How do you feel about cat calling? | Page 13 | INFJ Forum

How do you feel about cat calling?


Sorry, I don't know how to post individualised quotes from your overall quote. Anyhow, it can look intimidating so I don't want to do this.

Whatever the equation around a person, they still have free choice. We always do.

Being someone from the 80's, this core value has never left me and it does irk me when people sympathise with twats. No, even if a person does not mean any harm, how they put themselves 'out there' counts endlessly. It is not for the other to work that out for them.

Those with some level of common decency don't have such issues, so they are the model to follow. Seeing attraction isn't frying their circuits.

I do believe there is a greater picture but boundaries remain felt and understood. So overall, I would caution you to not make haste towards those who lack self control as you could be opening your aura to very negative things. Empathy is everything but be careful as the people you are defending cannot objectively be defended.
@muir .

Sorry, I don't know how to post individualised quotes from your overall quote. Anyhow, it can look intimidating so I don't want to do this.

Whatever the equation around a person, they still have free choice. We always do.

Being someone from the 80's, this core value has never left me and it does irk me when people sympathise with twats. No, even if a person does not mean any harm, how they put themselves 'out there' counts endlessly. It is not for the other to work that out for them.

Those with some level of common decency don't have such issues, so they are the model to follow. Seeing attraction isn't frying their circuits.

I do believe there is a greater picture but boundaries remain felt and understood. So overall, I would caution you to not make haste towards those who lack self control as you could be opening your aura to very negative things. Empathy is everything but be careful as the people you are defending cannot objectively be defended.

Nevertheless we are all going to reap the whirlwind of the feminist abadonment of good male role models
Did y'all hear about the well balanced anti-feminist?

He had a chip on both shoulders.

If you're a douche towards women you'll need to get to enjoying the single life, on the other hand the sort of women you can get by being a douche are not worth having.

Women dont want men to make the first move, that whole men cant win attitude is simpering and pathetic and its not a good look, no one wants to snuggle up to anyone like that, hell, they dont want to spend time waiting on a bus with someone like that. Women make the first move. Even when they make it appear they havent. And why would they do that? Male egos, they know them well.

Ok romeo
Nevertheless we are all going to reap the whirlwind of the feminist abadonment of good male role models

what is a good male role model? And how has feminism abandoned it?
what is a good male role model? And how has feminism abandoned it?

Feminism has done a number of i'm going to have to be very careful how i discuss this because as some of the replies to my posts recently show people are sometimes quick to jump to the wrong conclusions when someone tries to discuss this stuff

It's to avoid being misunderstood that i'm going to say a few things first to avoid being misunderstood

First off i believe men and women should have equal say in decision making

Secondly I think men and women should compliment each other, not compete and that they should recognise that they are part of a community that must work together in order to reproduce and to meet its various needs

That community of...lets call them 'workers' to borrow from marxist terminology are always exploited by another group of people...lets call them the 'capitalist class'

The 'workers' so the rationale goes...are those that work for a living

The 'capitalist class' are those that live off their investments

So the vast majority of men and women are actually working for a living and are therefore 'workers'. You could therefore argue that they are on the same team and that in order to build a platform whereby they are not exploited by the capitalist class they must work together

making sense so far?

So men and women HAVE been working together as a team for thousands of years. They both shared the various labours required to reproduce and to take care of the needs of the community.

Then in more recent times the game has been changed into a more modern work environment with the 'industrial revolution'. People flooded into the cities from the coutnryside to find work often being pushed off the land to make way for sheep (who in turn would provide wool on an industrial scale) or for industrialised scale farming

These men and women AND children were horribly exploited working in factories, mines and mills (what william blake called the 'dark satanic mills')

Even child labour was exploited because childrens smaller stature was seen as an advantage in some areas for example every home had an open fire (no central heating then) so boys were often used by chimney sweeps and sent up chimneys to clear blockages and so on

Boys were also conscripted into the military to serve on ships or as drummer boys in the army or as boy soldiers/sailors

Girls and boys were both used in the mills where they were made to crawl around under machinery picking up debris and their smaller hands were seen as advantageous for certain jobs requiring great dexterity

The pioneering work of social reformers like Robert Owen saw an improvement in living standards for workers with children being sent to schools set up near the mills and adults beginning to have some more humane working hours and conditions

Cooperatives began to form, as well as peoples societies where people paid their dues and received support in return; these then evolved into the trade unions

All through this time men AND women were being exploited in the work place

The poor who could not find work were put to work in the 'work houses' and charles dickens spent a time in one, as boy, and this experience sparked a lot of writings about the hardships of work houses as shown in his novel 'oliver twist'

The trade unions began to build some rights for workers and the 8 hour working day and weekends off became enshrined in the work place

We then entered the age of steel with ship building and railway building and of course the mining of iron ore and the extraction of the iron and manufacturing of the steel

This kind of work was brutal and suited men better. Women were still working but the yards and factories began to favour the muscle that men could provide. Women began to take on a more domesticated role and were able to do this more because the workers were able to negotiate a better deal whereby their womenfolk and children weren't constantly exploited in the work place too

This bring us upto the 20th century where whole generations of working men were decimated in a series of wars including the two world wars

The el-ites had to start making concessions to the workers not only because of the rise of working class politics but also because hundreds of thousands of battle hardened men were returning from the wars and could easily topple the capitalist class if they united with that goal

The workers were given a national health service in the UK and prefabricated homes ('homes for heroes') and better living conditions

Women had taken over mens jobs whilst the men were away fighting and this was fuelling calls for women to take a more active role in the workplace

I'm saying all this to destroy this perception some modern middle-class feminists seem to have that men have been enjoying freedoms that women haven't throughout history; the reality is that both men and women have been toiling through difficult and horrible conditions throughout history

So womens working rights were advancing regardless of modern 'feminism' which was basically hijaked by the marxists who sought to ride on the back of womens dissatisfaction at having to give up front line jobs on the return of the menfolk from war

The 1950's housewife had to give up the jobs she had done whilst the menfolk were away and was given a load of labour saving devices by the el-ites such as hoovers, toasters, electrical ovens, electrical irons etc etc so we see technology begin to change the domestic environment as well as the work environment

Although the work environment has favoured men upto this point due to the physical nature of a lot of the work a key thing to note is that only one of a couple had to work for them to be able to afford a home, a car and children etc

But with the process of women entering the work place enmasse something happened to disrupt that equilibrium

I want to be clear that i'm NOT advocating that women stay out of the work place and i'm NOT advocating a return to the old system i'm just at the moment looking objectively at how the process has rolled out

So what happened with women entering the work place is that the capitalist class (some of which were funding marxist feminism) suddenly had DOUBLE the workforce to choose from which by the law of 'scracity' meant that the value of the worker went DOWN

I want to pause for a minute here to remind the reader that men and women have been working together through history on the same team and that the idea of women v's men is a recent development

So suddenly men and women are being pitted against each other in competition for jobs and those jobs are now paying a much reduced wage because of the value of the workers going down which in turn requires both partners to work to make ends meet

