Extreme Feelers - Question for ya


Retired Staff
messed up
I have a very HI FE its HUGE...most times in order to deal with life, and my INTJ...I turn off my FE and switch to Ti. There has been a bit of debate about this topic...so I want to hear from other EXTREME feelers...
Well, I used to be a highly feeling person... In order to cope with other people and the world at large, I had to develop my rational objective side. (Which is still a work in progress..and I assume always will be.)

I had to work on becoming detached from other people's emotions, to an extent. Which, is not a bad thing. Because if other people's problems become your pain--then it is difficult to help them work through their problems when they come to you.

I also had to tone down my personal sensitivities.. and come to the realization that if someone disagreed with me or criticized me, it wasn't the end of the world or our relationship and it didn't mean I was an idiot or a failure. I guess I was able to develop that more because I insisted on being a humble person, and a teachable person..
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How do you measure this GIGANTIC FE? And... how do you get in the bus with it? ^^

Just kidding, I believe in switching between functions. I wonder, would you confirm that switching to Ti also causes you to switch to Se? Meaning, you become less intuitive, more sensitive, more body confident, expressive, even bullying? I'm interested in all INFJs opinions too, if they'd like to share. (:

I'm sure for myself that the requirements for more T, cause me to turn to Te, and also lose my Ne, and gain Si..... These transformations were very strange for me in the past. I was wondering what's going on (why can't I use both my positive qualities at the same time - it would be great to have Te and Ne at the same time, not switch between them all the time), and MBTI fits very well to explain it.

I think it is similar with INFJ - your functions Ni and Ti are very useful, but you can't apply them at the same time, which causes you to fluctuate.

I consider having these 2 functions with the same orientation to be a great advantage, which NTs don't have! It is only hindered by the need to switch all the time, the inability to make use of both functions simultaneously.

Basically, we could call NT/SF the stable thinking machines, and NF/ST the unstable thinking machines (which have the potential to be even better concentrated on extroverted reasoning or introverted reasoning, if they have very good control).
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I dont... lol

I dont know if I switch to Se...I dont think I could...but Ti I can...I think I have the ability to switch from j to p very easily as well...

so my question is this...by doing this...am I compromising self???
so my question is this...by doing this...am I compromising self???
but if you do... why care? :(

ah... because of the GIGANTIC FE coming back to judge you, yeah, I see.. :m097: tough

(gigantic and coming back red hot angry)
-> :m074:
(Ti) I just, this Ti here was nothing...

moral of the story: extroverted judging functions can be dangerous, no matter if it's Te or Fe... tame them well.
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but if you do... why care? :(

ah... because of the GIGANTIC FE coming back to judge you, yeah, I see.. :m097: tough

(gigantic and coming back angry)Fe -> :m074:

Its a debate that has been swimming in my head for a while...It goes back to the NT - NF battle...Is an NF sacrificing self do give in to the NT?
the NT - NF battle
...Is an NF sacrificing self do give in to the NT?
I'm sure NT's sacrifice something too... as far as I'm able to understand it, connecting with their emotions, and allowing to get influence by that, is... hurting... their distrustful nature (or should I say habit). At the same time they need it, but it hurts them.

I'm not completely convinced MBTI as we know it can sustain very long, because people will get to know each other so well, that they will mix up all these functions.

Just my two cents: don't worry about that compromised self, if you want the other thing more (:
oh...I'm sure NT's sacrifice something too... as far as I'm able to understand it, connecting with their emotions, and allowing to get influence by that, is... hurting... their distrustful nature (or should I say habit). At the same time they need it, but it hurts them.

I'm not completely convinced MBTI as we know it can sustain very long, because people will get to know each other so well, that they will mix up all these functions.

Just my two cents: don't worry about that compromised self, if you want the other thing more (:

What if the NT is extream T and cant sacrifice anything?
What if the NT is extream T and cant sacrifice anything?
So what do you two do together? Killing kittens? :m190: i mean, clearly he invests some feelings... i hope, even if they may seem negligible from the height of that gigantic Fe.
So what do you two do together? Killing kittens? :m190: i mean, clearly he invests some feelings... i hope, even if they may seem negligible from the height of that gigantic Fe.

