hypersensitivity | Page 2 | INFJ Forum


speaking of work...
i was so mad that i almost started crying. i hate that. it's an auto response when i can't control my temper.
anyway my supervisor, dana, is giving me all this business that is nothing but shit and she and i both know it. she tells me one of the nurses had to wash a chair in an exam room and the cloth was black.
i say what color is the chair? she says i don't remember. i say show me the exam room. she takes me there, i see the chair is a black vinyl chair.
i say what did she wipe the chair with? she says those pop up wipes over there. i say, oh. alright let me show you something. i walk over pop out a wipe and sweep it across the seat of the chair. i hold it up. she sees it is black.
i am wanting to shove it right in her face at this point. why? cuz i know what she doesn't realize i know.
thing 1 that i know - not one of those nurses would lift a finger to do any type of cleaning there. it is beneath them, and they let you know it without saying a word.
thing 2 that i know - those pop up wipes are for a specific sterilizing use, and not one of the staff in that facility would ever use one to clean a chair. not only willl it remove color, it will also eat through the vinyl eventually
thing 3 that i know - if there ever was an issue with my not doing my job or missing something marilyn, the head gal there, would mention it to me. she and i get along well and she mentioned things to me on one or two occasions in the past. why would she suddenly feel the need to tell my employer that i forgot to wipe a chair??

so here i am seething inside, and i know i'm going to melt down if i don't let some leak out.
i finally told her that i thought it was bullshit. she says well kevin (my actual boss) will probably drop in tonight if he gets the floor finished at (the other facility). i say well he best make it quick cuz i'm mopping and i'm out of here.
she just looks at me.
i turn and walk down the hallway. she left. i mopped the floor and i left.

now i'm home. a gazillion things are racing through my head. i know i will not sleep tonight. i can't shut it off.
mostly my problem is that my work ethic has been challenged unduly, and i think he made up a lie about the chair and other stupid shit just to apply his micromanaging 101 techniques.
sounds like no huge deal to most people but i take a great deal of pride in what i do and it's personal. i cannot stand when people get into my personal shit and make a mess.

ok as you were...
I am somewhat hypersensitive, I cut the tags out of my clothing because they itch, and have a truly irrational dislike of wool or anything remotely itchy. (shuddder.... wool. yuck.) I seem to have an unusually good sense of smell, and I dislike anything smoky or overly perfumed. Sounds don't bother me, usually, unless it is conflict, but very bright lights do bother me a lot, especially toward the end of the day when I'm very tired. I want complete darkness.

Being as sensitive as you are sounds quite difficult!

And I hope your day gets better and your superviser gets a boil on his butt.
Hypersensitivity is tricky matter. I am a musician and I get to spend a lot of time by myself practicing which ever instrument comes next.
I can't spend more than 2 hours in a busy and loud environment, but I often get more, much more than two hours cause my life is very busy.
I dislike the noise of a busy city, I dislike the noise of people talking too loud, laughing, slamming doors, walking like they are going to break through the floor.
Mostly everything that is sudden and inarticulate. I am a big gourmet, I love tasty food, because I can distinguish almost all of the ingredients in the meal, but I get full very fast and my taste buds and smell senses get tired and irritated very fast.
My eyes are very sensitive to light, and I prefer winter months when the light is gloomy because it doesn't strain my eyes.
If I'm exposed to any of these perceptions or a mix of them for too long I get a massive headache and I need to run away into a quiet place to rest.
About clothes, I prefer natural fabric, like cotton, soft linen, silk, anything gentle.
But hanging clothes drive me crazy, I can not manage all of the parts of them waving around and feeling like a bundle when I sit down or walk around.
That's why I wear clean cut, almost uniform like, tight clothes, mostly white, gray, navy blue or black in color.

Extroverts drive me crazy, my entire family other than my father at some point are huge extroverts and they wear me out so fast.
I can sense emotion a mile away, and entering a room full of people is crushing.
I can literally read it of their faces. Many times it has been as if I can read minds, hearing exactly the same thing in my head, just before the other person said it.
I like to choose my friends and people around me to be quiet and not too demanding, just be able to be there without talking or anything.
I think that's about it..

About your super hypersensitivity, I really think that the more you become aware of it, the worse it's going to get, and that you should choose to do something that would drive you crazy in normal terms, in a controlled environment for a certain amount of time, every day, to try to numb your senses a bit.. That's the best advice I can give..