The capitalist class are sitting rubbing their hands together because now they can pay their workers less because they are easier to replace and they can provide worse working conditions because the workers will put up with worse in order to get a job and also they are happy because team 'worker' is now divided along gender lines and fighting amongst itself which in turn means it is not able to build a strong and unified platform from which it can negotiate a better deal from the capitalist class

The el-ites are also happy because now they are able to tax both men and women

So this brings us upto date. The other development that occurs with women entering the workplace is that now there is no one to look after the children so the children will increasingly go into state sponsored childcare which is one of the aims of the marxists because the marxists want to replace men with the state

The state is to become the husband of the woman and the father of the children

The state has created a 'welfare system' whereby women who leave their male partner can be supported by the state financially through money paid for by the taxes extracted from male and female workers; this enables the state to replace the man of the house as a provider; this destroys mens currency making them nothing more than sperm donors

Men are still paying for the children through their taxes but now single mums can pretend that men aren't paying for their children because they can tell themselves that the state is paying for them...but the state gets its money from the taxes it takes from the workers who are subsidising other peoples children as well as their own

The other thing the state does is it takes on the role of a parent raising the children in childcare so that the men and women can go to work to get the money to pay for the taxes to keep the state holding onto their children

The marxist state wants the children in its care so that it can indoctrinate them and the british business community has just published a paper calling for more childcare

The marxist state does not want parents passing on their values to children it wants to pass on its values to children; the states values are that everyone works for and is the property of the state and that they must obey the state in all things

The feminists speak about overthrowing 'patriarchy' but what they fail to realise is that all they have done is remove male powers and replace them with state powers and the state is a far more domineering, controlling and oppressive influence than any man can ever be

if people don't think this then they are going to be in for a big suprise as the state increases its powers over the coming years; the state wants total control over every aspect of peoples lives and it has technological capabilites and legal capabilites to do things that no man can ever do. A state can take your home, it can take your children, it can spy in your home, it can lock you up, it can beat you, it can inject things into your body by forcful innoculation or microchip implantation, it can do almost anything to you but a man cannot do all these things

So 'patriarchy' (rule by male el-ites over the other men and women) has been replaced by the el-ites (with the help of the feminists) with startarchy (rule by psychopaths of both genders who can do whatever they like to you through their godlike state powers)

The el-ites who want a powerful state that they can control in order to then control the workers with it are also the people who masterminded the ideology of 'consumerism' which was born out of the work of sigmund freud

Consumerism works on peoples subconscious desires in order to get them to want things that they don't need and to get them to confuse 'needs' with 'wants'

One of the ways consumerism does this is to use sex to appeal to the subconscious desires of the consumer. For example a public relations firm hired by a car manufacturer to sell their cars will create an advert with a scantily clad woman lying suggestively on the bonnet of a car to associate sex with the product (the car) so that the consumer will on a subconscious level associate the car with sexual desire

Women too are manipulated in this way but women are often sold something different to men through this process. Just as men are bombarded with sexually suggestive images of women all the time on TV, online, in newspapers, on billboards, in magazines, in womens fashions etc women too see the same images; the effect on women is that they are then trained to see the world through the eyes of men

Women don't fantasise about sleeping with the sexy woman in the image they fantasise about becoming the woman in the image and they then spend lots of money on beauty products and clothes and plastic surgury and diet courses and all the rest thereby driving consumerism on even more

So what we have seen is the state replacing men in the household and we have seen feminism telling women to become more aggressive and more assertive so that they compete with men in the work place

This has created a conflict between the sexes which has been labelled the 'battle of the sexes' which is keeping the workers divided and more easily exploited by the capitalist class who have been able to drive down wages thereby requiring both parents to work and the children to go into state care

Women have been more aggressive with men and are supported by the law courts to break up with men because the law courts financially rewards women for divorce by giving them a large share of what the man has managed to build up through his labours and often the man is required to pay continued maintenance for the rest of his days

So there is every incentive for women to use men to get sperm to have a child and then to push the man away and to use the state as her new fella; thi smeans women can act less responsibly as they don't need to worry about the effects of their actions

This means women don't need to worry so much about love and stability in a relationship and instead can go for guys they are excited by (even if the guy is an ammoral psychopath with lots of money) or whose genes they desire for their children

Hector spoke in another thread about how women often don't fall in love with a man but rather fall into respect for them; this is referring to female desire for a strong alpha man which in our society would be men from the capitalist class who will be favoured over and above men from team worker (even though men in the capitalist class might be lacking or devoid of empathy)

If a woman falls out of respect for her man for example if he loses his job then there is every incentive for her to push him away and to start again or to fall back on the state welfare system (in contrast to the marriage vow of sticking together through thick and thin)

Another poster posted a youtube clip about 'misandry' which made the point that women are often never satisfied because of their evolutionary desire to keep chasing that alpha male; under this argument women will always be looking to trade upwards their man (and their status items such as their car, house, clothes etc for greater status); perhaps this is the reason behind the lyrics of the song ''when you're in love with a beautiful women you'd better watch your friends!!!'

So all the checks and balances on female dalliance have been removed and in fact they are now financially enouraged to break off from guys by the state; this has fuelled a wholesale destruction of the nuclear family which in turn means that many boys and girls are raised without a male role model who would in the past have acted as an example for those youngsters by showing them correct behaviour, disciplining incorrect behaviour and also he would have challenged them with adventurous play and sport and would have helped their self esteem, skills an knowledge

The loss of the male role model and father figure and their replacement with an unfeeling state and immature females who now no longer need to act responsibly is going to have drastic consequences for our society in terms of social stability

The feminists in turn say that this kind of talk is merely a male fear of 'female sexuality' and they say that miley cyrus twerking with her tongue out and a teddy bear on her chest in front of an audience of teenagers is 'empowering' but one has to wonder.....which is fuelling which? is female sexuality fuelling the miley cyrus performance or is miley cyrus fuelling female sexuality by conditioning the young with ideas of how they should act?

So it seems the marxist state wants women to be: overtly sexualising society, not living with the fathers of their children, working all the time, aggressively pushing men around, buying lots of consumer items and letting the state raise their kids

So where do the marxist state want men to be in all this? It would appear we too are to be taxed wage slaves with few rights regarding our children, who we must step aside and watch the sate raise; we are also to be exposed to the sexualised society but where men are to then go to get the sex that all this subconscious triggering is going to create a demand for i don't know

Aldous Huxley had insight into the ideas of the marxist fabians and he wrote in his book 'a brave new world' of public state organised orgies called 'orgy porgies' where human sexual desire was released in a state controlled way; children were born and raised in a laboratory by the state

So perhaps the sexual release aspect envisioned by the marxists is yet to be put in place although pornography, online dating and the underground prostitution trade is currently fulfilling that role in a messy and inelegant way
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[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] i appreciate your detailed response

I can follow the patterns of what you are saying, and understand why you have come to the conclusion that you have...but i find some of your assertions assumptive.

It is fair for you to say what you think the agenda of these groups are, but the agenda, intentions, desires, needs, and aspirations of individual every day people is far more complex, fluid, and versatile.

It can seem that people are sheep sometimes, and easily manipulated into complaceny and competion mindset by things such as desire for sex, approval, and group cohesion, and fear of harm, illness, violence and freedom. But i dont believe that people are sheep, and i know for a certainty that they can think freely if and when they choose to.

