How close to reality is North Korea's threats? | Page 5 | INFJ Forum

How close to reality is North Korea's threats?


The sad thing is that you do have some good points but then you blow them so far out of proportion that people will always struggle to take you serious. You raise real concerns but then distort the reality of them by taking facts and using them as evidence to only one possible cause. The same facts I could use to argue many other perspectives and in reality, each would probably have some bit of truth but none would be the whole truth. I won’t go into specifics with you because an argument with you is pointless.

I think its a process of joining the dots. I've been doing it for as long as i remember

I have always wanted to live in accordance with my values and i've found that within our society that is not always easy; it seems many people are often pressured to compromise their values

I think this is why so many INFJ's struggle early in life because they are trying to live by their values in a society that is corrupt

But once a person becomes consciously aware of what is going on they can navigate their way much more clearly through that society

I post a lot of supporting evidence to act as doorways for readers....they're there for those that are interested. I'm very grateful for the information certain people have given me at certain points in my life because increasing awareness has enabled me to take more control of my life

It doesn't mean that i'm not worried about stuff, but it does mean i can think more clearly about what i'm going to do about it

So I will pose some questions instead and assume you are correct; what do we do? You have made it very clear that you have spent countless hours researching how evil and wrong governing bodies are. You have dug up every fact you possibly can to prove this but to what end? Wonderful, you have excellent skills of hindsight but now provide a solution to the problem you have so diligently uncovered.

I think its all to do with perception

Peoples behaviour is guided by how they perceive things. That is what propaganda is all about....its about shaping the way people perceive things in order to change their behaviour

There are powerful forces at work shaping our perceptions

So i think what we need to do is continue looking for the truth so that we can break down all the false perceptions that have been programmed into us and also share the awareness so that other people can also break down their perceptions

I believe that this process of breaking down perceptions is happening now faster than it has ever happened. I believe this is because we are in the age of massed communications where ideas can fly around the world at lightening speed

We're all learning at a phenomenal rate. There are new revelations every week. We all know things know about whats really going on that we didn't know 10 years ago. Now stuff that was top secret then is spoken about in the mainstream

This awakening is growing and it is already changing the world

There are lots of new agey types talking about an 'awakening' but the power elites are talking about it as well. here's a video of Council on Foreign Relations member Zbignew Brezinski talking about the global awakening:


The occult deals a lot with perceptions of reality and that is why i often talk about magick and secret societies. Psychology didn't start in the 20th century...people have had understandings about how the human mind works for millenia. Then they called it magick, now we call it psychology, but it's all about controlling reality and perceptions of reality

I am going to assume that everything you have said is 100% correct, so now what? I am sold; you don’t have to present any further reasons. So what is the next step? How do we as the 99% change this? How do we avoid yet another revolution where the old 1% is killed off only to be replaced by the new 1% that claimed to be fighting for the people but then suppresses the people in a new and creative way until the next revolution?

How do we stop this pattern that has repeated itself more times than can be recalled since the dawn of civilization? How do we stop something that seems to be part of the very natural order of things as many social animals form a similar hierarchy? Your right it is a destructive pattern that results in the vast majority being subjugated to the whims of a few. Each and every governing body has fallen into this pattern; each claiming to be the resolution.

Communism, capitalism, etc… in principle are not evil ideas in themselves. They are just ideas, theories on how one can achieve a human utopia of equality. The problem is; that as you pointed out in one of your posts, they have been up to this point impossible to achieve. No true communistic body has ever been able to exist because history has shown that such bodies are corrupted by dictatorships. Capitalism doesn’t exist fully for the same reason though the results are slightly different.

So tell me, what is the resolution to this problem?

We, imo, need to undo our own programming. We need to recognise how we have been programmed with many perceptions that only really exist in the minds of people

For example in my country we have a royal family. But what is a monarchy? Has it always existed in nature or did we invent it? We invented it...its an idea...a perception. If everyone decided tomorrow that we weren't going to recognise monarchy anymore and that it was an empty meaningless thing then it would cease to have any power

So i think this whole thing is a struggle. The battle ground is not really outside it is inside because thought precedes action. Our perceptions of reality determine how we act. So if we can change our perceptions of reality we can change the way we act

So if you look at my posts on the forum they're pretty much all about changing perception

Often i'll post a reply to someone else if i think they are parroting the perception of the corporate media. The corporate media is simply a tool of the power elite; the power elite use the media to try and pursuade us to see the world a certain way

For example the newspapers in the UK might publish stories that make the queen look good in order to keep the people believing in the perception of monarchy....because if they stop believeing in it it loses its power...essentially its a spell

So i think what we all need to do is free ourselves from the various spells being woven over us; this will then change how we live our lives. So the inner change that has happened to our perceptions then brings change in outer behaviour. For example once i realised how a cabal of bankers are manipulating the economy in a way that was harming people i took my money out of their banks

That was a pretty easy thing for me to do. Now imagine if everyone did that at the same time and moved their money instead into community credit unions. It would see the corrupt banks crash and the ethical banks would take the money away from the corrupt bankers so that they could no longer bribe/fund politicians and control the political system and it would stop them from trading toxic derivatives and creating economic bubbles; so it would change the financial sector, the economy and politics!

So why isn't everyone doing that?

They're not doing it becuase their perceptions are not yet in that place

So the solution as i see it is for us not only to deprogramme ourselves of the manufactured perceptions but also to help spread awareness in order to help others deprogramme themselves

This way we each play a small part in the global awakening

So i think it is a war over perception and i think the way to win it is to spread awareness. The more consciously aware we all are the more empowered we become. If we know whats going on then we can make informed choices

We have in the internet the perfect tool to wage this struggle. So i think people should do their research, find out what the truth is behind the lies of the corporate media and then get out on the internet and spread it around.

You tell 20 people something, they then each go on and tell a bunch more people and then they all go on and tell more and so on...that's how things are spreading; they even have a term for ideas spreading well....they say they're going 'viral'

So at the moment i think we all need to expose the people who are manipulating us and make the truth go viral
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You're missing the point

Your points:

-technology doesn't really change society-- magic fairies who live in our minds just suddenly say 'now you must fight for your rights'.

-feudalism was centralized and practically every single definition of feudalism that you can find online is wrong (and probably propaganda). Or maybe you think that the words centralization and oppression are interchangeable.

-the typically homogeneous rural culture is equal or probably superior to the rich and diverse cosmopolitan culture fuelled by trade and immigration in urban areas (which is why everybody wants to live in the countryside). Which is why everyone in my home town with a brain still lives there and hasn't moved on to become a professional in one of the bigger cities... because the amazing culture was impossible to give up.

-decentralization would be much better for stopping the corporations because without the government, they wouldn't be free to do MORE damage and create MORE inequality... you're basically saying that the corporations can govern themselves, because I don't know why they would suddenly just disappear... and you're also in luck, because that's what is happening right NOW. Carter and Reagan deregulated the economy during the 80s and Clinton sealed the deal in the 90s-- weakening their own power in the process.

To a large extent, decentralization has already HAPPENED.

Here's a review of a book on neo-feudalism which is especially interesting because of its scope, and it identifies the exact point where the problem began-- namely, when the government started to give the capitalists free reign (decentralizing economic power):

Without a strong central government to stop them, the corporations took over. Neo-feudalism is when the CEOs report to the government and basically say whatever they want, while the government gives them free reign, because it is too weak to do anything about it-- or, as you say, it's just an illusion. I don't think it is an illusion, but it is definitely weak... and it's only recently that it has been forced to protect the interests of the banks and corporations-- decades of abusing the economy has weakened our society by concentrating all of the wealth in only a few places… and the fewer businesses there are, the more vulnerable the economy becomes.

