Everyday tasks you never figured out | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Everyday tasks you never figured out

I have never read a more true statement.
how to fold fitted sheets in 30secs =

perfect hard boiled = 5mins to boiling + 5mins boiling poit + 5mins of setting (stove off leave it there) = perfect eggs and crack the bottom round part. :p

i do not know how to use a peeler. i peel my skin too when i use it........ it's evil... :sob::sob:
how to fold fitted sheets in 30secs
You sit on a throne of lies!!!!! Both you and my mother and that lady with the hidious sheet in the video. "Let me show you one more time..." NO, Mom. NO. It's impossible. you teach me every time you visit and I fail everytime.

It's like how she told me natural childbirth doesn't hurt...just wiggle your toes and you will forget the pain, I did it 4 time. LIES!

Maybe my mom is a witch...if so why am I a squib??? :cry:
On hard boiled eggs:

Right from the pan, add some ice and let them chill for a tiny bit. They peel crazy good.

From the fridge? Sorry, you're screwed. ;(
Too hard...egg boiler ftw. any eggs, peeled right away or later ... perfect !
Too hard...egg boiler ftw. any eggs, peeled right away or later ... perfect !

i dont think we have those here.... lol if we did i have no knowledge of it haha.
You sit on a throne of lies!!!!! Both you and my mother and that lady with the hidious sheet in the video. "Let me show you one more time..." NO, Mom. NO. It's impossible. you teach me every time you visit and I fail everytime.

It's like how she told me natural childbirth doesn't hurt...just wiggle your toes and you will forget the pain, I did it 4 time. LIES!

Maybe my mom is a witch...if so why am I a squib??? :cry:

it took me a month to practice. :hug:
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It's a rare thing if I can find an empty laundry basket in my house, and a downright miracle if folding and hanging are done right out of the dryer. Ironing? wtf is that?

Amen. The last time I folded one of my clothes was about a year ago. Washing baskets (that's the expression here lol) are my cupboards. I have a trick for ironing: place on bed (not made of course) and flatten out with hand until it looks no different and you've convinced yourself you've tried your best.
Update: Ohhhh yes these horrible things. I'm quite familiar with them.

Burn me quickly with applewood...I fold the fitted, the flat and slip them with the extra pillow cases inside a pillowcase...all of the pieces are then stacked neaty in the linen closet ... But WTF, why did they invent plastic wrap and clear tape from the same crazy beaker !?! ...once I lose the end I can not find it again. I've tossed whole rolls in the trash in frustration :p
i forgot to add mop in here. i had 10 stitches across my palm because my hand slipped through its rod. i prefer scrubbing floors by hand now.
The first step to being good at something is caring. I'm particularly terrible at continuing something I started.
Such an INFP. ;)

Burn me quickly with applewood...I fold the fitted, the flat and slip them with the extra pillow cases inside a pillowcase...all of the pieces are then stacked neaty in the linen closet.
Oh I do that, too!!!! Yay!!!! I fold the flat sheet neatly, fold one pillowcase neatly, place those in the pillowcase, then fold the fitted sheet in an uneven mess, get frustrated, bunch it into a half-folded ball and stuff it into the pillowcase, then place the 'perfect looking' pillowcase on a shelf in a closet with the other sheet sets. Done! Perfection!

I don't fold my clothes. Anything designer or delicate goes on a hanger. Designer denim is folded because a few pairs of those are about the price of a new car. The rest is divided by kind, and thrown into drawers. On the outside - neat and tidy. On the inside - chaos!
I fold all my husband's clothes, then by the time I get to my own clothes, I'm like, "Meh."

Rolling and placing a sleeping bag back in it's case. No. Can't. Go away, sleeping bag. Go away!

Putting the garden hose back into a coil-shape after use. Pfft. As if.

Organizing shoes is easy. Keep them in their boxes. Write what they are, or take a photo and tape the photo to the front, and stack them.

Peeling an egg: Place the egg on the counter and gently roll it back and forth while applying a bit of pressure. The shell will crack and after that, it's easy to remove. (Why does a vegan know this? My dogs get eggs once a week.)

Talking about witches!!!!:
Every time I clean my house I think of my mother, the ESFJ. <3
Our house was spotless all. the. time. How did she do this?
I helped her clean once a week, and as a kid I thought that was all it took.
In my own house, I vacuum and swish around the hardwood floor mop-like thingy every other day. When I finish cleaning I bask in the glory, go outside, come back in, and 'poof' - it's a mess again.
My ex-coworker said she took black beauties in the 70's, and it gave her the energy to keep her house spotless. My mother did not take black beauties. Spells, the only explanation is spells.
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I've tossed whole rolls in the trash in frustration

Oh we must trade skills. I am always helping people with this! I have notoriously long nails. Very helpful.
i had 10 stitches across my palm because my hand slipped through its rod

My dad once did this with a broom. He saw it poking in on one side and said "oh darn" then flipped his hand over and noticed it coming out of the other side! He said "oh darn" and then went to the hospital. I think he was in shock haha.