Good luck! :)
I can't stand a lot of the things mentioned on this thread either. Wool is just insane. You might as well wear a hair shirt. I can't stand being anywhere near wool. Even as an outer garment I would break out into hives having it anywhere near my body (as a coat, for instance). I choose everything on the basis of comfort. I put a little effort into looks but not much. I can't stand people looking at me, and want to be as invisible as possible. I hate their prying eyes.

Work place interactions can be horrible. A colleague upbraided me in the elevator for laying the Penn State Sandusky issue on the reporting problem of Catholics. I see this as a problem of information flow within the Catholic world and see Paterno as participating in that realm, in which the Pope speaks ex cathedra, or from the chair, and everything he says is automatically true. This is in turn why Catholic societies such as those of South America have always been drawn to authoritarian dictatorships of either left or right. At any rate, this Catholic fatso started screaming at me in an elevator of all places that I was wrong and should shut up. I might be wrong. I am often wrong, but I disagreed with the yelling, particularly in front of strangers. I haven't spoken to her for two years and probably never will again.

After all, my statement was only a hypothesis. No one has a lock on truth, not even Joe Paterno. On top of it, I hate football and can't stand the people who participate in it. I feel it should be banned, or relegated to a tiny corner of our society like Fight Club. If people want to lower each other's already low IQs don't do it at a university, and if you have to, do it at three in the morning on your own dime. Proper sports for universities should be things like chess and badminton and volleyball. Forget contact sports especially those in which brain injuries are the most prominent outcome of a contest.

I really relished this thread. I went over and over each post and enjoyed a lot what people were saying about themselves and hypersensitivity. My wife says I should be like an army guy and just sleep when she's up and waltzing around the house at 3 am. I can't sleep if there's any motion at all. I also would never be able to be in a group like the army. I am amazed that people can be in armies and march on cities. That said, I love to watch documentaries about Stalingrad and just jawdrop over the devastation and how people lived with it.

A raised eyebrow is enough to devastate me for a year.

It hardly takes a bazooka shell through the cranial capacity.

At any rate, good luck to everyone in dealing with this! I'm glad I'm not alone. I always thought I was. It's extra hard to pass as a man on this front. The slightest things make me cry, and yet I am straight. It's really stupid I guess. I cry for the whole world when I am watching a soap opera.
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again, i'm amazed that someone else has the degree of sensitivity to things as i do.
it's almost like it's more tolerable now if that makes any sense at all!
i notice the sensitivity more if i'm under external stress of some sort. like my job at the moment.
i'm fairly sure i will be fired tonight when i get to work. i acted arrogantly and defensively to my supervisor and although she said nothing at the time, i'm sure it got mentioned to my boss, who will be in tonight while i'm working.

i can't care about this anymore. i can't take it personally because it's eating me up.
this is one of the things that gets me about the way i process things. i take it personally but i have to force myself not to take it personally in order to function, but inside i still feel it's personal so everything i do to thwart that thought is bullshit and i know it.
i am going to an employment center this afternoon to see if they can help me with a resume. screw these losers.
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I am somewhat hypersensitive, I cut the tags out of my clothing because they itch, and have a truly irrational dislike of wool or anything remotely itchy. (shuddder.... wool. yuck.) I seem to have an unusually good sense of smell, and I dislike anything smoky or overly perfumed. Sounds don't bother me, usually, unless it is conflict, but very bright lights do bother me a lot, especially toward the end of the day when I'm very tired. I want complete darkness.

Being as sensitive as you are sounds quite difficult!

And I hope your day gets better and your superviser gets a boil on his butt.