Look here:

Yes, it appears that decentralization is freer because power is being shared, but in reality what it illustrates is that the component of society that is most likely (but not always willing) to make the ethical decisions is completely detached from the workers (the 'king' dot is connected only to the 'lord' dots, and NOT the 'peasant' dots). THAT'S the problem. The real power isn't with the king, it's with the lords... which is why everyone wants to be a lord-- because the king has a thankless, depressing job and no real power. China is also decentralized in this way-- the chosen ones are allowed to do anything they want so long as it turns a profit, and the central authority is extremely permissive and largely oblivious/indifferent to the workers-- and the bad news is that THAT'S the competition. Under decentralization, you would have this exact thing-- a weak central authority that couldn't even get basic human rights for the workers if it needed to.

In the centralized model, the government has direct contact with EVERYONE-- if the corporations don't listen, then they are punished. It's less efficient to have to report your activities to the central authority, but it would be far easier to solve the current problems, and ideally everyone would be given equal consideration by a single impartial authority, not abused by a weak, ineffective one with no power over its own policies.

But still you say that decentralization is the answer. Somehow, breaking up the concentration of power and effectively undermining the lawmakers is going to make things free and help everyone out, even though since the 80s doing this has actually done the exact opposite.

-Now it seems like you've changed your position and you're actually advocating 'organized decentralization', which actually seems pretty centralized-- in that you have a presumably ethical power protecting competition, breaking up/preventing monopolies and cracking down on things like price fixing. I'm not sure what kind of social programs you're planning on having in this decentralized utopia… are social programs too centralized? And if the government's role is to enforce a code of business ethics by force (the government is essentially a monopoly on force, which is necessary unless you trust the corporations to police themselves/each other), how is this not centralization? How are they going to enforce an egalitarian business environment without directly involving themselves in the daily affairs of the businesses?

What about private armies? Will this 'decentralized' society permit them or will they interfere with that as well? Will corporations be allowed to have their own military? You don't think that the strategies for achieving this 'organization' will demand a degree of centralization? What about social programs? Are these not going to exist? Without a central authority how exactly are you going to keep things clean? How are you going to make people do what their society needs them to do? If most of the communes in the world are an example, you're not.

-let's completely ignore the fact that during the middle ages, when power was decentralized throughout western Europe, the caliphate and to a lesser extent the still-centralized Byzantine Empire were still productive and innovative compared to the west's stagnation and oppression. Somehow, this time things would be different and people would just agree to never oppress each other, possibly because of the same magic fairies that tell us when it's time to fight for our rights.
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Yes, people are forced to compromise their values on a daily basis but the truth is, those values are not always rational and when they impose on others, there is a problem. Certain religious individuals are upset by the idea of homosexuals being able to marry, why? In their value system, it ruins the sanctity of marriage, etc... Should their values be able to dictate the way the rest of the world operates? I don’t need an answer to that questions, it’s just an example, you get the idea.

The idea of corruption itself is subjective. In one society, what is considered corruption in another society is considered moral. My point is that the evidence you provide does not just open a single door to a single way of thought but instead to multiple doors and ways of thought. Your evidence doesn’t just point to your ideas, it provides evidence to other ideas as well that could possibly have just as much if not more credence than yours.

People will struggle to take you seriously when you so adamantly stick to only one possibility without considering or truly objectively disproving those other possibilities. You are making the mistake of having a hypothesis and trying to prove it and ignoring any evidence that disproves it. I will not say you are wrong because like I said, I think there is some truth to what you talk about but I will not take it to your extreme.

“Perception is reality.” You are right in this regard but you are just as closed minded as anybody else by being so dead set on your one idea, one trajectory of thinking. Have you ever thought that perhaps governing bodies and corrupt corporations want people like you? You could be the greatest asset to them and I will tell you why. Unlike you, I am not going to claim with certainty that any of this is true but it is a possibility just like everything you bring up.

If I wanted to hide what my true intentions where, I would cover it up with bad and good. I wouldn’t cover up everything I do by trying to build up the perception of being ideal because very few would believe it. People are naturally suspicious and it goes back to the old saying of, “too good to be true.”

So to appeal to human nature, I would be a bit of both, good and bad because that is the way every person is. There is good and bad in each and every person and most people can forgive mistakes to a certain level. This is what I would make visual to the majority of the world because it is the easiest path to success.

Then to hide my intentions I would feed to people like you and then at the opposite end the overly supportive the most “top secret” of ideas and watch as the flame spreads. I would watch as my perceived wrong-doings are investigated so intensely, knowing that no real evidence will ever be found.

Individuals will blow their whistles and waste their time chasing this extreme because if there is even a shred of reality to that extreme, the consequences could be dire. I make people focus on the potential of my greater mistakes that may or may not have happened so that I can get away with the simple ones. I can do whatever I want right in front of their face because of the “what-if” factor. The reality is far more simple than what everybody believes but by planting the seeds of something worse, they can’t accept the simple reality because “what-if” it is worse?

All I have to do is plant the seed of doubt and watch as peoples own imaginations take to whatever extreme their fears and insecurities can create. My intentions might be completely clear and right in front of everybody but because they are so simple, people just can’t believe that it’s that simple. They want to complicate it, make it into something that it’s not and that only just benefits me.

Feed to the media; feed to the people not only the extreme fears that make me the savior but also the doubts that make me the ultimate enemy. Use those extremes to hide the reality of what I am doing that is both good and bad. Those that do accept the simple reality and can do something about it will be so discouraged by the extremes that they will just accept it so that they don’t have to hear you anymore.

You do more to hurt your cause than you do to support it. Part of being aware and changing perception is also accepting the very real possibility that you are wrong about everything.

Using the monarchy as an example; the media can weave stories about how great she is to convince part of the population that they should admire her. Then the media or social media can weave stories about corruption and make another part of the population fear and hate her. Both fulfill the same thing. Both fulfill the purpose of giving her power she might not actually have and the reality is far simpler.

What I think the reality is that politicians, corporate heads, organization leaders are people and as such are corruptible. They can be just as opinionated and stupid as you and I. They can be just easily duped into doing something stupid and more often than not they let their own bias get in the way of making objective judgments. The only difference is they are in a position that their decisions impact the lives of many while ours impact very few.

Sometimes even the best of intentions can end up with the worst result. I am sure in his mind Adolf Hitler, thought he was saving society by enlightening the German people to the corruption of the Jews. I am sure every suicide bomber that kills a group of innocent children is sure in their mind; they are doing what is right and enlightening the world.

Why I bring this is up is as a word of caution. I have seen even the greatest causes become corrupt when taken to the extreme. If everybody took their money out of the banks and put them into credit unions, there is the very real possibility that you would just be replacing one evil with another. It is still the same concept of taking 1% and replacing it with a different 1%. If look at the history of banks, they started off small once too.

You give any one person, organization, governing body, etc… too much power and suddenly its seems like corruption takes hold.
Your points:

No those aren't my points they're words you are trying to put into mouth

-technology doesn't really change society-- magic fairies who live in our minds just suddenly say 'now you must fight for your rights'.

I didn't say that

The point i made to you, if you go back and look at what i actually said was that the real innovation was the challenge to established power from the merchant classes

Innovation happens first in the mind then in the physical realm. Did a person build a rocket and then think about how to build a rocket or did they think about how to build a rocket and THEN build it?

