INFJ predisposition to ethno-nationalism? | INFJ Forum

INFJ predisposition to ethno-nationalism?


Jan 15, 2017
I feel like there is a possibility that INFJ types may be predisposed to ethno-nationalism and I was curious if anybody else ever felt this way. In my case, I speak of a deep concern for the future of the white race. Make no mistake about it, I have low tolerance for other groups and it's more than just skin color, it's from the behavioral patterns, and it is irreconcilable at this point.

I've always struggled with feeling like a part of our society and have wanted a more harmonious society for my own benefit but equally for others who have been disenfranchised or hurt by the effects of multiculturalism. I do this not as a person who wants to harm others, but as a person who wants to protect myself and others who are similarly situated.

I was fed a steady diet of multicultural indoctrination growing up, and even modeled my personal style to a mild degree with inner city black rap/hood culture because I had some distant familial connections to the urban ghetto and it felt trendy at the time. The violence of that lifestyle was something I put on a pedestal, and I was a phony who used it as a defense mechanism. I'm deeply ashamed of this period in my life.

I began to notice that people were seeming to self segregate themselves and advocate for their own race/religion except white people rarely did this. I began to do a lot of personal research into what makes things this way. At some point, I came under the sway of white nationalism in my research. You might say that white nationalism is just another defense mechanism, but I would have to disagree. It's actually how I feel, and I don't want to hurt anybody feelings, but it's the truth. I fully believe white people are fractured, are in decline, are in danger, and are headed for extinction.

I'm not trying to garner support for white nationalism.

I'm just asking if any other INFJ has had a similar journey or feelings as they've grown up.

I know Adolf Hitler was supposedly an INFJ.

My insatiable desire to research the underlying reasoning behind things has led me to reject multiculturalism. This is difficult for me because to speak of it openly because of societal stigma.

I feel like on one hand, I can't pretend to appreciate multiculturalism. I have a deep desire to end it, but it seems like an unattainable goal. So deeper into my own head I must crawl and it's eating me up.
Perhaps you're so accustomed to being immersed in Western culture, that you don't notice it being alive and kicking.

After traveling to more eastern type places, it's always a good experience to come home again. Even the smallest thing, like making eye contact with a woman is soooo western.

I think that we might have difficulty integrating our Western traditions into present day life, but those things are easy to source and experience.

Racial diversity has never been something which contradicts Western culture, from the earliest days of the Roman Republic, the Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, and through to modern republics. (A couple of exceptions in recent history).

I think cultural diversity is a significant source of difficulty, because some ideological cultures are so averse to our western ways... and instead of adopting the motto "when in Rome, do as the Roman's do", the motto " as Atilla the Hun" applies.

* Try not to get banned *
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No, I am nothing like you at all, my journey has been the opposite to yours. My journey has been towards diversity, acceptance and harmony. What you are describing isn't harmony, it's the opposite of harmony.

The idea of a white race is sheer nonsense to me. I have no idea how it can be possible to define such a race or its limits.

I am not able to conceive of the value of preserving whiteness. I see this as "fear of miscegenation" and it fills me with emotions of revulsion.

I think that a better time in history is an illusion. There were always dreadfully poor and disenfranchised white people. There were also black people in slavery. An organisation of society that is supported by slavery is not worth preserving. The cost soils everything.

Art made by white people is flourishing like at no time before in history, with more people making more different types of art than ever before. This rich variety is because of intellectual openness to diversity. It is not because of some static white exclusivity.

To me you appear to be deeply hate filled and embittered, and also fearful of the inherently chaotic nature of human existence.

I hope this gives you some insight into how another INFJ experiences life.
I feel like there is a possibility that INFJ types may be predisposed to ethno-nationalism and I was curious if anybody else ever felt this way. In my case, I speak of a deep concern for the future of the white race. Make no mistake about it, I have low tolerance for other groups and it's more than just skin color, it's from the behavioral patterns, and it is irreconcilable at this point.

I've always struggled with feeling like a part of our society and have wanted a more harmonious society for my own benefit but equally for others who have been disenfranchised or hurt by the effects of multiculturalism. I do this not as a person who wants to harm others, but as a person who wants to protect myself and others who are similarly situated.

I was fed a steady diet of multicultural indoctrination growing up, and even modeled my personal style to a mild degree with inner city black rap/hood culture because I had some distant familial connections to the urban ghetto and it felt trendy at the time. The violence of that lifestyle was something I put on a pedestal, and I was a phony who used it as a defense mechanism. I'm deeply ashamed of this period in my life.

I began to notice that people were seeming to self segregate themselves and advocate for their own race/religion except white people rarely did this. I began to do a lot of personal research into what makes things this way. At some point, I came under the sway of white nationalism in my research. You might say that white nationalism is just another defense mechanism, but I would have to disagree. It's actually how I feel, and I don't want to hurt anybody feelings, but it's the truth. I fully believe white people are fractured, are in decline, are in danger, and are headed for extinction.

