How do you experience empathy?


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9w8 sp/sx
We know that empathetic people put themselves in other people's shoes and experience what they are going through, but what does that feel like to you? How do you experience it? Do you ever have moments of uncontrolled empathy? Does it ever confuse you? Do you have trouble differentiating what you are feeling from what other people are feeling? Why do you think this happens? What is the psychology behind it? I've read a little about it and some articles say a history of trauma primes the brain to pick up and respond quickly to emotional cues. That makes sense.

Other people's emotions make me uncomfortable and anxious. I want to get to a point where I can clearly separate myself from others' experiences and process it correctly to offer whatever help is necessary. Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. But I have trouble understanding those feelings in the moment. I guess these experiences are examples of emotional empathy, and not cognitive empathy.

I’ve been thinking a lot about something lately. Something that I usually brush off, or think is the result of a hyperactive imagination. Or maybe some kind of mental illness. I thought it was just social anxiety. I thought I was just naturally anxious and awkward. But what if I am awkward because I am picking something up and not processing it? But just trying to escape it? What if I just don’t know how to manage it, and so in certain social situations, I start to feel frantic and become skittish? Maybe I'm picking up nonverbal cues and not consciously processing them? I feel things after interacting with people that don't line up with the way people are behaving and with what they are saying. I always thought I was just socially inept, but lately, it's happened a few times--the person I've interacted with will inadvertently confirm that I was absorbing what they were feeling during our last interaction.

An example: A few months ago, I had a meeting with a new client and his mother. It was the first time that I had met them.

She was pleasant and polite. She was very cooperative in answering my questions. But there was just something so off. I felt so extremely uncomfortable with her, like I just had to get out of there. But it wasn’t because I wanted to leave-- I felt like she desperately wanted me out of there. She NEVER once said or even did anything to convey this that I recall. She was pleasant but seemed guarded, which is normal I think when you have someone you have never met come into your home and ask personal questions about your kid. She didn’t seem to really act any different than many of the other families I meet with for the first time. I tried to be easy going and informal and conversational with her, and still it didn’t ease the tension. I didn’t know why I felt this tension. But this is how I felt: I felt like I was some type of threat. And that made me feel guilty and wrong and confused. It made no sense because I felt like I was there to help.

I couldn't make sense of my reaction. These were nice people, I never thought they meant me any harm while I was in their home. I was really puzzled by this for weeks until my next meeting with her. At my next meeting, she opened up and confided that she had been abused by her son's father, her ex-husband, and that since leaving, he used the legal system to victimize her through the courts. She explained that she was afraid when she met me that her husband would somehow find a way to badger her through my involvement with her son. And it made sense then, that what I was feeling when I met with her, was what she was feeling.

It's happened online. Someone posted a response to me on a forum in a thread I created and I just remember reading the post and feeling like a huge emotional blowback. It was like a psychic- energy explosion. I read their post several times over and the words didn't line up with my reaction to the post. I thought I was imagining it and it confused me. The content did not match my reaction to reading it. So I didn't say or do anything, but just kept this all in the back of my mind. Then, MONTHS later, in a PM, this person inadvertently brought up the post and told me they were feeling very strongly when they posted it. This was not a controversial thread topic.

Those are just two examples. The most recent ones. They are salient because the people later confirmed what I experienced.

Anyway, please share your thoughts and experiences.
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Other people's emotions make me uncomfortable and anxious. I want to get to a point where I can clearly separate myself from others' experiences and process it correctly to offer whatever help is necessary.
Hi @acd
I can relate to your questions. It wasn't until recently I knew there was such a name for these feelings. Differentiating "what's mine, what's theirs" takes work, but after a time it become habit to take a few minutes when the questionable feelings crop up to where you can notice them and ask yourself if it is actually you or the other person/people's energies you are picking up. Crowds still bother the heck out of me. It is almost like i have to hone in on the one person that is sending out the strongest signal in the area and once i find them in the crowd that's when the vibe changes, sometimes they aren't physically there yet I can still feel them. I'm probably not conveying this contextually because it is difficult to put into words what is actually happening. The energy exchange is what prompts the 'feelings' in me. I'll start to feel anxious, or annoyed or at the extreme, fearful. Once I notice it, I re-ground myself and go from there to sleuths out the source.
. It was like a psychic- energy explosion.
Yep. This. And, if I were to guess, you are indeed an empath because of your ability to still pick up the other persons energies at a distance.