Life is created by many factors. I know for a fact that there are groups manipulating history and reality and trying to create their ideas of the future. But i also know that people are complex, and do things for their own complex reasons, and that the furture is unwritten, and it is in our hands

Feminism means different things to different people. The majority of the people on this forum who identify as feminists see men and women as equal. I know that there are others out there that do not, but i have not met a feminist that didnt. Extremists tend to speak for their own demise anyway, although i do believe that extremism can serve a purpose in the process of equalising and cohesion.

I certainly want my daughter to have good people role models of both sexes. I think that feminism has in general, given men the permission to be more themselves, rather than have to play out some arbitary role. This has led to a backlash of people saying that they cant find 'real men' anymore, and men are pussies. But i think that thinking is based on ignorance and the failure to see men as human, rather than their projected societal role, and denying men the right to their free creative expression. Many men are being more open now, and getting more involved in child rearing. The only infj man i have ever met in real life is married to a intp woman, he cares for the child and works from home at night doing something he loves, and she works during the day doing something she loves, and cares for the child in the evening.

I share responsibility for my daughter with her dad, his partner, my sister, and her partner. We all look after my sister's 6 month old daughter. I will be involved in looking after any subsequent children that my daughters dad and his partner have. This may not be traditional, but its working, and frankly, we are a lot happier than many other family dynamics ive seen.

I understand why you have associated feminism with both capitalism and marxism. But to the everyday person, it often means something different, and there is a different intention and goal.

Do you really think that people would ever give up and abdicate sex, relationships, friendships, family, community, and Love? Why are so many people so driven to find a partner? Or want their children to have a mother and father? Or to belong to a family? There is a human element to all this that goes beyond the agendas of groups.

Do you disagree with state government welfare?

Is it not possible to change the way our government works and operates? The government is funded by us, the tax payer. We may not control it...but effectively...we own Australia anyway. I dont like where all my taxes go, but at the same time, i appreciate the possibilities that the state offers. The issue isnt that groups are sinister and controlling us, the issue is that many people do not want to take responsibility and ownership for their life, community, and nation. There are many successful intentional communities all over the world. Examples of anarchosocialism and true democracy in practice. People that live using permaculture, and the sustainable use of resources. There are also people all over the world that are more spiritually aware and seeing the Oneness and interconnection of life, and are understanding that Love is It, and that they are responsible for the lives they lead, and the world they live in.

There are many possible visions for the future. I am very comforted and hopeful from what i see in my visions. Something brilliant and important is happening. Things are changing rapidly, and that will be painful, but the potential for creativity and joy is endless.

Have you read 'Island' by Huxley? It isnt a happy ending book, but it contrasts Brave New World, showing how the same aspects and themes can be used in a completely different way according to the intention.

This is copied/pasted from

Theme comparison
Island/ Brave New World
Drug use for enlightenment and self-knowledge / Drug use for pacification and self-medication
Group living (in the form of Mutual Adoption Clubs) so that children would not have unalloyed exposure to their parents' neuroses/ Group living for the elimination of individuality.
Trance states for super learning/ Trance states for indoctrination
Assisted reproduction (low-tech artificial insemination)/ Assisted reproduction (high-tech test-tube babies)
Freely-available contraception to enable reproductive choice, expressive sex/ Mandatory contraception, socially-mandated recreational and promiscuous sex
Dangerous climb to a temple, as spiritual preparation/ Violent Passion Surrogate
Mynah birds trained to utter uplifting slogans/ Ubiquitous disembodied mechanical voices

Or a book called 'Ecotopia' by Ernest Callenbach?

There are different ways to look at the same thing, and it depends entirely on our intention, desires, values, and beliefs.

Clearly the way things are right now are not working. Cities are too big, people are disconnected from their environment, each other, their food, and their relationships. Technology is changing the way we see the world, work, learn, and connect. Technology, and the disintergration of the nuclear family and concrete gender roles is not bad, these can be used in healthy and unhealthy ways.

Ultimately, we need freedom to make our own choices, not everyone will want to live in a certain way, and they shouldnt be forced to.

Sometimes the greatest way to achieve power and control is to act as if you have it already. How do you know that some of the things that are attributed to these 'groups' are not marketing and manipulation on their part? If people believe and accept completely that the future is written and that history has just been a big set up, and that powers beyond their capacity to understand and effect are controlling the outcome of their actions regardless of what they choose, wouldnt they feel truly disempowered and afraid? And who would 'win' that 'game'?

Why cant we define things? Why cant we choose things?
Why cant we forget multinational corporations and focus on growing and making our own necesseties, and support local, ethical, and sustainable business?

Do you know that it is becoming 'fashionable' for young people to buy clothes, furniture etc that are either sustainably made, not mass produced, second hand, or handmade? Being ethical is becoming fashionable. Getting ethical products is becoming easier and easier and becoming mainstream. I know that people denigrate this movement and say that its useless consumerism....but why the fuck do they say that for? People are caring more, and becoming more compassionate and responsible. I dont care if theyre doing it because they think its 'cool', its fucking awesome because things are changing and consciousness is growing! More people dont want to do dead end jobs, and are picking something they enjoy. More people are thinking about whether the place they are living in is right for them. Education systems like steiner schools are becoming more popular. Fair trade is everywhere. People and governments around the world have become interested in investing ethically. There is a lot happening that is positive
@muir i appreciate your detailed response

I can follow the patterns of what you are saying, and understand why you have come to the conclusion that you have...but i find some of your assertions assumptive.

It is fair for you to say what you think the agenda of these groups are, but the agenda, intentions, desires, needs, and aspirations of individual every day people is far more complex, fluid, and versatile.

It can seem that people are sheep sometimes, and easily manipulated into complaceny and competion mindset by things such as desire for sex, approval, and group cohesion, and fear of harm, illness, violence and freedom. But i dont believe that people are sheep, and i know for a certainty that they can think freely if and when they choose to.


You are doing now what i asked lasagna not to do which is to misrepresent my words

If i believed people were just 'sheep' then i would not bother posting any information; i have always said here that i trust people to act responsibly when they have the required information

The problem is that not everyone is operating at the same level of consciousness. Some people very much are acting unconsciously a lot of the time but as they become more consciously aware they are then less easily swayed and are more likely to make their own informed decisions

Life is created by many factors. I know for a fact that there are groups manipulating history and reality and trying to create their ideas of the future. But i also know that people are complex, and do things for their own complex reasons, and that the furture is unwritten, and it is in our hands

Once again i must point out that i have ALWAYS said that we the people can take responsibility when we become consciously aware

I am constantly talking about decentralising power which is in essence ALL ABOUT regular people haveing power and responsibility over their's what my agruments ARE ALL ABOUT

Feminism means different things to different people. The majority of the people on this forum who identify as feminists see men and women as equal. I know that there are others out there that do not, but i have not met a feminist that didnt. Extremists tend to speak for their own demise anyway, although i do believe that extremism can serve a purpose in the process of equalising and cohesion.

