INFJs on sociology?


Regular Poster
I'd be very interested to hear other infjs experiences with studying sociology: how has it been / did you find it satisfying / anything else that pops into mind? Or if you're studying the social sciences, what are you majoring in, and how has it been for you?

I'd appreciate anyone's input, whether it's your thoughts about studying the social sciences in general (why did it work for you; why not) etc. I'm aware there might be a topic similar to this, I apologize if that is the case.
Love the subject but i wish there was more psychology and communication theory incorporated sociology. I remember when social psychology was a degree program when i was in undergrad and i thought it was good, but social psychology is now considered a subdivision of psychology. But i love social theory, and critical social theory. Very interesting stuff. Bourdieu, Mills, Durkheim, etc. It's very interesting.

Any particular area interests you?
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I love sociology:m124: serious its a people severing discipline. But its not one on one and appeals to me a great deal.

I love the crime & justice and social problems sub fields. They are awesome.

I recommend anyone who likes psychology but fines it too one on one to try out sociology.
I'd be very interested to hear other infjs experiences with studying sociology: how has it been / did you find it satisfying / anything else that pops into mind? Or if you're studying the social sciences, what are you majoring in, and how has it been for you?

I'd appreciate anyone's input, whether it's your thoughts about studying the social sciences in general (why did it work for you; why not) etc. I'm aware there might be a topic similar to this, I apologize if that is the case.

I'm studying sociology, politics, and philosophy (unless I change it, and I'm behind on politics). I find it very interesting, but I'm disappointed in how other people perceive it sociology. They assume that it is common sense (its not). Common opinion of sociology is a sad story, especially when you get into policy making, judicial sentencing, etc.

I dislike psychology, especially social psychology, and would not equate it in any way with sociology, especially not social psychology- even though there are many social-psychological theories within sociology. I think that social psychology is more of a humanities course than a social science course.

If you want to discuss the intricacies of the social sciences, I have taken classes in most of them while trying to figure out what I am interested in (politics, sociology, psychology, economics, communication, anthropology, criminal justice), and I would be happy to talk about any of the subjects. I am considering going for a PH.D in sociology.
I studied sociology for about a year. Maybe I was influenced by personal issues at the time but I didn't find it satisfying at all and ended up changing my major.

I guess I didn't feel interested enough to begin with to delve into the subject more thoroughly. But I much more prefer individual approach. Taking a single person and picking him/her apart and getting a much more deeper understanding of the person, what are the underlying reasons behind their behavior, cause and effect.

While I like the big picture, trying to include everything into understanding groups of people, there are too many variables to consider with groups and for me that just didn't work at that time. It seemed too detached and...statistical of an approach.
Love the subject but i wish there was more psychology and communication theory incorporated sociology. I remember when social psychology was a degree program when i was in undergrad and i thought it was good, but social psychology is now considered a subdivision of psychology. But i love social theory, and critical social theory. Very interesting stuff. Bourdieu, Mills, Durkheim, etc. It's very interesting.

Any particular area interests you?

I agree. I went to a academic 'get together' where my area consisted of the Social Sciences (Sociology, Politics, Economics, and world studies with an emphasis on Africa) I do believe that Sociology, by itself, is a field that warrants it's own but I don't feel all that particularly interested in it based on the way it was taught. Studying a population and it's people is interesting, perhaps I should look back into it. Sadly though, jobs for Sociologist don't look to great atm. (College wise)
I took a sociology class this semester and found it interesting. I liked learning about different theories.

The class was pretty depressing at some points though. I jokingly define sociology as the study of sadness/why life sucks.
I'm growing an interest in sociology atm. It's kinda postponed but, I guess I just like reading behaviours. I liked reading people's personal behaviour, now I want to read groups of them. I guess I'm naive >_<;

Studied sociology in highschool for two years and liked it, except the theories. *runs far, far away*
Do you have any sources on this? I'm just curious to see them.

Actually, I'm wrong. Most of my information about the profession comes from the people who I've had direct contact with and the Occupational outlook handbook. I believe I misconstrued "Social scientist" to mean "Sociologist." Reviewing the OOH, sociology actually seems a decent field to get into. I wonder why all the professors I've meet seem to have such a depressing view on the future of the field.
Isn't public relations completely based on sociology? I would think business is booming for them in politics. :D

Ok maybe not, they hide it in there perhaps?

You can be the next Edward Bernays :P
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