If you would write a book, would you use a pseudonym


defective wisdom
INFJ again
Maybe a silly question but in the way home from work I was fantasizing about writing a book and suddenly it stroke me ... I don't know if I could ever put my real name on the cover.

My life is very compartmental. Some people know just one part of me. Others know one or two, or have a sense of a third. Some may know I practice shiatsu, others may know I have written a book. Some people know my name but not my deepest thoughts. Others know my deepest thoughts but never will see my face. I can't stand the idea that people would know all there is to know about me. I think it make me feel vulnerable...

How much do you fragment your life? Would you put your real name on the cover of your book?
I did write a book, and I am definitely going to use a pseudonym when i publish!

Its for a silly reason, its because my real name does not have a nice enough ring to it. Also because i would like a little anonymity.
I did write a book, and I am definitely going to use a pseudonym when i publish!

Its for a silly reason, its because my real name does not have a nice enough ring to it. Also because i would like a little anonymity.

why do you like the anonymity? Whouldn't you just love that someone one day would say to you "wait, aren't you the one who wrote the book ...? Thank you it changed my life!" ?
With all the people I would slander.. I would have no choice.
The libel suits would be clogging up the courts for years .
I kinda like the sound of "Christmas Jones" (sounds like a skripper name).

Okay, it is serious time now. Yeah, if I wrote about something scandalous in a book I probably wouldn't want my name associated with it.
In all honesty, I'd kind of like to develop a pseudonym in general for my work. If in the unlikely event that it ends up gaining some level during my life where people take a strong interest, I'd enjoy being able to not deal with hassle of fame. Renown from behind the curtain is more my style.
Wouldn't consider using a pseudonym. Maybe if I was already a well known author I'd publish randomly under different pseudonyms, just as a game though.

I kinda like the sound of "Christmas Jones"
Wasn't that a character in a Bond movie?
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why do you like the anonymity? Wouldn't you just love that someone one day would say to you "wait, aren't you the one who wrote the book ...? Thank you it changed my life!" ?
I would still get the facial recognition, and those close to me would know my pen name. I like anonymity because Its who I am...I have a hard time accepting complements, so I would have a hard time with recognition too. I would just like to keep that part of my life separate. there is also the possibility of embarrassment, and ect.
Wouldn't consider using a pseudonym. Maybe if I was already a well known author I'd publish randomly under different pseudonyms, just as a game though.

Wasn't that a character in a Bond movie?

LOL! I think I remember that one! "I thought Christmas comes only once a year!"
I would most definitely use a pseudonym. Don't want that kind of public recognition and attention.
The student intern from my English 12 class back in high school wrote under a pseudonym. It was actually extremely entertaining, when we had a writing piece due analyzing a piece of his. He revealed after the assignment that the author was his pseudonym, and I laughed a bit. It was great seeing the shocked appearances around me. I was flat out excited by the concept.
How much do you fragment your life?

As little as possible, but still quite a lot, I guess. I mean, a different amount of intimacy with each person means a fragmentation between and among all of them with my person.

Would you put your real name on the cover of your book?

