
Community Member
hello I am just wondering if anyone can help me with my MBTI, On the MBTI tests I usually test either ENFP or ENFJ, I was trying to figure out which personality I lean more towards?

cant really determine my primary function whether its extraverted intuition or feeling,

I do fell though I am reasonably organised, has anyone got any ideas?

I think my judging/perceiving function is fairly even,
Not trying to confuse you further but how sure are you even that you are truly an Extravert? I know some Introverts who act extremely extraverted. The difference lies in where they get their energy.
Not trying to confuse you further but how sure are you even that you are truly an Extravert? I know some Introverts who act extremely extraverted. The difference lies in where they get their energy.

haha I'm that extreme of an extravert its not even up for discussion, well I tend to seek out alot of social occasions! But I do need small amounts of alone time! then back out socialising! I do like thinking but I get excited bout interactions with others!

yep the test did, but the J and P can swing! but think its more ENFP but I'm an organised version of an ENFP, suppose I just dont like being spontaneous and lacking focus! ah well!
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I don't know how many people share my sentiments but I think it's possible for people to be a hybrid of types as well.
Maybe that's you?
In any case, this means that your primary and secondary functions are roughly equal.

If you're very clear on your E, N, and F, then you're either

Ni seek the one answer.
Fe feels how things should be.

Ne seeks all the possibilities.
Fi feels how things are.

fuck! ENFP it is!

nicely communicated as always!
I don't know how many people share my sentiments but I think it's possible for people to be a hybrid of types as well.
Maybe that's you?

yeah think its more I have to be organised than it coming naturally! so I would have a strong j type! and in social situations I tend to take over and organise people, but at home in isolation being organised is tiring!
Do you think you might be an INFP/ESTJ hybrid? I that know I don't know you all but, even so I develope these theories about people . . . that's just what I would guess you are. I don't really have any good reasons tho for thinking so . . . I just thought I would tell you my suspicion and. . . yeah.
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Do you think you might be an INFP/ESTJ hybrid? I that know I don't know you all but, even so I develop these theories about people . . .

hahahaha! INFP idealism maybe! ESTJ never! I know one, I can have a dry cut throat say it like it is humour but it rarely happens!

haha ENFP's get alot of stick on this website! even a INFP/ESTJ hybrid is better!

ENFP are not like ESXX, we like time alone to think! and while social I'm not a fan of night clubs and find them tiring but yet am 95% extraverted so you cant generalise 1 type,

maybe your an ISTJ/ENFP hybrid! and no............I have no foundation of such a hypothesis!
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What? Gracious no! I love ENFPs. I was just telling you my honest insane opinion that I figured you probably disregard anyway.

oh don't worry I'm not too sensitive! just having a laugh!

no was on the ENFP vs INFJ forum! ouch!
hello I am just wondering if anyone can help me with my MBTI, On the MBTI tests I usually test either ENFP or ENFJ, I was trying to figure out which personality I lean more towards?

cant really determine my primary function whether its extraverted intuition or feeling,

I do fell though I am reasonably organised, has anyone got any ideas?

I think my judging/perceiving function is fairly even,

You can call yourself ENFX if you want, means you are between things.

Remember the function order too.

ENFJ primary feelers
ENFP primary intuition
I know an ENFP and ENFJ in real life. There is a big difference between the two. I think saying that it's just a matter of where you swing on the J/P scale is kind of undermining the fact that these types are indicative of two very different groups of people.
I know an ENFP and ENFJ in real life. There is a big difference between the two. I think saying that it's just a matter of where you swing on the J/P scale is kind of undermining the fact that these types are indicative of two very different groups of people.

see I don't think that you can say that an ENFP and ENFJ are very different when personality is decided by a percentage, what is the difference in two people that test 47% and 52% perceiving functions! and the same on E,N,F

however if you have an ENFP and ENFJ with 0-10% P function and a 90-100% P function. You are talking about two completely different personalities!

you are forgetting about the full range of the 4 functions that could contribute to your ENFJ and ENFP friends being different, also did you make them take the test or are you labelling them yourself?