You are looking very narrowly at technological innovation but whats most important is social innovation.

An example of this in action would be the difference between the native peoples of the americas and the europeans. The europeans came from very crowded city states that were riddled with disease, sewage was thrown out onto the street and the city states all fought and competed with each other. There was starvation, disease and conflict....lots of conflict. However they were technologically more advanced for example having gunpowder weapons (technology evolved from the ideas of the chinese)

The natives of the americas on the other hand were less technologically advanced but more socially advanced. Although society was often stratefied people were housed and fed

So technology isn't everything...its what you do with it that matters and that depends on social maturity

Technology only exists to serve humans so humans should always be put first....that is done through social progress

-feudalism was centralized and practically every single definition of feudalism that you can find online is wrong (and probably propaganda). Or maybe you think that the words centralization and oppression are interchangeable.

Why do you keep going on about fuedalism? What i said is that our society is drifting towards 'neo-fuedalism'. Please listen to the expert below, he is very clued up on this subject matter and/or have a read about it on wikipedia (

[video=youtube;4x42XVmznl4] 2D49&feature=results_main[/video]

-the typically homogeneous rural culture is equal or probably superior to the rich and diverse cosmopolitan culture fuelled by trade and immigration in urban areas (which is why everybody wants to live in the countryside). Which is why everyone in my home town with a brain still lives there and hasn't moved on to become a professional in one of the bigger cities... because the amazing culture was impossible to give up.

I haven't said that but what i will say is that the shift in the economy during the industrial revolution meant that people had to leave the countryside to find work in the citys; this saw the rise of slums

-decentralization would be much better for stopping the corporations because without the government, they wouldn't be free to do MORE damage and create MORE inequality... you're basically saying that the corporations can govern themselves, because I don't know why they would suddenly just disappear... and you're also in luck, because that's what is happening right NOW. Carter and Reagan deregulated the economy during the 80s and Clinton sealed the deal in the 90s-- weakening their own power in the process.

No i'm not saying that the corporations can govern themselves; i'm NOT a right wing libertarian, i'm a left wing libertarian. I would like to see corporations dissapear altogether but i'm aware it is going to take some time before societies perceptions get to that point

Deregulation HASN'T weakened the governments power over the people, it has weakened its power over the corporations. This has created the situation i mentioned earlier where the corporations use a strong government to enforce their rights against the people

To a large extent, decentralization has already HAPPENED.

No it hasn't things are being more and more centralised. That is what a 'central' bank is is about controlling an economy centrally. They control interest rates and they control the money supply

Here's a review of a book on neo-feudalism which is especially interesting because of its scope, and it identifies the exact point where the problem began-- namely, when the government started to give the capitalists free reign (decentralizing economic power):

Without a strong central government to stop them, the corporations took over. Neo-feudalism is when the CEOs report to the government and basically say whatever they want, while the government gives them free reign, because it is too weak to do anything about it-- or, as you say, it's just an illusion. I don't think it is an illusion, but it is definitely weak... and it's only recently that it has been forced to protect the interests of the banks and corporations-- decades of abusing the economy has weakened our society by concentrating all of the wealth in only a few places… and the fewer businesses there are, the more vulnerable the economy becomes.

One of the big changes was the creation of the central bank. This gave the bankers increased power over the politicians. This lead to the deregulation of the financial sector, which lead to the current crisis

Control of the money supply is really key to the current situation. When you look into it it becomes apparent that a group of international bankers grouped toegther to form a private bank....was it a conspiracy? Yes it absolutely was. They met in secret on Jekyl island and drew up the federal reserve bill. They then got it passed when congress had left for recess.

Look here:

Yes, it appears that decentralization is freer because power is being shared, but in reality what it illustrates is that the component of society that is most likely (but not always willing) to make the ethical decisions is completely detached from the workers (the 'king' dot is connected only to the 'lord' dots, and NOT the 'peasant' dots). THAT'S the problem. The real power isn't with the king, it's with the lords... which is why everyone wants to be a lord-- because the king has a thankless, depressing job and no real power. China is also decentralized in this way-- the chosen ones are allowed to do anything they want so long as it turns a profit, and the central authority is extremely permissive and largely oblivious/indifferent to the workers-- and the bad news is that THAT'S the competition. Under decentralization, you would have this exact thing-- a weak central authority that couldn't even get basic human rights for the workers if it needed to.

Ok i see from the diagram where the confusion is between us on this issue

It seems that your perception of centralisation is where all power is in one spot, whereas decentralisation means having power in several spots

So by that schema fuedalism would appear 'decentralised' because power is not focused purely with the king

Here is an anarchist perception: power can be centralised ANYWHERE. Power can be centralised with a king, with a 'lord', with a CEO, with a warlord, with a local council, with a politician, with a head of family etc

Just because power has been removed once, twice, three times etc from the single point does NOT mean that power isn't still centralised. It IS still centralised around power centres

Anarchists want to push that power ALL the way down to the people.

So when i talk about decentralisation i mean that EVERYONE has a say. So to me fuedalism is NOT 'decentralised' in fact it is incredibly centralised because vast amounts of power is still being held by a relative few

Do you see what i mean?

Here is the opening paragraph off good'ole wikipedias page on anarchist communism:

Anarchist communism[SUP][1][/SUP] (also known as anarcho-communism, free communism, libertarian communism,[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] and communist anarchism[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]) is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wages and private property (while retaining respect for personal property),[SUP][8][/SUP] and in favor of common ownership of the means of production,[SUP][9][/SUP][SUP][10][/SUP] direct democracy, and a horizontal network of voluntary associations and workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

In the centralized model, the government has direct contact with EVERYONE-- if the corporations don't listen, then they are punished. It's less efficient to have to report your activities to the central authority, but it would be far easier to solve the current problems, and ideally everyone would be given equal consideration by a single impartial authority, not abused by a weak, ineffective one with no power over its own policies.

Sadly in reality whenever there has been a central authority like that for example: USSR, Maoist China, Nazi Germany and increasingly the US under the fed and Goldman Sachs there has been corruption and exploitation

This is what orwell's book 'animal farm' was all about where the pigs take over the farm....they famously said 'all are equal but some are more equal than others!'

We have a centrally planned economy at the moment run by the fed. The corporations are increasingly centralised under a small owenership and are all under the rein of the council on foreign relations

But still you say that decentralization is the answer. Somehow, breaking up the concentration of power and effectively undermining the lawmakers is going to make things free and help everyone out, even though since the 80s doing this has actually done the exact opposite.

No power and wealth centralised even more due to the deregualtion in the 70's as the banker and corporate forces in general merged into bigger and bigger entities which they then started to claim were 'too big to fail' ie they are holding the government to ransom!

-Now it seems like you've changed your position and you're actually advocating 'organized decentralization', which actually seems pretty centralized--

No my position hasn't changed. You can look back at my old posts from three years ago and you'll fid me talking about anarchism (which doesn't mean chaos!)

in that you have a presumably ethical power protecting competition, breaking up/preventing monopolies and cracking down on things like price fixing. I'm not sure what kind of social programs you're planning on having in this decentralized utopia… are social programs too centralized? And if the government's role is to enforce a code of business ethics by force (the government is essentially a monopoly on force, which is necessary unless you trust the corporations to police themselves/each other), how is this not centralization? How are they going to enforce an egalitarian business environment without directly involving themselves in the daily affairs of the businesses?

