
Registered User #666
According to certain personality theories INFJs and ENTPs are supposed to be awesome together.

My most recent interactions with INFJs irl were unhealthy to say the least.

Have you had any experience with this? What do you think of this theory?
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Uhh well, I like ENTPs.
They are crude and unsensored and that's just spankin'.
It probably depends on the person. Any type can be a royal pain in the arse, and the unhealthy types are that much worse because they'll be hard to get along with. I've never had an ENTP friend, but the male ENTPs seem quite funny and weird and wacky. And wild. I like 'em, but I've never met one.
I've only met one ENTP, that know at least...yeah he's pretty much awesome. But I don't talk to him a lot because he's always watching wrestling...

My best friend when I was in my early 20's was an ENTP, I'm guessing. We had great times together. That was my partner in crime until he moved away to Washington. We were like a semi platonic Bonnie and Clyde just inciting madness and mockery wherever we went.

We had lots of tension though and he was a bit of a man whore. Which was amusing. If he wasn't such a slut, I would've considered him awesome boyfriend material, but I need loyalty and stability and I'm not sure most ENTP guys are up to the job. Boo, I miss him really bad all of the sudden.

*must go bother ENTP boys for attention*
Hahah yeah, ENTPs are definetely not dating material for INFJs XD
God. How could anyone think that?
Are so dating material. I'm completely loyal to any girl I'm actually with. There's Loyalty and Stability as far as the relationship goes. If I'm not in a committed relationship I'm a man whore.

I'm hearing voices. I've been awake far too long.
I just think that INFJ/ENTP is and interesting combination. One side, you've got this really deep, feeling type that is extremely attached to people and social regards. On the other side, you've got a less feeling oriented, idea's person who seems a lot less likely to understand the complexity of INFJs. I even have a difficult time understanding INFJs. I'm not saying that an ENTP and INFJ could never make it as a couple; I'm just saying that stereotypically I don't see very much common ground for the two types. INFJs seem to like to be talked to very gently and sincerly, while an ENTP is likely to blurt out a problem in harsh way without even knowing the impact they are going to have on an INFJ.
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It gets even worse/better with an ESTP :D

But yeah. I think ENTPs are fun, although I don't have any close friends of the type in real life. I've known royally annoying ENTPs and extremely funny ENTPs. One thing's for certain, though; they're usually unique.
Are so dating material. I'm completely loyal to any girl I'm actually with. There's Loyalty and Stability as far as the relationship goes. If I'm not in a committed relationship I'm a man whore.

I'm hearing voices. I've been awake far too long.

You ENTP types are great fuck buddies and best friend material, nothing more. I think INFJs and ENTPs would drive each other insane, generally speaking. But it might be fun for a little while. I like fun.

And I could be a colder bitch than any INTP and not feel a thing about it, given the right circumstances. But then again I'm a type five enneagram, so I'm a bit more emotionally detached than your average INFJ.
I could see how it could work, but I never saw it actually work irl.

ENTPs are awesome!!! :( despite their gregariously crude humour, they actually have a sensitive side to them (and it's so sweet when it surfaces). sadly, the only ENTP i met seemingly ran away from me? i'm not sure why it happened and am still quite sad.
My absolute best friend in the world is an ENTP. I find I'm really comfortable around her, even in situations I wouldn't normally be - like when surrounded by lots of people. She kinda brings me out of myself a bit... and she gets me. I like the brashness, honesty and her sweetly-agressive tendancies.
Just thinking about ENTPs makes me giggle.