How to NOT scare away ENTP women?


I think Im falling in love with a ENTP women. We have just talked a little to eachother but, I find it very easy socializing with her. She socializes with everyone though, so I could just be swept away by her charm. But she seems to have trained her emotional side alot, and isn't well educated wich makes her have strong opinions.
Anyway last time we talked I think I made a bad impression and might have scared her in some amount, my guess is that during sometime in the discussion I say somethings that she considers I should have told earlier. I'm not doing this to be bad, maybe It's just the spontaneous Ti working and people might be feel fooled or something.

But ENPT's: how can I make good impression? What is the least trait you like in INFJ, except drawing back to cave?
(Being myself is not an option here, I've been myself in YEARS and I'm not going to spoil this damn moment just to boost my ego and wait 100years again).

EDIT: I can also ask the question what you like about INFJ's and what traits I should be showing (give examples of past experiences with INFJ's).
lorkan said:
I think Im falling in love with a ENTP women. We have just talked a little to eachother but, I find it very easy socializing with her. She socializes with everyone though, so I could just be swept away by her charm. But she seems to have trained her emotional side alot, and isn't well educated wich makes her have strong opinions.
Anyway last time we talked I think I made a bad impression and might have scared her in some amount, my guess is that during sometime in the discussion I say somethings that she considers I should have told earlier. I'm not doing this to be bad, maybe It's just the spontaneous Ti working and people might be feel fooled or something.

But ENPT's: how can I make good impression? What is the least trait you like in INFJ, except drawing back to cave?
(Being myself is not an option here, I've been myself in YEARS and I'm not going to spoil this damn moment just to boost my ego and wait 100years again).

EDIT: I can also ask the question what you like about INFJ's and what traits I should be showing (give examples of past experiences with INFJ's).
"Hi miss ENTP, can we talk in private?"
*moves to private*
"I like you a whole lot, I want to date you. I'm physically and intellectually attracted to you. You can kiss me if you're interested."

I dislike the whole going into caves... I liked the feel of her cheeks on my cheeks. There'll be no examples given to protect the other party.
^ Bless the ENTPs and their love of bluntness :D
Lurker said:
^ Bless the ENTPs and their love of bluntness :D
Hello Miss Lurker, I like you a whole lot, I want to date you. I'm physically and intellectually attracted to you. You can kiss me if you're interested.
ShaiGar said:
Hello Miss Lurker, I like you a whole lot, I want to date you. I'm physically and intellectually attracted to you. You can kiss me if you're interested.
Maybe it's what I'm drinking but that made me really laugh :D when you're good you're damn good!
Lurker said:
ShaiGar said:
Hello Miss Lurker, I like you a whole lot, I want to date you. I'm physically and intellectually attracted to you. You can kiss me if you're interested.
Maybe it's what I'm drinking but that made me really laugh :D when you're good you're damn good!
When I'm bad I'm perfect ;)
ShaiGar said:
When I'm bad I'm perfect ;)
Hmm, mebbe. Or... when you're bad you scare me ;)
ShaiGar said:
Lurker said:
^ Bless the ENTPs and their love of bluntness :D
Hello Miss Lurker, I like you a whole lot, I want to date you. I'm physically and intellectually attracted to you. You can kiss me if you're interested.

Haha!! :lol:
1) Hook her

This stage:
Objective: To get her number and email

First thing you have to do is approach. There are three points to the approach:

1)Smile - That would be your mystery, why is this guy smiling. Just think about James Bond in a room working the females. No serious look on his face just a pleasant smile. When you smile people smile back, its one of those things humans do.

2)Approach her from the front - Any other type of approach would make it seem like your putting in too much effort in trying to meet her. Approaching from the front gives the impression that she was just in your part.

3)Approach within 3 second - You dont want to be seen as the stalker guy who constantly watching the lady.

Next you have to start a conversation:

The conversation has several points:-

1)Establish a time boundary for your conversation - For instance, tell her you only have 5 minutes to talk. The main reason for this is you want her to know that, hey I am not going to bug you all night. Knowing that she wouldn't be harassed by you all night/day would make her more open to what you are saying and beside you can expand your time frame if your having a good time.

2)After establishing your time boundary, next is to get her to open up. - This part is called an opener. There are a bunch of guys who have openers look at them here:

Here is a good opener(This is copied and modified from one of the links above):

MYSTERY’S ESP (Mystery) Walk up to a girl and say, "Do you believe in ESP?" Remember to SMILE or you may startle her. "Just think of the first # that pops into your head from one to four. Don’t say it. Just think it ... now take that # and imagine that it is drawn on a blackboard in your head. Have you done that?"

She says OK

"What’s so neat about imagination is ... we both have it ... On the blackboard, I see the number ... three."

Whether you get it right or not reply.

"Alright, lets try this one more time. This time think of a different # from one to 10. Got it? Picture it in white chalk on the blackboard ... you are thinking of the number ... 7."

If you got the first wrong and the second right, you look like you finally got it ... a 1 in 10 chance. If you get BOTH right (a 90% chance seeing as it is a psychological trick where most north Americans naturally choose 3 and 7 as their first picks) that’s a 1 in 40 chance ... "and of course I don’t stake my reputation on mere chance."