And i'm telling you that people are being manipulated from behind the feminist movement and they are being hoodwinked and led towards a new statist society that will be a prison for them

That is being done regardless of how individuals on this forum like to imagine the word 'feminism' to mean. I am exposing this process so that people can approach the situation in a more savy way

The word 'feminism' can NEVER be a substitute for the word 'equality' because the word 'feminism' is loaded towards females: 'fem-in-ism'

Please don't waste my time arguing with me on this; instead go and speak to linguists about this; i have a dgree in linguistics and literature so i am not coming from an ignorant position regarding the mechanics of language

The word feminism contains an energetic bias in it and it should be discarded when talking about equality; feminism as most people udnerstand it is a seperate thing form the process of female empowerment and is actually a CIA and globalist backed movement to move society closer to their vision of a new world order

I'm not interested in hearing anyone try and tell me that the word 'feminism' is to do with equality please go and contact a linguistics professor regarding what i've said and see what their input is but don't try and convince me otherwise you are wasting your time

I certainly want my daughter to have good people role models of both sexes. I think that feminism has in general, given men the permission to be more themselves, rather than have to play out some arbitary role.

No feminism has not done that all that is being done is that new cultural stereotypes are created by the people behind 'feminism' which act as further cultural memes controlling human behaviour

This has led to a backlash of people saying that they cant find 'real men' anymore, and men are pussies. But i think that thinking is based on ignorance and the failure to see men as human, rather than their projected societal role, and denying men the right to their free creative expression.

WRONG that is YOUR view that you are trying to project onto those people thereby invalidating their desires. They want that and that is their choice and you should respect it

Many men are being more open now, and getting more involved in child rearing. The only infj man i have ever met in real life is married to a intp woman, he cares for the child and works from home at night doing something he loves, and she works during the day doing something she loves, and cares for the child in the evening.

One poster on this forum who is a teacher has told me he cannot afford to have children. his partner is also a teacher, they are responsible honest, hardworking people but they cannot afford children because the bloated state is taxing people lots of money to pay for the welfare system, state spying and the militarising of the police which is along with the modern 'feminist movement' all part of the social engineering going on designed to move us into the new world order totalitarian government, not to mention the illegal wars abroad

I share responsibility for my daughter with her dad, his partner, my sister, and her partner. We all look after my sister's 6 month old daughter. I will be involved in looking after any subsequent children that my daughters dad and his partner have. This may not be traditional, but its working, and frankly, we are a lot happier than many other family dynamics ive seen.

Certain people are being favoured by the state to the detriment of others

For example why should two hard working teachers not be able to have children whilst the welfare state pays for teenage mums to have children straight out of school and raise them in fatherless homes and not have to work at all for a living?

I understand why you have associated feminism with both capitalism and marxism. But to the everyday person, it often means something different, and there is a different intention and goal.

They're wrong and its because of their lack of understanding that they are beign proven wrong again and again when they tell people like me that the state is not preying on children and fighting illegal wars and militarising the police and protecting banking fraud and destorying savings through inflation and so on and so on

Theyre wrong and have been demonstrated to be wrong time and time again and because of their ignorance our world is mvoing closer and closer to an orwellian nightmare

It is not time to tell yourself reality is what you want to believe reality is but rather to see reality for what it really is otherwsie we will never develop the unity as a community to stand against the dark forces

Do you really think that people would ever give up and abdicate sex, relationships, friendships, family, community, and Love? Why are so many people so driven to find a partner? Or want their children to have a mother and father? Or to belong to a family? There is a human element to all this that goes beyond the agendas of groups.

I think in a money based system people are pressured into negative forms of behaviour (it encourages the worst in human nature)

Do you disagree with state government welfare?

I disagree with the state. The state is a war-mongering peadophilic parasitic vampire terrorist and that is easily demonstrated through the now huge amount of evidence proving it so

Is it not possible to change the way our government works and operates? The government is funded by us, the tax payer. We may not control it...but effectively...we own Australia anyway.

No you do not control your government in australia abbot is under the influence of the globalist network

Governments and other centralised power structures will always attract psychopaths looking for a way to increase their influence; they should NEVER be trusted by the people and it is to all of our cost that many people have forgotten that

I dont like where all my taxes go, but at the same time, i appreciate the possibilities that the state offers. The issue isnt that groups are sinister and controlling us, the issue is that many people do not want to take responsibility and ownership for their life, community, and nation.

No the issue is that many people aren't even aware of how they are being conditioned from birth by sinister and controlling groups

There are many successful intentional communities all over the world. Examples of anarchosocialism and true democracy in practice. People that live using permaculture, and the sustainable use of resources. There are also people all over the world that are more spiritually aware and seeing the Oneness and interconnection of life, and are understanding that Love is It, and that they are responsible for the lives they lead, and the world they live in.

Yes and i've spoken about them more than any other poster on this forum

There are many possible visions for the future. I am very comforted and hopeful from what i see in my visions. Something brilliant and important is happening. Things are changing rapidly, and that will be painful, but the potential for creativity and joy is endless.

Yes and i have spoken many times on the forum about the 'awakening' and try to do my bit in that in varioius places

Have you read 'Island' by Huxley? It isnt a happy ending book, but it contrasts Brave New World, showing how the same aspects and themes can be used in a completely different way according to the intention.

This is copied/pasted from

Theme comparison
Island/ Brave New World
Drug use for enlightenment and self-knowledge / Drug use for pacification and self-medication
Group living (in the form of Mutual Adoption Clubs) so that children would not have unalloyed exposure to their parents' neuroses/ Group living for the elimination of individuality.
Trance states for super learning/ Trance states for indoctrination
Assisted reproduction (low-tech artificial insemination)/ Assisted reproduction (high-tech test-tube babies)
Freely-available contraception to enable reproductive choice, expressive sex/ Mandatory contraception, socially-mandated recreational and promiscuous sex
Dangerous climb to a temple, as spiritual preparation/ Violent Passion Surrogate
Mynah birds trained to utter uplifting slogans/ Ubiquitous disembodied mechanical voices

Or a book called 'Ecotopia' by Ernest Callenbach?

There are different ways to look at the same thing, and it depends entirely on our intention, desires, values, and beliefs.

I have spoken many times on the forum about the importance of INTENT and i see being consciously aware as the best way to ensure we are acting in the right direction with that intent; even good intentions can lead to trouble if they are misinformed

Clearly the way things are right now are not working. Cities are too big, people are disconnected from their environment, each other, their food, and their relationships. Technology is changing the way we see the world, work, learn, and connect. Technology, and the disintergration of the nuclear family and concrete gender roles is not bad, these can be used in healthy and unhealthy ways.

I have repeatedly talked about how we are at a crossroads and that we need to steer in the right direction to use technology responsbily and not allow the psychopaths to create a technocratic prison

Ultimately, we need freedom to make our own choices, not everyone will want to live in a certain way, and they shouldnt be forced to.

Under the fabian state-socialist system they WILL BE MADE TO ACT A CERTAIN WAY AND THINK A CERTAIN WAY OR ELSE

This is why people need to be informed so that they can reject that

Sometimes the greatest way to achieve power and control is to act as if you have it already. How do you know that some of the things that are attributed to these 'groups' are not marketing and manipulation on their part? If people believe and accept completely that the future is written and that history has just been a big set up, and that powers beyond their capacity to understand and effect are controlling the outcome of their actions regardless of what they choose, wouldnt they feel truly disempowered and afraid? And who would 'win' that 'game'?

