Hawaiian shirt test | INFJ Forum

Hawaiian shirt test

You Are Skillful

You take your time and make sure things are done right. You hate to make mistakes, no matter how big or small.
You are a slow and critical thinker. You think through every step carefully.

You emphasize quality in all aspects of life. You're a big believer in living well.
You hold yourself accountable for your actions. In the end, you have to live with yourself.
You Are Deep

You are attracted to sad things. You find a lot of depth in darkness.

You find counter culture compelling. You respect those who chart their own course through life.

You are loyal and devoted. Your friends tend to be friends for life.

The details in your life can be a bit disorderly. You don't mind a little chaos.
You Are Deep

You are attracted to sad things. You find a lot of depth in darkness.

You find counter culture compelling. You respect those who chart their own course through life.

You are loyal and devoted. Your friends tend to be friends for life.

The details in your life can be a bit disorderly. You don't mind a little chaos.
You Are Calm


You like praise and recognition. You enjoy it when others notice your hard work.
You take both good things and the bad things in stride. You keep life in perspective.

You tend to have neutral moods. You don't experience crazy highs or lows.
You are a finisher. You push to complete projects, even if they are tedious.


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You Are Deep

You are attracted to sad things. You find a lot of depth in darkness.
You find counter culture compelling. You respect those who chart their own course through life.
You are loyal and devoted. Your friends tend to be friends for life.
The details in your life can be a bit disorderly. You don't mind a little chaos.