How severely f*cked up is the economy?


Capitalist pig
A group of about five adults whom weren't dressed up came to my house trick or treating asking for a quarter each instead of candy. They explained they'd been out of work for six months and were going around the neighborhood asking the same of everyone else.

The recession is over? Ha!
What did you tell them?
A group of about five adults whom weren't dressed up came to my house trick or treating asking for a quarter each instead of candy. They explained they'd been out of work for six months and were going around the neighborhood asking the same of everyone else.

The recession is over? Ha!

How severely messed up is the economy? Very messed up; with that being said, it could be far worse. Instead of giving them a quarter, save the economy by buying something with that quarter!
If there were actual statistics of how many jobs have been outsourced in the US, there would be some drastic changes demanded from the population.

I am not saying to blame other countries. I am saying to get rid of these greedy ass corporations that have to make more money each year and cut costs each year. Put the local back in the marketplace.

Don't shop at Wal-Mart people, don't support the massive corporations that have helped to put us in this mess.
I first commented on their age, that they were the age of my mom and 'what the fuck?', and then I asked if this was some sort of trick. One guy was talking about how the food stamps they were on didn't afford their big family so they had all banded together. They wanted quarters or canned food.
Why? Because being a consumer economy is going to keep people in jobs? Bullshit.

The only people you keep in jobs are the executives who own the means of production, and they're overseas.

Repair the economy by starting a new business in the USA that employs americans.
It is really sad. I just bought a house, and asked my best friend to live with me. Her and her family have been struggling for two years, her husband is nearly disabled, her son is special needs because he had a brain tumor as a baby...She cant get healthcare for her family or afford her small monthly bills. She works two jobs and her husband works 80 hours a week. Its sad. I do whatever I can to help in other places in the community. I feel bad that my family is stable, while we struggle a bit, its not nearly as bad as others.
Why? Because being a consumer economy is going to keep people in jobs? Bullshit.

The only people you keep in jobs are the executives who own the means of production, and they're overseas.

Repair the economy by starting a new business in the USA that employs americans.

Is this in response to me?
I think those times we now live in will be remembered in future textbooks as "imagined economy" ;)
Why? Because being a consumer economy is going to keep people in jobs? Bullshit.

The only people you keep in jobs are the executives who own the means of production, and they're overseas.

Repair the economy by starting a new business in the USA that employs americans.

So, you suspect that starting a business in america, that employs americans, will solve all the problems of our current economy? How are we to go about bringing this ingenious change to America, because it very well could.

(Btw my original comment was made in jest)
So, you suspect that starting a business in america, that employs americans, will solve all the problems of our current economy? How are we to go about bringing this ingenious change to America, because it very well could.

(Btw my original comment was made in jest)

By becoming a production society. Not just any company, but a company that builds something, rather than sells it.

You go about it by using the excess government funds floating around. That's how Australia is solving the problem.
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If there were actual statistics of how many jobs have been outsourced in the US, there would be some drastic changes demanded from the population.

I am not saying to blame other countries. I am saying to get rid of these greedy ass corporations that have to make more money each year and cut costs each year. Put the local back in the marketplace.

Don't shop at Wal-Mart people, don't support the massive corporations that have helped to put us in this mess.
I agree with the principle here but I don't think anything will change. Since we embrace competition as the means to grow both politically and economically, playing to win will always beat playing by principle. :(
I think that it is time that we all put our heads together as a nation and figure out a way to create an innovative industry that will put people to work. I myself have been upset and frustrated by the economy. I don't think that the complaints are creating an value. What can we do? Write our congressman? Offer support to someone who is out of work? Volunteer somewhere to help out? Join a grassroots movement for change? It is always someone elses job or fault but that is not getting us anywhere except more stuck.
I agree with the principle here but I don't think anything will change. Since we embrace competition as the means to grow both politically and economically, playing to win will always beat playing by principle. :(

This is why nothing changes. :P
Neither, I avoid conflict, LOL. It is just my observant opinion.
Well, to be more complete, I think the issue is that everything is so 'big' now. the National Government 'serves' 300 million people, and businesses have tens of thousands of locations serving millions overall.

When business and government were smaller there was some sort of personal accountability like there is with local government and small business. People actually know you. Your customers or voters are a part of your life. Since they know you and the people you spend time with there is accountability. People know if you walk the walk.

This simply isn't true in big business and big government. With 3 million people making up a mere 1% of a vote and the entire annual income of a small town barely matching the weekly income of some businesses, statistics suddenly becomes incredibly important. You say and do the things that give you the highest return on your investment (in votes or dollars).

Eventually the principled business person or politician has to make a choice between more votes/money or a principled stand. The competition is playing to win whatever the cost, so they never make that sacrifice intentionally. They win via statistics: enough people will 'believe the lies' to make it more 'profitable' than principle.

Now you could get people to change their perceptions at the grass roots level. The reason this doesn't change the world is the incredible monetary investment required to get the word out and educate enough people to change voting/spending statistics. Those that have the money to do this aren't interested in 'wasting' capital to support something that is unprofitable and potentially damaging to the status quo.

I don't like things the way they are. It makes no sense in my heart. But for the life of me I can't figure out a way to change enough opinions to change the game. :(
The documentary 'The Money Masters' on google videos gives a very good account of why the recession has occured and what you can do about it. It is 3 and a half hours long but worth the time.
I heard that spending boosts the economy. And since people can spend because of high taxes, I'm taking it that the economy keeps getting lower.