LOL We communicate very well, we get along really well...But he has a hard time understanding my FE needs...
Do you feel better when you turn to Ti and connect with him better?

If you do, why worry about that compromised self so much? (wow, i'm giving you in the hands of the dark side :()
Do you feel better when you turn to Ti and connect with him better?

If you do, why worry about that compromised self so much? (wow, i'm giving you in the hands of the dark side :()
we connect better if I dont let my FE get in the way...but its still my FE, its who I am..
I admire INFJ's with high Fe's as they can relate much better to others...INFJ's who have high Fe will in theory have closer I/E scores and a wider range between T/F. It's also good to see you can make good use of Ti when the time is needed shows that you have developed your functions quite well. My Fe is not that huge and mt Ti is my 2nd function making my F/T scores seem closer and my I is a lot bigger but I am still and INFJ..the same can apply to you..you have an unsual high Fe but it is still perfectly normal, when I use my Fe I can become pretty much a martyr and like you I can change between my functions to make others feel comfortable, just to add to my self-sacrificing nature.
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we connect better if I dont let my FE get in the way...but its still my FE, its who I am..
So again it's down to: which way would you feel better... if you can't have both.
well Im currently in a very Fi zone right now...and my j has taken a hike...I think I am faking the Ti more than I should be...I pretend it doesnt hurt when it does...UGh...
My Fe is strong, but my Te balances it out. Nevertheless I am extremely emotional, much more then I'd like to admit. I will often turn on Te when I need to block out emotion. The thing is I am finding that this is near impossible to do. This is only glossing things over, and I am not truly addressing things as I should. The only way to fix Fe, is to address Fe and work with it. Covering it with Ti or Te compounds things over time, and doesn't really do much to help.
My Fe is strong, but my Te balances it out. Nevertheless I am extremely emotional, much more then I'd like to admit. I will often turn on Te when I need to block out emotion. The thing is I am finding that this is near impossible to do. This is only glossing things over, and I am not truly addressing things as I should. The only way to fix Fe, is to address Fe and work with it. Covering it with Ti or Te compounds things over time, and doesn't really do much to help.
ok...That makes sense...but..then how does an extreme FE connect with an extreme TI?
My mom verbally abused the sensitivity out of me. When I'm meeting someone new I can act like I care, but generally I don't.

My customer service record is excellent but I probably talk more shit than anyone else I know.

E: this post makes me look like a dick but everyone tells me I'm a nice guy. Take it as you will, I guess.
well Im currently in a very Fi zone right now...and my j has taken a hike...I think I am faking the Ti more than I should be...I pretend it doesnt hurt when it does...UGh...
What you said doesn't fully make sense, unless... that's a very interesting thought, Enty! Maybe you force your whole Fe/Ti towards -> Fi/Te, which is... a little too much of a leap to make.

I've felt this when I had IxTP mentor, trying to teach me Ti (without realizing), in the end, like they do in the mass sects, I felt completely disturbed and insecure of what I am, it didn't work well. For a very short while I seem to have succeeded to get full grip of that Ti, just so that I know how it feels from inside. Brrrrr... I never want back there again. :( It goes against anything I am, because I can't doubt people all the time, this is not what Fi needs.

Anyway, the point is, it would be very interesting if people are able to force each other indeed to emulate the other set of functions, and the effect it has on them - probably not very positive effect, especially if these people have strong built character already.

So fight back! I mean, you shouldn't completely destroy yourself for this...
My mom verbally abused the sensitivity out of me. When I'm meeting someone new I can act like I care, but generally I don't.

My customer service record is excellent but I probably talk more shit than anyone else I know.

E: this post makes me look like a dick but everyone tells me I'm a nice guy. Take it as you will, I guess.

It doesnt sound like that...I was physically mentally and sexually abused...This is what I mean by I can just turn it off...but its still there under the surface...