INFJ Spontaneity


Community Member
How spontaneous are you? For some reason I seem to be pretty spontaneous when it comes to certain things like travel, creation, and doing anything that gets me suddenly excited. It seems to be predominantly a perceiving trait, but I'm curious to see how spontaneous other INFJs are.
I am not a spontenious person really. I will sponteniously get "ideas" and in the right setting I will act on them, and they usually are quite fun. Other then that, I need things to be planned out, or feel like they are planned enough.
I'm usually not so spontaneous, but I like to be. When I'm in the right mood, I'll just do something spontaneous just to get the rush, and I like getting my friends to do that with me. I have a feeling when I don't have many restrictions I'll probably do this more often.
I am sometimes spontaneous. I once heard an airplane go by my first thought was that is reminded me of the beach. It was a nice spring day. It was hot and we just up and drove to the beach. 7 hours later and 2nd degree burns we made it back home 2 days later.

For the most part though I have to plan ahead and get excited about the fact that I have to do this. Sometimes doing the smallest of things overwhelms me.
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not very, when it comes to travel and things like that. my 'J' is too high to do things in a random fashion.

however, let's say we're going out for a night on the town. im very flexible with things like that. plan the time for dinner, then, im really quite game for anything.

ive also noticed if i have no commitments, i will be more 'P' like. like, if I need to kill time... I may actually end up late to a function. Just because I act distracted by any shiny object that comes my way because i think i have time to kill.
^ Oh, good point. When I have nothing going on, I'm really P.

It's just when I already have something planned and I have to suddenly change it that I get pissed.
Ya, maybe it's mostly when I'm bored because I do hate to change plans most of the time.
I'm insanely spontaneous. I will drop almost anything to act on almost any exciting idea I have. When I was 16 I decided I wanted to go to Colorado, the next day I was on the road (12 hour drive).

I'm in the military so during the week I'm pretty busy. Most people are so tired after a day of work or training that they go back to their rooms and veg out. I almost always go skateboarding or ride my dirt bike. Tonight I'm going to drive an hour and a half to go ride motocross and that's after a 10 hour day.

I'm so spontaneous that I usually end up doing the cool stuff alone, because nobody else has any energy to keep up with me. I have a few friends that can hang with me but unfortunately I'm away from home.

Edit: But sometimes it can be a bad thing... for example, I joined the military after thinking it through for about 2 days. If you had asked me a week before I joined if I ever thought I'd join the military, I would have laughed at you.
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I'm insanely spontaneous. I will drop almost anything to act on almost any exciting idea I have. When I was 16 I decided I wanted to go to Colorado, the next day I was on the road (12 hour drive).

I'm in the military so during the week I'm pretty busy. Most people are so tired after a day of work or training that they go back to their rooms and veg out. I almost always go skateboarding or ride my dirt bike. Tonight I'm going to drive an hour and a half to go ride motocross and that's after a 10 hour day.

I'm so spontaneous that I usually end up doing the cool stuff alone, because nobody else has any energy to keep up with me. I have a few friends that can hang with me but unfortunately I'm away from home.

Edit: But sometimes it can be a bad thing... for example, I joined the military after thinking it through for about 2 days. If you had asked me a week before I joined if I ever thought I'd join the military, I would have laughed at you.

I think it is great that you are the cool dude amongst you guys haha. It's really nice to be spontaneous, get the best of today you know :) It's admirable to think that you have the energy too ^^ So you skate, are you any good? :) I tried it out last summer with hopes of it being as beautiful as it looks, bah! I'm not so sure it was my thing though haha. We'll see how it goes this summer xD

Ahh somehow your stories have a mystical sadness to them. It makes me blue when I think about that you seem nice and have all this awesome energy, yet you can't hang with your friends and the others crash while you go out and skate :/

If my perception is all screwed, I'm sorry and you can tell me off.
Hm, I'm spontaneous when in a good mood, or in a certain bad mood. Not at all when I'm depressed, down, stressed, or even just tired. Then I'm anything but.

When what I am doing stops working, then it usually pushes me to be more spontaneous, or, if I am relatively stress-free (when is that?) I can be spontaneous.
I think it is great that you are the cool dude amongst you guys haha. It's really nice to be spontaneous, get the best of today you know :) It's admirable to think that you have the energy too ^^ So you skate, are you any good? :) I tried it out last summer with hopes of it being as beautiful as it looks, bah! I'm not so sure it was my thing though haha. We'll see how it goes this summer xD

Ahh somehow your stories have a mystical sadness to them. It makes me blue when I think about that you seem nice and have all this awesome energy, yet you can't hang with your friends and the others crash while you go out and skate :/

If my perception is all screwed, I'm sorry and you can tell me off.

:) Here's a skate video of me.

No no my life isn't sad! I guess I just talked about the sad things a little too much here, haha. I'm actually super happy all the time :P
:) Here's a skate video of me.

No no my life isn't sad! I guess I just talked about the sad things a little too much here, haha. I'm actually super happy all the time :P

O M G - It hasnt been mentioned that I DIE FOR AMERICAN ENGLISH hahhahah. That thing in the end. *what a turn on* :m055:

Anyway haha I strayed of, IT must really have hurt to fall like that, its a cool video, you are really really good lol. The subliminal message ... xD
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Since there is a video...

Here is me and a friend (who is an xNFJ, her I and E is nearly perfactly balenced), being random and spontenious. We both just came up with all of this stuff on the fly, haha. It was alot of fun to do :D. I wish I could do more stuff like this, but most of my friends arent like this:

O M G - It hasnt been mentioned that I DIE FOR AMERICAN ENGLISH hahhahah. That thing in the end. *what a turn on* :m055:

Anyway haha I strayed of, IT must really have hurt to fall like that, its a cool video, you are really really good lol. The subliminal message ... xD

I bet I'd die for your Swedish accent too! Marry me or what?
Rofl I love that video so much!! That reminds me of what my best friend and I used to be like. I am not spontaneous alone, I think around people I know well I will be totally random and weird though. People stare at us. We can be obnoxious :x Putting one foot up on a chair and drawing our swords as though we are pirates on a boat! AHOY :m027:

Usually I'll have everything rigidly laid out so I can get things done. I love planning and plans and setting things up *o*. But there have been times...
Such as calling my friend at 2 am and us randomly driving and ending up in some city? And having classes the next day. xD
I love to act on these random ideas or jokes but usually need more confidence. Planning gives me confidence. I wanna be random AND successful! Roooar! >:0
I will take off and go places when I have the time to get away. If I am at home I may just get up goto the garage and get on my motorcycle and ride all night if the mood strikes me...