How would you like to be seen?


How would you like to be seen?

Stolen from Chaz's "how do i seem?" thread. :D
Deep, creative, assertive, intense, wise, intelligent, focused, eccentric, witty, strong-willed, open-minded, just, prudent, and competent, roughly in that order.
i always feel like i'd like to be seen as kind of untouchable and not to be messed with. i guess as either extremely tough or as operating on some incomprehensible level of sophistication or some crap like that.
I would like to be seen as enough.
I'd like to be seen as a good friend that my friends want to be around all the time.
I guess to a certain extent, I don't want to be seen except only by loved ones... everyone else can see the effects of my efforts, and appreciate them for what they are without ever knowing I exist, for all I care. As for the aforementioned, I want to be seen for what I am... reliable, devoted, attentive, affectionate, giving, creative, inventing, etc. Often times, due to my INFJ nature (and maybe a little something else thrown in for good measure... a filament of autism or apsergers or some mundane variety of social anxiety, I don't know or really care all that much to find out), it's not easy to be seen at all. So I'm both fulfilling one desire and preventing the other. =)
As Patrick Bateman would say: "I just want to fit in."
I would like to be seen as the quote I'm using as my signature.
I like to be seen as the way the multifaceted person I am. I have many sides and they all come out randomly. i guess the next step would be to be accepted as who i am...but thats a different story.
Riding naked on a white stallion across the Milky Way as a dot so small that people aren't sure whether they saw something amazing or if it was just a trick of the light, leaving them always wonder about it.
Riding naked on a white stallion across the Milky Way as a dot so small that people aren't sure whether they saw something amazing or if it was just a trick of the light, leaving them always wonder about it.

I need the people close to me to see the real me, so they can reflect it back to me and remind me of who I am.

The others have to see whatever I want them to see in a specific moment.
At work, I need to be tough, creative, resourceful and focussed. Socially, I need to be extraverted. Publically, I need to be respectful and open.
These examples are but few and very vaguely assorted to their fields. It is by no means as precise as the OP asks for.