[PUG] - Hypnoid - Moral Synthethesia - Absurd, but interesting results | INFJ Forum

[PUG] Hypnoid - Moral Synthethesia - Absurd, but interesting results


Jun 17, 2009
All right, so I discovered this psychological test this morning and I have to admit, I was a bit unsettled by it.

Okay, more than unsettled by it.

But for all its nonsense, it yielded some rather intriguing insights. I'm curious as to what the community's response to it might be, not just in terms of results, but the mechanisms behind the testing.

Warning: Play this test at lowered volume. Do not take the test if you're prone to seizures or otherwise highly sensitive to flashing lights.


What are your thoughts? Were you uncomfortable taking the test? Why? How do you think this test works?
okay. i am taking this test. DAFUQ?

i was very uncomfortable taking the test. i was surprised i finished it.

here's part of my diagnosis:

You are both demanding of others and willing to commit emotionally to a relationship. However an overdeveloped faculty of discernment will lead you to constantly find fault in others. Partially, this is driven by your need for reassurance and comfort, however there are also hidden insecurities that encourage you to criticize others. Despite a very particular nature, you will tend to avoid open conflict, which will innevitably create more trouble for you.
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Well now I am very curious about this. I am looking forward to going home and taking it.
You are following a path that has not lead to success but which you believe will eventually prevail. Frustration has expressed itself as anxiety even though you are still confident that your path forward is the right one. Often you will have unrealistic goals in life or for a relationship. You are stubborn in the face of adversity, which can be both positive and negative.

You are following a path that has not lead to success but which you believe will eventually prevail. Frustration has expressed itself as anxiety even though you are still confident that your path forward is the right one. Often you will have unrealistic goals in life or for a relationship. You are stubborn in the face of adversity, which can be both positive and negative.

Kind a bizarre test.
Just took it. I felt a strong attraction to it, not sure how to explain that.

I think the colours have different meanings, and that the "questions" either promotes or demotes these colours.

I liked the questions and statements/scenarios, yet sometimes the colours I sought after wasn't there.

Edit: are you supposed to answer directly, without overthinking, or are you supposed to reflect? perhaps that is up to the individual.
.. What? Which answer is morally correct? >: S

I actually clicked the wrong button on several questions, and even then the intended choice was somewhat random (which may, of course, be the point), but in any case the results didn't really go past Forer.

The "WARNING: [...] If you feel a [...] susceptibility to suggestion, please purchase this novel:" at the end was somewhat funny though.
My friend showed this to me the other day... kind of disquieting, but nonetheless entertaining. That said, my initial reaction is that it's probably the Barnum Effect at work here. I took the test once "honestly", and a second time selecting randomly without reading the prompts. Both "diagnoses" (lol) seemed to fit reasonably well. I get the impression that this test aligns itself with ubiquitous sources of anxiety and primes this concept with ambiguous, unsettling, and paranoid suggestions, subsequently discussing common anxiety-related issues in the results. I'd be interested to know how it actually works, though. I certainly couldn't find any reputable literature about it (surprise surprise). I like how it tries to appear more legit on the main page by liberally employing jargon and references to clinicians.
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I hate admitting it, but it's right.


This was a very weird test. Flashing things tend to incite anger in me, so I had to fight that, but the test was still very confusing to me. I like some of the color schemes and patterns, but would have preferred them to be static, or slow moving. I don't know how it works. My results:

You feel that you are not receiving the proper amount of respect or satisfaction from life and this is causing you to become ever more irritable. Sudden anger is likely and it will often be unrelated to the matter at hand. There is a feeling that your friends and lovers should be more sympathetic to your problems, which can leave you feeling that your emotions are backing up and causing long term unhappiness.

You are probably overworked or are under a large amount of stress.Your immediate needs are not being met and this is resulting in ever increasing distress. Unfortunately you feel that circumstances are such that you are unable to restore the harmony that once existed. Similarly, it appears to be a situation from which you feel there is no easy response and no simple escape.

Fits very well, FWIW.
Your Diagnosis

You are extreemly particular and demanding, especially in regard to a romantic partner. Although you are quite intelligent, there is an overdeveloped or over appreciated sense of discernment which can block the formation of strong emotional bonds. Similarly, you greatly prize independence, and this obsessive need will further stress the bonds of friendship or romance.

You have attempted to improve yourself through self-negation and a perseverance through hard work and the avoidance of mindless pleasures. Often you will seem overly restrained in demeanor. You crave admiration to a point that is often unhealthy, however a strong belief in yourself means that you will often be quite stubborn. Unfortunately, the lack of perceived admiration has left you in a distracted and uncertain state, one in which decision making is avoided for fear of the repercussions.

I enjoyed the test... I felt like my mind was kind of "stimulated" - which hasn't happened much lately. As for the results... yeah, they're probably more accurate than I'd like to admit.
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You are anxious at the moment, probably due to the strong feeling that your worth is not currently being appreciated, either platonically or romantically. You probably feel that others simply do not understand you and this leads to withholding emotional committment, which will innevitably lead to distance and increased stress. Often those around you will assume that you are cold and calculating, when in fact you are merely fearful.

You feel that others are not on your side, or that you do not have the backing of important figures in your life. Often the desire for success expresses itself in unwarranted restraint, leading to a limited depth of feeling or sensuality. There is a distinct sense of underappreciation either in the business or personal world. And yet you want intimacy, which you only fear will reveal your weaknesses to others.

I'm in agreement with [MENTION=5027]Whiskers[/MENTION].

This result essentially fits my perspective on my life at the moment. Although I'd imagine any description of anxiety would fit -as I'm there most of the time these days.

