[PAX] DozenValues – Ideology Matcher Test


Amoureux des Chatons
Staff member
947 sx/sp
DozenValues – Ideology Matcher Test

Feel free to share, and invite others’ discussion of your results (if you wish), but please do not criticize or pick apart anyone else’s values and/or ideology without their consent.

Very similar to @Wyote

Closest Match: Centrism
Next Matches: Syncretic Liberalism, Social Capitalism, Regulationism, Christian Democracy

The questionnaire is pretty typical of it's type and impossible to answer objectively with a point response in quite a few specific questions. For example Feudalism: awful for us today, but probably one of the better political systems for the Middle Ages long ago when it was invented. It's the same with the question about hierarchies - they are essential for example in the military, but pretty bad news when political power is dominated by an oligarchy. All good fun though.
DozenValues.png Closest Match: Paleoliberalism
Next Matches: Techno-Nationalism, Syncretic Liberalism, Transhumanism, Social Capitalism
Liberal ideology with a focus on populism, labor rights, progressivism, diversity and civil freedom.

It's weird because it seems like Paleo liberalism and transhumanism are kinda opposite idk it's because I was like 50 50 split on everything
Very similar to @Wyote

I actually got Centrism first (by 0.2% lol) but Syncretic Liberalism is closer to what I'm really aiming for, I think

The questionnaire is pretty typical of it's type and impossible to answer objectively with a point response in quite a few specific questions

I think that's why I ended up at Centrism, a lot of things I couldn't properly answer.
But I do think Syncretic Liberalism describes my views somewhat well.
I think that's why I ended up at Centrism, a lot of things I couldn't properly answer.
But I do think Syncretic Liberalism describes my views somewhat well.
That makes a lot of sense.

I don’t think either of them really reflect where I am politically, but are the closest fit. I’m not interested in centrist politics as a movement I would align to. In many ways I think it’s better if there is a reasonable polar voltage in the choice offered to an electorate - the political middle ground is then their centre of gravity. As long as they don’t become ultra extreme of course, and as long as they are both actually electable. It’s like the old fishing trawler trick of sticking a catfish in the tank holding their catch - keeps them all keen and fresh.
I never do well on these quizzes because I have a practical, real-world side and an idealist side, and they sometimes clash. I always score high on equality and inclusivity. (I also scored high on anarchy. LOL.) My ideal government doesn't exist in theory or practice.
Well, yeah, sometimes they probably school each other but one's got to be valedictorian.

My typing is next-level atrocious. Partly because I no longer have the bandwidth to check it and partly because autocorrect makes me careless.

But... most valedictorians burn out in college, so we are back to the practical and pragmatic fighting it out even if one reigns supreme for a moment. Why even discuss politics if we can't integrate ideals and make them work in a practical way?
My typing is next-level atrocious. Partly because I no longer have the bandwidth to check it and partly because autocorrect makes me careless.

But... most valedictorians burn out in college, so we are back to the practical and pragmatic fighting it out even if one reigns supreme for a moment. Why even discuss politics if we can't integrate ideals and make them work in a practical way?

I just like making punny statements and your typing gave me the opportunity to; you're an excellent communicator which is why I found it irresectable not to do so. Aside from a polemicist and philosopher; I'm a joker/trickster, like Wyote.

True, who is supreme one moment is at the bottom of the pile the next when contending the with struggle of existence. As long as you're willing to sprinkle in the empirical to check both the idealistic and practical when warranted, I don't see why not. I personally tend to favor empiricism and pragmaticism, but I don't like echo chambers, so I value you idealists even if I'm critical at times.
I just like making punny statements and your typing gave me the opportunity to; you're an excellent communicator which is why I found it irresectable not to do so. Aside from a polemicist and philosopher; I'm a joker/trickster, like Wyote.

I appreciate your many qualities.

True, who is supreme one moment is at the bottom of the pile the next when contending the with struggle of existence. As long as you're willing to sprinkle in the empirical to check both the idealistic and practical when warranted, I don't see why not. I personally tend to favor empiricism and pragmaticism, but I don't like echo chambers, so I value you idealists even if I'm critical at times.

But what is pragmatic?
But what is pragmatic?

upload_2023-2-10_22-37-4.png :wink:


Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 3
Not exalting the gifted prevents quarrelling.
Not collecting treasure prevents stealing.
Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart.

The wise therefore rule by emptying hearts and stuffing bellies,
by weakening ambitions and strengthening bones.
If people lack knowledge and desire,
then intellectuals will not try to interfere.
If nothing is done, then all will be well

I appreciate your many qualities.

Thank you and you're a kind soul and a great sport.

But what is pragmatic?

Well, pragmaticism is the school of thought that explicates that one needs to designate a goal, purpose, or result to determine the approach of thought, method, and reasoning about something, developing theory as necessary through interaction, but not prior to approach and engagement. Pragmaticism works heuristically and in an ad hoc manner relying on empiricism and experimentation to determine reliable information in a case-by-case basis denying any insistence on first principals or top-down methodological approaches, opting to find the most optimal solution for the problem or goal at hand while placing theory as secondary and only reflecting on what has been built through action and interaction looking to determine the limitations of the process of seeking truth and method of solutions. What is pragmatic to me is what follows from adopting pragmaticism as general approach to thinking and problem solving.

So, to more directly answer your question what "is pragmatic" is determined by the impact of the action, method, theory, or approach on the goal or result. It is qualitative rather than essential.

Does this make sense?
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You don't know me
No, but I read on the Three Lights blog where you typed you identified with a Trickster/Joker archetype among others while more a Trickster and less a Joker like an INTP in a conversation with Asa which is what I was referring to and why I typed this to Asa and not someone else. Trust me I would say the same to you, but I don't really feel such statement is necessary on the internet on a platform where you can openly refer to what people type if that makes sense. It's more about the opinion you express of your avatar rather than your person I guess.