For those spiritually minded people, do you resonate with this statement?


"This universe is a mass shared dream that all six-and-a-half billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization. When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together so that we can co-creatively dream a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation. This is nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness, unimaginable until now."
~ Paul Levy

This is a statement I deeply resonate with. Eckhart Tolle also speaks about the same idea in many of his teachings, the concept is especially well clarified in his book 'A New Earth: Awakening to your life's purpose'.

Paul Levy is a well known Jungian analyst. You can check out this site
No. I'm a very spiritual person (eclectic pagan, with heavy influences from wicca and celtic reconstructionism). however, I feel physics as is generally accepted to be essentially correct, with a few exceptions. The idea that reality is but a dream is too hard for me to accept. The thing with dreams is, they're accompanied with a waking world.
No, i don't feel that's true.
The idea that the universe springs forth from consciousness makes no sense to my rational mind.

That said, to my intuitive and graceful states of awareness, not only does it make "sense," but it is the simplest discernable truth.

The statement has a pantheistic leaning which never agrees with the principle of causality. ....

Nevertheless - humanity and the universe is far more than those of us living at present. Every past life was conscious and real and contribute to "what the universe is." However, as our limited lifespans would indicate, the world, let alone the universe, is far broader than we can easily grasp - it doesn't just stretch from the north to south pole, but across centuries and milennia.

Any conscious grasp of the universe cannot be had by one human intellect or even a collection of human intellects. It is magnificently beyond us, who live in this little pocket of a small galaxy.
That said, to my intuitive and graceful states of awareness, not only does it make "sense," but it is the simplest discernable truth.

Thank you! it's so simple when we get our mind out of the way.
Reality is created by our mind. Think about it. We aren't just recording what's happening around us, we have this idea of what reality is. And that's what is known as reality in our minds. However we can't take what reality is, decide to think about it differently, and end up with a different reality.

Well, maybe if you take acid.
"This universe is a mass shared dream that all six-and-a-half billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization. When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together so that we can co-creatively dream a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation. This is nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness, unimaginable until now."
~ Paul Levy

Yes, I believe it's true. I also believe all six-and-a-half billion of us, are only very small part of that collective dreaming.
Yes, I believe it's true. I also believe all six-and-a-half billion of us, are only very small part of that collective dreaming.

Thank you. That's very likely to be the case!
I do not ever believe that we human beings can ever truly understand the universe; the question of "how do we know?" would come into play. What we are interacting with is what we perceive reality to be. Even if that perception is 100% accurate we would still be interacting using our perception of reality.
"This universe is a mass shared dream that all six-and-a-half billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization. When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together so that we can co-creatively dream a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation. This is nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness, unimaginable until now."
~ Paul Levy

I'm willing to believe that this is a possibility

quantumphysics has already proven that an object = a wave and that what you see is defined by how you look at it. Secondly an atom exist for 99,999...% of empty space. So the physical world is not at all as physical as we believe it is. It is valid to say that the world is nothing more than energy. And dreams and thoughts are energy as well, scientist have been able to measure that. So of the world consist of energy, then the question is, what drives this energy, what regulates it and organizes it? Dreams could be the answer. If you go further than that, what is the difference between you and me, my energy doesn't stop where yours begin, maybe we are all one and all part of a major being, source of energy. Or maybe we just are and there is no plan...
Is there any grounds for the major premise of the statement? - To wit, that the universe is a mass shared dream?
Is there any grounds for the major premise of the statement? - To wit, that the universe is a mass shared dream?

what ground do you need? A physical one? A philosophical on?

a spiritual awareness, enlightement would that be prove to you?
I do not resonate with this and I especially dont resonate with the last part "unimaginable til now".
Is there any grounds for the major premise of the statement? - To wit, that the universe is a mass shared dream?

Yea, the perennial wisdom traditions of cultures all over the world, dating back thousands of years.

My dreams are unique and passionate, I will make them into a reality. Not the other way around.