How to convince a Dutch doctor to send you for a proper blood test..


Hello, as a newbie, just wanted to say "hi" to all of you here & ask you one silly (though for me at the moment quite important) question - does anyone know how to convince a Dutch doctor to send you for a complete blood test? - seems like it's utterly impossible :m083:
Hm..makes one wonder if they treat their own people in the say way or it's just a problem of incommers ..?
Well that is one question I have no hope of having the answer for.
Me neither but I am now rather curious to know how to do it *ponders*
I dunno, I never met a doctor who was Dutch, but when I do i'll let ya know!

*bada chhhhh*

H-Hello. Is this thing on?
What reason do they give for not testing you?