I personally wouldn't want government...i was simply saying before that there are differing opinions on whether or not government should exist and if it needs to what sort of role it would have

Here's a link to a pamphlet by the anarchist federation. It might help clear up a few things:

What about private armies? Will this 'decentralized' society permit them or will they interfere with that as well? Will corporations be allowed to have their own military? You don't think that the strategies for achieving this 'organization' will demand a degree of centralization? What about social programs? Are these not going to exist? Without a central authority how exactly are you going to keep things clean? How are you going to make people do what their society needs them to do? If most of the communes in the world are an example, you're not.

Communes around the world are not necessarily an example

Examples could be marinaleda in spain, the only place to be unaffected by the housing bubble. here's some info from wikipedia:


the zapatistas in mexico

Delegates are chosen by the people to represent them. those delegates carry forward a mandate decided by the people. If that delegate does not carry out the mandate they are instantly revocable. You do not need to wait 4-5 years for the next general election!

These delegates can then select delegates from their number to carry forward their mandate to another level. This way power is coming up from the people, not down from the top from fat cats

-let's completely ignore the fact that during the middle ages, when power was decentralized throughout western Europe, the caliphate and to a lesser extent the still-centralized Byzantine Empire were still productive and innovative compared to the west's stagnation and oppression. Somehow, this time things would be different and people would just agree to never oppress each other, possibly because of the same magic fairies that tell us when it's time to fight for our rights.

People were still being dominated by power centres in europe in the middle ages not least of all the roman catholic church

The caliphate and byzantine empires were in constant conflict and facing internal strife; riots were common
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Yes, people are forced to compromise their values on a daily basis but the truth is, those values are not always rational and when they impose on others, there is a problem. Certain religious individuals are upset by the idea of homosexuals being able to marry, why? In their value system, it ruins the sanctity of marriage, etc... Should their values be able to dictate the way the rest of the world operates? I don’t need an answer to that questions, it’s just an example, you get the idea.

I'm not talking about culturally ingrained values eg attitudes to homosexuality or marriage

I'm talking about a stance of neutrality

My position on those issues is that people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting others

Our current society is highly i'm talking about people being coerced into doing things they don't want to do or being stopped from doing things they do want to do

When you have that mindset homosexuality isn't even an issue (who cares what people do with their own bodies?). Marriage on the other hand is in a sense coercive because if you want to get married you MUST sign a contract created by the state.

The idea of corruption itself is subjective. In one society, what is considered corruption in another society is considered moral.

People know when they are being coerced

My point is that the evidence you provide does not just open a single door to a single way of thought but instead to multiple doors and ways of thought. Your evidence doesn’t just point to your ideas, it provides evidence to other ideas as well that could possibly have just as much if not more credence than yours.

I'd very much like to hear your ideas concerning this

People will struggle to take you seriously when you so adamantly stick to only one possibility without considering or truly objectively disproving those other possibilities. You are making the mistake of having a hypothesis and trying to prove it and ignoring any evidence that disproves it. I will not say you are wrong because like I said, I think there is some truth to what you talk about but I will not take it to your extreme.

Just to clarify...what is the one possibility i'm sticking to?

“Perception is reality.” You are right in this regard but you are just as closed minded as anybody else by being so dead set on your one idea, one trajectory of thinking. Have you ever thought that perhaps governing bodies and corrupt corporations want people like you? You could be the greatest asset to them and I will tell you why. Unlike you, I am not going to claim with certainty that any of this is true but it is a possibility just like everything you bring up.

I have seen enough evidence now that i don't have the same doubts that you have. I don't have all the answers but i have the outlines

But there might be a problem regarding what you are saying which i have given a lot of thought to. I'll try and outline a couple of thoughts regarding this

First of all there are commentators who have pointed out that we are all often used as 'unwhitting dupes of the new world order'. This is because they often play both ends off against the middle

They use Hegelian principles of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. So for example if they want to create a certain outcome they will fund and aid two opposing groups in a conflict so that from the conflict the synthesis which they actually want is then produced.

This method also helps to keep people divided and confused. An example would be the current political system. It is largely a two party system where people are conditioned by the corporate media to perceive an illusiory polarity between the two parties when in fact the power elite control and fund BOTH parties. From whatever the outcome is they will synthesis the outcome they want

They sometimes support 'liberal' causes that to most reasonable people sound great for example womens liberation. Who is going to disagree that women should have equal rights? I think any reasonable person is going to believe that women should have equal rights. But the power elite didn't support womens lib because they care about the rights of women, they did it so that they could tax the other half of the population and so they could encourage parents to entrust their children into the care of the state whilst they worked.

So something that seemed good and noble on the surface actually has played into their hands not the hands of the people, because the people who control the interest rates and the money supply can tweak the system so that everyone is working all of the time even though now both people in a relationship are fact they may be less well off than previous generations where only one of the couple had to work!

So we've all been unwitting dupes. Thats not to say we shouldn't campaign for equal rights for women, we should, but at the same time we need to campaign for a fair wage so that people don't have to spend ALL their time working and can still raise their own kids

The other thought i have on my approach that has caused me to sometimes question my approach is something a little less tangible. Some might find the following idea complete rubbish....that's fine....i can't prove it for certain, so if they want to discount it that's fair enough, but i hope they won't discount everything i say on the basis of one or two points

So anyway the danger with what i'm doing by talking about this negative stuff that is happening is that i am helping to put it into the collective imagination. In magickal thought it is believed that we are all connected and that our subconscious's are all connected and that by visualising things and focussing intent we can then affect our reality because our reality is not real in the sense we think it is. It is, in magickal thought, actually a holographic reality that we are all co-creating. So what you focus your intent upon has a higher chance of actually manifesting in reality. 'Energy flows, where attention goes'. So if you are imagining all the time the creation of a new world order then in a kind of self fulfilling prophecy this will then come true

This is called 'bud will' in magick. Have you seen any of those conspiracy theory videos on youtube where they show clips in films and cartoons and stuff of things relating to 911 before 911 actually happened? Or have you seen the stuff in the batman films that then occured with the shootings? This is, in magickal thought, about planting a seed in the subconscious of the public that will then germinate into physical reality

This is why i think it is important to stay hopeful that we can defeat the new world order, visualise its downfall and most of all be consciously aware of what is going on

That is what i'm trying to do: spread conscious awareness. The power of the magicians lessens when people know how they are being manipulated

If I wanted to hide what my true intentions where, I would cover it up with bad and good. I wouldn’t cover up everything I do by trying to build up the perception of being ideal because very few would believe it. People are naturally suspicious and it goes back to the old saying of, “too good to be true.”

So to appeal to human nature, I would be a bit of both, good and bad because that is the way every person is. There is good and bad in each and every person and most people can forgive mistakes to a certain level. This is what I would make visual to the majority of the world because it is the easiest path to success.

They DO do this. they laud their agents in their corporate media. The way to undo that perception spell is to expose what their agents are really doing

Then to hide my intentions I would feed to people like you and then at the opposite end the overly supportive the most “top secret” of ideas and watch as the flame spreads. I would watch as my perceived wrong-doings are investigated so intensely, knowing that no real evidence will ever be found.

Evidence is found but is often buried for a generation through gagging orders and the official secrets act. Whats happening now however is that people are developing a memory. They are doing this by sharing information very quickly.

For example younger generations might not have lived through the gulf of tonkin false flag incident that justified the vietnam war, but now they hear about it online and are able to compare it to the false flag operations that are going on in their lifetimes.

