How to appear more professional(sensor-like) as an intuitive? | INFJ Forum

How to appear more professional(sensor-like) as an intuitive?


Permanent Fixture
Mar 30, 2012
So, I work in a professional field with sales, and I'm getting transferred to our downtown location which is crazy busy, and I'm a bit nervous, because I know I have a propensity to appear flighty with my eye movements, and sometimes I can be a bit spacey when I'm thinking, any tips?
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My only advice is to care to take your work seriously. That is pretty much the requirement.
Someone told you you look 'flighty'. Their mistake. You're scanning. Sort them out first, so they remember not to try to get away with any more nonsense.

And everyone else for that matter.

Then get on with your scanning. Seeing 'everything' is what gives you your professional edge.
The only way to be something you are not is to become a robot. Don't. Let your light shine. :)
Stop fretting about your eye movements and what you appear like to your colleagues and focus on getting the job done right and you will be a professional. Intuitive and sensor have absolutely nothing to do with how you are 'read' by others; it's truly a matter of how comfortable you feel in your own skin. If you're instructing yourself how to be instead of just being in the moment, then people will definitely pick up on that as a lack of confidence.
Sensor =/= professional.

Interested in the person in front of you = professional.
Why don't you practice pitching in front of the mirror or record yourself and then practice to make changes. Change your mannerisms. I would not trust with my business a shifty eyed spacey sales person or any other sort of person for that matter. It does seem unprofessional. It sounds like nerves or unpreparedness. Maybe also try getting more organized and prepared to boost your confidence on the job.
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Try meditation or yoga to calm the nerves. Works for me.
So, I work in a professional field with sales, and I'm getting transferred to our downtown location which is crazy busy, and I'm a bit nervous, because I know I have a propensity to appear flighty with my eye movements, and sometimes I can be a bit spacey when I'm thinking, any tips?

Has it actually had a negative effect on your job performance in the past, i.e. losing sales because of it?