how do you see/describe who you are?

if you had to describe who you are, how does that proces look like?

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defective wisdom
INFJ again
how is the image formed of "who you are?"

is it based on:
- what other people think of you?
- your actions in the world and what those actions mean?
- is it mostly based on how you feel inside? You just feel or just know who you are and it is not really connected or in relation with the outside world/what people think?

If you had to describe yourself, how does the proces look like?

- Is it a feeling or a feelings that are hard to describe in words and trying to describe only diminish the feeling, it will never cover the complexity or variety of who you are?
- is it more that you just know who you are?
- Is it a collection of toughts and experiences that built up the idea of who you are? Like: I'm a scientist and I am stubborn, sweet sometimes, I like chocolate, ...
- is it formed by what you know people think of you? Like: I must be stubborn because my boyfriend used to call me that...
- or is it something complete different

it is maybe a hard question but I'm really curious abuout how this is for you. Because I think this can be very different for different people and it may be the basic for why I feel like an alien in the world :becky:
how is the image formed of "who you are?"

is it based on:
- what other people think of you?
- your actions in the world and what those actions mean?
- is it mostly based on how you feel inside? You just feel or just know who you are and it is not really connected or in relation with the outside world/what people think?

If you had to describe yourself, how does the proces look like?

- Is it a feeling or a feelings that are hard to describe in words and trying to describe only diminish the feeling, it will never cover the complexity or variety of who you are?
- is it more that you just know who you are?
- Is it a collection of toughts and experiences that built up the idea of who you are? Like: I'm a scientist and I am stubborn, sweet sometimes, I like chocolate, ...
- is it formed by what you know people think of you? Like: I must be stubborn because my boyfriend used to call me that...
- or is it something complete different

it is maybe a hard question but I'm really curious abuout how this is for you. Because I think this can be very different for different people and it may be the basic for why I feel like an alien in the world :becky:

Well, how I see myself involves all three of those points but I tend to focus on what my actions mean and how I feel about myself. How do I describe myself? Tough question really, I don't know how exactly I describe myself. Most of it is based off of feelings that I just know, things other people have told me about myself, and also the many labels I have acquired through life.
I chose the first one

I think the best way to describe myself is to take all the things I like.. and put them all on a board
To describe, using imagery, music, items, etc...
And it all connects in some way, and makes sense

And yea to say it with words, in a literal way would just ruin it all or just skims only the surface really

I don't let other people define me because people will always see me in different ways. But their opinions do matter at times, especially in developing a mask that I wear outside
I don't let other people define me because people will always see me in different ways. But their opinions do matter at times, especially in developing a mask that I wear outside

yes this is a great one. I also think that my vision is based on feelings and such and not so much connected with the outside world. But the there opinions form the mask I wear, so when they want to know who I am and I can see that they can't handle the truth, I basicaly describe the mask :clap2:
There are at least four "me"s....major areas in which my life is placed, all these areas interact. I have little concern about how people perceive me simply because I can't see myself in one or two ways...and that's generally how others view me. I get along quite well with others, though, and am loved even with all the mystery.
Several of these options depends on my mood, who I'm talking to, or what context it's being asked in!
Posted via Mobile Device
Several of these options depends on my mood, who I'm talking to, or what context it's being asked in!
Posted via Mobile Device

If I were really letting the walls down and really, no holes barred tryingto describe my self, it would be choice it a feeling or a feelings that are hard to describe in words and trying to describe only diminish the feeling, it will never cover the complexity or variety of who you are?
But in general, i think it is more #3: a collection of thoughts and experiences that built up the idea of who you are? Like: I'm a scientist and I am stubborn, sweet sometimes, I like chocolate, I'm easily hurt, I have only a couple of friends, I'm loyal...
I pretty much know who I am, but I tend to let others decide for themselves what they think of me.
Think of Nixon and Kennedy's son.
Make him expressive but quiet.
Give him a heart but tell him not to use it.
Let him think he is missing something really good.
Suggest that he can find it if he looks.
I see myself as the person I want to be in the future - but I measure my progress by comparing today against yesterday. This is a critical distinction, IMO -- and one that lots of people fail to get which is a large part of why they stagnate for years, paralyzed by over-analysis and fear.

It's like building a mansion. You have a blueprint and that's great. But if you look at where you currently are (which for many people, isn't even close to the point of having laid a single brick) and compare it to the finished product, you're going to be overwhelmed. There's just no way to confidently reconcile the differences between the two images. However, if you instead just concentrate on laying down a single brick today and then one more tomorrow, you can compare both days and reasonably conclude that you're progressing. The proof will be right in front of you, fashioned by your own hand.

Those are the only two questions that matter:

1) Do I know where I'm going?
2) Am I further along today than I was yesterday?

If you can answer yes to those, than most everything else will take care of itself.

Also, with regards to the OP, all that "what other people think" bullshit is exactly that: bullshit. It's pure mental poison that will keep you stuck in endless loops of self-doubt and anxiety - for your entire life if you allow it.
I don't. I'm constantly evolving....even I don't know who I fully am. Explaining myself to others is waste of time....I shouldn't have to explain myself, it doesnt even seem important. Most people aren't worth it and don't deserve to see further than my surface...the ones that do are free to interpret what they discover as they so wish. They often see things much nicer than I do, myself.
How I see myself depends on my mood a lot and it would be too lengthy, so who's interested have to meet me to for that reason but Ik why they'd be interested.
How I describe myself? Dark hair, dark eyes, 90-60-90 :pound: ok, the last thing isn't true
I meant to click option 4, not 3.

The way I see and describe myself is mostly based on how I am feeling at the time, based on whatever I have done recently and mostly on my mood.
I can only describe who I am within the limits of descriptive language and my own describability. What the world finds relevant enough to put into my awareness or to create a descriptor for.

There are ways for me to see myself, but it's always within some framework of perception. Always limited.