The sharing of information is allowing people to see patterns in the behaviours of the manipulators for example hegels principle (see above) or 'problem, reaction, solution'

People are getting more streetwise to how the power elite play both ends against the middle for example by manipulating protest movements eg tea party v's occupy or democrats v's republicans or left v's right etc

Individuals will blow their whistles and waste their time chasing this extreme because if there is even a shred of reality to that extreme, the consequences could be dire. I make people focus on the potential of my greater mistakes that may or may not have happened so that I can get away with the simple ones. I can do whatever I want right in front of their face because of the “what-if” factor. The reality is far more simple than what everybody believes but by planting the seeds of something worse, they can’t accept the simple reality because “what-if” it is worse?

If i'm not mistaking what you're saying i believe that is what is going on in N.Korea at the moment

The US government is ratcheting up war tensions away from home to distract the public with an external threat when the problems of the US public are NOT in korea, they are in the US! The US public don't need to tackle the koreans, they need to tackle their own corrupt government!

Its a sleight of hand, which is a stage magic trick

All I have to do is plant the seed of doubt and watch as peoples own imaginations take to whatever extreme their fears and insecurities can create. My intentions might be completely clear and right in front of everybody but because they are so simple, people just can’t believe that it’s that simple. They want to complicate it, make it into something that it’s not and that only just benefits me.

There's a lot of specualtion about what is going on and it anyone who sets out to try and figure out what is going on has to be a detective and join the dots. But i think the picture is beginning to clarify out there. For a lot of us it is really beginning to crystalise now what is going on

Feed to the media; feed to the people not only the extreme fears that make me the savior but also the doubts that make me the ultimate enemy. Use those extremes to hide the reality of what I am doing that is both good and bad. Those that do accept the simple reality and can do something about it will be so discouraged by the extremes that they will just accept it so that they don’t have to hear you anymore.

The apathy thing comes from what Ike would call the 'little me' mindset where people think 'oh what can i do about this, i'm nobody, i'm powerless, i can't do anything'

My counter to that is to say we need to educate ourselves, share what we've learned to help the general levels of streetwiseness rise so that actions can be strategised. This should be an empowering process even if at first it is daunting

Many people are now coming up with creative solutions. I've posted a bunch of things people can get involved with on the 'alternatives to capitalism thread'

I think people can go through an 'oh my god, i can't believe the scale of this thing' phase when they first start seeing the bigger picture, but i think that anger is a good catalyst for change. I think there's already a lot of anger out there and there's going to be a lot more. The important thing is that anger is directed at solving the source of the problem. For example directing anger at the north koreans is not going to solve the US economy and the corrupt system

The banking crisis in Cyprus at the moment has seen the bankers declare a 'bank holiday'. This means the bankers have frozen peoples accounts. People tried to have a run on the banks and get all their money out but they couldn't because all accounts were frozen. Imagine that for a moment. You go to the cash machine to get money for your groceries but you can't and neither can anyone else.

Then the bankers start taking peoples money from their accounts. They did this before with MF Global where clients accounts were raided. This is essentialy the next load of wealth that the bankers are going to raid.

There is a good chance that in time this is going to occur in the USA. My advice is to be careful about keeping all your money in the bank. Some commentators are advising people to diversify for example investing anf taking physical hold of precious metals, some are saying invest in bitcoin, some are saying invest in tangible assets, some are saying keep a stash of cash outside the bank

So why am i thinking like that?

Sure some people on the forum might like to say that i'm 'crazy' or 'paranoid' but i know i'm thinking like that because i know things they don't and if they knew what i knew they would be thinking like that as well!

This is why sharing this info online is a good thing becuase it allows us to foresee events and take steps to protect ourselves from them

I've made a number of predictions on this forum that have come true. All this stuff about government trying to control the internet, increased surveillance, inflation etc i said all this was going to happen....because i know what the central bankers are doing

They want to create a centralised state socialist country. So what is that? Its a system where the state owns everything and controls everything including the people. The bankers raided the public purse with the 'bailouts' now they are raiding bank accounts and they are using the money to buy up all the assets of countries. They will wipe out peoples savings with inflation, they will foreclose peoples homes, not give loans to businesses so that they close allowing them to buy them up for pennies on the dollar. This is leading to a situation where a small corporate elite will own pretty much everything including the government which they have basically bought lock stock and barrel. That creates a situation where there is a de facto state socialist system. Then all they have to do is use the government to codify it

You do more to hurt your cause than you do to support it. Part of being aware and changing perception is also accepting the very real possibility that you are wrong about everything.

That's how i managed to see what i'm seeing. I was open minded enough in the first place to look beyond what the mainstream media was spoon feeding me. My perceptions are evolving all the time. I'm not entrenched...the image is getting refined all the time by more mounting evidence. I listen to as many different sources as possible. i listen to the alternative media, i listen to the mainstream media, i listen to the left and the right and i listen to what the power elite thmselves are saying and i look at what is actually happening on the ground. Having listened to ALL viewpoints i then match up what i've heard with what i'm seeing in the real world

There is always a possibility that we could all be wrong about everything...i'm open to that possiblity. for example it migh transpire that we are all actually in a virtual reality simulation game which we have paid to be in, including an amnesia aspect which creates the illusion of the entire thing being real!

All possiblities are on the table as far as i'm concerned

I think you do me wrong to suggest i'm closed minded...i'm not....i listen to everyone. Haven't you noticed the amounts of debates i get into? I listen to EVERYTHING they say to me, i look at and study their evidence to see if it computes. These are sometimes people with completely opposing views to me but i spend a lot of time listening to them, reflecting on their perspectives and seeing if it adds up

If i find a new piece of information that fits into reality then i assimilate it

Using the monarchy as an example; the media can weave stories about how great she is to convince part of the population that they should admire her. Then the media or social media can weave stories about corruption and make another part of the population fear and hate her. Both fulfill the same thing. Both fulfill the purpose of giving her power she might not actually have and the reality is far simpler.

yes the media is encouraging people to give her psychic energy. this is why some people talk about these power elites being psychic vampires

That is why i think we all need to be consciously aware of this so that we can make a conscious decision whether or not to opt out. I believe that when people see things for what they are they will opt out

We need to walk away from all the instruments of the power elites

What I think the reality is that politicians, corporate heads, organization leaders are people and as such are corruptible. They can be just as opinionated and stupid as you and I. They can be just easily duped into doing something stupid and more often than not they let their own bias get in the way of making objective judgments. The only difference is they are in a position that their decisions impact the lives of many while ours impact very few.

Yeah they are themselves indoctrinated and like all of us they have their inner demons that sometimes steer their behaviours. I would go as far as to say that some of these guys demons are very much in the driving seat of their lives!

As well as being bribed they can also be threatened and black mailed. There is increasing evidence out there for anyone who looks for it that one of the methods used to control influential people is to film or photograph them in a sexually compromising situation and then use the threat of public exposure to coerce them into doing their will

Sometimes even the best of intentions can end up with the worst result. I am sure in his mind Adolf Hitler, thought he was saving society by enlightening the German people to the corruption of the Jews. I am sure every suicide bomber that kills a group of innocent children is sure in their mind; they are doing what is right and enlightening the world.

That is precisely why lessons MUST be learned from history

The primary lesson is that violence is NOT the answer

What Hitler did to the jews was APPALLING...horrific. He was criticising the bankers and yet he didn't kill the bankers....he set about imprisoning regular people

But i don't even advocate violence against the bankers. The evil in the bankers is in all of us. The only way we can manage the demons that lurk in the shadows of our psyches is through conscious awareness

Why I bring this is up is as a word of caution. I have seen even the greatest causes become corrupt when taken to the extreme.

