I don't usually get ANGRY, but...%#@%&*#


Usually I am very even tempered...nothing gets to me deeply. If something goes wrong, I just look at it as a problem to be solved, take action and get things handled.

Today I found out about a situation where I basically will be denied medical coverage because of the falsification of documents by my soon-to-be ex H. I already called my attorney and they don't think I can do anything, but I am LIVID that he would do this to me!!!

I can't believe I ever married him.

So, now I am incredibly ANGRY! I am calling him names in my head, but I won't call them to his face. I'll calmly try to find out why he did what he did and then tell him to FIX IT!!!!

Help me, here. Tell me you've gone through similar things and didn't end up physically hurting the other person.

Help. Talk me through this. I'm blinded by rage.

Honey, revenge is a dish best served cold.

Other than that, he'll get his. Karma is a bitch. You might not be there to witness it first hand, but the karmic backlash is gonna come back around and smack him.....and working in accordance with Murphy's Law, it's gonna hit him at the exact worst moment in his life!

If ya need proof of that...when I was preggers with my last kiddo and my hubby was in Iraq. My father in law came out to 'visit'...and created a whole bunch of drama. Well, on the way back to AZ after causing me all kinds of headaches, his house was broken into and his gun collection stolen....probably over 100K of collector and regular pistols, rifles, shotguns, handguns gone!

Payback is a bitch.
You should write him a letter on the "dear so and so" thread. get it out of your system
Karma is not real. The only revenge is the revenge you take yourself.

John Howard didn't get his, George W still isn't dead.
Can't wait to read it.

Yes George Bush is alive and well, he's very rich and probably had the time of his life f***ing the world up. Karma is a lie
That's a hard situation to be in. I can't imagine how furious you are feeling. I just wanted to say that I hope everything works out for the best. Even in the crappiest of situations, somehow, things usually do.

The "dear so and so" thread sounds cathartic!!
Can't wait to read it.

Yes George Bush is alive and well, he's very rich and probably had the time of his life f***ing the world up. Karma is a lie

Throwing my riches in.. (forget 2 cents!)

Maybe. Maybe not.

Is it only a lie because it's being applied to a narrow frame of reference? Who says it's had to kick-in by now?

Not saying it should. (I'm not condoning his actions, I just don't like to wish harm upon people.)

Besides, how can we really judge the state of someone else's experience? I mean, really..
Throwing my riches in.. (forget 2 cents!)

Maybe. Maybe not.

Is it only a lie because it's being applied to a narrow frame of reference? Who says it's had to kick-in by now?

Not saying it should. (I'm not condoning his actions, I just don't like to wish harm upon people.)

Besides, how can we really judge the state of someone else's experience? I mean, really..

It was actually meant as a joke. Not proof of karma not existing. I don't think it does though. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people and vice versa. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it based on a persons moral code. You can make your own luck, but you still have to contend with random events.

In relation to your "judge the state of someone elses experience" comment. could you clarify whether or not you are referring to me saying George Bush probably had the time of his life. I have clarification if so
I played the game with my x. Except I won in the end. I am not going to tell you what to do. I will only leave you with a thought. If you blame yourself for his actions and put yourself in a defenseless state you will always feel like you are being used. Turning the tables at a time when it helps you to get ahead can be much sweeter than just lashing out in anger. I know being vindictive is wrong although at times it is all I had left as an option to keep my foe from taking me down. I agree with shai the only real karma is what you make for yourself. And if he wants to get dirty let him. Just make sure the trap is set so the mouse eats the cheese. Then you can strike..
It was actually meant as a joke. Not proof of karma not existing. I don't think it does though. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people and vice versa. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it based on a persons moral code. You can make your own luck, but you still have to contend with random events.

In relation to your "judge the state of someone elses experience" comment. could you clarify whether or not you are referring to me saying George Bush probably had the time of his life. I have clarification if so

:doh: I have a challenged sense of humour...

I do believe in karma, and the way I understand it is that life is like "lesson school". A large living classroom through which we gain experience and grow. The purpose of life is to grow, and we grow through countless lifetimes (so we reincarnate). Karma is an energy relationship (everything is composed of energy right). So rather than act as a means of punishment and reward (as it is so often considered/defined), it's a means of energy balance. And by balance, I mean balance of growth for Humans (other beings?), which occurs between lifetimes.