I added two links, though there are many out there on the internet to test to see if you are Empath or HSP. Though some lean that they are different, I don't believe there to be a difference as much as sensory levels, or how attuned one is to picking these types of energies up.

Hoping it is helpful. I can relate to how unnerving it must feel to you right now.
Hi @acd
I can relate to your questions. It wasn't until recently I knew there was such a name for these feelings. Differentiating "what's mine, what's theirs" takes work, but after a time it become habit to take a few minutes when the questionable feelings crop up to where you can notice them and ask yourself if it is actually you or the other person/people's energies you are picking up. Crowds still bother the heck out of me. It is almost like i have to hone in on the one person that is sending out the strongest signal in the area and once i find them in the crowd that's when the vibe changes, sometimes they aren't physically there yet I can still feel them. I'm probably not conveying this contextually because it is difficult to put into words what is actually happening. The energy exchange is what prompts the 'feelings' in me. I'll start to feel anxious, or annoyed or at the extreme, fearful. Once I notice it, I re-ground myself and go from there to sleuths out the source.

Yep. This. And, if I were to guess, you are indeed an empath because of your ability to still pick up the other persons energies at a distance.

I added two links, though there are many out there on the internet to test to see if you are Empath or HSP. Though some lean that they are different, I don't believe there to be a difference as much as sensory levels, or how attuned one is to picking these types of energies up.

Hoping it is helpful. I can relate to how unnerving it must feel to you right now.
Thank you so much for your post! It is very helpful. It is good to hear other people experience this. I tried to talk about it to my bf, and he had no idea what I was talking about. My whole life my family has told me I'm too emotional and sensitive so I just figured it was that coupled with awkwardness.. until people starting confirming things.

Your description of what you experience in crowds makes sense to me. Though I have never thought to try and detect what I'm picking up. I'm in the reactive stage:
I feel it.
It is confusing and uncomfortable.
I want to get away.

How do you start to hone in on the source in a crowd? What is that like?

I don't have these experiences daily. They seem to happen with very strong emotions.I also scored Awakening Empath on that test. On the HSP/Empath link, All ring true except #6. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and #22 a very active imagination.

Thanks again for posting!
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Thank you so much for your post
You are welcome. Learning all this Empath stuff has been quite uncomfortable, even scary at times for me, I can sincerely relate to where you are at. ;)
My whole life my family has told me I'm too emotional and sensitive so I just figured it was that coupled with awkwardness.. until people starting confirming things
This is very similar to my experience. My family, Especially my mom, tried to buffer life for me. It was nothing for me to go up to strangers in the market and ask them with tears in my eyes why they were so sad and I would feel the need to hug and comfort them. I haven't experienced social awkwardness. As a young person I would hang back and observe a lot to the point of being accused of haughtiness, the others thinking I wasn't engaging because I some how thought myself better than them, I assure you that it was quite the opposite. It to me was similar to an animal surveying the open field before stepping from safe cover out into the open. I would often feel the need to excuse myself and flee the situation. I skipped classes in school because of not feeling able to sit still with the others. Like I had mentioned, I just found out recently that there was a name for this. But, I've been 'on' all the time, my whole life. I spend quite a bit of time alone with the excuse that I'm finishing a project just so i can distract myself from the constant stimuli coming in. Here in the forum it is difficult not to pick up on others stress and distress. I'm learning that part of the INFJ' s talent and traits is we naturally know another's angst or exvitement before they even do :)
I'm in the reactive stage:
I feel it.
It is confusing and uncomfortable.
I want to get away.

