Euphoric feeling from strange sources?


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I don't know if this is an INFJ thing, but ever since I was really young, I've always felt a really strange, yet strong sense of joy from touch. Not just any touch, but the sort of formal-like touch of, say, getting a check-up at the doctors or getting an experiment done on you. While to the other person it's just another patient, to me it has definitely got to be in the Top 5 of feelings. It's like, I get chills all over and it just makes me feel so good, like the world is full of purity. It's an amazing feeling which sadly doesn't come very often. Anyone else have this? Or any other feelings like this?
I was thinking about this before. It's as if the touch can tell you weather to trust someone. The touch calms you down for some reason, it's relaxed me when I was in pain, both emotional or physical. I can feel love in it.
It amazes me that you brought this up. I've had those natural euphoric feelings before too and there's nothing like it. You are dead right saying it is 'pure.' That's exactly what it's like for me too, I could live in those moments forever. It doesn't come over me through touch though. It's only happened a few times in my life and it's always been when I'm in close contact with another person, they are doing a quiet, repetitive job or game and I am free to just sit there quietly with my eyes closed or just staring off. It's like an amazing connection of energies.
I hope it happens again soon, it's been a long time.
Maybe you are all just kinesthetic learners. That would be people who best come to understand the world through both tactile (touch) and emotional feelings.

I'm extremely kinesthetic. I'm at the point where auditory and visual learners get angry at me. I've recorded lectures and upon listening to them again later, it's clear that I don't notice about 80% of what is said. I do better visually, but not much. I'm just so much more focused on how what the lectuerer says makes me feel.

And of course, I often have a powerful reaction when others touch me. Sometimes to the point of being overwhelmed.

The best way to know if you are a kinesthetic person is by your interations with your environment as a kid. If you were satisfied by just asking questions and getting answers, then you are auditory. If you had to see everything for yoursef to believe it, then you are visual. But if you had to touch everything, often to your parents disdain, and push every button you came across just to see what it would do, then you are more than likely kinesthetic.
I'm definitely a kinesthetic learner. I remember pretty much every activity I did in school and almost none of the lecture material. Also, if I touch an object I am far more likely to remember details about it.

I think I know this euphoric experience you speak of, though it has only happened to me a handful of times and I can't recall specific examples at the moment.
Almost sounds like some intense endorphin rush. It may not be as intense as you, but I still have these sometimes in non-sexual and non-exercise situations. As I've gotten older I've been slowly able to self-induce these more and more. I'm not too sure why, but I wonder what I will be able to do as the years come. Self induced endorphin rushes...Wow! Can it get any better?! ; )

BTW, I get chills most often when I first enter a nice hot bathtub and esp. when I put my hands in it.
Definitely a kinesthetic learner here. I remember when I was little, I was fascinated by this glass duck one of our neighbors had. I walked by it daily coming home from school. Week after week I'd walk by and just stare at it for minutes at a time. One day, my mom went over their house, and I went outside, and I remember rubbing that glass duck. Like, trying to get a feel for it, like "How can they make an animal out of glass?" Then it broke and I got in big trouble. Haha.
I actually have no clue what sort of learner I am. I learn by a sort of combination, but I don't know if I have a main learning preference. Maybe...visual? Who knows.

As for euphoric touch responses, someone running their fingers through my hair and along my scalp will relax me in incomparable ways. I think that was partly because of my mom, but also in elementary schools they would do lice checks and use picks to look through our hair. It was so gentle and relaxing, and I definitely associate it with that~
A formal touch is exceedingly gentle and very understanding. It has no implication, no further meaning; you can concentrate solely on that touch without distractions....
I actually have no clue what sort of learner I am. I learn by a sort of combination, but I don't know if I have a main learning preference. Maybe...visual? Who knows.

Another way to tell is by where your eyes predominantly go when you are thinking.

Up = Visual
Side to Side = Auditory
Down = Kinesthetic

Everyone uses a combination. It's a matter of preference, like MBTI.
When I totally get into depressive thoughts that take me to a certain place, I look down. I'm pretty sure I'm a kinesthetic!
Another way to tell is by where your eyes predominantly go when you are thinking.

Up = Visual
Side to Side = Auditory
Down = Kinesthetic

Everyone uses a combination. It's a matter of preference, like MBTI.

BAH! BAH! BAH! I'm trying to think so hard that I don't know where to look *dunce*

Think I'm primarily visual but my eyes are giving away no secrets.
Apparently I'm a kinesthetic learner.
I think I'm primarily visual, with a very close auditory. When I think, my eyes tend to go frikken' everywhere...they usually end up focusing on something a bit upward, but they sweep around before reaching that point :/

Do you think it could be affected by what you're thinking about?
Do you think it could be affected by what you're thinking about?

Yes. The questions you ask people can affect it. It's actually kind of fun. Just ask someone these questions in general conversation and watch where their eyes go.

It sounds like...[insert something you observed about the other person]?
It looks like...[insert something you observed about the other person]?
It feels like....[insert something you observed about the other person]?
That's interesting Satya. I know when I'm trying to absorb something I will always look down.
Does it do well when you are in a relationship? I mean if he touches me in a way that me feel secure, I always have a feeling that the relationship will go out well. If his touch doesn't calm me, i have a feeling that it won't go as well and very soon i get very uncomfortable about it. Does that work?

I don't know what type of learner I am... I learn things from sources so evenly.
Yes. The questions you ask people can affect it. It's actually kind of fun. Just ask someone these questions in general conversation and watch where their eyes go.

It sounds like...[insert something you observed about the other person]?
It looks like...[insert something you observed about the other person]?
It feels like....[insert something you observed about the other person]?

Okay, that's where it is :D

I look down when I'm remembering something.
I look up when I'm trying to explain something.
I look side to side when I'm trying to work something out in my mind.

So I really don't know which is a "preference" because I really do them all, actually.
So I really don't know which is a "preference" because I really do them all, actually.

I could figure out your preference if I knew ya in real life. Observing someone in general conversation gives it away. When your conscious of it, you can manipulate it, like when you know what MBTI question is measuring which trait, you can manipulate your results. But it doesn't really matter what your preference is, it just helps to know when it comes to learning new material.

And as I have said, everyone uses all of them. It's the degree to which you use one over the others that determines what your preference is.
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I do think I'm predominantly visual, if anything. I do tend to visualize things...