INFJ inferior function


Town Drunkard
I recently read this passage in a Jungian Psychology book and it got me wondering about the INFJ inferior function.

"....the ego-Self axis and the symbolic life are encountered through the inferior function, the weakest portion of the personality. Only by awareness and acceptance of our weakness do we become conscious of something beyond the ego which supports us."
Edinger, Ego and Archetype pg 126

I know that some of us are well versed in mbti lingo and I was hoping to start a discussion about our inferior function, namely What exactly is it. I get conflicting information on this.

Also, once we agree on what it is, how does it allow unconscious content into our normal ego consciousness.

impulsive responses are encouraged!
Once I read impulsive reaction I felt a compulsory urge to react.

From the top of my mind... I think that going beyond your ego/inferior function requires a lot of critical introspection. Sometimes it's almost impossible to do on your own without affirmation from others.

But then again, couldn't you see your weakness in certain areas as a strength?

My inferior function would be Si, couldn't I see clinging to empirical evidence as a hindrance to future possibilities? Although it's safe to assume that going beyond ego probably means accepting it's existence and co-existing or something like that.

why do you ask for impulsive answers. Now I feel as if I might be very wrong on many things, being wrong is scary.
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Well, it's Se we can all agree on it.

As for how it comes around...

I told this story before. When I'm really really upset about something, when stress affects me - this is when least functions work - like going mad, I suddenly stop care about people, stop 'reading' them. In fact I don't give a damn about them, I'm cold, selfish, only give one-liners and even more reserved than usual. And the strange thing - and that's when Se comes around because all of this before was simply hysteria - is that at times like these I suddenly realize 'what's going on', I have a clearer picture of what *I* want, and exactly how to achieve it practically. In the real world. Using mainly Sensing - being aware of surroundings, noticing details, etc.

I don't know if you get the picture...

The main point is that least function (Se in our case) comes around when under great stress.
I know that when I'm really stressed I have a compulsion to immediately seek any kind of sensory stimulation that will provide instant gratification and do it to excess despite undesirable consequences. Overeating, binge drinking, smoking, overexercising, pornography (if I don't have a partner at the time.) I don't think that has anything to do with inferior Se though since so many people do this...Hhhmm. I know sometimes too that I get overwhelmed really easily by too much sensory stimulation if there's too much going on around me...Like I can't process it anymore and feel like I'm losing my mind and need to go sit in a white room with nothing in it in order to calm down lol. Must think about this some more...
Well, it's Se we can all agree on it.

As for how it comes around...

I told this story before. When I'm really really upset about something, when stress affects me - this is when least functions work - like going mad, I suddenly stop care about people, stop 'reading' them. In fact I don't give a damn about them, I'm cold, selfish, only give one-liners and even more reserved than usual. And the strange thing - and that's when Se comes around because all of this before was simply hysteria - is that at times like these I suddenly realize 'what's going on', I have a clearer picture of what *I* want, and exactly how to achieve it practically. In the real world. Using mainly Sensing - being aware of surroundings, noticing details, etc.

I don't know if you get the picture...

The main point is that least function (Se in our case) comes around when under great stress.

I know very little about inferior function outside of the typical MBTI ordering and association--which would indicate Se as the inferior function for an infj. I was curious what your conflicting information might have been.

I found this on the wikipedia page on Jungian cognitive functions:

There is a difference between Jung and the MBTI regarding the designation of "inferior" function. While the MBTI clearly designates only the fourth function as the inferior, Jung uses a more flexible definition. "As a consequence of this one-sided development, one or more functions are necessarily retarded. These functions may properly be called inferior ..." (Jung, [1921] 1971: Def. Inferior Function, par. 763).

Do you know, in the Jungian idea, is there any definitive pattern based on psychological type as to what the inferior(s) functions would be? If not definitive, is there a typical pattern? How would that pattern correlate with the MBTI idea?

