how do you recover?

Grey Wolf

Airborne all the way!
no idea
I'm currently feeling quite dead.
reasons: the guy that I posted in the other thread, and that the past few days have been extrememly mind draining. we have a 2 week long event where we discuss rights and responsibilities of an individual and trust me, its a discussion alright. really nice to have such deep discussions but also extremely tiring.

so right now, I'm in what I call "maintanace mode". I have no idea what you guys call this but I'm pretty sure you guys go through this too. No feelings at all, cant seem to find joy in anything and just feels dead. you know?

I'm used to this already and know that it is to help me recover but I'm wondering, how do you guys get out of this state?

ps: I'm not sure if someone else has already asked this so forgive me and please direct me to the appropriate thread if there is one. thanks!

If not, lets hear how you get out, then maybe we can all learn :)
I am there as well... in this time, I am sleeping better at night, resting in the day, trying not to think of my stresses and generally thinking in terms of (as my 'lovely' father would say); "get yr priorities straight"... except that I do not actually get them stright but infact quite the opposite. So then, I spend a few days to a week shirking my responsibilities and not caring a damn about anything quite simply because I can't. Now tho, during this time, I tend to spend more money than I should, smoke more cigars than I should, and generally spoil myself with doing my funny little quirks that r unique to me, like watching my favorite movie a few times in those few days, lol... anything else I can think of would be just going for more drives, putting myself on robot mode at work and in my free time, enjoying a new cider flavor etc. I am sure this doesn't sound very good but it's my honest reply.
Hang on, are you talking about re-energising after a stressful or tiring period of time? Or are you talking about getting back up from feeling low? You said how you feel dead inside and can't find joy in anything, that doesn't sound like "maintenance mode" to me, sounds like depression.
I have that fluxuating with times of inner elation, I don't consider myself depressed, more like shifts of highs and lows because of my temperament and life situation. I think to truly be depressed it takes u not knowing truly where the sadness and numbness stems from and then feeling unable to go about yr daily life routine for a chronically long period of time. I percieved it as emotional overload after an emotionally and mentally draining spell from whatever. Anyways, I'm there now too so that was just my take on it, howver I do agree with u that the inner deadness is a sign of depression and should be taken seriousely. Besides, there r dif. types of depression- clinical, chronic and situational r just a few... :)
Unfortunately most of the time I'm depressed when I'm down. But I do get down times when I'm not depressed, like feeling drained or even disillusioned after lots of activity and I just need to switch off. If that's what the OP was referring to then, what I do to counter this is, just delve into something that doesn't require much feeling. Usually technical stuff. I'm not much of a "techy" person but I definitely have the capacity for it. Menial tasks with lots of repetition tend to take my mind off things. Even thinking about things in general with dis-attached point of view, though it's rare that I can do that.
Hang on, are you talking about re-energising after a stressful or tiring period of time? Or are you talking about getting back up from feeling low? You said how you feel dead inside and can't find joy in anything, that doesn't sound like "maintenance mode" to me, sounds like depression.

not really. I'm not depressed. I just dont feel at all. seriously. really no feelings and interests at all. but this happens for me when I'm seriously stressed out or have used up all of my "energy pool" sorta thing. I usually get the chance to be alone to reenergise for about a month but this time I need to get outta this fast cos the month aint possible.
not really. I'm not depressed. I just dont feel at all. seriously. really no feelings and interests at all. but this happens for me when I'm seriously stressed out or have used up all of my "energy pool" sorta thing. I usually get the chance to be alone to reenergise for about a month but this time I need to get outta this fast cos the month aint possible.

Yeah, so you are referring to re-energising. You need a month to do that? I was thinking more like a day or two. Why do you need that long?
Yeah, so you are referring to re-energising. You need a month to do that? I was thinking more like a day or two. Why do you need that long?

haha. i dont need a month. What I meant was I usually have about a month to take the time to relax and reenergise and then enjoy the new energy haha
so how do you reenergise?
not really. I'm not depressed. I just dont feel at all. seriously. really no feelings and interests at all. but this happens for me when I'm seriously stressed out or have used up all of my "energy pool" sorta thing. I usually get the chance to be alone to reenergise for about a month but this time I need to get outta this fast cos the month aint possible.

