Has being extroverted online made you more extroverted irl?


Has being extroverted online made you more extroverted irl?

why or why not?
How do you be more or less extraverted online?
How do you be more or less extraverted online?

For example, if you're more introverted irl, meaning, you don't interact with people very often, but online you tend to interact quite a bit, much more social than you are irl, then can it make you more extroverted/more social irl? That's kinda what i'm asking. Hope that explains it.
I dont think you can be extroverted online. At best I believe it to be an illusion. Part of me doesnt believe that everyone online is a real person.
I'm just a figment of your imagination.
I dont think you can be extroverted online. At best I believe it to be an illusion. Part of me doesnt believe that everyone online is a real person.

how come?

to OP: no not really. two totally different environments.
Not at all. In fact, it's led me to be more introverted than I used to be.
how come?

to OP: no not really. two totally different environments.

Because there is no person there. It is just words on a screen. I feel like most of my senses are being left out of the fun of real interaction.
Because there is no person there. It is just words on a screen. I feel like most of my senses are being left out of the fun of real interaction.

i hear ya. on some level it's like they're not really there, cause you're not connected in any physical way to them. but the diversity of opinions online makes me feel like most people are unlikely to be bots xD
Nope, still in my room. :D

If I could fit all of you in to my room, and hold conversations that way, I might become more extroverted.

I have grown, I have gotten better at expressing myself, but I don't think I would be more extraverted unless I really concentrated on it in regular interactions.
I think I come off more introverted online. Mainly, because I'd rather be talking to you in person than typing. My thoughts are way too quick for my hands to type them and I tend to forget what I was talking about, when I try to write everything down.

But I have been getting better at it! ;)
Has being extroverted online made you more extroverted irl?

why or why not?

Not really, because when I interact with lots of people on-line, I still have the ability to think before I respond without it being disjointed.

Besides, if I'm with the right people I can interact all day no sweat. The people who wear me out irl aren't people I interact with a whole lot on-line either.

Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever been 'extroverted' on-line, in the sense that I don't interact with a whole lot of people at one time.
Nope. I find my abilities in wanting to talk to people are mutually exclusive to each other, like online doesn't cross over to real life.
However, traits in speaking DO cross over from online to real life. I started saying pwned, ftw, and Awesome only after I encountered those phrases on the internet. Also, got a thicker skin, and can deal with confrontation much better irl because of getting bloodied in a verbal fight or hundred online.
i hear ya. on some level it's like they're not really there, cause you're not connected in any physical way to them. but the diversity of opinions online makes me feel like most people are unlikely to be bots xD

Also it is like the stakes are not high enough. If you make a mistake all you really lost is at worst you get banned from a forum for a day or two. Who really cares? No one talks to me offline from here, so its not like Ive made any real connection. I probably need to take a break anyway. But yeah, if you make a mistake in real life you could be shunned by actual friends, wife, business connection etc. From your way of life, you know what I mean?
No one talks to me offline from here, so its not like Ive made any real connection.
Well, you can't expect people to desire connecting to you, if you can't connect to them.
Part of me doesnt believe that everyone online is a real person.
Maybe people can sense, somehow, that you feel this way about the interaction?
Well, you can't expect people to desire connecting to you, if you can't connect to them.
Maybe people can sense, somehow, that you feel this way about the interaction?

Thank you captain obvious.
Being cocky and full of myself online helps me to be more cocky and full of myself in real life. :m027:
Not really. The more time I spend online, the more introverted I become. It's like I forget how to interact with people face-to-face. The opposite is true when I've had a lot of social interaction in a given week. I feel less inclined to log on and more inclined to go out and interact with people in real life.
Also, got a thicker skin, and can deal with confrontation much better irl because of getting bloodied in a verbal fight or hundred online.

I have to say, that this is one of the best lessons i've learned online. I do find i'm better at dealing with an argument, from a more objective standpoint, because of the verbal discussions we have online. I think because emotions run high when we're passionate about something, we tend to go for it, then withdraw, giving us time to rethink and recoup, and learn from it. It's actually a good life lesson.