How do you see life? | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

How do you see life?

The school of hard knocks. :D
No, the biblical hell is hell in hell. At least earth comes with a slice of heaven from time to time.

Earth surely does come with a slice of heaven from time to time, and it also comes with slices of hell too. The biblical hell is a sea of fire where we, as well as satin, will burn until the end of time, which brings me to a question: Some people like burning and torchering themselves, so would hell be their heaven and would heaven be their hell?

I think this boils down to the individual and their version of reality.

Sure enough, the bible clearly states that all sinners in hell are unhappy, but I am pretty sure that it also states how torture is unpleasurable. How so? In our world many people like torture.

Look on the internet, people are crazy!

I do agree with you though, earth can be very lovely and very wicked.

Take care [MENTION=1815]Matariki[/MENTION]
Earth surely does come with a slice of heaven from time to time, and it also comes with slices of hell too. The biblical hell is a sea of fire where we, as well as satin, will burn until the end of time, which brings me to a question: Some people like burning and torchering themselves, so would hell be their heaven and would heaven be their hell?

I think this boils down to the individual and their version of reality.

Sure enough, the bible clearly states that all sinners in hell are unhappy, but I am pretty sure that it also states how torture is unpleasurable. How so? In our world many people like torture.

Look on the internet, people are crazy!

I do agree with you though, earth can be very lovely and very wicked.

Because something may be or seem like something, it doesn't mean it is that something literally. 'Burning in hell', is most likely figurative for living an eternity of realizing and being held accountable for your own actions, without receiving any freedom from your own guilt or sorrow. Thats why I originally said 'as hell on earth'. And yes, Bible literalism when taken to its extremes can be crazy business, after all I was born into such an environment.
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Life is... your short time of awareness.
Life is... your short time of awareness.

I figured this out after I was hit by a mobility van earlier this year, almost died and when I survived, I almost lost my leg, instead I ended up losing a large portion of it. :m198:

Although being hit by a train? :m077:

How long were you in hospital for?
in my life every day is an opportunity to progress, regress or stagnate. no apologies, no get out jail free card.
if i find i hate my life then i can only look inward for the solution to that problem.
one irritating adjustment after another. if life ever goes the way I want it to go, I am one happy person. I'm rarely happy.
I'm pretty sure none of what I do will mean anything, in the end.