i have to cut the tags out of clothing because i have a patch of shingles that flares up right in that spot on my neck. i am just a bag of nerves lol
and yeah i hope she gets a boil on her face too. right by her mouth where it belongs
I hope you don't get fired. Try to seem amiable in the closing minutes of this job and try to shift the rhetoric around. This is what we're good at, and it can be done. Just stress how important it is for you to do a good job, and argue that you know it's not the greatest job and you're not very important (look humble) but you take enormous pride in what you do (keep focused on the principle and less on the defensiveness). You will shift things around and they will actually take you more seriously. Bosses like someone who is devoted to their institution. Keeping a hospital clean is incredibly important these days with all the skin-eating viruses around. Let them know you are willing to learn to help out. Also, be really friendly and beam love at the boss and just change the rhetoric. If you lose you lose but at least you can still try. Good luck, Jgirl!
I hope you don't get fired. Try to seem amiable in the closing minutes of this job and try to shift the rhetoric around. This is what we're good at, and it can be done. Just stress how important it is for you to do a good job, and argue that you know it's not the greatest job and you're not very important (look humble) but you take enormous pride in what you do (keep focused on the principle and less on the defensiveness). You will shift things around and they will actually take you more seriously. Bosses like someone who is devoted to their institution. Keeping a hospital clean is incredibly important these days with all the skin-eating viruses around. Let them know you are willing to learn to help out. Also, be really friendly and beam love at the boss and just change the rhetoric. If you lose you lose but at least you can still try. Good luck, Jgirl!

this guy is a piece of work. i just don't want to work for him at all. i think i will take my lumps and move forward out of this crap.
some people are not worth the effort. some people don't deserve my time. he is one of them.
Oh, we always hear that there are no workplace problems in Canada since socialism triumphs there. But people are the same all over, and most of them suck. Best wishes.
thanks and same to you. i wish there was more info or support available for this. from what i've read, HSP is a neurological trait not a disorder of any kind as it affects approx 15 to 20 % of the population of humans as well as many animals.
in any case, it was good to find that there is a reason for it, but now i'd like to know how to live with it!!
Even people in my own family just hate me for it. I think even though there is a high percentage of us, it's always been this way. I think the support has to start here perhaps. I remember in kindergarten all the kids built forts out of blocks and knocked them down on each other. I wasn't playing that game. I stayed clear of it, and just wanted to watercolor. I had one girl who was a friend and had lunch with her for five minutes. I liked her because she didn't talk but just ate her lunch and was happily quiet. It was perfect.

I suppose whole lives have been lived like this. I imagine this is what Thoreau was doing out in the woods. Now his cabin is somewhat near a highway which sounds to me like jets screaming through. The place is still really nice though and worth visiting.

Walden Pond is fabulous in the visual sense especially in late autumn with the leaves turning.

But my kids think of me as a broken machine that doesn't work. My wife wonders why on earth I'm not instantly available. I tend to drift off in my head, and then am not available. And when I am I am kind of cranky esp. if people start touching me or demanding stuff right now or getting right in my face or esp. are a bit loud. Even being a bit loud sounds like a bullhorn in my ear.

I take it personally.

I really cannot stand that stuff.

And everybody is always trying to get me into tighter clothing that chokes me half to death.

The communists are always on the march with their one-size fits all philosophy. Long live niche markets, and corners that no one can find.

Your present job reminds me of Good Will Hunting. I too always wanted to be a janitor. It seemed like a good deal. I couldn't figure out how to swing it, though.
Quite sure that a good Cognitive Behavioural therapist could help you. Trust me, they do miracles for diseases like yours. Have you tried it already? :)
I wish this thread had gone on and on. I wanted to hear more. How many INFJs find sex to be too much! I can just barely stand it. It's not that I don't love it, but I feel like I'm going to die that it is so pleasant. I don't like having to feel like I'm going to die. However, it's fun, too, and necessary. If you're oversensitive it might be much different than if you had coarser sensations and needed a lot of it. It's an interesting problem! I also wonder: for me, a bowl of oatmeal is a lot to contend with in terms of taste. It overwhelms me. People who need some kind of haute cuisine strike me as very different. Who could stand all the music and the pretty plates and the aromas? Oatmeal is almost as much carnival as I can stand. Watching an ant walk across a pink floor is almost unendurably beautiful. Seeing an actual garden full of exotic flowers makes me want to scream from the pain of it. A single dandelion is way more than enough. My wife likes brightly covered flowers. I bring them, but have to close my eyes or the photons just massacre me. I like dull colors in clothing. She wishes I would dress up. But if I do, I can barely stand how wonderful I look. I mean, looking at myself in the mirror could potentially kill me. I have to dress way down to survive a day. I know that sounds horribly narcissistic or something. I just can't stand Sistine Chapel type beauty or the kind of beauty you might see on a runway. I almost prefer to watch a show set in the ruins of Stalingrad. I need to turn all the beauty of the world off to get any kind of peace.
I am sensitive to clothing; but I'm not sure if I've just gotten used to wearing things that are comfortable and I dislike crap that's not. I don't like any unexpected touching either; very noisy things drive me crazy; but that's mostly when it's unexpected as well. I don't mind blaring music; in fact, I love it. :) I can usually drown out unwanted noise by just focusing on what I am doing...like I have an ignore button in my head.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be so sensitive to everything! That would just be awful.
I must confess I have the opposite when it comes to clothing, I love tight clothes hugging close to my body. I think it must be some sort of protection thing I have.
You are definitely not the only one. I am extremely sensitive to temperature, sound, smells, negative feelings, and anything else that I have forgotten here. I have actually had to take Klonopin because it has made my anxiety go into overdrive. I will actually almost feel like coming out of my skin if there is too much going on, too much light, too much sound, etc. I use to lay in bed and actually writhe because something was bothering me. I would have to get out of bed and go find a more comfortable place in the house to sleep.