I like this definition of karma:

"The definition of karma: Karma is the energy of incompletion. It begs to be solved, and drives a Human being to behave a certain way, live in a certain place, and meet other specific Humans for resolution. It was created and worked in an older Earth energy as a way to move the energy of the planet vibrationally one way or the other as humanity worked the karma with total free choice." - Kryon/Lee Carroll

*"older Earth energy" is a reference to the changes that have taken place on Earth, within humans, and humanity in the recent past, which is another, separate topic.

I hope that sheds some insight, and maybe another perspective from "bad/good karma" :)

What I meant by "judge the state.." was in response to GB having the time of his life while screwing with the world. Is this what you were referring to? Either way, do share, I'm interested! But basically what I meant was that because experience is so personal and subjective - its value to that person can only accurately be known by that person. All other stipulations from other people about how that experience is for someone else can only ever be stipulations, because we're all such snowflakes (ie. unique). I know this is such a basic argument..
:doh: I have a challenged sense of humour...

I do believe in karma, and the way I understand it is that life is like "lesson school". A large living classroom through which we gain experience and grow. The purpose of life is to grow, and we grow through countless lifetimes (so we reincarnate). Karma is an energy relationship (everything is composed of energy right). So rather than act as a means of punishment and reward (as it is so often considered/defined), it's a means of energy balance. And by balance, I mean balance of growth for Humans (other beings?), which occurs between lifetimes.

I like this definition of karma:

"The definition of karma: Karma is the energy of incompletion. It begs to be solved, and drives a Human being to behave a certain way, live in a certain place, and meet other specific Humans for resolution. It was created and worked in an older Earth energy as a way to move the energy of the planet vibrationally one way or the other as humanity worked the karma with total free choice." - Kryon/Lee Carroll

*"older Earth energy" is a reference to the changes that have taken place on Earth, within humans, and humanity in the recent past, which is another, separate topic.

I hope that sheds some insight, and maybe another perspective from "bad/good karma" :)

What I meant by "judge the state.." was in response to GB having the time of his life while screwing with the world. Is this what you were referring to? Either way, do share, I'm interested! But basically what I meant was that because experience is so personal and subjective - its value to that person can only accurately be known by that person. All other stipulations from other people about how that experience is for someone else can only ever be stipulations, because we're all such snowflakes (ie. unique). I know this is such a basic argument..

I have seen no evidence whatsoever that even begins to suggest that Karma exists. It is a nice thought but it is clearly not true. I don't think I need to elaborate any further on this. Perhaps you could explain what makes you think karma exists

It is clear to me that George Bush is narcissistic. I have a comprehensive understanding of this personality disorder as one of my brothers is an extreme narcissist and I have learned all I can of it to help me cope with him (he is terrified of me now). Everytime I see George Bush he re affirms my suspicion. A narcissists wet dream goes thus: To be the most powerful person in the world, convince everyone your lies are truth in order for you to be able to behave how you want, to attack people who have no hope of being able to attack you back. George Bush has clearly done these things.
I have seen no evidence whatsoever that even begins to suggest that Karma exists. It is a nice thought but it is clearly not true. I don't think I need to elaborate any further on this. Perhaps you could explain what makes you think karma exists

It is clear to me that George Bush is narcissistic. I have a comprehensive understanding of this personality disorder as one of my brothers is an extreme narcissist and I have learned all I can of it to help me cope with him (he is terrified of me now). Everytime I see George Bush he re affirms my suspicion. A narcissists wet dream goes thus: To be the most powerful person in the world, convince everyone your lies are truth in order for you to be able to behave how you want, to attack people who have no hope of being able to attack you back. George Bush has clearly done these things.

Why does karma exist.. Okay, my reason is really not an argument, it has no backbone (rationally/logically-speaking). But I just believe it does. It makes sense to me internally on a level beyond logic. And maybe I believe it because it's something that makes me feel good/better and that I want to believe in. That's true.

Shrugs.. you know, I don't like it when people use their beliefs as logic/justification for something, because if they are speaking with someone who doesn't share those beliefs then that argument is really null. So I'm not arguing that it DOES, or that it has to for you. I just wanted to explain how I understand karma.

