Indigo's Type Has Come Into Question Again

What do you think Indigo's type is? (please do not vote until reading thread).

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dude, relax! it's only a personality theory, it doesn't really matter anyway. honestly i think you're thinking way too much about it. just be yourself, regardless of type, or better yet, dictate your own type! :)
oy vey

Soulful, I read the links about INFJ and ISFJ's that you posted. I definitely align with INFJ more. However, I noticed that the decription seemed to paitronize INFJs and seemed to demonize ISFJ's in a way, so it seemed a little bais. Still, there are aspects of ISFJ's that I do align with. I do enjoy doing the same thing every day. If I don't have a regimented, planned, ordered scedule of things to do, I go nuts. God forbid anyone tries to change it. This shows that my Si is not false; it is still a strong presence in me.

I guess I am still INFJ, but as many of you know, I perpetually set the bar higher for myself. I am constantly redefining and refining the things that I learn, and this is just another step in the process. I might make a video this weekend to "talk stuff out" as it might be easier. All of you do give very valid points at explaining. I think what it comes down to is maybe I am expecting too much out of my Ni now. The bar could be set too high. I really just want to understand why the things that don't fit, dont fit.

Ok, now I have to say this: Goddamnit you all shot me down... bah. So many people tell me to "calm down" in respect to many different things. Slant's right, I can't. This is so much easier said then done. If I try to my brain will for ever say "this isn't good enough! fix it!", and it will eat at me until I do. While yes, I will accept that I am INFJ, this still isn't good enough, and I will be thinking and processing why the descrpencies that I have in place are there. The fact of the matter is, I am different from most of the INFJ's here, that is saying something right there. I need to know why, and understand it. My Si and Te are certainly playing a role in this, and I am going figure out why, and how. Si has indeed been with me since I was little, Te formed when I was a teenager. They have since become a big part of my personality.
I have yet to see two of the same type INFJs on here, Indy. :D Each one has a different vibe, albeit minuscule, because we're all individuals. There's no way you'll find the exact same two types of any type on here. There is a "vibe" however, and to me you fit the overall picture of an INFJ.

Will you get an exact answer? Sadly, I don't think you will. The question is: Can you live with that?
i believe that you are an INFJ... i voted likewise.
You seem totally like and INFJ to me, more of a Feeler rather than a Sensor. Besides the MBTI is a tool, not a cookie cutter model. It is supposeed to help you discover yourself, not define you. And so what if you have well developed sensing abilities? You can still be an INFJ and have extremely well devolped sensing side. And i don't think your cognitive functions at one point in time should really reframe your type. (IMO) Granted your cognitive proccesses are going to change and fluxtuate at time, but i think that for the most part you generally stay the same type.

And, just keep in mind that Carl Jung said himself "Every person is an exception to the rule." (I don't think trying to fit your tendencies and personality in a well-defined box (as you said earlier) is not always the most accurate way to go either...

Wishing you All the best :)
I will accept that I am INFJ, this still isn't good enough, and I will be thinking and processing why the descrpencies that I have in place are there. The fact of the matter is, I am different from most of the INFJ's here, that is saying something right there. I need to know why, and understand it. My Si and Te are certainly playing a role in this, and I am going figure out why, and how. Si has indeed been with me since I was little, Te formed when I was a teenager. They have since become a big part of my personality.

Want to know why you're not exactly like the other INFJs? Simple. Every individual is an exception to the rule. Personality types are generalizations that cover a band of similarities, not definitions that encompass a personality. Your personal cognitive function development, use, and preferences are your own, as are all the other additions to your personality that have nothing to do with cognition.

You are Ni dominant. There is no doubt about this. This means the best fit types for you are going to be INFJ and INTJ. Which of these you are more of is obvious. You feel (Fe) that you need things to line up on a micro scale (Ti) more than you see how all of this relates (Te) and accept that you simply are what you are (Fi). You're an INFJ.

Finally, get this through your Fe... you're not understanding Si correctly. You have more Te than you have Si, by a longshot. You're confusing your Ni memory, Fe need for things to be the way you feel they should, and your Ti focus on the details with Si. Your self opinion looks like Si, but it's not. You've said yourself on many occasions that monontonous menial tasks make you nuts. Si users have the opposite reaction to them. You have some Si like qualities due to the nature of how your Ni, Fe, and Ti are cooperating. I had an incredible memory as a kid, and still have a fairly good one, but I can assure you that my preferences for Si are pathetic.

You, as an individual will always be much greater than the sum of the description of how the INFJ function preferences generally interact. INFJ fits you, not the other way around. Your mind is not a machine, computer, or chemical compound. The human mind is fluid, adaptive, and a highly complex reactive system. For all intents, it is a liquid. You can define the mass and temperature of a liquid, but you'll never define the shape of a liquid. We've defined the mass and temperature of your mind. Stop trying to define the shape, or even expecting it to fit a mold. Liquids don't do that.
The fact of the matter is, I am different from most of the INFJ's here, that is saying something right there. I need to know why, and understand it.

This video may help you:

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I think it's interesting that you call yourself Indigo 'sensor', and maybe naming yourself in this way is leading you towards considering yourself as an S, rather than an F. Kind of like, what we focus on, we become. etc. etc., or perhaps I'm talking rubbish, which wouldn't be unusual. I think you're INFJ though, or possibly INTJ, but I'm nowhere near as clued up on MBTI as you are yourself.