How was your 4th?

Fire hazard in most parts of Utah since it's so dry here. People still blow things up and get wasted despite the churches' influence. But the fireworks stopped at 10:00pm because people had to get up and go to Church today.
i saw some of the celebrations on tv. It was nice to see the americans recognising that without france they would still be englands bitch. They were hanging the french flag everywhere.
Posted via Mobile Device
Really? I've never seen that happen in polygomy land.
Yeah, even in Utah.

They were hanging the tricolour flag everywhere. Red White and Blue.
i saw some of the celebrations on tv. It was nice to see the americans recognising that without france they would still be englands bitch. They were hanging the french flag everywhere.
Posted via Mobile Device

France would be Germanys if it wasn't for us.....

Actually, France would be Germanies if it wasn't for the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Nations, and Her allies. America only joined in when it was clear there was going to be a winning side.

Furthermore, if it had not been for America and England demanding such a high reparation fee for the first world war, Germany wouldn't have been in such an economic slump as to vote in Hitler.

Similarly, Were it not for France giving England a hiding during the Napoleonic wars, they'd have utterly destroyed you during the war of 1812.

... Owned.
I didn't do anything either. I was going to go up to NC and buy fireworks to illegally use in Georgia. I like doing things that are illegal on the 4th. It makes me feel like a true patriot.

My birthday is a holiday in Japan
Yup, here it's always
My Seminole grandma totally drunk dialed me and started spewing her red propaganda about how white people were the worst thing to ever happen to America and how they are evil and unnatural and blah blah blah. She does this on Thanksgiving too. Its funny in a dark sort of way. This is why I don't talk to her much. hee.
My 4th was OK, actually.

Spent the morning and afternoon doing things for other people (driving people around, cooking dishes for potlucks I wasn't planning on attending, etc.), but forewent the fireworks and parties to grab some much needed alone time. Alone as in "independent." I thought it was rather fitting.

It felt great. I shaved. :D
My 4th was like every other day except that I got to listen to my neighbors set off illegal fireworks and hope they don't burn down the house.
Similarly, Were it not for France giving England a hiding during the Napoleonic wars, they'd have utterly destroyed you during the war of 1812.

It didn't help Napoleon that his fleet got frozen when he was planning to launch it to America.