Why cant we define things? Why cant we choose things?
Why cant we forget multinational corporations and focus on growing and making our own necesseties, and support local, ethical, and sustainable business?

Do you know that it is becoming 'fashionable' for young people to buy clothes, furniture etc that are either sustainably made, not mass produced, second hand, or handmade? Being ethical is becoming fashionable. Getting ethical products is becoming easier and easier and becoming mainstream. I know that people denigrate this movement and say that its useless consumerism....but why the fuck do they say that for? People are caring more, and becoming more compassionate and responsible. I dont care if theyre doing it because they think its 'cool', its fucking awesome because things are changing and consciousness is growing! More people dont want to do dead end jobs, and are picking something they enjoy. More people are thinking about whether the place they are living in is right for them. Education systems like steiner schools are becoming more popular. Fair trade is everywhere. People and governments around the world have become interested in investing ethically. There is a lot happening that is positive

You are preaching to the converted

I am the one on the forum repeatedly saying to people that we the people have power and that we the people can make positive change if we understand whats going on
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You are doing now what i asked lasagna not to do which is to misrepresent my words.....

I am the one on the forum repeatedly saying to people that we the people have power and that we the people can make positive change if we understand whats going on

somehow, either no one understands you.....or the words you are using do not mean what you think they do.
somehow, either no one understands you.....or the words you are using do not mean what you think they do.

Or people are not fully cogniscent of the forces acting upon our world
live a little
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You are doing now what i asked lasagna not to do which is to misrepresent my words

If i believed people were just 'sheep' then i would not bother posting any information; i have always said here that i trust people to act responsibly when they have the required information

The problem is that not everyone is operating at the same level of consciousness. Some people very much are acting unconsciously a lot of the time but as they become more consciously aware they are then less easily swayed and are more likely to make their own informed decisions

I'm sorry that you feel I have misrepresented your words. That isnt my intention.
The point I was making is that people are not sheep and are not just blindly living their lives dancing on the puppet strings of elitist and sinister groups

Once again i must point out that i have ALWAYS said that we the people can take responsibility when we become consciously aware

I am constantly talking about decentralising power which is in essence ALL ABOUT regular people haveing power and responsibility over their's what my agruments ARE ALL ABOUT

I dont think taking responsibility has anything to do with becoming aware of these 'plots'.
I know that you talk about decentralising power, and I haven't said otherwise. Im not sure how you got that from what I said.

What I was saying is that reality and power is already more decentralised that some of your theories assert. Im not saying that these groups are not real, but that people make decisions on their own merit for their own reasons, and we are not just mindless puppets. Ordinary people can make the future how they want, and it doesnt have to be the way that your doomsday predictions suggest. Knowing and preaching about these doomsday predictions is not what will create the future we want. Knowing what 'we' want, and creating that through taking personal responsibility and being empowered to take action is the way to get there.

And i'm telling you that people are being manipulated from behind the feminist movement and they are being hoodwinked and led towards a new statist society that will be a prison for them

That is being done regardless of how individuals on this forum like to imagine the word 'feminism' to mean. I am exposing this process so that people can approach the situation in a more savy way

The word 'feminism' can NEVER be a substitute for the word 'equality' because the word 'feminism' is loaded towards females: 'fem-in-ism'

Please don't waste my time arguing with me on this; instead go and speak to linguists about this; i have a dgree in linguistics and literature so i am not coming from an ignorant position regarding the mechanics of language

The word feminism contains an energetic bias in it and it should be discarded when talking about equality; feminism as most people udnerstand it is a seperate thing form the process of female empowerment and is actually a CIA and globalist backed movement to move society closer to their vision of a new world order

I'm not interested in hearing anyone try and tell me that the word 'feminism' is to do with equality please go and contact a linguistics professor regarding what i've said and see what their input is but don't try and convince me otherwise you are wasting your time

Yes i've heard your predictions and I disagree.
You are not a feminist, and therefore you are not qualified to tell feminists what they believe and why. That is a question for them to answer and define, not you.
It is better to talk to everyday people that identify with this ideology and movement, rather than listening to extremists. It is exactly the same when people tell others with different beliefs, world views, philosophies, religions, cultures, and nations about what they believe and why. Its better to connect and talk to the people involved rather than focusing on what the extremists say, just because they are the loudest and most annoying doesn't mean that they do speak for everyone else.
I understand that the word 'feminism' is relating to woman. No, I dont need to see a professor to clarify this but thank you for your obtuse suggestion.
The reason why feminism, and other movements such as black power, white power, gay rights etc exist is because people are still not being seen and treated as equal, some people still feel/are seen as inferior or disregarded. Ideas of superiority and inferiority is based on the lack of equality. These movements are essentially about self determination, and ultimately about equality. If there was equality, they would be redundant. That is what these movements work towards. Once equality is achieved, then these groups will disintegrate. Feminism is already disintegrating in some highly developed societies because it is not longer relevant. As we can see from this thread, some posters have described being catcalled, harassed, and stalked. That is indicative of some serious problems in terms of gender, sex, and personal rights.
If there was a movement called masculinism that advocated mens rights and equality, because men were being seen and treated as inferior, I would support that movement 100 percent.

No feminism has not done that all that is being done is that new cultural stereotypes are created by the people behind 'feminism' which act as further cultural memes controlling human behaviour

I disagree

WRONG that is YOUR view that you are trying to project onto those people thereby invalidating their desires. They want that and that is their choice and you should respect it

Im not projecting, im judging and analysing...of course it is my view. Of course that is their choice, and its my choice to see it as based on ignorance and inability to view a person's humanity over the gender.

One poster on this forum who is a teacher has told me he cannot afford to have children. his partner is also a teacher, they are responsible honest, hardworking people but they cannot afford children because the bloated state is taxing people lots of money to pay for the welfare system, state spying and the militarising of the police which is along with the modern 'feminist movement' all part of the social engineering going on designed to move us into the new world order totalitarian government, not to mention the illegal wars abroad

Ok. That is unfortunate. They are being responsible in waiting for the right time when they feel financially prepared. Teachers in my country get paid sufficiently to live well and raise children. Here it is an idealised job for many that have children because of the work hours.
My child was unplanned, and I was unprepared financially, but I saved everything i could during my pregnancy, and with the help of some clever budgeting, sharing, support, and excellent has been working well. Of course there has been sacrifices and compromises made, but thats life....and if things had been different, I probably would have never felt 'ready' financially and emotionally anyway. My parents had pretty much nothing at all when they had me, and they made it work very well.

Certain people are being favoured by the state to the detriment of others

For example why should two hard working teachers not be able to have children whilst the welfare state pays for teenage mums to have children straight out of school and raise them in fatherless homes and not have to work at all for a living?

What solution do you suggest for the teenage mums? Or people in an abusive relationship? Or people that have been raped and have fallen pregnant? Do you think that those teenage mums should leave their children and work instead? What happens to those children? Those children are as valid and important as anyone else's children, and they should not be penalised for their parents choices in a humane and compassionate society.