I laughed at a lot of the questions and basically gravitated either towards colors I liked or away from the ones I didn't like. The soundtrack of the voices was weird to me. I never felt anxious while taking the test though. I found myself taking deep breaths and floating....
I liked it.
But I like flashy things and strange sounds.
I think the test works randomly...

And this is my DIAGNOSIS:
You do have the ability to make emotional and physical connections to those around you and to receive pleasure from romantic attachments, however there is a distinct sense of isolation and loneliness present. You tend to withdraw from others emotionally as a means of protecting yourself which can lead to a feedback loop of despair.

Feelings of insecurity, both physical and mental, are creating stress and anxiety at this point in time. A desire to experience the fullness of life is being met with frustration. You are searching for both fulfillment and sympathetic friendship, and unfortunately finding neither. There is a desire for intimate connection to the outside world and a fear that this may be impossible.
That was awful,,,especially when my own sythethesia started kicking in. I almost had to stop.

There is a conflict in you caused by your inability to connect emotionally with others. The emotional commitment seems to bring with it a raft of limiting factors or else they are perceived to require you to give up some of what you feel is integral your own sense of self. Consequently, intimacy will leave you feeling over-exposed. This is why you avoid it.

A disappointment has lead you to a state of indecision and a pervasive uncertainty about the possibility of the future improving. Stress is the natural result, and you are feeling rising levels of uncertainty and anxiety, causing you to avoid situations where you will be forced to make a decision. Often this will express itself in a series of meaningless distractions, whether in the form of entertainment, intoxication or romance.
You are expecting too much from the world and this lack is expressing itself in frustration and dismay. Often there will be a distinct problem with a loved one caused by unrealistic expectations of perfection. If this is the case, then there may be sexual problems caused by this lack of understanding or empathy.

You feel a sharp lack of appreciation from the world around you. There is a rising sense of anger and frustration that your friends or loved ones do not respect you or that they treat you with disdain. Often this will be the result of a hostile workplace. The loneliness that comes with this struggle for admiration will often sap your will or make decision making difficult.

I didn't feel anything while taking the test. I also don't feel that this diagnosis represents me at all.
Cool test.

Your anxiety levels are not caused by an inability to form long term relationships or to find satisfaction through physicality. However, a tendency to avoid conflict can become pathological, especially if you are introverted. Fear of unpleasantness inevitably leads you to create problems where they do not need to exist, and this of course creates more problems.

Feelings of insecurity, both physical and mental, are creating stress and anxiety at this point in time. A desire to experience the fullness of life is being met with frustration. You are searching for both fulfillment and sympathetic friendship, and unfortunately finding neither. There is a desire for intimate connection to the outside world and a fear that this may be impossible.
the test was strangely enjoyable, it was like dungeons and dragons mixed with S&M role play.

Either an ascetic personality is evident or you feel that you are steeling yourself for the difficulties ahead in life by withdrawing from the pleasures of the world. A feeling that hard work and dedication are what’s needed to solve your problems is evident, and this can become a mania if satisfaction is not found in a reasonable time frame.

You are unfulfilled romantically, possibly the result of high expectations or hopes for an ideal relationship which is statistically difficult to achieve. You are a very aesthetic and emotional individual, however you have learned to control yourself through constant self-monitoring. You are probably artistic and cultured and seek to find others of a similar nature in order to find peace. These needs are not currently being met,

a fair bit of truth in this, in a romantic partner kind of way, yes the needs are not being met currently.
Soo...this is satirical? Kind of reminds me of all that weird stuff in Lost, sort of entertaining.
Your Diagnosis:

You are manipulative and demanding, and you expect quite a lot out of a relationship, whether it be friendly or romantic. Furthermore, whether conscious or not, you have a tendency to mediate your attitude toward others in an attempt to get the better of those around you. You are very intelligent, but also suspicious.

Pressure and stress have left you feeling that the best course of action is immediate freeing escape. You are frustrated and have begun to weaken from the effort of facing your day to day problems. Sometimes the problems of the day can seem to come from deliberate antipathy of those around you, although this is often imagined.

You are anxious at the moment, probably due to the strong feeling that your worth is not currently being appreciated, either platonically or romantically. You probably feel that others simply do not understand you and this leads to withholding emotional committment, which will innevitably lead to distance and increased stress. Often those around you will assume that you are cold and calculating, when in fact you are merely fearful.

You feel that others are not on your side, or that you do not have the backing of important figures in your life. Often the desire for success expresses itself in unwarranted restraint, leading to a limited depth of feeling or sensuality. There is a distinct sense of underappreciation either in the business or personal world. And yet you want intimacy, which you fear will reveal your inner weaknesses.

Kind of true...Kind of old.

The test DISTURBS me, though. Kind of like 1984 meets Tron meets...claustrophobia.
....okay, there's one imagery in my mind that will be amazingly TERRIFYING WITH THAT ADDITION GOD.
You are anxious at the moment, probably due to the strong feeling that your worth is not currently being appreciated, either platonically or romantically. You probably feel that others simply do not understand you and this leads to withholding emotional commitment, which will inevitably lead to distance and increased stress. Often those around you will assume that you are cold and calculating, when in fact you are merely fearful.

You feel that others are not on your side, or that you do not have the backing of important figures in your life. Often the desire for success expresses itself in unwarranted restraint, leading to a limited depth of feeling or sensuality. There is a distinct sense of underappreciation either in the business or personal world. And yet you want intimacy, which you only fear will reveal your weaknesses to others.



I'm not sure how accurate this will be, or how to take the test in a manner that will ensure accuracy. At some points I just selected whatever seemed slightly appropriate to the question as quickly as I could manage to make all the flashing lights go away. *Cringes*