How to ask a Girl Out

I usually come across very direct first to push aside any pretenses and/or head games.

The reason being is because most people consciously or unconsciously play "the game." It's the one where both are ambiguous with their interest or false interest. Like for example, a girl might portend she's interested in a guy and uses that to lure him to wine and dine her or spend money on her, or a guy might portend he's interesting in a long-term monogamous relationship when all he's after is a one night stand or fling.

I've gone to women and said stuff like straight out "I find you attractive and would love to get to know you." For instance, I met this beautiful French lady at the mall the other week and me and her ended up talking for a couple of hours before we exchanged contacts; my first exact words? "I want you."

None of that how's the weather, or getting their opinion crap.

The ironic thing is what got me rejected the most is what I was trying to bullshit them in the past, when I'm honest I still get rejected, but it's not as much.

The good news is: they know exactly where I'm coming form.

Why I do this? It's starting on a good foot, on good grounds, on honesty.

Most people are phony with each other, and that's sad. Hardly people are honest with each other. It's like with sex, how people can straight out say they want that? I have, and guess what, I'll just say me and her enjoyed each other. :) It's counter-intuivie, but in society where people bullshit each other, it's refreshing to actually hear somebody speaking their mind.

Honesty is the way to go.
I've seen that website before. I don't see why someone would spam it.
Ah, well it just seemed weird that their only post was a link, and that in their info their MBTI was 12.
When you ask a girl out, do not do it by email or text messaging.
The grammar of the text in that link is confusing, unless it is implying some, I suppose humorous things...?
I usually come across very direct first to push aside any pretenses and/or head games.

The reason being is because most people consciously or unconsciously play "the game." It's the one where both are ambiguous with their interest or false interest. Like for example, a girl might portend she's interested in a guy and uses that to lure him to wine and dine her or spend money on her, or a guy might portend he's interesting in a long-term monogamous relationship when all he's after is a one night stand or fling.

I've gone to women and said stuff like straight out "I find you attractive and would love to get to know you." For instance, I met this beautiful French lady at the mall the other week and me and her ended up talking for a couple of hours before we exchanged contacts; my first exact words? "I want you."

None of that how's the weather, or getting their opinion crap.

The ironic thing is what got me rejected the most is what I was trying to bullshit them in the past, when I'm honest I still get rejected, but it's not as much.

The good news is: they know exactly where I'm coming form.

Why I do this? It's starting on a good foot, on good grounds, on honesty.

Most people are phony with each other, and that's sad. Hardly people are honest with each other. It's like with sex, how people can straight out say they want that? I have, and guess what, I'll just say me and her enjoyed each other. :) It's counter-intuivie, but in society where people bullshit each other, it's refreshing to actually hear somebody speaking their mind.

Honesty is the way to go.
I 100% agree with this.
Maybe then you will agree to go on a date with you.

I think that article is sad that you won't even go out on a date with yourself.

But seriously, the way to ask out anyone, male or female is just to ask bluntly. Yup, yup. Cut the chase and get down to bizzzness.