How do you start to hone in on the source in a crowd? What is that like?
It is natural for anyone to feel a bit giddy and anxious when heading into a crowd. I've found that on my way to an event, or club, dinner party etc., that if i 'psyche' myself up about all the positive reasons I'm attending that I am relaxed when I get there. When these energies start coming at me and I begin feeling them I move about or look around the room to see where the feelings are coming from. Sometimes, the individual will bring it to me.;) may sound silly, but if I keep repeating the phrase, "I am here." Much of the time the person finds me and introduces themselves. After chatting a bit they may divulge what's bugging them. Some tell me thank you for the talk others apologize and say they hadn't intended to spill all the personal stuff. It comes with practice.
They seem to happen with very strong emotions.I also scored Awakening Empath on that test. On the HSP/Empath link, All ring true except #6. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and #22 a very active imagination.
The pain tolerance may be from building resistance to all these feelings up to now. You had mentioned in your opening post that:
I've read a little about it and some articles say a history of trauma primes the brain to pick up and respond quickly to emotional cues. That makes sense.
I would agree, and believe that is how Empaths build that higher pain threshold toward physical and emotional pain. The tolerance ability increases. But, also not to be confused with the feelings of hypervilligence that some experience after trauma. Huge difference there.

I'm a firm believer that Empaths are born, that this ability doesn't just pop up one day. Figuring out something is happening and becoming aware is the awakening part. (To anything really, not just Empaths, Clairasentients experience awakening also.) Becoming grounded and a healthy sense of self along with setting firm but flexible boundaries is key to managing these gifts I believe.

I'm certain you will figure out what works best for you. Extending the offer to talk more should you need/want to even if its just a vent session ;) Have a beautiful day...this ability is really a blessing. :D
You are welcome. Learning all this Empath stuff has been quite uncomfortable, even scary at times for me, I can sincerely relate to where you are at. ;)

This is very similar to my experience. My family, Especially my mom, tried to buffer life for me. It was nothing for me to go up to strangers in the market and ask them with tears in my eyes why they were so sad and I would feel the need to hug and comfort them. I haven't experienced social awkwardness. As a young person I would hang back and observe a lot to the point of being accused of haughtiness, the others thinking I wasn't engaging because I some how thought myself better than them, I assure you that it was quite the opposite. It to me was similar to an animal surveying the open field before stepping from safe cover out into the open. I would often feel the need to excuse myself and flee the situation. I skipped classes in school because of not feeling able to sit still with the others. Like I had mentioned, I just found out recently that there was a name for this. But, I've been 'on' all the time, my whole life. I spend quite a bit of time alone with the excuse that I'm finishing a project just so i can distract myself from the constant stimuli coming in. Here in the forum it is difficult not to pick up on others stress and distress. I'm learning that part of the INFJ' s talent and traits is we naturally know another's angst or exvitement before they even do :)

It is natural for anyone to feel a bit giddy and anxious when heading into a crowd. I've found that on my way to an event, or club, dinner party etc., that if i 'psyche' myself up about all the positive reasons I'm attending that I am relaxed when I get there. When these energies start coming at me and I begin feeling them I move about or look around the room to see where the feelings are coming from. Sometimes, the individual will bring it to me.;) may sound silly, but if I keep repeating the phrase, "I am here." Much of the time the person finds me and introduces themselves. After chatting a bit they may divulge what's bugging them. Some tell me thank you for the talk others apologize and say they hadn't intended to spill all the personal stuff. It comes with practice.

The pain tolerance may be from building resistance to all these feelings up to now. You had mentioned in your opening post that:

I would agree, and believe that is how Empaths build that higher pain threshold toward physical and emotional pain. The tolerance ability increases. But, also not to be confused with the feelings of hypervilligence that some experience after trauma. Huge difference there.

