horriblescopes and INFJs

A profile on my horriblescope fitted me to a T. Also fits INFJ's. Was wondering if others found their horriblescopes matched their Briggs evals.

With an acute attention to detail, Virgo is the sign in the Zodiac most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to caregiving like no other, and their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.
I often question weather or not I am most like my sign...but finally coming to a conclusion that I am completely! AND I too am a virgo! WOW!!
heh, i am aquarius... what some would call an all-around gentle person...
I'm a capricorn... so I guess if INFJs tend to be serious, isolated, money-grabbing businessmen, then I fit the bill

It describes me in some respects, I suppose (I am very goal-oriented, self-sufficient, and, for lack of better terms, a cheap-ass), but I don't think those qualities make up enough of my personality to classify me as such.
So, I remain unconvinced
I'm a pices and I think it fits me the way they're dreamers. I found this on http://www.astrologyspot.com.au
"Pisces you are the mystic of the Water signs, sometimes even a mystery to yourself — the frequently changing ‘mutable’ Water sign. The Water element means you are a feeling type, motivated by strong emotions, visionary impulses and feeling attachments."
Associated traits
The following traits are widely associated with Libras.

* Diplomatic / compromising, however possibly manipulative - NO (I'm very blunt)
* Cooperative - OCCASIONALLY
* Fair / balanced / impartial - YES (Rational)
* Idealistic (in relationships) - YES (Rational)
* Charming - YES (ENTP
* Easy-going / sociable - YES/NO
* Indecisive / changeable - NO/YES
* Peace loving - NO (War is better for business)
* Gullible / influenceable - NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY
* Elegant / graceful - NO
* Refined / artistic / good taste - YES (However my sister is also Libra and she is not.)
* Pleasure oriented - NO
* Gentle - NO
* Sensitive to others - NO
* Kind - YES
* Cheerful - YES
* Romantic - YES
* Flirty / frivolous however loyal in marriage - YES

9 No's It's false.
ShaiGar said:
Associated traits

* Peace loving - NO (War is better for business)

:0 I find that shocking, yet scarily parallel to current politics.
gloomy-optimist said:
I'm a capricorn... so I guess if INFJs tend to be serious, isolated, money-grabbing businessmen, then I fit the bill

It describes me in some respects, I suppose (I am very goal-oriented, self-sufficient, and, for lack of better terms, a cheap-ass), but I don't think those qualities make up enough of my personality to classify me as such.
So, I remain unconvinced

I had a friend who was money grubbing, isolated.. and an ENFJ
I've found my horoscopes are either very off or could fit anyone who really wanted to see themselves in it *shrug*

Also this scares me;
http://www.astrologyspot.com.au/ said:
Taurus description bla, bla etc...

Not referred to as stubborn which is refreshing...

"In the body Taurus rules the neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, vocal chords and shoulders. Sufficient times of quiet and rest as well as regular rests from rich foods and drink make a healthy happy Bull" can dig that...

Nothing else really fits...

Near the bottom;

Foods for Health: Carrots.


I'm an aquarius also.. I think I fit well with what they have to say about me!

I notice that all my friends are Leo's and Aquarius', and Aries..
It's like I attract them... or we attract each other...
I'm a Leo, pretty much dead on.. except I'm not a "center stage" kinda guy... Not so arrogant either
I'm Cancer "The Crab". That sounds awful, but I am Homeloving and domestic. Bleh, it's true though, so sadly true.
I was born on the cusp of scorpio and sagittarius. And I exhibit traits of both.
I've been looking up into Taurus after seeing the post and nothing really shows in me.
I was incarnate in the horsehead nebula under the pelaides constellation
Just like the MBTI, no ones sun sign descriptions will fit with all T's crosses and i's dotted.

More than anything else except entertainment, I use it as a blue print to figure out new people. Just to get a sense of them.

Other odds and ends of info I've picked up about Astrology~

Looking up your Ascendent and Moon's sign clears up a bit about what your sun sign doesn't fit.
Cuspies (people born within three days of either side of a sign change) often have characteristics of both signs to some degree or another.

Overall I think Astrology is mostly something to have fun with. There will be some truths in there, but nothing can account for how our life experiences have shaped us.
I've been reading more and more into magic, and there's a lot of stuff that seems to work so far, but the astrology that gets bandied about is useless housewife stuff created and propagated by bullshit theorists who want to make a quick buck. A lot of the stuff that works doesn't get printed in newspapers or womens magazines because it's too intricate and too dark.
Of course I don't, but most shallow morons who believe in it think it's a bad thing.