What would happen to those children if we didnt look out for them financially? What would happen to our community? In this day and age, it would be a gated community waiting to happen if we stopped helping those that are most vulnerable.

They're wrong and its because of their lack of understanding that they are beign proven wrong again and again when they tell people like me that the state is not preying on children and fighting illegal wars and militarising the police and protecting banking fraud and destorying savings through inflation and so on and so on

Theyre wrong and have been demonstrated to be wrong time and time again and because of their ignorance our world is mvoing closer and closer to an orwellian nightmare

It is not time to tell yourself reality is what you want to believe reality is but rather to see reality for what it really is otherwsie we will never develop the unity as a community to stand against the dark forces

I disagree. I dont think you are 'wrong', but I do not agree with your reasoning and analysis. You cannot equate everyday feminists with capitalist and marxists agendas.
I certainly do not live in your reality, nor am I concerned about those 'dark forces'

I think in a money based system people are pressured into negative forms of behaviour (it encourages the worst in human nature)

That is not what I asked.

I disagree with the state. The state is a war-mongering peadophilic parasitic vampire terrorist and that is easily demonstrated through the now huge amount of evidence proving it so

Do you disagree with community welfare?

No you do not control your government in australia abbot is under the influence of the globalist network

Governments and other centralised power structures will always attract psychopaths looking for a way to increase their influence; they should NEVER be trusted by the people and it is to all of our cost that many people have forgotten that

I said- we may not control it but we own it. The government is funded by tax payer money. It exists because we let it.
Abbot may be....someone who I would never vote for and I am embarrassed that he is our pm, but he is not a psychopath. He is a person.
Governments do not have to be the way you are suggesting. A government could be a committee of people that serve the people, maintain the infrastructure, and arbitrate conflicts when requested. Governance does not have to be centralised.
I agree that our current governments cant be trusted, but I dont think that they should never be trusted.

No the issue is that many people aren't even aware of how they are being conditioned from birth by sinister and controlling groups

I disagree with you assessment of the issue
Yes and i've spoken about them more than any other poster on this forum
ok. where does this fit in with your vision of the world and 'feminism/marixism/capitalism'

Yes and i have spoken many times on the forum about the 'awakening' and try to do my bit in that in varioius places
Yes, you have, where does this fit in with your vision of the world and 'feminism/marixism/capitalism'

I have spoken many times on the forum about the importance of INTENT and i see being consciously aware as the best way to ensure we are acting in the right direction with that intent; even good intentions can lead to trouble if they are misinformed

Yes intent is everything and consiousness is everything.
I have repeatedly talked about how we are at a crossroads and that we need to steer in the right direction to use technology responsbily and not allow the psychopaths to create a technocratic prison


Under the fabian state-socialist system they WILL BE MADE TO ACT A CERTAIN WAY AND THINK A CERTAIN WAY OR ELSE

This is why people need to be informed so that they can reject that

Says you, believed by you, created by you.
You are preaching to the converted

I am the one on the forum repeatedly saying to people that we the people have power and that we the people can make positive change if we understand whats going on

muir, i am not trying to convert you. But i do feel that is how you frame discussion....everything is another opportunity for you to preach about the 'bad' guys and their vision. I dont enjoy this.

And im really not sure why we are having this discussion at all. I respect you and Love you, but I dont know if you and I have anything that we want to learn or share with each other at this time. I find that there is a strong defensive tone in much of your language. I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway. I dont think you listen to me. And i try to listen to you, but i cant get passed your reasoning. And it is fair to say that I dont agree with the majority of your reasoning or assessments in regards to these 'groups', nor you with mine. I feel like Im walking on eggshells trying not to offend you in these conversations, and I find that tedious, and than I feel bad for finding it tedious. None of that is your fault...its my responsibility and preferences. All in all, I dont enjoy having these types of discussions with you. No hard feelings to you at all, i dont think any differently of you. I dont want to talk about these 'groups' anymore. I dont give a shit about them. Im sorry that i initated this discussion in the first place. Its my problem for starting this conversation.
I'm sorry that you feel I have misrepresented your words. That isnt my intention.
The point I was making is that people are not sheep and are not just blindly living their lives dancing on the puppet strings of elitist and sinister groups

People aren't sheep they're people, but they are easily manipulated if they are not consciously aware of whats going on

I dont think taking responsibility has anything to do with becoming aware of these 'plots'.

if you don't know about how things work in the world you won't know that any responsbility needs to be taken

I know that you talk about decentralising power, and I haven't said otherwise. Im not sure how you got that from what I said.

What I was saying is that reality and power is already more decentralised that some of your theories assert. Im not saying that these groups are not real, but that people make decisions on their own merit for their own reasons, and we are not just mindless puppets. Ordinary people can make the future how they want, and it doesnt have to be the way that your doomsday predictions suggest. Knowing and preaching about these doomsday predictions is not what will create the future we want. Knowing what 'we' want, and creating that through taking personal responsibility and being empowered to take action is the way to get there.

Those 'doomsday predictions' are simply one path that humanity can go down

We have other choices; but if we do not consciously act on those choices then we will be taken down the other path just as history has taken people down bad paths countless times before

I really don't understand why some people think that somehow they are so much more important than previous people in history that they won't be taken down bad paths....history says otherwise to the objective observor

Yes i've heard your predictions and I disagree.
You are not a feminist, and therefore you are not qualified to tell feminists what they believe and why. That is a question for them to answer and define, not you.


Language is about consensus

There is no consensus that the word 'feminism' means equality of the sexes therefore the word 'feminism' fails as a communicative tool

Many male posters have pointed this out now but you are just ignoring their viewpoint

Please read '1984' to see how elites like to sabotage the use of language

It is better to talk to everyday people that identify with this ideology and movement, rather than listening to extremists. It is exactly the same when people tell others with different beliefs, world views, philosophies, religions, cultures, and nations about what they believe and why. Its better to connect and talk to the people involved rather than focusing on what the extremists say, just because they are the loudest and most annoying doesn't mean that they do speak for everyone else.

When i speak to those people i find them completely ignorant of many of the forces behind the feminist movement

The ones that are truly understanding of those forces and their implications do not identify with 'feminism' but that does not mean they do not believe in equality of the sexes

I understand that the word 'feminism' is relating to woman. No, I dont need to see a professor to clarify this but thank you for your obtuse suggestion.

I've been over this point so many times now in a number of threads that i'm amazed i'm still having to point it out

The reason why feminism, and other movements such as black power, white power, gay rights etc exist is because people are still not being seen and treated as equal, some people still feel/are seen as inferior or disregarded. Ideas of superiority and inferiority is based on the lack of equality. These movements are essentially about self determination, and ultimately about equality.

If people do not understand all the forces in play then they willl not understand how certain forces steer these movements to achieve something that their supporters are not actually wanting

If there was equality, they would be redundant. That is what these movements work towards. Once equality is achieved, then these groups will disintegrate. Feminism is already disintegrating in some highly developed societies because it is not longer relevant. As we can see from this thread, some posters have described being catcalled, harassed, and stalked. That is indicative of some serious problems in terms of gender, sex, and personal rights.