I'm a firm believer that Empaths are born, that this ability doesn't just pop up one day. Figuring out something is happening and becoming aware is the awakening part. (To anything really, not just Empaths, Clairasentients experience awakening also.) Becoming grounded and a healthy sense of self along with setting firm but flexible boundaries is key to managing these gifts I believe.

I'm certain you will figure out what works best for you. Extending the offer to talk more should you need/want to even if its just a vent session ;) Have a beautiful day...this ability is really a blessing. :D
You're like, an emotional superhero. That's really amazing that people in crowds will introduce themselves to you and just start talking. Also, I imagine burdensome for you. I feel like I block myself a lot. I'm aloof. I don't want to be approached because I become overwhelmed with others problems. I have a friend diagnosed with anxiety and she takes meds. After talking to her when she is in an episode, I feel anxious and frantic. My pulse is racing and I feel like everything is sped up. Though people have always just unloaded on me. I remember being very young in school and the teachers regularly moving our seats around, and people assigned to sit with me just telling me everything out of nowhere. Coworkers do the same. Which is strange because like you, I'm also told that I come off as snobby (just like you, I'm just cautiously observing people.) I'm awkward because I pick up on things that aren't said.. At times, I don't know whether to trust my feeling or what I am observing. Mostly I just think I'm imagining things and that makes me awkward.

Thanks for the offer to talk. I think I will take you up on that.
You're like, an emotional superhero. That's really amazing that people in crowds will introduce themselves to you and just start talking. Also, I imagine burdensome for you. I feel like I block myself a lot. I'm aloof. I don't want to be approached because I become overwhelmed with others problems. I have a friend diagnosed with anxiety and she takes meds. After talking to her when she is in an episode, I feel anxious and frantic. My pulse is racing and I feel like everything is sped up. Though people have always just unloaded on me. I remember being very young in school and the teachers regularly moving our seats around, and people assigned to sit with me just telling me everything out of nowhere. Coworkers do the same. Which is strange because like you, I'm also told that I come off as snobby (just like you, I'm just cautiously observing people.) I'm awkward because I pick up on things that aren't said.. At times, I don't know whether to trust my feeling or what I am observing. Mostly I just think I'm imagining things and that makes me awkward.

Thanks for the offer to talk. I think I will take you up on that.
:) my cape becomes rusty...I don't know about superhero, I feel selfish sometimes because I find joy in helping others, I much prefer smiling people to that RBF most adopt. Abd, the feelings of not being alone with some of the challenges life hands us.

Swing in for a chat anytime, I seem to float about the forum quite a bit. Have a beautiful day. :D
I totally understand the feeling mentally ill. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me. I thought that since I didn't have my own feelings I was inadvertently copying others so I could appear more human.
The few times I feel empathy it always seems to involve anImals. The other day I read a story about a humpback whale that got caught in the ice. Apparently it was too thick for anyone to try and help with something like an ice breaker. The report said the people around could hear the whale crying like a baby. This story messed me up because first how completely sad and second why even tell anyone a story like that?
Put a human in its place and I would probably think, "Oh well another winner of the Darwin award" and forget about it as soon as I read it.
The few times I feel empathy it always seems to involve anImals. The other day I read a story about a humpback whale that got caught in the ice. Apparently it was too thick for anyone to try and help with something like an ice breaker. The report said the people around could hear the whale crying like a baby. This story messed me up because first how completely sad and second why even tell anyone a story like that?
Put a human in its place and I would probably think, "Oh well another winner of the Darwin award" and forget about it as soon as I read it.
I understand this.
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I feel like I'm swimming, submerged in their feelings. Then, I have to scramble and try to collect words to convey an appropriate reaction.
So, the story @Eventhorizon told is going to keep me up at night. Noooooooooo. Must. Save. Whale.