I'm not trying to garner support for white nationalism.

I'm just asking if any other INFJ has had a similar journey or feelings as they've grown up.

I know Adolf Hitler was supposedly an INFJ.

My insatiable desire to research the underlying reasoning behind things has led me to reject multiculturalism. This is difficult for me because to speak of it openly because of societal stigma.

I feel like on one hand, I can't pretend to appreciate multiculturalism. I have a deep desire to end it, but it seems like an unattainable goal. So deeper into my own head I must crawl and it's eating me up.
I always thought the common thread between INFJs was a desire for inclusiveness, promoting peace, and accepting the underdog. I think you are espousing racism which isn't going to go over well here. Maybe that is just how the generational pendulum swings though.
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I apologize. It was an irresponsible post and obviously I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could delete my account and excuse myself from the scorn I've invited upon myself. Can anybody help me delete my account or thread?
I always thought the common thread between INFJs was a desire for inclusiveness, promoting peace, and accepting the underdog. I think you are espousing racism which isn't going to go over well here. Maybe that is just how the generational pendulum swings though.
Inclusiveness in respect of a very narrow spectrum of views.
I apologize. It was an irresponsible post and obviously I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could delete my account and excuse myself from the scorn I've invited upon myself. Can anybody help me delete my account or thread?
Is deleting really necessary?

I think a broader range of views always makes things better in discussions... perhaps not in applied policies, but certainly at the conceptual level.
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I think I erred in saying INFJ, I've been watching videos all night, now I"m certain I'm INFP
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Like @Cherryhead is promoting peace by eradicating all non-whites? I don't think that would work.
Nor does trying to eradicate views one doesn't agree with.

I think the best path is to bring views into moderation by identifying and addressing the elements which can be constructively addressed.
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I never said I wanted to commit genocide or any other violent act against non-white people. You are putting words in my mouth. Rescinding certain legislation, deporting illegal immigrants, or stopping immigration all together wouldn't be a violent act. Obviously you are offended, which is weird because I'm just a random dude on a keyboard you'll never know or meet. Someone entirely powerless to change anything.

This isn't the direction I wanted the thread to go, but it is my own foolishness because I should have foreseen this result.

I just wanted to reiterate that if somebody would please help me contact a moderator I'd appreciate it. I want to delete my account and this thread. Please.
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I never said I wanted to commit genocide or any other violent act against non-white people. You are putting words in my mouth. Rescinding certain legislation, deporting illegal immigrants, or stopping immigration all together wouldn't be a violent act. Obviously you are offended, which is weird because I'm just a random dude on a keyboard you'll never know or meet. Someone entirely powerless to change anything.

This isn't the direction I wanted the thread to go, but it is my own foolishness because I should have foreseen this result.

I just wanted to reiterate that if somebody would please help me contact a moderator I'd appreciate it. I want to delete my account and this thread. Please.
I'm not offended, that's you projecting. Just clarify your post instead of giving up.
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I never said I wanted to commit genocide or any other violent act against non-white people. You are putting words in my mouth. Rescinding certain legislation, deporting illegal immigrants, or stopping immigration all together wouldn't be a violent act. Obviously you are offended, which is weird because I'm just a random dude on a keyboard you'll never know or meet. Someone entirely powerless to change anything.

This isn't the direction I wanted the thread to go, but it is my own foolishness because I should have foreseen this result.

I just wanted to reiterate that if somebody would please help me contact a moderator I'd appreciate it. I want to delete my account and this thread. Please.
They don't delete accounts here. Did you really think such a controversial topic wouldn't garner any strong opposing opinions?

Maybe you should stick around. It is a very diverse group from all over the world. Maybe you will also learn something.
I never said I wanted to commit genocide or any other violent act against non-white people. You are putting words in my mouth. Rescinding certain legislation, deporting illegal immigrants, or stopping immigration all together wouldn't be a violent act. Obviously you are offended, which is weird because I'm just a random dude on a keyboard you'll never know or meet. Someone entirely powerless to change anything.

This isn't the direction I wanted the thread to go, but it is my own foolishness because I should have foreseen this result.

I just wanted to reiterate that if somebody would please help me contact a moderator I'd appreciate it. I want to delete my account and this thread. Please.
@Gale @Wyote
Can you help this new comer start afresh?

Done. Don't panic.
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I think that perhaps a lot of deference has been shown to minorities, while the assumption that mere majority status is in some way comforting to the white proportion of the population.

In reality, whenever deference is shown to some, everyone else can start to get the impression of being disrespected.

If there's going to be a black lobby, a hispanic lobby, a Japanese American lobby... surely a white lobby shouldn't automatically imply something vastly different from any other lobby.

I personally think it is better if issues are addressed in a non-racially specific manner: I don't think there should be ethnic lobbies, but instead there should be lobbies for particular issues only.
"White Patriarchy Lobby"

I shall be its president emperor.

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