Yeah and you can increase the growing chasm between men and women by placing all the blame at mens door if you want or you can take a more humane and nuanced view and look at things from some other perspectvies as well including those of men

If you look at my posts objectively you will see i'm not just parroting the usual surface level condemnations but am seeking to understand why things are happening on a deeper level and it is there that the solutions to these problems lie

If there was a movement called masculinism that advocated mens rights and equality, because men were being seen and treated as inferior, I would support that movement 100 percent.

I wouldn't

I would say that it is increasing the polarisation between men and women and that instead of marching under the 'man' banner in a war against the other (women) in order to win our battle with them we should instead look at the third party who is playing both groups off against each other (and work instead for equality)

There will be NO WINNERS in the battle of the sexes; it's time to discard it and recognise our common enemy

I disagree

Well that's because you are being biased; why do i think you're being biased? because i have mentioned already to you in another thread what i am about to say and you don't seem to care a jot about it (if the boot was on the other foot you might have a problem with it!)

If you were not being biased you would acknowledge that the scientists have shown that male fertility rates are falling and that men/boys are being chemically altered to be more feminine; in short they are under attack from bio-weapons

Synthetic female hormones causing mass feminization of men, warns scientist

If you are truly neutral i will expect at least a verbal condemnation of this for example how gender bending PCB chemicals are in babies milk bottles

If you think it is a good thing that men are being chemically altered (chemically castrated) then you do not think men are perfect as they are and that they should be changed, which would be mysandry (man hate)

Im not projecting, im judging and analysing...of course it is my view. Of course that is their choice, and its my choice to see it as based on ignorance and inability to view a person's humanity over the gender.

Then stop playing into the hands of the statists and let people be who they want to be

Ok. That is unfortunate. They are being responsible in waiting for the right time when they feel financially prepared. Teachers in my country get paid sufficiently to live well and raise children. Here it is an idealised job for many that have children because of the work hours.
My child was unplanned, and I was unprepared financially, but I saved everything i could during my pregnancy, and with the help of some clever budgeting, sharing, support, and excellent has been working well. Of course there has been sacrifices and compromises made, but thats life....and if things had been different, I probably would have never felt 'ready' financially and emotionally anyway. My parents had pretty much nothing at all when they had me, and they made it work very well.

It's not 'unfortunate' it is created by the states policies

What solution do you suggest for the teenage mums?

Don't have kids until you are prepared

Or people in an abusive relationship?

Don't get into relationships with people you are not compatible with and certainly don't have children with them

If the state was bailing people out they might be a bit more responsible when choosing partners and they might nourish their relationships better

Or people that have been raped and have fallen pregnant? Do you think that those teenage mums should leave their children and work instead? What happens to those children? Those children are as valid and important as anyone else's children, and they should not be penalised for their parents choices in a humane and compassionate society.

I think if we had a healthier society we would have less rape

If you look at different cultures and countries rape levels are not always the same; there are factors affecting such things

What would be interesting to see is if you made all women in the world right now physically stronger then men whether rape cases would increase, decrease or stay the same...which is to say would women rape more then men if they could?

What would happen to those children if we didnt look out for them financially? What would happen to our community? In this day and age, it would be a gated community waiting to happen if we stopped helping those that are most vulnerable.

Our 'community' has been falling apart for some time now

I disagree. I dont think you are 'wrong', but I do not agree with your reasoning and analysis. You cannot equate everyday feminists with capitalist and marxists agendas.
I certainly do not live in your reality, nor am I concerned about those 'dark forces'

You live in that reality whether you like it or not; you might create your own perception of reality where you convince yourself its not happening but you will not change reality

No amount of wishful non-thinking has saved people being loaded onto cattle carts and then taken off to concentration camps or slaughter in history

That is not what I asked.

And what i'm saying is i think the hollywood version of love is bullshit

I think love is a bond that builds over time

I think people form couples for many different reasons; sometimes they develop a loving bond and sometimes they turn to resentment and recriminations

Sometimes people are looking for someone to love and be loved by and to share life with and sometimes people are looking for a meal ticket or a sperm donor or regular sex

There are different sides to human nature and our environment can have an effect often on which side gets fed

Do you disagree with community welfare?

I believe in system change to a more commuinity based system where EVERYONE is provided for

I don't believe in reform of the current system i think certain people will block it, water it down and circumvent it for as long as we allow a system that empowers them

I said- we may not control it but we own it. The government is funded by tax payer money. It exists because we let it.
Abbot may be....someone who I would never vote for and I am embarrassed that he is our pm, but he is not a psychopath. He is a person.

No the government is there to govern your mind...'govern'-'ment' from the latin 'mente'= mind

Also you don't know Abbots mindset as you have not done a psyche evaluation of him neither are you fully cogniscent of his political doings and the motivations behind them

Governments do not have to be the way you are suggesting. A government could be a committee of people that serve the people, maintain the infrastructure, and arbitrate conflicts when requested. Governance does not have to be centralised.

Any centralised power structure will draw the power hungry and the power hungry are always the last people who should have power

I agree that our current governments cant be trusted, but I dont think that they should never be trusted.

Well you're not seeing the underlying mechanics behind everything then....look deeper

I disagree with you assessment of the issue

Yeah but your'e wrong because you are not realising that people take responsibility once they know that they are required to; if they are at a level of consciousness where they think everything's fine and that the government is looking after them and they take another bite of their MONSANTO GMO burger and wash it down with a coca cola aspartame drink then they are not going to start taking the right steps to solve the worlds problems

First awareness then action. You don't get right action without awareness because people grow up being taught to conform to the system; you only reject the system when you become consciously aware of how the ystem is toxic in every way

ok. where does this fit in with your vision of the world and 'feminism/marixism/capitalism'

Those things should be consciously understood and then once people see how they are toxic and are being used to manipulate us all in a giant game of mind-fuck chess then we can, if we want, choose to reject that and embrace the various solutions

But to know those solutions exist and to know that the kool aid is poisoned and shouldn't be drunk anymore a person must become aware of the fact that the kool aid is poisoned and that there are alternatives

Many people are still blindly chugging down the kool aid

Yes, you have, where does this fit in with your vision of the world and 'feminism/marixism/capitalism'

Growth in conscious awareness leading to people voting with their feet to reject that which is toxic and to embrace that which is healthy

Yes intent is everything and consiousness is everything.


Says you, believed by you, created by you.

If you want to trace everything back to a single source you can say we are all one, but in this play out world we have to face the problem and deal with it

muir, i am not trying to convert you. But i do feel that is how you frame discussion....everything is another opportunity for you to preach about the 'bad' guys and their vision. I dont enjoy this.

You can't solve a problem without ackowledging it and understanding it

And im really not sure why we are having this discussion at all. I respect you and Love you, but I dont know if you and I have anything that we want to learn or share with each other at this time. I find that there is a strong defensive tone in much of your language. I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway. I dont think you listen to me. And i try to listen to you, but i cant get passed your reasoning. And it is fair to say that I dont agree with the majority of your reasoning or assessments in regards to these 'groups', nor you with mine. I feel like Im walking on eggshells trying not to offend you in these conversations, and I find that tedious, and than I feel bad for finding it tedious. None of that is your fault...its my responsibility and preferences. All in all, I dont enjoy having these types of discussions with you. No hard feelings to you at all, i dont think any differently of you. I dont want to talk about these 'groups' anymore. I dont give a shit about them. Im sorry that i initated this discussion in the first place. Its my problem for starting this conversation.