I know this sounds crazy but I am also so sensitive that I had a terrible headache for three days because of electromagnetic waves from a broken heart machine that we had at work. They had to move it to the back of the building because I was ready to cry. I also am able to "hear" the song playing on the radio before I wake up- literally the radio will not be on but the song will play in my head. Go figure. I am also extremely sensitive to the vibe people give off like I know what they are thinking. It's just crazy.
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Is sex a problem for other INFJs? I find it almost unendurably pleasant. I generally start weeping in the middle of it. I might start crying for no reason I can name, and not be able to stop for twenty minutes: crying for the world almost, and for my mother and father, and for Jesus, and for just anything and everything. This is not so much a turnoff perhaps for a partner (I am a man, though, so what kind of man am I?) but rather, it's embarrassing, and usually during these jags of crying I am completely inarticulate. Has this happened to anyone else? I can get through the act if I imagine myself to be someone else, and focus on my partner and use myself mostly as an instrument. But once I start to feel, the feelings overwhelm me, and I get floods of sensations and this usually ends up in weeping. Either I feel nothing or I feel everything. I don't know if a cognitive therapist could help me with this. I go to therapists. The most recent one told me I was having past life experiences when this happened, and that all the people around me were also past life experience people, including my kids, and that it was like a game of 3-D chess in which past, present, and future were all playing together at once. I wondered how he was even able to feed himself with rot like that, but I did pay him before I left. I don't know what to say. I wonder if my life will end before it even begins. I'm like a disabled person who appears to be completely functional! I have a family and go to my job, and do a pretty decent job, I guess. But I feel as if I don't exist. And when I do exist, such as at the shore, it's so overwhelming. I want to go in a basement and look at my shoes to get my equilibrium back.
Sorry, I love sex. (With the right person and in the right circumstances). I however can't cuddle for long but the whole part before and during. :D I do have to admit though, the person better engage me body and mind and not throw it off with random thoughts or I will then just think, WOW, can you finish this yourself? My thoughts jump way too much and I can be thinking of a conversation I had 2 years ago if not engaged properly.
I hate sex. It's so complicated and I'm not sure if I'm doing everything right. I wish it would stop. You can never tell if the partner is faking the orgasm. You can't tell if it's as good as what she got with the other guy. You can't tell if you're getting a disease or not. You can't tell anything. I don't think anyone really likes it. People should just stop doing it, I think, and read the newspaper. The funnies! At least you know what you're getting: a bunch of stale jokes. With sex, no one knows any more what they're getting: heartbreak could be just around the bend. Or it could be AIDS. Or it could be an orgasm, which means you might be getting a baby, which means five years of helping the kid figure out how to speak. Sex should be banned. I wouldn't mind drinking a strawberry milkshake with a girl as the big prize of a marriage or a relationship. Or going for a walk. Sex is a problem.
I like to cuddle, I become giggly and nervous in a very nice way.

Sex is both external vs internal, emotion vs logic, journey vs climax, etc

With some people, sex is even INTUITIVE, and that is probably where the good-in-bed idea comes from with INFJs. If I have intuitive sex (a pretty funny way of saying it :)), then both people can jump to conclusions about the naughty things they are doing, and then I get all Se and primal. Because the evolutionary drive for reproduction is fulfilled, and because I get to connect with and EXPERIENCE A PERSON in a whole new way.

Feels divine on the times that it has happened. That is all I have to say about that. :)