I have 2 ENFP friends who hold completely different values to me! so cant generalise any type from a small fraction of people encountered in real life,

my point is I could be sitting beside a ENFJ and there could be little or no difference between us, likewise I could be sitting beside an ENFJ who is completely different!
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There are some major differences and some major similarities. I have experience myself and I am an ENFP. I find that ENFJs are more decisive in general and a bit less open minded to certain things. Sometimes when they have made their mind up you just can not sway them, even if they happen to be wrong, they can be a bit arrogant in that manner (though not all ENFJs are like this). On the positive, they are very passionate and caring about others. They really try and help other people all the time (even when those people don't want help) and they have an easy time expressing their emotions directly, whereas I think ENFP has a bit tougher time (and tend to express them more indirectly). You could chalk this up to functional order and/or direction.

Like I said, you may be right in the middle, you sound very balanced so it may be tough to pick out. For you, MBTI might not be quite as accurate because you are in the middle.

I think you are ENFP by the sound of your posts, but far be it from me to tell you your type.

Tell us more about yourself, describe yourself and your hobbies etc. to us and it may be a bit more clear.
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see I don't think that you can say that an ENFP and ENFJ are very different when personality is decided by a percentage, what is the difference in two people that test 47% and 52% perceiving functions! and the same on E,N,F

Your ignoring a lot by just looking at percentages. Plus, just because you're a P doesn't mean you're "less organized" then a J. Those are weak definitions. You should evaluate the personalities as a whole and not just the flowery descriptions on type websites. The pain they go through, the issues they have, the way they treat themselves and others, what they're like under stress, when confused or hurt. It's much more then just percentages made up from an online indicator.

And I have put a type on them myself. They wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about otherwise and they probably wouldn't care.

I have 2 ENFP friends who hold completely different values to me! so cant generalise any type from a small fraction of people encountered in real life,

my point is I could be sitting beside a ENFJ and there could be little or no difference between us, likewise I could be sitting beside an ENFJ who is completely different!

We're not talking about people, we are talking about types. Types are broad and generalised, that's the whole point. Otherwise we'd have millions of different types.
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see I don't think that you can say that an ENFP and ENFJ are very different when personality is decided by a percentage, what is the difference in two people that test 47% and 52% perceiving functions! and the same on E,N,F

however if you have an ENFP and ENFJ with 0-10% P function and a 90-100% P function. You are talking about two completely different personalities!

you are forgetting about the full range of the 4 functions that could contribute to your ENFJ and ENFP friends being different, also did you make them take the test or are you labelling them yourself?
but see I agree with Yield here because a person's Myere's Briggs Type isn't just random categorization. THere are 16 distinct types and sure you might be really well developed in one area, so much that you are typed as that letter but then that would be a mistyping because there are distinct differences (caused by what we call order of functions, real reasons are unknown) between the types so. . . I think you are actually either one or the other. Or neither. My own beliefe is that you are an INFP/ESTJ as I said. And I know that seems like it doesn't make sense based on what I just said about about distinction how can I still believein hybrids of the types but what I mean by that is really different and complicated so forget I mentioned it.
edit: I was agreeing with Yield's first post. I still haven't read his second. And sorry for being so rambling in explaining myself. I have difficulty articulating my thoughts well sometimes.
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but see I agree with Yield here because a person's Myere's Briggs Type isn't just random categorization. THere are 16 distinct types and sure you might be really well developed in one area, so much that you are typed as that letter but then that would be a mistyping because there are distinct differences (caused by what we call order of functions, real reasons are unknown) between the types so. . . I think you are actually either one or the other. Or neither. My own beliefe is that you are an INFP/ESTJ as I said. And I know that seems like it doesn't make sense based on what I just said about about distinction how can I still believein hybrids of the types but what I mean by that is really different and complicated so forget I mentioned it.
edit: I was reffering to Yield's first post. I still haven't read his second.

true! ok I'll give way on ENFJ and ENFP been different, but I could also argue that any MBTI even with the same dominant function could be just as different and whos to say that someone couldn't swing between using extraverted intuition and feeling?
true! ok I'll give way on ENFJ and ENFP been different, but I could also argue that any MBTI even with the same dominant function could be just as different and whos to say that someone couldn't swing between using extraverted intuition and feeling?

Yeah, you can, I think to view it otherwise would be ridiculous. 6 Billion people and NO ONE can switch between the two? Like 6,000,000,000 have to fit into 16 types?

What do you think?
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