What usually happens is that when the power elite see a movement gaining traction they initially try to dismiss is through their media, then they try to belittle it, then they will attack it and try and kill and/or discredit the leaders and then finally they will try and coopt the movement and steer it off track

Once again we need to learn from history, share examples, be consciously aware and streetwise

If everybody took their money out of the banks and put them into credit unions, there is the very real possibility that you would just be replacing one evil with another.

The banking crisis was enabled because of the deregulation including the repeal of the Glass Steagal Act. This got rid of the barrier between commercial banks and investment banks. This means that gamblers then got their hands on depositors money and started playing casino games with it and lost it leaving them needing to be bailed out with the taxpayers money of the depositors. That money didn't just dissapear though it went to the global investors

The whole concept of credit unions is that they do not play casino games with depositors money. Each bank has different terms though and people should look into specifics before commiting to one, but moving their money from the scandal laden banks into credit unions is a very tangible way of changing the system. It dissempowers the bankers, and it helps savers and the real economy of production and consumption.

The catastrophe for the public is coming anyway, if we took our money from their banks and put it into credit unions the catastrophe would be for the bankers

It is still the same concept of taking 1% and replacing it with a different 1%. If look at the history of banks, they started off small once too.

You give any one person, organization, governing body, etc… too much power and suddenly its seems like corruption takes hold.

No if you look at the history of the banks you will see that what caused the sea change was the creation of privately owned central banks who took the money printing off the government treasury
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[video=youtube;4x42XVmznl4] 2D49&feature=results_main[/video]

Have you actually watched this video? Among the first words out of his mouth are 'this is what happens whenever you have a WEAK government… a government so WEAK that its willing to strangle its own population in order to help the rich'. A STRONG government is impartial and serves/oppresses everyone equally, according to its own political ideology… a weak king doesn't have the ability to do anything but defer power to the lords and mediate conflicts between the true power bases.

He means that the corporations have so much influence over the economy that their interests are inextricably bound to our interests, and that their existence is inextricably bound to our existences… because if one of the 'too big to fail' companies collapsed, then the economy would be destroyed, unemployment would skyrocket (more than it already has), and there would be a massive depression.

The role of the state is to use law and force to define and protect our rights according to its political ideology. Sometimes this ideology is chosen democratically, and sometimes it is simply imposed upon the people by force (the US was originally very accommodating when it chose its own ideology, North Korea simply forced people to be a certain way). If the state ignores/is unable to perform in that capacity (cannot define or protect the rights of its citizens), then it is a weak state-- which means that power is decentralized.

The anarchists believe that people are inherently good and that the government is a negative influence on humanity… and that by removing the government, things will improve. But in reality, you're only 'freeing' the strong to exploit the weak… the last 30 years have proven this.

Deregulation IS decentralization. What caused our current situation isn't that there were a lot of new laws signed into existence that empowered the corporations, it's that the laws that prevented them from getting too big were taken AWAY. Reagan helped to usher in a new, 'natural' financial order, and this is exactly what has ruined the economy. The state has killed itself over money, and now we have reached a deadlock where there is no way for it to regain its authority without slipping into tyranny.

The biggest reason that the Obama administration hasn't gone after the corporations is DEMOCRACY… people would get upset if Obama completely ignored the house or used the military to force the corporations to redistribute the wealth… and the Republicans keep blocking all of his tax proposals (taxes are the most reasonable way to redistribute the wealth).

He is weak not because he's a puppet or a yes man, but because some people actually believe that taxing the corporations is a bad idea, and there are valid reasons to believe that as well as idiotic reasons to believe that.

For example:

Valid: the corporations will move abroad/collapse if we tax them too much, taking our economy with them.
Idiotic: They rightfully earned that money and we have no right to take it away from them.

Unfortunately, in a democracy, even the idiots have a say… and there are some truly raging idiots who have managed to get themselves elected. Obama is weak because he is too accommodating of idiots, because he has too much respect for the democratic process.

Personally [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], I think your biggest problem is that you have issues with authority… the second I hear that someone considers themselves an anarchist, I picture one of the misbehaving kids in my class getting upset because I took away his cell phone, or like some teenager in a rebellious phase who thinks he knows everything and doesn't want to hear that he's wrong.
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Examples could be marinaleda in spain, the only place to be unaffected by the housing bubble. here's some info from wikipedia:

Here's a quote from the mayor:

"They all thought that the market was God, who made everything work with his invisible hand. Before, it was a mortal sin to talk about the government having a role in the economy. Now, we see we have to put the economy at the service of man."

— Mayor Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, May 2009 remarks about Spain’s real estate bust and rampant unemployment

Sounds like a centralized economy to me, [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION].
I think the threats are very real. What's far from reality is their self consciousness and their realization of the consequences of those acts. My 2 cents.
i gotta admit, it seems like the congressional hearing where a representative let out that the DIA believes the north has "unreliable" capability of putting a nuke on a rocket seems like perfect timing.

Looks to this stooge like the administration is playing down a "threat" while the pentagon is playing it up.

Sounds like a money thing, the obramins want to cut military spending, the generals don't like that.
Have you actually watched this video? Among the first words out of his mouth are 'this is what happens whenever you have a WEAK government… a government so WEAK that its willing to strangle its own population in order to help the rich'. A STRONG government is impartial and serves/oppresses everyone equally, according to its own political ideology… a weak king doesn't have the ability to do anything but defer power to the lords and mediate conflicts between the true power bases.

I've already covered this in my last post

Dergualtion took the teeth from the government in terms of dealing with the corporations YES....but here's the important part.....the government is increasing its powers against the people eg patriot act, terror laws, militarisation of police, controls of the internet, surveillance society etc

He means that the corporations have so much influence over the economy that their interests are inextricably bound to our interests, and that their existence is inextricably bound to our existences… because if one of the 'too big to fail' companies collapsed, then the economy would be destroyed, unemployment would skyrocket (more than it already has), and there would be a massive depression.

I know what he means and you can find in my old posts me saying that the corporations have become too pervasive in our lives

The role of the state is to use law and force to define and protect our rights according to its political ideology. Sometimes this ideology is chosen democratically, and sometimes it is simply imposed upon the people by force (the US was originally very accommodating when it chose its own ideology, North Korea simply forced people to be a certain way). If the state ignores/is unable to perform in that capacity (cannot define or protect the rights of its citizens), then it is a weak state-- which means that power is decentralized.

The power is NOT decentralised, the power is centralised in the corporations which have merged with the state

The merging of corporate power with government power is fascism and that is what we are seeing happen. The government is a tool of the corporations now not the other way around

The anarchists believe that people are inherently good and that the government is a negative influence on humanity… and that by removing the government, things will improve. But in reality, you're only 'freeing' the strong to exploit the weak… the last 30 years have proven this.

No the anarchists believe that centralised power is the problem so they are not only concerned with tackiling government they are concerned with tackling the corporations as well

Deregulation IS decentralization.

No it isn't. Deregulation is the removal of regualtions regulating the corporations. The corporations got the government to do this by subverting and infiltrating it. The power is now centralised with the corporations who now use the government to enfroce their will against the people

Look around you will see this is true

What caused our current situation isn't that there were a lot of new laws signed into existence that empowered the corporations, it's that the laws that prevented them from getting too big were taken AWAY.

