Ever After- Goddamn this movie

No, I didn't say I *look* like her. And the cocaine thing was a joke. I've had my own cocaine days (daze), so I can make that joke. About myself. Haha? No? Ok....*scampers off*

I was trying to make a joke too. Maybe it didn't come off that way. Sorry, I really wanted to use the nosebleed Monkey!!
I was trying to make a joke too. Maybe it didn't come off that way. Sorry, I really wanted to use the nosebleed Monkey!!
It'll be ok. You should get that little guy a tissue er somethin' tho.
I thought the punishment was fitting, what other way to pay back a pair of catty malicious social climbers than to lock them in perpetual statuslessness.
I thought the punishment was fitting, what other way to pay back a pair of catty malicious social climbers than to lock them in perpetual statuslessness.
I agree. Especially considering that they are not working in a factory, but are working in the laundry room of the castle of the princess that they mistreated for years. So, in the end, the roles are reversed.

(I need to go and get a life.)
Great film. Love the social commentary.
And I agree, God has indeed damned this film! :m140: