed to do for my final exam was a participant observation project. Sure I had to write a 20 page paper, but he always let me express myself freely. I feel very excited to see him and am really wondering what it is that he wants to talk about. Anybody else ever have an experience like this. And if so, why is he checking up on me??? Why does he go out of his way to contact me?

He said that we can meet anywhere that I would like.

I'm excited and confused..

Hmmm, I'm not sure... sounds a little bit odd.

I did find a few of my sociology professors to be quite understanding/thoughtful fact I still have a woven bracelet one of them made for me. I don't know, maybe he's just a nice guy... perhaps he thinks of you a friend (of sorts) he feels inclined to "mentor" or "guide" you (or at least keep in contact).
Hmmm, I'm not sure... sounds a little bit odd.

I did find a few of my sociology professors to be quite understanding/thoughtful fact I still have a woven bracelet one of them made for me. I don't know, maybe he's just a nice guy... perhaps he thinks of you a friend (of sorts) he feels inclined to "mentor" or "guide" you (or at least keep in contact).

He is a wonderful person and he helps so many people in the inner city around the school that I went to. I agree with what you said and I do think he feels like a mentor to me because he did mention the inquire of academic pursuits.
Well I have been out of college for about a year now and I really haven't kept in touch with my professors since, but this morning my favorite professor e-mailed me and he wants to meet up to discuss ideas and future goals. I worked with him on a writing contest for sociology a couple years ago and he has always been very lenient on me as a student. For instance, all the students in the class room had to take a 5-7 page final exam, but he told me that all I needed to do for my final exam was a participant observation project. Sure I had to write a 20 page paper, but he always let me express myself freely. I feel very excited to see him and am really wondering what it is that he wants to talk about. Anybody else ever have an experience like this. And if so, why is he checking up on me??? Why does he go out of his way to contact me?

He said that we can meet anywhere that I would like.

I'm excited and confused..
Just, contact, and ask him...The way- you ask, is all that matters: Be friendly yet direct, patient, and to the point..He'll catch on quickly...(-=
One of my professors back in grad school called me the perfect student. She took quite an interest in me and actually agreed to teach one of my classes even though she normally wouldn't have. It was both an honor and a burden. I mean dang it's hard to be perfect....:eek:hwell:

I myself have taken an interest in people whom I think have enormous potential even though there is not a tangible connection between us. I have gone out of my way to clear the path in front of them - so to speak.

Mentors come in many shapes and colors.

I think it's exciting someone of intelligence in the field of People (sociology) is thinking of you in terms of enabling you to become all you can be.

Try not to be fearful. I realize one never knows the ulterior motives of others. But think of it this way: if you go into the meeting with fear - you'll have tunnel vision - and you may miss the obvious.
If you are relaxed - your mind will be open to all the possibilities. This might include nefarious reasons - but you would still see them even if it were so. Right?

I hope it turns out to be a "Door Opening" experience for you. :)
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Given as at the time I was a depressive drug addicted antisocial character, I know my professors better than most of my younger friends. Yeah, it's tough when they take stock in you, I've had professors take great stock in me (one going so far a to call me 'the new Socrates') only for me to fail their classes miserably (because of the aforementioned depressive drug addiction).

Oddly, I still get emails from them every now and then. I think I made my mark. :md:
I say go for it, meet him for coffee and get real info on why he wants to meet up with you. Professors tend to be clever people, maybe he's got a good idea that will be mutually beneficial. Perhaps he's just lonely. (lonely in a thoroughly neutral platonic way)
Professors rarely get attention. They want to know their students. If they get to know you and like who you are, they will treat you as a friend. It's a good thing, even after their classes with you have long since passed.