As to how it allows the unconscious in, I guess the quote contains one perspective. The inferior function(s) are the weakest point of the personality. They are the point at which the ego defenses are lowest and so the most likely point for an outside influence to find audience. Or at least that's how I would interpret that quote.

The last part of the quote is what is most intriguing to me. It is through something that feels threatening to our sense of self, that ultimately we find something that supports us.

I'll just say, I hope I can stop freaking out at the invasion long enough to see that benefit. :)
"....the ego-Self axis and the symbolic life are encountered through the inferior function, the weakest portion of the personality. Only by awareness and acceptance of our weakness do we become conscious of something beyond the ego which supports us."
Edinger, Ego and Archetype pg 126
Interesting quote. Reminds me of something I heard the other day regarding Jungian perspective on mid life. I am not very knowledgeable about MBTI or the theory regarding functions. But I would guess that Atticus and Tovlo are right. Yet I think my Se has gotten much better. Maybe that's because of my age. Or maybe I'm delusional.
[MENTION=1939]Dave[/MENTION]; In this quote what is meant by the symbolic life? Is the author referring to some aspect of the Personal Unconscious and/or the Collective Unconscious?
When I'm really really upset about something, when stress affects me - this is when least functions work - like going mad, I suddenly stop care about people, stop 'reading' them. In fact I don't give a damn about them, I'm cold, selfish, only give one-liners and even more reserved than usual. And the strange thing - and that's when Se comes around because all of this before was simply hysteria - is that at times like these I suddenly realize 'what's going on', I have a clearer picture of what *I* want, and exactly how to achieve it practically. In the real world. Using mainly Sensing - being aware of surroundings, noticing details, etc.
+ 38.56
I know exactly how you feel.
"encountered through the inferior function" If we take as a given that for intuitive introverts, the "retarded function" (i can't resist saying "retarded") is sensation, or even extroverted sensation, and we also accept that the majority of unconscious content, that content from the unconscious that seeks a degree of consciousness or acceptance from the ego-consciousness, then we would be looking at manifestations of "complexes" as the complexes are splinter, semi-autonomous personalities tethered to archetypes (primal symbols) and laden with emotion.

The ego resists and represses the content of the complex which makes the complex more powerful when it manifests.

In my own experience, I have had many stressful incidents where I am maniacally sorting or searching through paper or data or even attempting to access memories to support arguments. My manner becomes authoritative but in my head I am reeling, verging on loosing control, the data I am trying to sort begins to loose meaning. ( I feel like a total retard)
Do you know, in the Jungian idea, is there any definitive pattern based on psychological type as to what the inferior(s) functions would be? If not definitive, is there a typical pattern? How would that pattern correlate with the MBTI idea?


For INFJs the dominant function is the feeling function, this enables close connections with other humans,
but many of us, especially the men, have been exposed to "invitations" from society to repress our feeling functions.

Also a common thread among us is social anxiety, to my mind this indicates a strong inferior function, that of extroversion. I would posit, given the amount of space that is devoted to social anxiety on these forums, that a lot of us are experiencing intense contact with unconscious symbols during these anxious moment.

I often read on here were social anxiety results in an experience of "fragmentation" of consciousness. Which I take as a sure sign that something deeper is tying to break through. Could those of us who experience these things be tying to deal with the same "symbols" and can we, collectively, make stabs at giving it a clearer image?
In this quote what is meant by the symbolic life? Is the author referring to some aspect of the Personal Unconscious and/or the Collective Unconscious?

