I'm so tired of taking MBTI tests...


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The first one I took told me I was an INTJ. Then I took another. And other. Then I got INTP. And I took another. I got INTJ again. I joined the INTJf but didn't really post much; when I'm having down time on the computer I don't really feel like getting into heated debates. Or hearing about their virginity (No offence, but they do talk about that a lot). I took other MBTI tests, getting INFJ (which brought me here) and other results I can't remember. I just took a test which gave me ENTJ. I'm really confused righ now.

So I thought I would ask you friendly lot. I know 100% that I am an N and a J, but when it comes to extrovert, introvert, thinking and feeling I get stuck.

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You know what? Sometimes the easiest road to take is...the one you don't take. Lol! I'm not trying to be overly flip here. But have you considered just accepting that you're in transition and to quit worrying where you fit, for now? Sometimes the answer will come to us when we least expect it. 'Course this is solid Ni talking now...but worrying about something doesn't do much but make you more tired like a hamster on a wheel. Give yourself time to accept that you're in transition.

Or, if you really want to explore, I suggest going on the best fit type website: http://www.bestfittype.com/ and start eliminating what doesn't sound like you. You'll probably find four types that might be like you, and then you can read up on the processes that make that type. Mind you, some of your processes might be working overtime and taking over if you've been under stress.

Best way to take the MBTI test is when you're relaxed and feeling most like yourself.
With xNxJ, you could be either ENTJ, ENFJ, INTJ, or INFJ. Are you familiar with any of those descriptions? If you're an INFJ, you'd probably be able to tell from reading some of the posts here. You could also try putting yourself into either the NT or NF temperament to cut it down to just two types left. NTs are stereotypically known for their abstract logic and their practicalness (if that's a word =P). NFs are stereotypically known for their empathy and creativity.
What if some people are not one specific type?

I don't think I am exactly INFP. I flirt with INTP and INTJ.
Don't try to type yourselves folks. You're beautiful the way you are. I'm me and you are you. We are all one.
What if some people are not one specific type?

I don't think I am exactly INFP. I flirt with INTP and INTJ.

I believe that MBTI works for everyone. However, the degree to which it works is very varied.
Spend less time trying to pigeon-hole who you are into one of those labels, and more time figuring out who you are. Then you'll figure out on your own accord which ones seems to be you.

I know without questionable doubt that I'm on the extreme spectrum of the INFJ personality type. 20 years of personal self analysing will do that.
What if some people are not one specific type?

That is what I am wondering. It annoys me though because I must pigeon hole myself so I know who I am. Maybe it is because I don't know my father so I am trying to find the other half of me.

Sorry, for taking so long to respond. I was busy lurking other topics. Thank you all for the advice.
INFJ's usually have trouble typing themselves..

I once thought I was an ENTP, ENFJ, INFP, INTP, and INTJ all in the same week.

After carefully reading all the type descriptions and their functions, the one that seemed most like how my mind functioned was closest to an INFJ (perhaps with a bit more thinking involved)

I noticed any time I tried to think introvertly(Ti) about something, I seemed detatched although not completely, this drove me to believe that maybe it was my third process. It is usually easy for me to feel how someone else is feeling, perhaps a sign of extraverted feeling, and even easier to see how they can better themselves (combination of Fe and Ni?)

Someone correct me if this sounds false.
What if some people are not one specific type?

From what I understand, the reason why, in theory, every person has a type is because every person perceives the world in one way, and then has to interpret that data somehow - S/N and T/F respectively. Without a perception of the world, and an interpretation of it, how could you function as a human being?

Everyone sees the world in some way and makes a judgment about it subconsciously. So the questions to ask oneself is; how do I see the world, and how do I judge it?

I know 100% that I am an N and a J, but when it comes to extrovert, introvert, thinking and feeling I get stuck.

If we assume that you are truly ?N?J, then that would mean either your primary or auxiliary function is definitely Ni. This means we now know your perceiving function. Now the second step is finding the judging function.

From what I understand, one of the two, either the primary or auxiliary, has to be extroverted. Since Ni is introverted, that means the other has to be extroverted - either Te or Fe.

Hm, maybe the links below could help you determine which function you use?

Te: http://cognitiveprocesses.com/extravertedthinking.html
Fe: http://cognitiveprocesses.com/extravertedfeeling.html

Which one of these two sound more like you?
If you manage to decide on one of these, then that would narrow your search down to two types.


Whether you're introverted or extroverted depends on which of the two is the primary and the auxiliary. The orientation (I/E) of the primary will always be the orientation of your entire type.
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well, the best advice I can give you is: don't trust MBTI tests. I never *ever* got INFJ on those tests (geez, I even got ISTP once) and I knew those types didn't really fit me, so I looked for all of the descriptions and found out that I was an INFJ :D
Just go with what your gut tells you, it's really not that important anyway.
It ain't workin for me. The only thing that stays constant is the IN
Same here sister! I've been doing this INFJ INTP tango for a little bit. I'm starting to think I might be a intp though. Mostly I don't care anymore though. I feel my interest waning.
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That is what I am wondering. It annoys me though because I must pigeon hole myself so I know who I am. Maybe it is because I don't know my father so I am trying to find the other half of me.

Sorry, for taking so long to respond. I was busy lurking other topics. Thank you all for the advice.
I know what you mean. A part of me would like to be able to "pigeon hole" myself because it's comforting. Yet I get bored when I'm comfortable.
Fiona Apple once sang:
But I'm good at being uncomfortable, so I can't stop changing all the time

I'm interested in knowing why certain people don't fit into a type.
I'm too tired of trying to decide. I've read hundreds of websites and I don't really care know anymore. Thank you guys so much for the input- it helps :)
If anyone wants to give it a go and figure out what I am for fun, I would much appreciate it. Here's some info if you want it:

I have empathy, but I'm not very compassionate.
When in groups, I need to take charge. If someone is doing a bad job, I do it for them simply because I don't want to look bad and have lack of efficiency.
I'm a perfectionist. I need to be best at everything I try.
I'm very sensitive, and get hurt easily.
I have low self esteem.
When under stress I cry.
I don't like compliments. I tend to think they are lying.
I would be in politics if it wasn't for my lack of concern for the human race.
I tend to be indecisive, and ask many people what to do.
I think way too much about things, especially conversations I had with people.
I get depressed when I have not socialized for a while.
I have lots of anxiety. I always imagine things like what if she gets hit by a car etc
Feel the majority of my friends dislike me and don't consider me their friends
Have no problem crying in front of people
I need to know things well in advance so I can prepare
I have no problems with constructive criticism, no matter how much it hurts.
I often hate when I make a spelling mistake/grammatical error even though I am dyslexic, but I am not bothering to check my spelling for this.

I just took a MBTI test on facebook, as accurate as it could be, and got ENFJ.