How do you celebrate yourself, your steps, accomplishments and life?

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How do you celebrate yourself, your steps, accomplishments and life?

This is a bit of a personal re-learning quest for me. May you guys help me explore this a bit? :flushed::nomouth:
Really anything you feel comfortable sharing here, small or big, concrete or ideas or philosophy..

much love and thanks in advance <3 :stressed:
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How do you celebrate yourself, your steps, accomplishments and life?

This is a bit of a personal re-learning quest for me. May you guys help me explore this a bit? :flushed::nomouth:
Really anything you feel comfortable sharing here, small or big, concrete or ideas or philisophy..

much love and thanks in advance <3 :stressed:
Well, self-congratulation is generally discouraged in Western society, and I feel like very few people would actually engage in it, so this is a tough question.

However, I have had triumphal feelings after accomplishing something big, and I remember listening to Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony after finding out my degree classification, in order to dwell in that feeling of triumph for a little while.

The 5th carries this meaning for me, because by chance I was listening to exactly the right part at a certain point (crystallised in a precise moment) in my life when I really started to overcome. So for me, the 5th is kind of like my triumphal march, however silly that sounds. In general, then, celebrate with music.

There's another song that carries an exuberant, joyful connotation in the context of love that's quite recent, too.
Well, self-congratulation is generally discouraged in Western society, and I feel like very few people would actually engage in it, so this is a tough question.

However, I have had triumphal feelings after accomplishing something big, and I remember listening to Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony after finding out my degree classification, in order to dwell in that feeling of triumph for a little while.

The 5th carries this meaning for me, because by chance I was listening to exactly the right part at a certain point (crystallised in a precise moment) in my life when I really started to overcome. So for me, the 5th is kind of like my triumphal march, however silly that sounds. In general, then, celebrate with music.

There's another song that carries an exuberant, joyful connotation in the context of love that's quite recent, too.
I literally cannot describe to you how the 5th makes me feel; something like pure triumph when the finale actually kicks in. In this version, that bit is from 43:20. It never fails to move me to triumph, in the same way that Clair de Lune never fails to move me to tears with its beauty.
Well, self-congratulation is generally discouraged in Western society, and I feel like very few people would actually engage in it, so this is a tough question.
Indeed. Humility and modesty play a big role in this question for those can also contribute to keeping yourself very small and if overdone they act as some kind of hindrance to a positive, content and more self-caring way of life.
It's a tough question for me as well. It concerns my own birthday, life itself but also living with accomplishing but during that moment already thinking about the next step and a constant discontentment for all kind of daily progressions and results.

However, I have had triumphal feelings after accomplishing something big, and I remember listening to Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony after finding out my degree classification, in order to dwell in that feeling of triumph for a little while.

The 5th carries this meaning for me, because by chance I was listening to exactly the right part at a certain point (crystallised in a precise moment) in my life when I really started to overcome. So for me, the 5th is kind of like my triumphal march, however silly that sounds. In general, then, celebrate with music.

There's another song that carries an exuberant, joyful connotation in the context of love that's quite recent, too.

I literally cannot describe to you how the 5th makes me feel; something like pure triumph when the finale actually kicks in. In this version, that bit is from 43:20. It never fails to move me to triumph, in the same way that Clair de Lune never fails to move me to tears with its beauty.

The 5th and Claire de Lune are very lovely songs! <3 Thank you so much for sharing them and your personal thoughts on this. I read humility but also some allowance to dwell on the positive within your post. :blush:
And how it's a good reminder on how impactful classical music can be as it is of only tunes and no words (very right-brain mode). Hmh, actively kickstarting feelings so to say? Hmh..
Um... accomplishments. I guess when I achieve a big one I celebrate a little, but I don't have rituals for this.
We often go to restaurants for celebrations.

I prefer quiet holidays.

I prefer to spend my birthday quietly, doing what I want without making excuses or apologies. When we lived in the city I liked getting dressed in sophisticated, lovely clothes, and going to an art museum, and then going home with take-out (pizza!) to play video games.
I hate birthday parties, and big birthday events. Yikes!

I really want to drive to the coast to see snowy owls for my birthday. I've never seen one. That would be amazing. I feel rude asking to do that, though, because it is a very long drive and we'd have to stand out in bad weather to see a bird for a few minutes.

I also always buy new skin care products on my birthday. (Either refills, or a new one to try.) It is a reminder to take care of myself.
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How do you celebrate yourself, your steps, accomplishments and life?

As I've got older it's more about what I am than what I do, or have done. I just celebrate existence - the whole world, and me with it, is filled with life and presence and that is more than enough for me to celebrate.

Oh yes - this does include, cake and beer (and malt whisky :hearteyecat:) and music (@Deleted member 16771 I prefer Tchaikovsky's 6th but that's a marginal preference - do you know the Mravinsky recordings - they are electric?), and Harry Potter or LOR re-runs. And holidays to places I've been to lots before, and re-reading old familiar books, and just being at home doing my own thing.

I don't mean everything is fine - it isn't - but that doesn't matter.
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