How you framed it was to disagree with my position and then speak to me about decentralisation and people power in a way that suggests that those things are not synonymous with what i'm speaking about and that your side of the argument had sole ownership of them

I then objected to that and pointed out how i am all about decentralisation and people power

If i was going to speak about things i knew you also believed in i would say something like: ''like you i also believe that power should be decentralised down to the poeple and that we can avert disaster if we all act consciously together but....''
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I don't like clicking on links i don't know

What is it?

You click on it then you find out. Him telling you what it is is no guarantee; it doesn't even increase the chance of it being safe.
You click on it then you find out. Him telling you what it is is no guarantee; it doesn't even increase the chance of it being safe.

That's could tell me what it is :)
People aren't sheep they're people, but they are easily manipulated if they are not consciously aware of whats going on

if you don't know about how things work in the world you won't know that any responsbility needs to be taken

Those 'doomsday predictions' are simply one path that humanity can go down

We have other choices; but if we do not consciously act on those choices then we will be taken down the other path just as history has taken people down bad paths countless times before

I really don't understand why some people think that somehow they are so much more important than previous people in history that they won't be taken down bad paths....history says otherwise to the objective observor


Language is about consensus

There is no consensus that the word 'feminism' means equality of the sexes therefore the word 'feminism' fails as a communicative tool

Many male posters have pointed this out now but you are just ignoring their viewpoint

Please read '1984' to see how elites like to sabotage the use of language

When i speak to those people i find them completely ignorant of many of the forces behind the feminist movement

The ones that are truly understanding of those forces and their implications do not identify with 'feminism' but that does not mean they do not believe in equality of the sexes

I've been over this point so many times now in a number of threads that i'm amazed i'm still having to point it out

If people do not understand all the forces in play then they willl not understand how certain forces steer these movements to achieve something that their supporters are not actually wanting

Yeah and you can increase the growing chasm between men and women by placing all the blame at mens door if you want or you can take a more humane and nuanced view and look at things from some other perspectvies as well including those of men

If you look at my posts objectively you will see i'm not just parroting the usual surface level condemnations but am seeking to understand why things are happening on a deeper level and it is there that the solutions to these problems lie

I wouldn't

I would say that it is increasing the polarisation between men and women and that instead of marching under the 'man' banner in a war against the other (women) in order to win our battle with them we should instead look at the third party who is playing both groups off against each other (and work instead for equality)

There will be NO WINNERS in the battle of the sexes; it's time to discard it and recognise our common enemy

Well that's because you are being biased; why do i think you're being biased? because i have mentioned already to you in another thread what i am about to say and you don't seem to care a jot about it (if the boot was on the other foot you might have a problem with it!)

If you were not being biased you would acknowledge that the scientists have shown that male fertility rates are falling and that men/boys are being chemically altered to be more feminine; in short they are under attack from bio-weapons

Synthetic female hormones causing mass feminization of men, warns scientist

If you are truly neutral i will expect at least a verbal condemnation of this for example how gender bending PCB chemicals are in babies milk bottles

If you think it is a good thing that men are being chemically altered (chemically castrated) then you do not think men are perfect as they are and that they should be changed, which would be mysandry (man hate)

Then stop playing into the hands of the statists and let people be who they want to be

It's not 'unfortunate' it is created by the states policies

Don't have kids until you are prepared

Don't get into relationships with people you are not compatible with and certainly don't have children with them

If the state was bailing people out they might be a bit more responsible when choosing partners and they might nourish their relationships better

I think if we had a healthier society we would have less rape

If you look at different cultures and countries rape levels are not always the same; there are factors affecting such things

What would be interesting to see is if you made all women in the world right now physically stronger then men whether rape cases would increase, decrease or stay the same...which is to say would women rape more then men if they could?

Our 'community' has been falling apart for some time now

You live in that reality whether you like it or not; you might create your own perception of reality where you convince yourself its not happening but you will not change reality

No amount of wishful non-thinking has saved people being loaded onto cattle carts and then taken off to concentration camps or slaughter in history

And what i'm saying is i think the hollywood version of love is bullshit

I think love is a bond that builds over time

I think people form couples for many different reasons; sometimes they develop a loving bond and sometimes they turn to resentment and recriminations

Sometimes people are looking for someone to love and be loved by and to share life with and sometimes people are looking for a meal ticket or a sperm donor or regular sex

There are different sides to human nature and our environment can have an effect often on which side gets fed

I believe in system change to a more commuinity based system where EVERYONE is provided for

I don't believe in reform of the current system i think certain people will block it, water it down and circumvent it for as long as we allow a system that empowers them

No the government is there to govern your mind...'govern'-'ment' from the latin 'mente'= mind

Also you don't know Abbots mindset as you have not done a psyche evaluation of him neither are you fully cogniscent of his political doings and the motivations behind them

Any centralised power structure will draw the power hungry and the power hungry are always the last people who should have power

Well you're not seeing the underlying mechanics behind everything then....look deeper

Yeah but your'e wrong because you are not realising that people take responsibility once they know that they are required to; if they are at a level of consciousness where they think everything's fine and that the government is looking after them and they take another bite of their MONSANTO GMO burger and wash it down with a coca cola aspartame drink then they are not going to start taking the right steps to solve the worlds problems

First awareness then action. You don't get right action without awareness because people grow up being taught to conform to the system; you only reject the system when you become consciously aware of how the ystem is toxic in every way

Those things should be consciously understood and then once people see how they are toxic and are being used to manipulate us all in a giant game of mind-fuck chess then we can, if we want, choose to reject that and embrace the various solutions

But to know those solutions exist and to know that the kool aid is poisoned and shouldn't be drunk anymore a person must become aware of the fact that the kool aid is poisoned and that there are alternatives

Many people are still blindly chugging down the kool aid

Growth in conscious awareness leading to people voting with their feet to reject that which is toxic and to embrace that which is healthy

If you want to trace everything back to a single source you can say we are all one, but in this play out world we have to face the problem and deal with it

You can't solve a problem without ackowledging it and understanding it

How you framed it was to disagree with my position and then speak to me about decentralisation and people power in a way that suggests that those things are not synonymous with what i'm speaking about and that your side of the argument had sole ownership of them

I then objected to that and pointed out how i am all about decentralisation and people power

If i was going to speak about things i knew you also believed in i would say something like: ''like you i also believe that power should be decentralised down to the poeple and that we can avert disaster if we all act consciously together but....''

I skimmed through what you said, didn't read most of it because I dont want to. I don't want to reply to your points because I think this discussion is pointless and I don't enjoy it. Pointless activities makes me feel tired and a are a waste of time and energy. Once again, I'm sorry I engaged you in discussion in the first place. I am not interested in continuing this conversation. Im sorry that I feel that way but I do. and I love you, no hard feelings