- INFJ again
- Enneagram
- 4w5
who of you as tested as a enneagram type 4 and how well does this type describe you?
what do you think are the major treads for a type 4 and how well does they apply on you?
this is what I got so far:
- feeling that you are different than the rest
- the lost of the contact with its essence during childhood causes a deep longing for something more, connection and belonging and the feeling of being uncomplete
- romantic and creating a fantasy world, searching for an idealistic world, something to make you complete again
- jalous because other people seem to be happy and content
- don't see the good things in your life, only the things you are missing (and would give you the feeling of being complete at last), you always want what you don't have
- your strenght is your creativity, passion, sensitivity to the feelings of others, emotional depth
- becomes a 2 when unders tress: a forced friendlyness and impose themselves on others
Inside the dramatic emotional facade of the 4 there is a bossy, judgemental 1-child. One that aims for justice and honesty and make sure that everyone does what they have been told to do. It wants to be perfect and gets defensive when someone points out something imperfect. It is difficult for the 4 to acknowledge this child inside of him, even hating himself for it but accepting it is the key to healing, to see that everything around us is already perfect, even the 4 himself. When he incorporate this child within, he will see that he is pure and briljant and beautiful and whole and connected already and he can stop searching for connection outside of him. The little perfectionist will transform in a brilliant feeling of completeness and elegance and instead of living a life of jealousy and melancholy and longing for connection, he will discover that the completeness he is searching for, is already inside of him.
translated from http://www.aan-de-basis.nl/prgk_oktEnneagramType4.html
what do you think are the major treads for a type 4 and how well does they apply on you?
this is what I got so far:
- feeling that you are different than the rest
- the lost of the contact with its essence during childhood causes a deep longing for something more, connection and belonging and the feeling of being uncomplete
- romantic and creating a fantasy world, searching for an idealistic world, something to make you complete again
- jalous because other people seem to be happy and content
- don't see the good things in your life, only the things you are missing (and would give you the feeling of being complete at last), you always want what you don't have
- your strenght is your creativity, passion, sensitivity to the feelings of others, emotional depth
- becomes a 2 when unders tress: a forced friendlyness and impose themselves on others
Inside the dramatic emotional facade of the 4 there is a bossy, judgemental 1-child. One that aims for justice and honesty and make sure that everyone does what they have been told to do. It wants to be perfect and gets defensive when someone points out something imperfect. It is difficult for the 4 to acknowledge this child inside of him, even hating himself for it but accepting it is the key to healing, to see that everything around us is already perfect, even the 4 himself. When he incorporate this child within, he will see that he is pure and briljant and beautiful and whole and connected already and he can stop searching for connection outside of him. The little perfectionist will transform in a brilliant feeling of completeness and elegance and instead of living a life of jealousy and melancholy and longing for connection, he will discover that the completeness he is searching for, is already inside of him.
translated from http://www.aan-de-basis.nl/prgk_oktEnneagramType4.html