Hang in there Grey Wolf, yr def. not alone and I know yll get thru it. Robot mode, sometimes u just have to honor where u r in the moment... it's ok to b numb for as long as u need to b, even if life needs u not to b; remember, yr only human. Just do what u need to do to get by till yr feeling recharged. I think it's good that yr in touch with yr inner world- it's a gift of awareness that some unfortunately don't recognize. Y'll b ok.
It could be signs of exhaustion from chronic stress.
You should try to keep going as normal but maybe treat yourself to something that you've wanted for a while, like maybe a holiday? Chronic stress can be quite harmful, so I'd recommend maybe even trying out counseling if you're that stressed :(
Hope you feel better soon!!
Ah okay! I posted my answer above before your response to me.
Hang in there Grey Wolf, yr def. not alone and I know yll get thru it. Robot mode, sometimes u just have to honor where u r in the moment... it's ok to b numb for as long as u need to b, even if life needs u not to b; remember, yr only human. Just do what u need to do to get by till yr feeling recharged. I think it's good that yr in touch with yr inner world- it's a gift of awareness that some unfortunately don't recognize. Y'll b ok.

haha thanks.
appreciate it.

It could be signs of exhaustion from chronic stress.
You should try to keep going as normal but maybe treat yourself to something that you've wanted for a while, like maybe a holiday? Chronic stress can be quite harmful, so I'd recommend maybe even trying out counseling if you're that stressed :(
Hope you feel better soon!!

I just have to endure a few more days. Next week, I'm heading off overseas for the second part of my event! I'm hoping that that would help. thanks!

Ah okay! I posted my answer above before your response to me.

yep! haha
menial tasks..hmm.. I could try that out. thanks!
I smoke ganga when my mind is feeling numb from thinking.

Might not be your style though

Or I do something that requires no focus what so ever, like watch Jerry Springer.
I'm currently feeling quite dead.
reasons: the guy that I posted in the other thread, and that the past few days have been extrememly mind draining. we have a 2 week long event where we discuss rights and responsibilities of an individual and trust me, its a discussion alright. really nice to have such deep discussions but also extremely tiring.

so right now, I'm in what I call "maintanace mode". I have no idea what you guys call this but I'm pretty sure you guys go through this too. No feelings at all, cant seem to find joy in anything and just feels dead. you know?

I'm used to this already and know that it is to help me recover but I'm wondering, how do you guys get out of this state?

ps: I'm not sure if someone else has already asked this so forgive me and please direct me to the appropriate thread if there is one. thanks!

If not, lets hear how you get out, then maybe we can all learn :)

For your own research purposes, this "maintenance mode" you describe is actually called anhedonia. No passion, no interest in life, and a general inability to get any sort of positive emotional response, etc. If you've gone through a considerable amount of emotional stress in the last little while, this is a pretty standard physiological response and usually, it'll go away on its own. But there are a few things that might help you along.

On a physiological level, vigorous exercise actually gets you really juiced. If you're feeling out of it and completely disconnected, you should go for a hard run for a good twenty or thirty minutes. Also try and avoid sugar and caffiene and fatty foods, because the crashes that follow actually contribute to it. And make sure you're getting just the right amount of sleep (too much or too little make things worse; aim for 7 or 8 hours... no napping during the day). The rest is just waiting it out, taking care of yourself, and keeping your thinking as positive as you can.

Good luck!
For your own research purposes, this "maintenance mode" you describe is actually called anhedonia. No passion, no interest in life, and a general inability to get any sort of positive emotional response, etc. If you've gone through a considerable amount of emotional stress in the last little while, this is a pretty standard physiological response and usually, it'll go away on its own. But there are a few things that might help you along.

On a physiological level, vigorous exercise actually gets you really juiced. If you're feeling out of it and completely disconnected, you should go for a hard run for a good twenty or thirty minutes. Also try and avoid sugar and caffiene and fatty foods, because the crashes that follow actually contribute to it. And make sure you're getting just the right amount of sleep (too much or too little make things worse; aim for 7 or 8 hours... no napping during the day). The rest is just waiting it out, taking care of yourself, and keeping your thinking as positive as you can.

Good luck!

Great suggestions,TDHT. I'd add that when my moods get out of whack, whether low or high, sticking to a relative routine, especially around bedtime and waking time, really helps. Exercise is the best, though.
For your own research purposes, this "maintenance mode" you describe is actually called anhedonia. No passion, no interest in life, and a general inability to get any sort of positive emotional response, etc. If you've gone through a considerable amount of emotional stress in the last little while, this is a pretty standard physiological response and usually, it'll go away on its own. But there are a few things that might help you along.

On a physiological level, vigorous exercise actually gets you really juiced. If you're feeling out of it and completely disconnected, you should go for a hard run for a good twenty or thirty minutes. Also try and avoid sugar and caffiene and fatty foods, because the crashes that follow actually contribute to it. And make sure you're getting just the right amount of sleep (too much or too little make things worse; aim for 7 or 8 hours... no napping during the day). The rest is just waiting it out, taking care of yourself, and keeping your thinking as positive as you can.

Good luck!

oo cool! time to research more!
thanks for the suggestions. will definitely try them out!