INJ kids and other childrens personality types!

Blind Bandit

Blind Man Being Lead to Nowhere
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Yup, this describes me very very well as a child.

There are some slight differences though. I appeared very social to an external observer, and in some ways I was. While I was extremely friendly to people that I knew, or people that I felt would accept me. People that I didn't know that were part of a group, or people that I didn't think I would get along with, I would avoid and not talk to.
Yup, this describes me very very well as a child.

There are some slight differences though. I appeared very social to an external observer, and in some ways I was. While I was extremely friendly to people that I knew, or people that I felt would accept me. People that I didn't know that were part of a group, or people that I didn't think I would get along with, I would avoid and not talk to.

I agree with you there.

I think I introverted a lot as I got older. This was also from realizing people weren't willing to be as nice and accepting as I'm.
Yeah, something in me "tripped" in 8th grade and I became much much more reserved. I didn't really start breaking out of that shell until 12th grade.

I think a lot of INFJ's are very open and friendly a children. Fe inheriently wants to form connections, and at a young age we don't know the ins and outs of doing it.
Yeah, something in me "tripped" in 8th grade and I became much much more reserved. I didn't really start breaking out of that shell until 12th grade.

I think a lot of INFJ's are very open and friendly a children. Fe inheriently wants to form connections, and at a young age we don't know the ins and outs of doing it.

Again I had a similar experience.

I know I was pulsed to be ES by my ESFJ mom (it wasn't intentional it just was).

I've found I wanted to believe people to be good and kind but we know that that isn't always the cause. Fe can be very hard to cope sometimes.

I know I sometimes feel Fe's pull when I'm feeling lonely and I have to make sure I'm connected with the right people.

I've very happy to see the child personality pages because I though I wasn't a normal INFJ child yet I'm pretty much textbook INFJ even from a young age.

Its actually kind of comforting in a way. I've always felt like I was pushed to be something I'm not (ESxJ). Its great knowing, I've always been on my own path.
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it's funny, I became more extroverted as I got older.

I was *so* shy as a kid, I was scared of people... As soon as puberty hit me (pretty much on the day I turned ten, though my body started changing only a bit later) I got this urge to go out of my shell and interact with others and be part of the group (teenager here you come). It was strange, it happened so suddenly. Probably the most extreme change in my life.

I wonder if it was just hormones or if there was something else to it, psychological I mean.
I was definitely more social when I was a child. I accepted everyone. I even made friends with the class bullies and gave them a nudge in the right direction. I saw the good in absolutely everyone no matter where it was hidden. But somewhere along the line things started to click and I withdrew. I am now 16 and probably more reserved than ever but somehow I feel things are going to change for me soon so I've decided to take the time to recharge.

I can so relate to not liking suggestions for projects. Probably one of my pet hates. In my mind I always have to go out of my way to not do what was suggested which is so exhausting. I will stubbornly grasp onto my independance at all costs. *sigh* I still have so much progress ahead of me.
This doesn't really fit me. I did have a vivid imagination and was off in my own world, but most of the rest don't fit. I didn't necessarily prefer one on one interaction to large groups back then; I probably preferred large groups actually. I didn't like art, music, or books at all. I never listened to music, never read unless forced to, and would have preferred if art class didn't exist. I didn't hang back in social situations either, I jumped in. I wasn't private, though the substance of what I had to share wasn't that deep (guess what I think about pok'emon!). Unplanned events didn't bother me; I think I thrived on them. I was always ready, 24/7 (always hyper too, you might say I was chaos). I definitely preferred team sports like soccer and basketball, and I thrived on and excelled at physical activity- I think my ES is very well developed for an INFJ. I wasn't a perfectionist at all- I didn't care how I did. I wasn't serious or intense unless I was under pressure. I definitely didn't seem older than I was, just about all of my friends were my age too. I wasn't original or really independent (sometimes I was overly dependent when I didn't need to be), and I only valued my "uniqueness" because it helped me fit in with others (they decided how I was "unique" too basically). Its true I wasn't concerned about grades, until I got hell for them, but I didn't ever want to completely understand something that interested me, unless you count pok'emon.

I don't believe that children really fit into MBTI. Its even hard to put 16 year olds into it. As a child, my Se and Fe were pretty much all I used until I was put under pressure, and around the age of 10-11 my Ni showed up and my Ti started working in full force and continued to develop from there as my life began to suck more and more and I became extremely introverted, depressed, etc....
It kind of sounds like me but it kind of doesn't. Then again, I was told that I'm kind of like a mix between an INFJ and an INFP so idk.