"The ego, while clearly separated from the archetypal psyche, ( the Self, the “symbol”) is open and receptive to the effects of symbolic imagery. A kind of Conscious dialogue between the ego and the emerging symbols becomes possible. The symbol is then able to perform its proper function as releaser and transformer of psychic energy with full participation of conscious understanding." Edinger Ego and Archetype pg 110

My understanding is that the "symbols" of the "symbolic life" come to the personal conscious/unconsciousness via (ultimately) the collective unconscious. The Self is described as the totality of consciousness/unconsciousness of the individual. And the Unconscious is described as a whacked out world where archetypes and shadow material are undifferentiated and opposites are entwined ('cats and dogs living together').
I often read on here were social anxiety results in an experience of "fragmentation" of consciousness. Which I take as a sure sign that something deeper is tying to break through. Could those of us who experience these things be tying to deal with the same "symbols" and can we, collectively, make stabs at giving it a clearer image?
"The ego, while clearly separated from the archetypal psyche, ( the Self, the
So if we had a clearer image of this symbol it may facilitate a conscious dialogue.

I am guessing that there are lots of "symbols" floating around in side of each of us. But given our commonality it makes sense that broad outlines could be sketched out

For instance, I find it very hard to explain what I am doing while I am doing it. And then I get self conscious because I feel it is expected that I can do it flawlessly.
Okay, I can sketch with words. Sometimes I crave the level empathy I try to extend to others.
If you want a clear break down of how inf functions work have a look into Naomi Quenk's book Was That Really Me?: How Everyday Stress Brings Out Our Hidden Personality, it's worth the read. I have some stuff I can link in for ya'll but not on this computer. Will do it later if I remember.
If you want a clear break down of how inf functions work have a look into Naomi Quenk's book Was That Really Me?: How Everyday Stress Brings Out Our Hidden Personality, it's worth the read. I have some stuff I can link in for ya'll but not on this computer. Will do it later if I remember.

links pertaining to inferior or retarded functions would be helpful

......... Sometimes I crave the level empathy I try to extend to others.....................

"crave"------->need..................."the level"------>the amount......................."extend"-------->give
"crave"------->want..................."the level"------>a preordained increment....."extend"-------->encompass
"crave"------->lust....................."the level------>the limit ............................"extend"-------->sacrifice
"crave"------->nourishment........."the level"------>equal ..............................."extend"-------->amputate(ok a little dark)
Here Se is highly functional as far as being logically rigorous.

............ When I'm really really upset about something, when stress affects me ............ like going mad, I suddenly stop care(ing) about people, stop 'reading' them. In fact I don't give a damn about them, I'm cold, selfish, only give one-liners ....................before was simply hysteria -.........I suddenly realize 'what's going on', I have a clearer picture of what *I* want, and exactly how to achieve it practically. In the real world. Using mainly Sensing - being aware of surroundings, noticing details, etc.

this is super villain cool
Well, it's Se we can all agree on it.

As for how it comes around...

I told this story before. When I'm really really upset about something, when stress affects me - this is when least functions work - like going mad, I suddenly stop care about people, stop 'reading' them. In fact I don't give a damn about them, I'm cold, selfish, only give one-liners and even more reserved than usual. And the strange thing - and that's when Se comes around because all of this before was simply hysteria - is that at times like these I suddenly realize 'what's going on', I have a clearer picture of what *I* want, and exactly how to achieve it practically. In the real world. Using mainly Sensing - being aware of surroundings, noticing details, etc.

I don't know if you get the picture...

The main point is that least function (Se in our case) comes around when under great stress.

Okay, I can sketch with words. Sometimes I crave the level empathy I try to extend to others.

Just me, or does ENFJ interacting with an INFJ tend to bring this out, and an INFJ bring out inferior Ti in us. I mean, like we're talking, and trying to understand, and relate to the other, but can't all the way, and our inferior comes out, and eventually causes conflict. I mean I can see I other situations, starting out negative, but I mean when, they start out non confronting. The interaction, meaning both people, are coming in non confronting.
Se Sensation....been giving this some attention during meditation. Coming to position that the introverted intuitive is at a distinct disadvantage in attaining higher states of consciousness due to the obsessively drawing all sense impulses into the interior and then twisting them around .

Se....demands the ego simply let go and let it be