I didn't say otherwise

Laws such as glass steagal were repealed which helped the banks merge. However since the deregulation the corporate controlled government has brought in new laws which do increase the power of the corporations

Reagan helped to usher in a new, 'natural' financial order, and this is exactly what has ruined the economy. The state has killed itself over money, and now we have reached a deadlock where there is no way for it to regain its authority without slipping into tyranny.

Man open you're IS a tyranny

Reagan was simply the bagman

He was their puppet whislt they pushed through their neoliberal agenda

The biggest reason that the Obama administration hasn't gone after the corporations is DEMOCRACY… people would get upset if Obama completely ignored the house or used the military to force the corporations to redistribute the wealth… and the Republicans keep blocking all of his tax proposals (taxes are the most reasonable way to redistribute the wealth).

No the reason Obama hasn't gone after the corporations is because he works for them

His biggest financial contributor was Goldman Sachs who are the main beneficiary of the banking crisis because they are run by the same people as the federal reserve

He is weak not because he's a puppet or a yes man, but because some people actually believe that taxing the corporations is a bad idea, and there are valid reasons to believe that as well as idiotic reasons to believe that.

He's nothing. They decide who gets into power and if a person steps out of line their head gets hollowed out by a hollow point

For example:

Valid: the corporations will move abroad/collapse if we tax them too much, taking our economy with them.
Idiotic: They rightfully earned that money and we have no right to take it away from them.

The agenda of the people behind the corporations is to centralise power further. The issue we all face now is whether we remain as autonomous nation states or whether we adopt a single global currency under a single global bank under a single global government

That is the BIG PICTURE

Unfortunately, in a democracy, even the idiots have a say… and there are some truly raging idiots who have managed to get themselves elected. Obama is weak because he is too accommodating of idiots, because he has too much respect for the democratic process.

We don't live in a democracy, we live in a plutarchy or as hudson would call it a 'kleptocracy' because the agenda at the moment is to move all the wealth and assets to the guys at the top to create a de facto state socialist country. Once they achieve this to a certain degree they will then use the government they control to codify this

Personally @muir , I think your biggest problem is that you have issues with authority… the second I hear that someone considers themselves an anarchist, I picture one of the misbehaving kids in my class getting upset because I took away his cell phone, or like some teenager in a rebellious phase who thinks he knows everything and doesn't want to hear that he's wrong.

That's becuase you don't understand what anarchy is because you're keeping blinkers around your mind
Here's a quote from the mayor:

"They all thought that the market was God, who made everything work with his invisible hand. Before, it was a mortal sin to talk about the government having a role in the economy. Now, we see we have to put the economy at the service of man."

— Mayor Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, May 2009 remarks about Spain’s real estate bust and rampant unemployment

Sounds like a centralized economy to me, @muir .

He's speaking about free market economics ie when the government deregulates and allows the corporations to run rampant

The town he is a mayor of does not operate under those principles
i gotta admit, it seems like the congressional hearing where a representative let out that the DIA believes the north has "unreliable" capability of putting a nuke on a rocket seems like perfect timing.

Looks to this stooge like the administration is playing down a "threat" while the pentagon is playing it up.

Sounds like a money thing, the obramins want to cut military spending, the generals don't like that.

The military indistrial complex wants more spending for sure....its a rapacious beast

Strategically though it seems that the US wants to encircle China and to do so it must justify maintaining bases in that region. A perceived threat is needed to do that

The US carrys out military exercises every year in korea. This year the war game was one were a nuclear strike is carried out against the north. Thats a NUCLEAR STRIKE

The US flew nuclear capable bombers over south Korea to practise. This is highly provocative as it has got the already terrified N.Korea thinking 'holy shit they are practising dropping nuclear weapons on us'

What makes it even more scary is the fact that as well as carrying out the war games the US has actually shipped our REAL bunker busting bombs to S.Korea

All these actions are a form of dialogue and if you interprete it as a language the language the US is using is extremely threatening. They are the ones threatening N.korea with nuclear attack. They are turning the thumb screws on N.Korea perhaps hoping to instigate internal strife and regime change from a terrified ruling class

The N.koreans are feebly making counter threats to look tough
He's speaking about free market economics ie when the government deregulates and allows the corporations to run rampant

The town he is a mayor of does not operate under those principles

The mayor is talking about the Invisible Hand and how it doesn't work… and I agree 100%-- it doesn't work. But people who believe that everything should be free MUST think it works otherwise they would be advocating state intervention/regulations.
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Strategically though it seems that the US wants to encircle China and to do so it must justify maintaining bases in that region. A perceived threat is needed to do that

The US carrys out military exercises every year in korea. This year the war game was one were a nuclear strike is carried out against the north. Thats a NUCLEAR STRIKE

The US flew nuclear capable bombers over south Korea to practise. This is highly provocative as it has got the already terrified N.Korea thinking 'holy shit they are practising dropping nuclear weapons on us'

What makes it even more scary is the fact that as well as carrying out the war games the US has actually shipped our REAL bunker busting bombs to S.Korea

All these actions are a form of dialogue and if you interprete it as a language the language the US is using is extremely threatening. They are the ones threatening N.korea with nuclear attack. They are turning the thumb screws on N.Korea perhaps hoping to instigate internal strife and regime change from a terrified ruling class

The N.koreans are feebly making counter threats to look tough

You are on all kinds of crack.

Seriously, I get that you're anti-establishment but this is just a blatant distortion of even the most widely-known and agreed upon facts… the idea that North Korea is a frightened little lamb that doesn't deserve what it's getting is absolutely laughable. And YES, North Korea HAS threatened the US AND South Korea with a nuclear attack MULTIPLE TIMES. You continue to brush off the fact that North Korea IS the antagonist here-- they've provoked everyone with threats, dealing arms and drugs, and oh yeah, by actually bombing a South Korean island.

And China is ON BOARD with the US this time. If the point was to encircle China, then why is China supporting these actions? Oh wait, they're also innocent little lambs who are doing this in good faith and have no idea what's coming to them.

Oh wow, look at this:
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The mayor is talking about the Invisible Hand and how it doesn't work… and I agree 100%-- it doesn't work. But people who believe that everything should be free MUST think it works otherwise they would be advocating state intervention/regulations.

Don't mix me up with an anarchist capitalist!
You are on all kinds of crack.

Seriously, I get that you're anti-establishment but this is just a blatant distortion of even the most widely-known and agreed upon facts… the idea that North Korea is a frightened little lamb that doesn't deserve what it's getting is absolutely laughable. And YES, North Korea HAS threatened the US AND South Korea with a nuclear attack MULTIPLE TIMES. You continue to brush off the fact that North Korea IS the antagonist here-- they've provoked everyone with threats, dealing arms and drugs, and oh yeah, by actually bombing a South Korean island.

And China is ON BOARD with the US this time. If the point was to encircle China, then why is China supporting these actions? Oh wait, they're also innocent little lambs who are doing this in good faith and have no idea what's coming to them.

Oh wow, look at this:

Stick this in your crack pipe and smoke it:

From the news article YOU posted:

China's Xinhua news agency said in a commentary that Washington had itself been "fanning the flames" on the Korean peninsula with its shows of force.

"It keeps sending more fighters, bombers and missile-defence ships to the waters of East Asia and carrying out massive military drills with Asian allies in a dramatic display of pre-emptive power," it said.