As for GB, from where I stand with my thoughts on karma, I think our perspective is so limited that it's not possible to decide that karma has or hasn't bitten him in the ass (as we may think it should - and ultimately, that's only an opinion, not a truth). But if it can't be decided whether he's had his share of karma or not, then it can't follow that karma doesn't exist because we haven't seen him get his share, so to speak. We're only looking at it from where we stand. And in saying that, I'm only saying it from my perspective of our perspectives. And yes, he may very well be a narcissist. I know very little about narcissism and GB.

It must be difficult having an extremely narcissistic family member. I hope it's not too personal to ask about, please ignore my questions if it is, but what has that been like? And why is your brother terrified of you?
Regarding Karma. You should read one of the quotes on Shai Gar's signature. It goes:

Originally Posted by Satya
The biggest mistake that religious people make is that they believe certainty in their faith is proof of its correctness.

Regarding George Bush. If Karma does exist it couldn't possibly have took it's due from GB. No one man could be punished enough for what he has done. Even if he spends the rest of his life in agonising pain it won't even come close to evening out. Therefore Karma cannot exist.

My brother is a royal pain in the ass. He has been intensley jealous of me my entire life and has sought to eradicate me from existence. He tries to turn everyone I know against me and cannot stand to see me do well in anything. He fears me because I see him for who he truly is, and he knows it. I can predict his every word before he even thinks about saying it. He has several techniques that he uses to trick people into thinking he is always right (he hardly ever is). None of these techniques work on me. I calmly point out the flaws in his argument and his contradictions. He can ALWAYS be relied upon to contradict himself or twist the truth. Very important is that you show no emotion or even facial expressions when dealing with a narcissist. They feed off it. All he gets from me is a list of his failures and a complete lack Narcissistic Supply. This makes him get more and more frustrated, which in turn makes him say even more ridiculous things. I simply point those out to him too. He always loses when he challenges me, so he has stopped trying.
*the bolded stuff within the quote stuff is what I wrote in response..

Regarding Karma. You should read one of the quotes on Shai Gar's signature. It goes:

Originally Posted by Satya
The biggest mistake that religious people make is that they believe certainty in their faith is proof of its correctness.

Yes, I like that quote, I've seen it in Shai's signature. I thought I addressed the same point in my post, a few times...

Regarding George Bush. If Karma does exist it couldn't possibly have took it's due from GB. No one man could be punished enough for what he has done. Even if he spends the rest of his life in agonising pain it won't even come close to evening out. Therefore Karma cannot exist.

I see what you mean. I disagree, but I do see what you mean. Fair enough.

My brother is a royal pain in the ass. He has been intensley jealous of me my entire life and has sought to eradicate me from existence. He tries to turn everyone I know against me and cannot stand to see me do well in anything. He fears me because I see him for who he truly is, and he knows it. I can predict his every word before he even thinks about saying it. He has several techniques that he uses to trick people into thinking he is always right (he hardly ever is). None of these techniques work on me. I calmly point out the flaws in his argument and his contradictions. He can ALWAYS be relied upon to contradict himself or twist the truth. Very important is that you show no emotion or even facial expressions when dealing with a narcissist. They feed off it. All he gets from me is a list of his failures and a complete lack Narcissistic Supply. This makes him get more and more frustrated, which in turn makes him say even more ridiculous things. I simply point those out to him too. He always loses when he challenges me, so he has stopped trying.

That must be difficult for both of you. Though it sounds that you've found ways to cope with it quite well.
I am curious.. has your brother had counseling? Would counseling benefit someone with this personality disorder?
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The vast majority of narcissists don't seek help for their condition because by definition they don't think they need help. they think they are superior to everyone else (the least in need of help). Plus they would have to be honest to a counsillor. Something I can't imagine my brother being.

yes I know you mentioned something similar to the quote on Shai Gar's signature, but that raises the question: If you understand this point, why do you believe in karma anyway?
The vast majority of narcissists don't seek help for their condition because by definition they don't think they need help. they think they are superior to everyone else (the least in need of help). Plus they would have to be honest to a counsillor. Something I can't imagine my brother being.

yes I know you mentioned something similar to the quote on Shai Gar's signature, but that raises the question: If you understand this point, why do you believe in karma anyway?

Glad there is someone on here whome I can relate to on this. My dad is one which was found out during couples therapy with his wife, only to prove that she was a 'sick' one. In fact, he is the one with the problem which in fact makes perfect sense to me, and explains alot of his behaviours towards me.