If you get the first right but the second wrong or both wrong, say... "PROOF! ESP does NOT exist!" Then start to laugh like this "Mooa ha ha ha ha ha ha! And you believe in ESP!" a good neg hit to start. If she mentions that most people pick 3 and 7 (most girls wont know this though) just say, "really?

If you take the wording I have and do this EXACTLY as stated, you will be surprised HOW well you will do. When they ask HOW, tell them ... To guess. But if they cant, say you cant divulge your secret and they should stop being nosy. If she wants you to do this again, tell her ... "don’t be greedy now."

If she ask you your age or anything like that you can tell her to guess. Dont tell her unless she has made one guess.

Your next step is too falsely disqualify her:

Your next step would be to find a reason why she cant be with you.

Like maybe she is from the same town as you or she wears a blue dress. Basically, anything silly that you dont like about her.

Heres what you can do for this:
Do the palmistry stuff, just ask her that you want to see her palms.

Now you might want to trace the lines on her palms. And pretend your doing some stuff. You are getting in some good touches(kino) here.

Now since you already know she is a ENTP, you can tell her about herself. Like you might want to say that she is very competitive, loves to play pranks, you know the regular ENTP behavior. This site has a list of ENTP behaviors:

Now, you want to joke about her hand like tell her she gets excited too easily and her palms are sweating. Or if her nail is short tell ask her if she bits her nails and say something like eww. The point your trying to convey here is your not interested in her.

Then next tell her, you and her cant be a couple since she is so competitive, but you can be friends. If she ask why, just say you think she will be a better fit as a friend.

After this tell her you got to run but you would like to know her better, then ask for her email and phone number.
Then give her your number, then tell her don't stalk you. :D

After this phase one is over.

Let me know how it goes. If you fail, no big deal, you can always do more machination.
If you succeed then its on to phase 2.
It might be worth practicing some visualization as to overcome your fear of this event.
So just imagine doing it in your mind's eye. Like maybe a 100 visualization should do it.
Now, you want to joke about her hand like tell her she gets excited too easily and her palms are sweating. Or if her nail is short tell ask her if she bits her nails and say something like eww. The point your trying to convey here is your not interested in her.
You tell her that and she won't date you.

ENTPs are playful, but HONEST and BLUNT. You'll offend her and never date her.
yeah I would definitely suggest losing the palm thing or anything gimmicky. To me that would be a red flag lol
yeah I would definitely suggest losing the palm thing or anything gimmicky. To me that would be a red flag lol

I remember 3 years ago, in my final year of university and still haven't had a date. I had a friend who I thought was like the hottest girl in the university. Like super model, hot a perfect ten.

I was in the computer lab, talking to her on msn. One of my friends who I will call Joe(not going to call peoples names), came across and ask me one simple question: "Do I want her?". I slowly nodded my head and he said give me the keyboard I will only take 5mins(he ask me to time him).

I was like lol, well lets see what he can do. At the time I was like obese, so I couldn't see myself with a model type.

For every sentence he wrote I was like no he cant say that. I was like please stop. He was saying some crazy stuff, I mean really crazy stuff.

But for everyone the girl just laugh and seem rather excited. In less than five minutes he got me my first date. That experience absolutely blew my mind.

How the hell did he pull that off.

I know where lorkan is coming from. So, even though my technique sound crazy they will work. They are not even my techniques; they are apart of "The Venusian Arts".

Neil Strauss, a ghostwriter for the RollingStone and New York Times document his success from geek-dom into don juan-hood, in his book The game:

The author of the "The Venusian Arts" has his oh VH1 show now.

He sells his seminars for $2,950 a pop.

I am saying this to offer lorkan hope.

PS I am like the total king of saying crazy stuff. Its not what you say its how you say,
If he says it with a serious face he will come as weird and rude but if he put that smile on his face and give a tiny chuckle he will be alright. And if he realizes she is not getting it's a joke he can say I am just kidding. The aim is to build excitement and not to come off as needy.
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Right, uh huh... But you tell an ENTP girl you're not interested in her, and then act disgusted at something she does, you won't be seeing the inside of her underwear.

we tend to take things at face value.
Right, uh huh... But you tell an ENTP girl you're not interested in her, and then act disgusted at something she does, you won't be seeing the inside of her underwear.

we tend to take things at face value.

Dude you say it jokely
Being blunt shows respect for the ENTP, it also shows us that you're serious. Say it jokingly and we might assume you're joking.
I posted your question in the ENTP forums, including a link back to this thread. Hopefully more ENTPs shall enter and attempt to answer your question.
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Yes, I met an ENTP girl online, we were both in Brisbane, we got on... I told her "I want to fuck you, you're hot and cool to talk with". Next day we were having sex.

Being blunt tends not to work with very many people... among those it DOES work with very well, are ENTPs.
Yes, I met an ENTP girl online, we were both in Brisbane, we got on... I told her "I want to fuck you, you're hot and cool to talk with". Next day we were having sex.

Being blunt tends not to work with very many people... among those it DOES work with very well, are ENTPs.
Couldnt this be a statistical anomally?
Couldnt this be a statistical anomally?
I advertised in the ENTP forum, gave a link. There should be a reply from other ENTPs on the topic soon.

I doubt it was a statistical anomaly, I treated her as I'd want myself treated and it worked. I didn't know I was an ENTP back then, thought INTP.