Ever feel uncomfortable with the idea of someone being attracted to you?


Ever feel uncomfortable with the idea of someone being attracted to you?

Maybe, it's just me cuz i'm an odd bird :D

Now, this is not about lack of self confidence or low self esteem. It's just a feeling of discomfort with someone feeling something for you. It's the way it makes you feel. It's not that you don't appreciate the interest, but the awareness that someone is "in like" or is interested can sometimes feel a bit odd.

Does anyone else experience this?
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If I know that nothing good will come of the attraction (that is, if the other person is likely to be hurt when it doesn't work out or is not reciprocated), then I find it awkward and bothersome. Initially I feel flattered, but if there are hints at anything more serious than a passing notice, it becomes a source of anxiety until the matter is resolved.
I find it annoying depending on how they approach it. I don't mind if people are attracted to me, but if they're going to be sleazy about it or if they start getting very needy with their feelings, I get aggravated really quickly. As soon as someone tells me they're interested I try to let them down as easily as possible so as to maintain the friendship or acquaintance but without having to worry about their attraction being a problem.

But if I'm mutually attracted to that person then I don't mind lol
Well now, Indy, you only half-answered the question. How do you feel about the fact that 2/3 of forum members have the hots for you? :m155:

*headdesk* I don't mind it, but I usually read it, smile/laugh, then move on. I usually don't know how to respond to it. So it more just makes me unconfotable in that I feel obligated to acknowledge it (and I don't want to do it "wrong"). At the very least it removes any fear that I am not appealing to others.
Yes, I make sure that no one is attracted to me. :m051:
It makes me feel very uncomfortable and insecure.
I'm already insecure as it is about how I look. I tend to brush people off.
Yes, I make sure that no one is attracted to me. :m051:
It makes me feel very uncomfortable and insecure.
I'm already insecure as it is about how I look. I tend to brush people off.

So, you tend to feel more uncomfortable and insecure when someone IS attracted?
No, it doesn't bother me at all. It actually makes me feel good.
*headdesk* I don't mind it, but I usually read it, smile/laugh, then move on. I usually don't know how to respond to it. So it more just makes me unconfotable in that I feel obligated to acknowledge it (and I don't want to do it "wrong"). At the very least it removes any fear that I am not appealing to others.

hahahaha. You shouldn't worry about doing it "wrong." I've become a sort of master at acknowledging people's attractions. There's not wrong ways to do it, just insensitive ways to do it. And I can't imagine you actually being insensitive towards someone's feelings.
Seems to be the case when you don't reciprocate that feeling.

Right; if it is not mutual, all of a sudden you are cornered into having to hurt someone's feelings.
I feel rather terrible if someone wants to hump me since I would never hump anyone.
I don't know if someone is attracted to me unless they blatantly tell me. Until then, everyone is a bitch and a whore.

My plan is flawless.
I usually don't have this problem since I'm pretty oblivious. (And quite frankly, its a lot more convenient for me to be that way)

Although I do find it a little annoying when I do know people are attracted to me because if they say anything. Since I'm usually not interested at all, It's on me to turn them down.

This is a problem because I happen to be moderately attractive. *sigh*

Now if they were attracted to my mind, that would be totally different. I Always welcome that.