Sure China has to be seen to be trying to calm things down but what China is really doing is mobilising troops towards the region. China is aware that the US is trying to encircle it; it wants N.Korea to act as a buffer state

N.Korea supposedly shelled that island but the US navy was in the area conducting provocative war games. if the US wasn't there, there would be no antagonism

Is N.Korea in mexico threatening the US from just over its border? NO

Its the other way around, the US is in S,Korea threatening N.Korea from over its border
N.Korea supposedly shelled that island but the US navy was in the area conducting provocative war games. if the US wasn't there, there would be no antagonism

Do you know what a war is, muir? North Korea and South Korea are at war.. there was never a peace treaty signed. If the US left the South, they would be outgunned and outnumbered, and the North is EXTREMELY hostile. I've been to North Korea, I've met North Koreans, and I can tell you they are extremely militaristic. If you think of everything that you rant about on this forum, and everything you are afraid of the west becoming, and then multiply it by ten, that's what North Korea is... how you can possibly be defending them in this case is mind-blowing.

Is N.Korea in mexico threatening the US from just over its border? NO

No, they're threatening SOUTH KOREA, which happens to be an ally with a much smaller military. Oh, and they're actually threatening them with nuclear war, not with 'military exercises'.

Its the other way around, the US is in S,Korea threatening N.Korea from over its border

There's no 'supposedly' about it-- they did it, and they admitted that they did it.

The military exercises were in response to an illegal attempt to develop nuclear weapons... the US and the South had agreed to provide AID to the North in exchange for their agreeing never to develop nuclear weapons, and when they intentionally broke that agreement and fired a missile close to Japan, the US needed to prove to the South that they could respond to this kind of provocation, so they began military exercises.

Yes, China doesn't approve of the military exercises, but what both China AND Russia have approved of are the sanctions that have been put on the North by the UN, and have also condemned the nuclear tests... the US is just taking it a step further for the sake of their relationship with the South. If North Korea bombed your house and you learned that the government wasn't going to do anything about it, how would you feel?

The South is upset with the North, and the US is showing them a little solidarity, which is also important because of the new leadership... that's basically it.

What's really messed up is that earlier this year Kim Jong-Eun met with a representative from Google, and actually mentioned opening up the economy in the North... it wouldn't surprise me if the kid was a pawn in a behind-the-scenes power struggle between generals.
[mods] *sigh* Yet another thread gone to derailment hell. PLEASE stay on topic. If you wish to discuss conspiracy theories and whatnot, please make your OWN thread and keep it there. Please stop derailing other people's threads. Thank you. [/mods]
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Do you know what a war is, muir? North Korea and South Korea are at war.. there was never a peace treaty signed. If the US left the South, they would be outgunned and outnumbered, and the North is EXTREMELY hostile. I've been to North Korea, I've met North Koreans, and I can tell you they are extremely militaristic. If you think of everything that you rant about on this forum, and everything you are afraid of the west becoming, and then multiply it by ten, that's what North Korea is... how you can possibly be defending them in this case is mind-blowing.

I haven't defended them

You know you have a habit of projecting what you want the other person to be saying rather than actually LISTENING to what they are ACTUALLY saying

I said the US public need to be dealing with their own corrupt government and not worrying about foreign bogeymen

No, they're threatening SOUTH KOREA, which happens to be an ally with a much smaller military. Oh, and they're actually threatening them with nuclear war, not with 'military exercises'.

The US government is running a global empire and that is their main concern. they don't give a damn about the south koreans

There's no 'supposedly' about it-- they did it, and they admitted that they did it.

The military exercises were in response to an illegal attempt to develop nuclear weapons... the US and the South had agreed to provide AID to the North in exchange for their agreeing never to develop nuclear weapons, and when they intentionally broke that agreement and fired a missile close to Japan, the US needed to prove to the South that they could respond to this kind of provocation, so they began military exercises.

The US empire is collapsing, get used to it or you are going to go through all sorts of agonising in debates online

The US has been the main protagonist in global affairs for the last 70 years. N.Korea is a small bit part actor; you need to get some perspective

Yes, China doesn't approve of the military exercises, but what both China AND Russia have approved of are the sanctions that have been put on the North by the UN, and have also condemned the nuclear tests... the US is just taking it a step further for the sake of their relationship with the South. If North Korea bombed your house and you learned that the government wasn't going to do anything about it, how would you feel?

N.Korea hasn't bombed anyones house, but the US has bombed countless houses and continues to do so with ongoing drone strikes.

Your perspective is way off regarding this

The South is upset with the North, and the US is showing them a little solidarity, which is also important because of the new leadership... that's basically it.

No the US is meddling in the affairs of others because it wants to extend its global empire, that's basically it

What's really messed up is that earlier this year Kim Jong-Eun met with a representative from Google, and actually mentioned opening up the economy in the North... it wouldn't surprise me if the kid was a pawn in a behind-the-scenes power struggle between generals.

I have no doubt the US is trying to subvert N.Korea from within and from without. They want to open it up to exploitation from their corporations the same as they always do because they are a fascist state where the corporations run the government not the people
I said the US public need to be dealing with their own corrupt government and not worrying about foreign bogeymen

They can do both.

The US government is running a global empire and that is their main concern. they don't give a damn about the south koreans

They care about relations, and maintaining their interests. It doesn't mean there's some sort of horrible sinister element to it... people are capable of helping each other for the sake of profit and still end up with a mutually beneficial and wholly positive relationship. Tell me WHAT exactly is the problem with US/South Korea relations? If you lived here, you would know that there is no exploitation going on-- the South Koreans are highly protective of their local businesses! Samsung is one of the most powerful electronics giants in the WORLD, Hyundai and Kia are thriving, LG is doing very very very well, and they are all South Korean-owned corporations. There is no Wal-Mart here... and the American chains aren't even close to overtaking the local businesses-- it's all just a matter of taste, and there are a wide variety of options available.

The US empire is collapsing, get used to it or you are going to go through all sorts of agonising in debates online

What makes you think I disagree with this?

The US has been the main protagonist in global affairs for the last 70 years. N.Korea is a small bit part actor; you need to get some perspective

I think you mean antagonist.. and they've only been 'the' main antagonist since the end of the cold war.

But apparently North Korea being a bit player means that they should be allowed to do anything they want.
Right, that makes perfect sense.

N.Korea hasn't bombed anyones house, but the US has bombed countless houses and continues to do so with ongoing drone strikes.

Your perspective is way off regarding this

No, it really isn't. I live in South Korea, talk to Koreans EVERY DAY, have had numerous conversations with people who have seen the South change and read numerous books on the topic of North/South.

And you seem to have no concept of how this situation is entirely different from a full blown war. There is NOTHING to gain from an invasion into North Korea. NOTHING. Kim Jong Eun HIMSELF contacted economists in Germany because he was interested in opening up the local economy-- mostly because they're so poor that the majority can't even afford food. Even Kim Il Sung himself expressed an interest in opening the economy before he died and his son set everything back with an emphasis on the whole 'Juche' thing.

I don't blame the Iraqis for fighting back against the US-- and I don't blame the US for aiding the South in their shoving match with N. Korea. People ARE interested in this story, but it doesn't mean that they're not interested in OTHER stories as well. This is because people are capable of showing concern and having opinions on a wide variety of topics, and not everyone is as singleminded as you and needs to reduce everything down to 'the elites did this'.


I have made numerous mentions of this, and yet you continue to ignore this because it doesn't fit into your narrative.

No the US is meddling in the affairs of others because it wants to extend its global empire, that's basically it

I have no doubt the US is trying to subvert N.Korea from within and from without. They want to open it up to exploitation from their corporations the same as they always do because they are a fascist state where the corporations run the government not the people