My husband is the same way about people and animals. It floors me when he is kind to people because it is so genuine and rare. If anything happens to an animal he is compassionate, and (unlike that other thread that claims INTJs don't have feelings) he does have very deep and strong feelings, but most of the time his reply about any human goings-on is, "Fuck humans." He rarely shows emotion, but why should he share a piece of his inner self with those he doesn't know well?

In contrast, I feel way too much.

When we have discussions that involve emotions it literally goes like this:
INTJ: I feel.... My feelings....
INFJ: But other people's feelings.... They feel....


INTJ: (Finally admits) This is hard for me.
INFJ: I know it is. I was thinking about that and.... (blah, blah, blah).
A lot of the time I relate to animals more (maybe because I spend most of my free time with them)
My mother told me when I was a kid I would see animals hit on the road and just start sobbing my eyes out.
She also made me watch something about starving children in Africa (apparently to get me to eat better) she said that made me cry too. I don't remember any of this, which is weird because I remember a lot from my childhood. I must of blocked such trauma!
I've cried watching nature documentaries ... Especially this one Broken Tail: A Tigers Last Journey about a tiger in a conservation area getting killed by a train.. idk. Animals are living creatures. It's hard not to identify with them. It drives me mad to read about poaching.

Do you guys get physical sensations from it? Like once someone was telling me something about why they felt they didn't deserve love and it felt like a punch in the stomach. (Not as painful as an actual physical punch, but as soon as the words came out the only way I can describe it is that it was like getting socked right in the gut.)

With really joyful emotions, it feels like a humming or high vibration rising in my chest. Kind of glowy and warm, too..Also like something is expanding or swelling in my chest, like I could lift off the ground like a balloon.

Really disturbing news stories and images make me feel sick-- nauseous. Also, gripped by intrusive flashing images in my mind of the person suffering. Which I think is probably due to my active imagination. But it's not controlled imagining-- it is intrusive.
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I wouldn't consider myself especially empathetic, but I do experience a physical sensation whenever I see someone else in acute physical pain, or even if they're describing a detailed memory of such. Like a sinking or heaviness deep in my gut.

As far as emotionally difficult situations, I definitely have a stronger reaction to the hardships of people than animals. I like animals and don't want to see them hurt, but the feelings don't run as deep for whatever reason. Kind of odd because the rest of my immediate family are all noticeably more empathetic toward animals, similar to other folks in this thread.
I can feel emotional shock waves from people if they are upset or worried, kind of like a bolt of energy to the chest. I also can't stand violence. But the weird thing is I love horror movies. Yet one thing I've noticed about myself is if I know its fake it won't affect me. But if it seems real I have to look away.
If I see someone in physical pain I can't watch or have to fight through it if I'm needed to help. Its like I feel their pain without experiencing any pain. Its more of the emotional side of it.
I can feel emotional shock waves from people if they are upset or worried, kind of like a bolt of energy to the chest. I also can't stand violence. But the weird thing is I love horror movies. Yet one thing I've noticed about myself is if I know its fake it won't affect me. But if it seems real I have to look away.
If I see someone in physical pain I can't watch or have to fight through it if I'm needed to help. Its like I feel their pain without experiencing any pain. Its more of the emotional side of it.

Emotional shockwaves is a good way to put it, yes.

I hate gore. I hate horror movies... However.... Zombie movies have always been the weird exception for me. I think because I see them as an allegory for the way people already treat each other in society, or how the world largely operates. I watch them and glean that interpretation. But horror depresses me, so I avoid it now.
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When I experience empathy it's when I think of little turtles who get run over by cars. It's breaks their shell but doesn't kill them and thenthey live in constant pain until they eventually die. :(
When I experience empathy it's when I think of little turtles who get run over by cars. It's breaks their shell but doesn't kill them and thenthey live in constant pain until they eventually die. :(
You keep rescuing those traveling turtles, you are the turtle hero.
For reals.